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1、七年级下英语七年级下英语 Unit6 知识点(译林版)知识点(译林版)1.Outdoor fun 户外趣事outdoor 形容词,意为“户外的”,在句中只能用作定语。同义词为 outside(外部的)e.g:Outdoor sunlight is very good for our health.户外的阳光对我们的健康很有好处。拓展outdoor 常构成固定短语:outdoor activities 室外活动outdoor life 野外生活outdoor exercises 户外运动outdoor theatre 露天剧场2.Hurry up,Eddie.Eddie 快点。hurry up

2、快点,赶快;常用于祈使句,不能用于否定句。hurry 动词,意为“急忙,匆忙”,后面直接接表示方向的副词或介词短语,习惯上不接 go,come,move 等之类的表示运动方向的动词e.g:Hurry up,or youll be late for class.快点,否则你上课要迟到了。She hurried to the airport.她匆匆赶往机场。拓展hurry 还可作名词,意为“匆忙;仓促;急忙”,固定短语 in a hurry(匆忙地)e.g:He was in a hurry to leave.他急切地要离开。提醒hurry off/away 匆匆离去e.g:Miss Zhao h

3、urried off to look after the man.赵老师匆匆赶去照看那个男人。3.You complain too much.你抱怨的太多。complain 动词,意为“抱怨”,指心中对人或事物不满或身体感到不适或因痛苦而对别人诉说、抱怨。固定短语有:complain about sth.抱怨某事;complain about doing sth.抱怨做某事e.g:You have no reason to complain.你没有理由抱怨。She often complains about the price of food.她常常抱怨食品的价格。提醒表示“向某人抱怨某事”,

4、要用 complain to sb.about sth.e.g:I have to complain to the manager about it.就这件事我不得不向经理申诉。Welcome to the unit1.cyclingcycling 名词,意为“骑自行车运动”,动词为 cycle(骑自行车)e.g:Beijing is a good place for cycling.北京是一个骑自行车运动的好地方。They cycled 100 miles around the lake.他们围着湖骑行了 100 英里。Reading1.She looked up and saw a whi

5、te rabbit in a coat passing by.她抬起头,看到了一只穿着外套的白色兔子走了过去。(1)look up 在句中意为“抬头看;往上看”。look up 还有“查阅”之意e.g:My brother looked up from his book as I walked into his room.当我走进我弟弟的房间时,他从书里抬起头看了看。The students went to the library to look up the information.学生们去图书馆查资料了。拓展look 构成的其他常用短语:look over 查看;审阅look throug

6、h 浏览look after 照料;保管look out 当心;留神look round/around 环顾四周look down on/upon 藐视;看不起(2)pass 动词,意为“经过”,后面接名词或代词作宾语e.g:I passed the shop on my way to the library.我在去图书馆的路上经过了那家商店。拓展pass 作动词,还可表示“通过;度过”e.g:In the end,I passed the English exam.最后,我通过了英语考试。pass 作动词,还可表示“传,递”,pass sb.sth.=pass sth.to sb.把某物传给

7、某人e.g:Pass me some bread,please.请递一些面包给我。(3)by 副词,意为“经过”,常与动词 go,walk,run 等连用e.g:I saw Tom walking by,carrying two books.我看到 Tom 拿着两本书走过去了。拓展by 还可作介词,意为“靠近;在.旁边;通过;被;经由”e.g:The house by the lake is a restaurant.湖边的那座房子是家饭店。Do you often go to school by bike?你经常骑自行车去上学吗?Please learn the new words by h

8、eart.请用心记住这些生词。2.It took a watch out of its pocket and looked at the time.它从口袋里拿出一只表,看了看时间。take out 是固定短语,表示“取出;拔出;除掉”。其中 out 是副词,名词作宾语放在 out 前后都可以;但若是代词作宾语须放在 take 与 out 之间。若表示“从.取出某物”用介词 ofe.g:He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook/took a notebook out.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。Your pen is in the box

9、.Please take it out.你的钢笔在盒子里。请取出来。拓展take out 还表示“把.带出去”e.g:My father is taking me out to go for a drive.我父亲要带我出去兜风。提醒out of 短语后若无宾语,则应将 of 省略3.Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away,so she jumped down the hole too.Alice 不想让那个兔子逃脱,所以她也跳下了那个洞。get away 逃脱e.g:The robbers rushed into the car and g

