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《【真题首发】2022年黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区中考英语二模试卷(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【真题首发】2022年黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区中考英语二模试卷(含答案).docx(37页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区中考英语二模试卷一、单项选择(此题共20分,每题1分)选择最正确答案。1.(1 分)In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others?( )A. theatreB. smoothC. tooth(1 分)Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? ()A. spread healthB. change haveC. horse actor(

2、1 分)Which of the following words doesnt have the same stress as (he others? ()A. ServiceB. RealizeC. Hotel(1 分)Its useless to what has been done.Dont make those mistakes again.I wont.Thats a promise.()A. regretB. adviseC. suppose(I 分)Xining, Summer Resort (夏都),has friendly people and pleasant weathe

3、r.一Yes.Im looking forward to enjoying cool summer (here.()A. /, /B. /, aC. a, a( 1,) Any news about Chinas space station? Do you know it will be in service?At the end of 2022, I think.()A. how soonB. how oftenC. when(1 分)-I tried many ways to solve the problem, but of them worked.-Never give up. You

4、 11 surely make it.()A. allB. noneC. neither(1 分)Susan always makes good use of her time to study, even her lunch break.()A. betweenB. duringC. around(1 分)-Its been 10 years since we came here.一How time flies!We in China for so long.()A. are workingB. have workedC. worked( 1 分)China is a big country

5、 with 56 ethnic groups (民族).Except the largest group Han,D.What are you going to do after finishing your study?E.Caring for parents comes first in China.F.Do you want to go back to China?G.How arc you getting on with your study?二、(B). (5分)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Morning, Doctor.B: Good moming.Whats wro

6、ng with you?A: I was caught in the rain yesterday.Ive got a headache and keep on coughing a lot.B : Do you have a fever?A: Im (1) so.And I feel so bad.B: Let me lake your temperature.Take it easy. (2) nothing serious.You just have a cold.Drink some hot water and have a good rest.And youll be fine so

7、on.A: Thanks, I will.What else should I do?B: Youd better choose your clothes (3) on the weather report.A: What will the weather be like tomorrow?B: Itll still be rainy tomorrow. Now wcrc in the season of rain.A: (4) bad the weather is!B: When you go out, please wear warm clothes and take an (5) wit

8、h you.A: I get it.Thank you.B : Youre welcome.五、任务性阅读(此题共20分,每空1分)先阅读(A) (B) (C)三篇短文,然后根据 题目要求及所给语境完成以下五项任务。(A).(8分)阅读短文,用所给词或短语的正确形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空只能填一个单词或一个短语,每个单词或短语限用一次)child, complete, day, her, run to, beautiful, wait, highOne day, I took my two kids to the local playground.As soon as we go

9、t there, my daughter(1) the swing and asked for a push.When I was helping my daughter, I noticed another girl trying to make her own swing go high by (2) .Her old grandmother was sitting on the chair nearby and smiled at me.I gave my daughter one big push and then walked towards the little girl.I as

10、ked if she wanted me to give her a push.She smiled and said Yes”.For the next two hours, I pushed the swings, and played with my two(3)and the little girl.When we went home, I was very tired.But my heart was flying much (4) than the swings.One day two years later, after a (5) work, I was a little ti

11、red.But I needed to pick up my kids before going home.While I was(6)outside the school gate, a little girl came over and smiled sweetly at me.She gave me a big hug before catching her school bus.(7) , I didnt feel tired anymore as I watched her running away.In life the love we give others will find

12、its way back to us.It may travel from heart to heart or it may blossom (开花)in (he heart which it was planted in.The love we share, the kindness we give, and the (8)we create will always come back to us with a pleasant surprise.29. (7 分)Smiling is not just a good way of communicating with others.lt c

13、an also show which country you arc from.Thc study found that countries like Canada, the USA and Australia like to smile when they started showing their feelings.This means they may smile more than other countries.Because these countries are homes to people from many other places.So they have differe

14、nt cultural backgrounds and language barriers (障碍) which may cause some misunderstandings (误角军) with others.But smiling shows someone is friendly.Smiles make people happy.lt helps to push communication.Japanese people try to smile as a way of showing respect and kindness to others.Or they smile to h

