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《2022年黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区中考英语二模试卷(附答案详解).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区中考英语二模试卷(附答案详解).pdf(29页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年 黑 龙 江 省 哈 尔 滨 市 道 外 区 中 考 英 语 二 模 试 卷 1.In the following words,which underlined letters have a different sound from the others?()A._eatre B.sm oo_ C.to o _2.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?()A.s p r _ d h _ 1thB.c h _ nge h _veC.h _ se a c t_3.Which of th

2、e following words doesnt have the same stress as the others?()A.Service B.Realize C.Hotel4.Its useless to_ what has been done.Dont make those mistakes again.-I worft.Thals a prom ise.()A.regret B.advise C.suppose5.一 Xining,Summer Resort(夏 都),has friendly people and_ pleasant weather.一 Yes.Fm looking

3、 forward to enjoying_cool summer th e re.()A./,/B./,a C.a,a6.Any news about Chinas space station?Do you know_ it will be in service?一 At the end of 2022,I th in k.()A.how soon B.how often C.when7.-I tried many ways to solve the problem,but _ of them worked.-Never give up.You 1 1 surely make i t.()A.

4、all B.none C.neither8.Susan always makes good use of her time to study,even_her lunch b rea k.()A.between B.during C.around9.Its been 10 years since we came here.一 How time flies!We_ in China for so lo n g.()A.are working B.have worked C.worked10.China is a big country with 56 ethnic groups(民 族).Exc

5、ept the largest group Han,_ 55ethnic groups all have their own traditional clothing.()A.the other B.other C.another11.Will you take the train or the plane to Shenzhen?一 O f course,the plane.Ill have to pay_ money,but it will take_ tim e.()A.less,more B.more,fewer C.more,less12.一 Is Helen here?一 Not

6、yet,_ she will arrive s o o n.()A.and B.so C.but13.The idiom(成 语)Mengzis mother makes three moves tells of a mother who did all shecould_ the best environment for her c h ild.()A.to provide B.providing C.provide14.一 Only eight tickets?Why?There_be ten.一 Sorry,Alice.Jack and Laura took two tickets a

7、w a y.()A.will B.should C.might15.Sir,its true that being happy is an ability.So can you tell me_?一 Yes.Just as President X i says,MHappiness is achieved through hard work.1()A.how we can find happinessB.who can help achieve happinessC.why is happiness so important to us16.一 Tina has changed a lot s

8、ince she had a baby.一 Yeah.Being a mother has_all her love and sense of d u t y.()A.tried out B.given out C.brought out17.Now many people smoke and get ill.So we should do something_can help stop sm o kin g.()A.that B.which C.who18.is a traditional Chinese cartoon hero.Today,he is still loved by peo

9、ple of all ages.()A.Mickey Mouse B.The Monkey King C.Mulan19.Nowadays we often work as a team.But leading a group of people can be difficult.If youwant to be a good leader,you should_.always be a teller instead o f a listener when others ask you for help learn about each person on your team try to g

10、et close to others by doing all the work yourself第 2页,共 29页 show your team you care about them as you are friendstreat everyone on your team with respect(尊 重)()A.B.C.20.The following is Lindas school report.She is the fifth in her class.And the total scores ofthe fourth one and the sixth one are 416

11、 and 397.Then Lindas physics and chemistry maybe_.()Subject English Math ChinesePhysics andchemistryScore 99 114 102?A.81 B.92 C.105Our words carry huge weight.They may influence people for years,and even for a lifetime.They provide them with courage to go on or one more(21)to give up.When I was fou

12、rteen,my family moved to another city.And the move made my ninth-gradeyear even harder.I remember(22)into the dining hall for the first time.The other kids had goodfriends with them,but I didnt know anyone.I felt(23)and went to the nearest seat after gettingsome food.The kids beside me looked me up

13、and down and then(24).1 could feel my faceturning red at that moment.Then one o f the kids broke the ice.Man!You have one BIG nose!I felt hurt and didnt know(25)to say.I wanted to cry,but I managed a little smileas if it hadnthurt me at all.But it had.From then on,I would often look myself in the mi

14、rror.I studied the bignose(26).It seemed that I was just living for my nose.LuckilyJ grew out of this influencefinally.But it really took me twenty(27).There is another thing that is kept deep in my mind.I remember going through a terriblebusiness failure.!lost everything.!called my dad for help and

15、 he told me much about howto(28)the failure.His words impressed(给.留 下 深 亥 iJE|J 象)me deeply.lt gave me(29)courageand confidence(信 心、)to go on with my business.Over these years,!have always been very careful with my words and nice to everyone Imet,(30)1 believe our words may bring others a lifetime i

16、nfluence.根 据 短 文 内 容 选 择 最 佳 答 案。21.A.spirit B.reason C.ability22.A.walking B.to walk C.walk23.A.happy B.angry C.lonely24.A.laughed B.answered C.disappeared25.A.how B.why C.what26.A.exactly B.closely C.simply27.A.days B.years C.centuries28.A.deal with B.find out C.turn down29.A.little B.one C.a lot