10、ot away quickly.抢劫犯冲进小汽车迅速逃脱了。拓展get away 还表示“离开”e.g:I hope to get away early in the morning.我希望一早就动身离开。4.Alice fell for a long time,and then she hit the ground.Ailce 下落了很长一段时间,然后她撞到了地面。(1)fall 动词,意为“落下,掉落;倒下,跌落,”固定短语有:fall down 掉下,摔下;fall off 掉下,跌落;fall behind 落后,跟不上;fall over 跌翻,摔倒e.g:Babies often

11、fall when they are learning to walk.婴儿学走路时时常会跌倒。Please climb down the tree,or you will fall down.请从树上下来,不然你会摔下来的。拓展fall 作名词,表示“秋天”,相当于英式英语中的 autumne.g:Fall is a harvest season.秋天是收获的季节。(2)hit 动词,意为“击中,撞”,后面直接接人或物作宾语e.g:Look out!Dont hit the tree.当心!不要撞在树上。提醒在表达“击中”或“打了”某人某个部位时,英语用“主语+谓语+sb.+介词+the+身

12、体部位”结构,常用的介词有 on,in。在脸、肚子等较柔软的部位,用 in;在头、鼻子、背等较硬部位,用 one.g:She hit in the face/on the head.她打了他的脸/头。拓展hit 作动词,还可表示“袭击,使.遭受”e.g:A typhoon hit Taiwan last month.上个月,一场台风袭击了台湾。5.She found herself alone in a long,low hall.她发现她独自一人在一个又长又矮的大厅里。(1)find herself alone 为固定结构“find+宾语+形容词”,表示“发觉某人/某物处于某种(意外的)状态

13、”;find动词,还可意为“认为,觉得”e.g:I find English very important.我认为英语很重要。提醒“find+宾语+介词短语”结构表示“发觉某人/某物(在哪里)”e.g:He woke up and found himself in a hospital bed.他醒来发觉自己躺在医院的床上。拓展类似的结构有:“keep/make/think.+宾语+形容词”e.g:We must keep our classroom clean.我们必须保持教室干净。His words made us happy.他的话让我们很高兴。(2)alone 形容词,意为“独自,单独

14、”,习惯上只用作表语,指客观上独自一人,相当于 by oneself 或 on onesowne.g:Some parents sometimes have to leave their children alone at home.一些父母有时不得不把孩子一个人留在家里。拓展alone 作副词,意为“单独;独自”e.g:The old man lives alone in the country.这位老人独自住在农村。(3)low 形容词,意为“低的,矮的”,一般指有形物体的高度、温度、价格、声音等方面的高低,作定语或表语。反义词为 high(高的)e.g:The temperature i

15、s high/low these days.这些天温度高/低。拓展low 还可作副词,意为“低地;低声地”,放在动词之后e.g:My hometown lies low in a hidden valley.我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。6.There were doors all around,but they were all locked.四周都有门,但是都是锁着的。lucked 形容词,意为“锁上的”,动词 lock(锁上;锁好,关好),过去式为 lockede.g:The building was locked,and all of us felt safe.大楼被锁上了,我们都感到

16、安全了。Are you sure you locked the front door?你确定锁了前门吗?拓展类似在词尾加-ed 构成其形容词的动词有:close 关,关闭-closed 关着的pollute 污染-polluted 受污染的7.Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key into it.然后 Alice 注意到了一个小门,并把钥匙投了进去。(1)notice 动词,意为“注意,察觉”,后面直接跟名词或代词作宾语e.g:He was so busy that he didnt notice me.他太忙了,没有注意到我。提醒no

17、tice sb.doing sth.注意到某人正在做某事;notice sb.do sth.注意到某人做某事e.g:He noticed a bird singing in the tree.他注意到一只鸟正在树上唱歌。I noticed him enter the office.我注意到他进了办公室。拓展notice 还可作名词,意为“通告,通知,布告”,复数为 noticese.g:There is a notice on the wall.墙上有一则通告。(2)put.into.动词短语,意为“把.放进.”,into 介词,意为“到.里面”e.g:Dont put the old pho

18、to into your wallet.不要把那张旧照片放进你的钱包。拓展put 与不同的介词连用构成不同的短语:put.on/under/behind.把.放在.上/下/后面e.g:You should put the football under the bed.你应当把足球放在床下面。8.Alice tried to go through the door,but she was too big.Alice 试着穿过这扇门,但是她太大了。through 介词,意为“穿过,通过”,强调从某个立体空间内穿越,指穿过隧道、窗户、门、森林等e.g:The dog cant walk throug