15、ide their unhappy feelings with soinconc.lt is true that Japan is a country that pays more attention to politeness.And smiling is an important part of their politeness culture.If you travel to Japan, taxi drivers always show you friendly smile.If something unexpected happens to a Japanese, they may

16、also smile to avoid being embanassed.Where do people smile least ? The answer is Chinas Hong Kong.What about yourcountry?阅读短文,根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。(1)1 not much(2) c the customs and beliefs, way of life of a country or group 阅读短文,完成同义句转换,每空一词。It helps to push communication.It (3) (4) (o push communicati

17、on.根据短文内容回答以下问题。(5) Is smiling just a good way of communicating with others? .(6) According to the passage, which countries are homes to people from many other places? .(7) ) Why do Japanese people also smile when something unexpected happens to them? .30. (5 分)In most of Asia, especially the so - c

18、alled (所谓的)rice bowl cultures of China Japan and Korea, food is usually eaten with chopsticks.Chopsticks were invented in China about 5, 000 years ago, although the exact date isnt known.Chopsticks arc two long, thin, usually tapered (圆锥形的),pieces of wood.Bamboo is the most common material but they

19、arc also made of different types of wood, as well as plastic, animal hone ivory, metal and jade (玉器).Nowadays many people like to buy chopsticks as gifts.When they are given to a young couple who just get married, chopsticks are symbols of joy and good wishes for having a new baby soon; when they ar

20、e given to a lover, it means Well be together forever.Chopsticks are often given to the people from other countries as gifts because they stand for (代表) the culture of our country.根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。ChopsticksWhich three (1) China, Japan and Koreacountriesuse chopsticksWhen chopsticks were inventedin C

21、hinaAbout five (2) years agoThe most common material ofchopsticks(3) The meanings of chopsticks as giftsTo new couplesBeing symbols of joy and good wishesfor (4) a new babysoonlb a loverMeaning Well be togetherforeverTo (5) Standing for the culture ofChina六、书面表达(此题共20分)(20分)假如你是九年级学生王小红,暑假即将来临,你的美国笔

22、友Jessie来信询问你 将如何度过初中毕业后的第一个假期。请你根据以下信息,给她写一封回信,告诉她你 的打算。写作要点:1 .对初中毕业后的第一个假期充满期待。2 .父母的意见:(1)为高中生活做准备;(2)学做家务。3 .说说你打算如何度过一个轻松的假期。写作要求:1 .不得使用真实姓名、地点和班级、学校名。2 .适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。3 .字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清晰。4 .至少80词。Dear Jessie,Im pleased to hear from you.Best wishes.Yours,Xiaohong道外区中考英语二模试卷(教师解析版)一、单项选择

23、(此题共20分,每题1分)选择最正确答案。1 .(1 分)In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others?( )A. theatreB. smoothC. tooth【分析】在卜.列单词中,哪项带卜划线的字母与其他字母的发音不同?【解答】A.theatre中th的发音为/。/; B.smooth中th的发音为/d/; C.tooth中th的发音为 /e/o b项划线字母的发音与其他两项不同。应选:Bo(1 分)Which pair of the words with

24、the underlined letters has the same sound? ()A. spreadhealthB. changehaveC. horse actor【分析】哪对带卜划线字母的单词发音相同?【解答】A.spread中字母ea发/e/; health中字母ea发/e/; B.change中字母a发/ei /; have 中字母a发/出/; C.horse中字母or发:/; aclor中字母or发/a/。A项带下划线字母的单 词发音相同。应选:Ao(1 分)Which of the following words doesnt have the same stress as

25、 the others? ()A. ServiceB. RealizeC. Hotei【分析】卜列哪个单词的重音与其他单词的重音不同?【解答】A.ServiceS3:vi s; B.Realize J ri: 31al zC.Hoiel hau tel。C 项重音与其他两 项不同。应选:Co(1 分)-Its useless to what has been done.Dont make those mistakes again.I wont.Thats a promise.()A. regretB. adviseC. suppose【分析】-后悔所做的事是没有用的.不要再犯那些错误了。-我不