17、of30.A.unless B.until C.becauseV第 4 页,共 2 9页根 据 语 言 材 料 内 容 选 择 最 佳 答 案。31.According to the passage a b o v e,i s not good at maths.Arguments between kids and parentsParents:You got an F in your maths examagain.Pm disappointed with you.Zhang Lei:I did study hard.The problems werejust too difficult f

18、or me.Parents:Wang Bin is always making trouble inour community.Youd better him.Chen Xiao:You know him not as well as Ido.Stop trying to tell me who I can make friendswith.Parents:Dont spend so much time readingnovels.You should do something meaningful.Li Na:Fve already finished my homework.I justwa

19、nt to relax.Chinese kids and their parentsOnly 18%of kids talk to theirparents when they haveproblems.Over 50%of kids thinktheir parents dontunderstand them.Almost 50%of parentstalk to their kids onlyabout school.Ways to solve the problemsAs parents,you need to communicate with your kids in a friend

20、ly way andencourage them to share their feelings with you.To help you understand each otherbetter,you can also take part in different activities together.This way,yourconversations will not only be about school.A.Chen Xiao B.Zhang Lei C.Li Na32.Which of the following can be put in?A.give a hand to B

21、.say sorry to C.stay away from33.In China,of 50 kids,only prefer to talk with parents about their problems.A.nine B.eighteen C.twenty34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage above?A.Chen Xiaos parents think that their son knows Wang Bin better than they do.B.Both Li Na and her pare

22、nts think it necessary to spend time reading novels.C.Joining in activities together is a good way to improve the relationship between parentsand kids.35.What is this passage written to?A.Teenagers.B.Parents.C.Teachers.John is the kind of boy you love to hate.He is always in a good mood(心 情)and alwa

23、ys hassomething active to say.If a friend was having a bad day,John was always telling the friend how to look on the activeside of the situation.Seeing this really made me curious(好 奇 的),so one day I went up andasked him,You cant be an active person all the time.How do you do it?”He replied,Eachmorn

24、ing I wake up and say to myself,!choose to be in a good mood.Soon,I left to start myown business.We lost touch,but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life.Several years later,!heard that he had a serious accident,falling off a high tower.I saw himabout six months after the accident

25、.I asked him what had gone through his mind as the accidenttook place.The first thing that went through my mind was my daughter,*he replied.Werent you scared?I asked.He continued,The nurses were great.They kept telling me I was going to be fine.But seeingthe expressions on the faces of the doctors a

26、nd nurses,!got really scared.In their eyes,I was adead man.I knew 1 needed to take action.I told them/1 am choosing to live.Operate on(给.动 手 术)me as if I am alive,not dead.He lived,thanks to the skill of his doctors,but also because of his amazing attitude(态 度).1learned from him that every day we ha

27、ve the choice to live fully.根 据 短 文 内 容 判 断 正、误。(注 意:考 生 将 答 题 卡 相 应 的 位 置 涂 黑。正 确 的 涂“A”,错 误 的 涂“B”)36.John is a person who people dont like very much.37.The writer feels curious about the fact that John is always in a good mood.38.When Johns friend is in trouble,he just listens and feels sorry for

28、 the friend.39.The nurses told John he was going to be fine,but in fact they didnt think he could.第 6 页,共 29页40.By telling Johns story,the writer wants to tell us that we can choose how to live life.XJust like any relationship,best friendships are up to trust,promise,respect and interests.Whenany of

29、 these elements(要 素)is missing,the friendship will be hard to go on.If the trust istotally broken,you may not be able to forgive(原 谅)him or her.Sometimes a friendship endsbecause either you or your friend gets tired of putting heart into.This can happen when one ofyou finds a new friend or even a ne

30、w hobby that takes up much time.Or,perhaps you find therelationship is always going in an unhealthy way and you want some distance(品 巨 离).Othertimes,you just change and want to leave each other.Sure,it seems sad at the time,but its verynormal.Not all friendships are meant to last forever.So,what sho

31、uld you do if something likethis happens to you?Read on fbr some friendly advice.Whatever the reason youre breaking up with your best friend,always remember that he or shewas once very important to you.Take the time to sit down quietly and tell him/her whats goingon and why.Don!send him or her an un

32、pleasant e-mail or just start him or her.In fact,maybe heor she has known theres a problem and would like to have a heart-to-heart conversation.Ifyoure not sure about wanting an end forever,you could suggest you two take a break from eachother.If,after a while,you realize why you became the best fri

33、ends in the beginning,you can trygetting back to your former(以 前 的)behaviors.Whatever you do,be honest about yourfeelings while having respect for his or hers.And if you both agree the BFF(Best FriendForever)thing is over,make sure not to be enemies.根 据 短 文 内 容 选 择 最 佳 答 案。41.In the first paragraph,

34、it refers to(指 代).A.trust B.hobby C.friendship42.What is NOT the usual cause of ending a friendship?A.Living too far away from each other.B.Finding a new hobby that takes up much time.C.Realizing the relationship going in an unhealthy way.43.The underlined(划 线 的)word u n in the passage means*n in Ch