26、会了。那是一个承诺。【解答】regret 后悔;advise 建议;suppose 支持。根据 Its useless to .what has been done.所做的事是没有用的。”可知,应该是”后悔,应选:Ao(1,)Xining, Summer Resort (夏都),has friendly people and pleasant weather.一Ycs.Im looking forward to enjoying cool summer there.()A. /, /B. /, aC. a, a【分析】-西宁避暑胜地有着友好的人民和宜人的天气。-是的。我期待着在那里享受一个凉爽

27、的夏天。【解答】weather为不可数名词,不用冠词;而第二个设空处泛指“一个夏天,故填a。 应选B。2. ( 1 分)-Any news about Chinas space station? Do you know it will be in service?一At the end of 2022, I think.()A. how soonB. how oftenC. when【分析】-有关于中国空间站的消息吗?你知道它什么时候可以使用吗?-我想是在2022年底。【解答】A. how soon多久以后;B. how often多久一次;C. when什么时间。根据At the end o

28、f 2022,可知问的是什么时间,when引导宾语从句。应选:Co(1 分)-I tried many ways to solve the problem, but of them worked.- Never give up. You 11 surely make it.()A. allB. noneC. neither【分析】-我试过许多方法来解决这个问题,但没有一个奏效.- -永远不要放弃,你一定会成功的.【解答】选项A意为:all三个或三个以上的都,选项B意为:三个或三个以上的都 不,选项C意为:neither两者都不.结合句意:-我试过许多方法来解决这个问题, 但没有一个奏效.- -

29、永远不要放弃,你一定会成功的.应选:B.3. (1 分)Susan always makes good use of her time to study, even her lunch break.()A. betweenB. duringC. around【分析】苏珊总是很好地利用她的时间学习,即使是在午休时间。【解答】A.在两者之间;B.在期间;C.围着。此处指的在午休期间。应选:Bo(1 分)-Its been 10 years since we came here.一How time flics!Wc in China for so long.()A. are workingB. ha

30、ve workedC. worked【分析】一自从我们来这儿已经10年了。一时间过得多快啊!我们在中国工作了那么久了。【解答】are working现在进行时;have worked现在完成时;worked 一般过去时。根据语 境和时间状语for so long(那么久了)可知,句子应用现在完成时,即“我们在中国工作 了那么久了。”应选:B。4. (1 分)China is a big country with 56 ethnic groups (民族).Except the largest group Han,55 ethnic groups all have their own tradi

31、tional clothing.()A. the otherB. otherC. another【分析】中国是一个有56个民族的大国。除了最大的民族汉族,其他55个民族都有自 己的传统服装。【解答】the other:特指的剩下那一类/个;other:泛指的其他的:another :另外一个(泛 指);根据题意,其他55个名族是另外一类。应选:Ao(1 分)-Will you take the train or the plane to Shenzhen?Of course, the plane.Ill have to pay money, but it will take time.()A.

32、 less, moreB. more, fewerC. more, less【分析】-你是坐火车还是坐飞机去深圳?-当然是飞机。我将不得不多付钱,但花费的时间更少。【解答】less更少,修饰不可数名词;fewer更少,修饰可数名词复数;more更多,修饰 可数名词复数和不可数名词;根据句意,我会坐飞机去深圳,可知花更多钱,更少时间; time (时间)是不可数名词。应选:Co(1 分)-Is Helen here?Not yet, she will arrive soon.()A. andB. soC. but【分析】海伦在吗?-还没有,但是她很快就会到。【解答】and和;so所以;but但是

33、。根据Is Helen here? Notyet海伦在吗?还没有,及 she will arrive soon她很快就会到,可知,表示转折,用bul。应选:Co( I 分)The idiom (成语)Mengzis mother makes three moves tells of a mother who did all she could the best environment for her child.()A. to provideB. providingC. provide【分析】“孟母三迁”这个成语讲述了一位母亲竭尽全力为孩子提供最好的环境。【解答】to provide不定式;p

34、roviding动名词/现在分词;provide提供,动词原形。这里 could后省略了 do。用不定式表示目的,填to provide he is still loved by people of all ages.()A. Mickey MouseB. The Monkey KingC. Mulan【分析】美猴王是中国传统的卡通英雄。今天,他仍然受到各个年龄层的人们的喜爱。【解答】A.米奇;B.美猴王;C.花木兰。结合traditional Chinese可排除AC,可知是“美 猴王”。应选Bo(1 分)Nowadays we often work as a team.But leadin

35、g a group of people can be difficult.If you want to be a good leader, you should.55 ethnic groups all have their own traditional clothing.()A. the otherB. otherC. another(1 分)-Will you take the train or the plane to Shenzhen?一Of course, the planc.Ill have to pay money, but it will take time.()A. les

36、s moreB. more, fewerC. more, less(I 分)Is Helen here?-Not yet she will arrive soon.()A. andB. soC. but(1 分)The idiom (成语)Mengzis mother makes three moves tells of a mother who did all she could the best environment for her child.()A. lo provideB. providingC. provide(1 分)-Only eight tickets? Why? Ther

37、e be ten.-Sorry, Alice.Jack and Laura (ook two tickets away.()A. willB. shouldC. might( 1 分) -Sir its true that being happy is an ability.So can you tell me?Yes.Just as President Xi says, Happiness is achieved through hard work.()A. how wc can find happinessB. who can help achieve happinessC. why is

38、 happiness so important to us(1 分)-Tina has changed a lol since she had a baby.Yeah.Being a mother has all her love and sense of duty.()A. tried outB. given outC. brought out(1 分)-Now many people smoke and get ill.-So we should do something can help stop smoking.()A. (hatB. whichC. who(1 分)is a trad

39、itional Chinese cartoon hero.Today, he is still loved by people of all ages.()A. Mickey MouseB. The Monkey KingC. Mulanalways be a teller instead of a listener when others ask you for helplearn about each person on your teamtry to get close to others by doing all the work yourselfshow your team you

40、care about them as you arc friendstreat everyone on your team with respect (尊重)()A.B.C.【分析】现在我们经常一起工作.但领导一群人可能很困难。如果你想成为一个好的领 导者,你应该了解团队中的每个人;向你的团队说明你像朋友一样关心他们;尊重团队 中的每一个人。【解答】根据always be a teller instead of a listener when others ask you for help (当别 人向你寻求帮助时,总是做一个讲话者,而不是倾听者;)learn about each perso

41、n on your team (了 解团队中的每个人;)try to get close to others by doing all the work yourself (试着通过自己做所有的工作来接近他人;)show your team you care about (hem as you are friends (向你的团队说明你像朋友一样关心他们;)Ireat everyone on your (earn with respect (尊重)(尊重团队中的每一个人。)可知现在我们经常一起工作。但领导一群人 可能很困难。如果你想成为一个好的领导者,你应该了解团队中的每个人:向你的团队 说明

42、你像朋友一样关心他们;尊重团队中的每一个人。应选:Co(1 分)The following is Lindas school report.She is the fifth in her class.And the total scores of the fourth one and the sixth one are 416 and 397.Then Lindas physics and chemistry may be.()SubjectEnglishMathChinesePhysics and chemistryScore991141029A. 81B. 92C. 105【分析】以下是琳

43、达的成绩单。她是班上的第五名,第四名和第六名的总分分别为416 分和397分。那么琳达的物理和化学可能是多少分。【解答】根据题目可知,Linda是她们班第五名,第四名是416分,第六名是397分,计 算:表格中已有的成绩得,已经有315,要使总分大于397小于416, B正确。应选:Bo二、完形填空(此题共10分,每题1分)20. ( 10 分)Our words carry huge weight.They may influence people for years, and even fbr a lifetime.They provide them with courage to go on or one more (1) B to give up.When I was fourteen my family moved to another city.And the move made my ninth - grade year even harder.I reinember (2) A into (he dining hall f


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