35、inese.A.关 注 B.靠 近 C.不 理 睬44.What should you do when breaking up with your best friends?Remember that he or she once meant a lot to you.Try to have a heart-to-heart conversation with him or her.Be honest and respectful to each other.Send an unpleasant e-mail to him or her.Suggest not getting along wi

36、th each other for a while.A.B.C.45.What can be the best title for this passage?A.Basic Elements of Friendship.B.What to Do With Friendship in Trouble?C.When to Be Friends or Enemies?All students need to have good study habits.When you have good study habits,you will learnthings faster.(1)Do you usua

37、lly study in the living room?(2)You need to study in a quiet place,like yourbedroom.A quiet place will help you learn better.(3)Dont put your school things everywhere.lt helps you study well,too.Light isimportant,too.You will feel tired easily if there is not enough light.Of all the good study habit

38、s you can develop,asking questions is the key.Just ask.(4)When you study,dont think about other things at the same time.Only think about yourhomework.If you do so,you will do your homework more quickly,and you will make fewermistakes.(5)If you do not have them,try to learn them.If yours are good,the

39、y will help you a lot in yourstudies.根 据 短 文 内 容,将 下 列 方 框 内 的 句 子 还 原 到 原 文 空 白 处,使 短 文 内 容 完 整、通 顺(每 个 选 项 只 能 用 一 次)。A.Before you begin to study,do not forget to clean your desk.B.Good study habits are very important.C.You also remember them easily.D.No one knows everything,but we can always lear

40、n from each other in this way.E.This is not a good place for study because it is usually too noisy.第 8页,共 29页46.A.AEB.B C.C D.D E.47.A.AEB.B C.c D.D E.48.A.AEB.B C.C D.D E.49.A.AEB.B C.c D.D E.50.A.AEB.B C.C D.D E.51.(An interviewer is interviewing a Chinese student who is studying in America.)A=ani

41、nterviewer B=a Chinese studentA:Excuse me.May I ask you some questions?B:Sure.A:m _B:For about two years.A:2LB:Very well.A:3LB:Im going back to China.A:Why?B:Er,you know,China is developing faster and faster.And I want to do something for it.A:J 4 LB:Yes,Id like to spend more time with my parents.A:

42、Wow!Good!(5)Wish you a nice future!B:Thank you.A.Any more reasons?B.How long have you been studying here?C.How do you like America?D.What are you going to do after finishing your study?E.Caring fbr parents comes first in China.F.Do you want to go back to China?G.How are you getting on with your stud

43、y?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)5 2.填 入 一 个 适 当 的 词 补 全 对 话,每 空 一 词。A:Morning,Doctor.B:Good morning.Whafs wrong with you?A:I was caught in the rain yesterday.Fve got a headache and keep on coughing a lot.B:Do you have a fever?A:Im(1)so.And I feel so bad.B:Let me take your temperature.Take it easy.(2)nothing seriou

44、s.You just have a cold.Drink some hot water and have a good rest.And youll be fine soon.A:Thanks,!will.What else should I do?B:Youd better choose your clothes(3)on the weather report.A:What will the weather be like tomorrow?B:ItH still be rainy tomorrow.Now were in the season of rain.A:(4)bad the we

45、ather is!B:When you go out,please wear warm clothes and take an(5)with you.A:I get it.Thank you.B:Youre welcome.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)53.阅 读 短 文,用 所 给 词 或 短 语 的 正 确 形 式 填 空,使 文 章 通 顺、连 贯、合 理。(每 空 只 能 填 一 个 单 词 或 一 个 短 语,每 个 单 词 或 短 语 限 用 一 次)child,complete,day,her,run to,beautiful,wait,high第 10页,共 2 9页One

46、day,I took my two kids to the local playground.As soon as we got there,my daughter(1)the swing and asked for a push.When I was helping my daughter,!noticedanother girl trying to make her own swing go high by(2).Her old grandmotherwas sitting on the chair nearby and smiled at me.I gave my daughter on

47、e big push and then walked towards the little girl.I asked if shewanted me to give her a push.She smiled and said Yes”.For the next two hours,!pushedthe swings,and played with my two(3)and the little girl.When we went home,Iwas very tired.But my heart was flying much(4)than the swings.One day two ye

48、ars later,after a(5)work,I was a little tired.But I needed to pickup my kids before going home.While I was(6)outside the school gate,a little girlcame over and smiled sweetly at me.She gave me a big hug before catching her school bus.(7),I didnt feel tired anymore as I watched her running away.In li

49、fe,the love we give others will find its way back to us.It may travel from heart to heartor it may blossom(开 花)in the heart which it was planted in.The love we share,thekindness we give,and the(8)we create will always come back to us with a pleasantsurprise.54.Smiling is not just a good way of commu

50、nicating with others.lt can also show whichcountry you are from.The study found that countries like Canada,the USA and Australialike to smile when they started showing their feelings.This means they may smile morethan other countries.Because these countries are homes to people from many other places


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