19、h the hole.这只狗不能从这个洞钻过去。辨析 through,across,over 与 past词条含义用法through介词,意为“穿过,通过”强调从某个立体空间内穿越across介词,意为“穿过”强调从某个平面的一边到另一边over介词,意为“越过,跨越”强调从某物的正上面跨越past介词,意为“经过,超过”强调从某物/某人的旁边经过e.g:You can see through the glass.你可以透过这块玻璃看过去。Walk across the bridge,and youll see a tall tree.走过那座桥,你会看见一棵大树。Tom likes jump

20、ing over the chair.Tom 喜欢从椅子上跳过去。He is walking past the post office.他正从邮局旁边走过。Grammar1.一般过去时行为动词一般过去时的各种句型结构:句型形式句型结构肯定句主语+动词的过去式+其他否定句主语+didnt+动词原形+其他。(其中 didnt=did not,did 是 do 的过去式,为助动词。)疑问句一般疑问句Did+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+did.否定回答:No,主语+did+not.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?2.We put up our tent near a lake.我们

21、把我们的帐篷搭在湖边。put up“挂起,举起”,常用于挂旗子、举手等。宾语是名词时,可放在 put 与 up 的中间或后面,但宾语是代词时,一定要放在中间。拓展put up张贴e.g:Please put up these posters on the wall quickly.请快点把这些海报张贴到墙上。put 构成的短语有:put on穿上put out扑灭put away收起来;放好put off推迟,延期Integrated skills1.found a new way to make paper找到一种新方法来造纸make paper“造纸”,是“动词+名词”结构。make(v.

22、)“做,制作”,指用材料来制作某事或制造一种从前不存在的东西。拓展make 常构成的短语有:make clothes做衣服make dumplings做水饺make a kite做风筝make model planes制作飞机模型make too much noise发出太多噪音2.used bamboo to make kites用竹子来制作风筝use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事拓展used to do sth.过去常常做某事,表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,而现在已不再发生或存在。e.g:They used to be good friends.他们过去是好朋友。3.ma

23、de a bird out of wood用木头做一只鸟wood(n.)木头,木材形容词wooden(木制的)e.g:Our desks and chairs are made of wood.我们的课桌椅是木制的。I want to buy a wooden box.我想买个木匣子。拓展类似的由物质名词加后缀-en 构成的形容词还有:gold(金子)golden(金色的,金质的)wool(羊毛)woolen(羊毛的,毛纺的)4.In the.century,an Italian man called.visited China.在世纪,一位叫做的意大利人拜访了中国。century(n.)世纪

24、,百年e.g:We are living in the 21st century.我们生活在 21 世纪。拓展用 century 表示“几世纪”,要用固定结构“the+序数词+century”,century 前需用序数词,并加定冠词 the。e.g:the twentieth century20 世纪提醒this century 或 the century 指“本世纪”;last century 指“上个世纪”;next century 指“下个世纪”。5.Weifang,a city in Shandong Province,has become famous for making.fro

25、m then on.山东省的一个城市潍坊,从那时起因为制作而出名。from then on从那时起,作时间状语,与一般过去时连用,相当于 from that time on。e.g:From then on,he worked harder.从那时起,他工作更加努力了。6.Were having a picnic today.今天我们在野餐。have a picnic去野餐,相当于 go for a picnicpicnic(n.)野餐e.g:If the weather is nice,well go out for a picnic.如果天气好,我们将去野餐。拓展由“have a+名词”构

26、成的短语有:have a look看一看have a seat坐下have a chat聊天have a try试一试Task1.She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller.她低头看到自己的身体变得越来越小。become(v.)“开始变得,变成”,后接形容词或名词短语作表语。e.g:The sky becomes cloudy.天空变得多云了。拓展类似 become 的连系动词有:look,feel,get,grow,keep,look,seem,smell,sound,taste,turn 等。2.Soon

27、 Alice was small enough to go through the door,so she decided to enter the garden.很快爱丽丝变得足够小能穿过那扇门,所以她决定进入花园。(1)decide(v.)决定decide to do sth.决定做某事e.g:My home is only 5 minutes walk from school.I decide to walk there every day.我家到学校只要步行五分钟。我决定每天步行上学。提醒decide to do sth.否定式为 decide not to do sth.,表示“决定

28、不做某事”。(2)enter(v.)“进入,加入”,后面不能接介词,相当于 come/go into。e.g:Please enter the house by the back door.请从后门进屋。拓展enter(v.)“参加”,后面可接考试、比赛等。e.g:He is going to enter the drawing competition.他将要去参加绘画比赛。提醒enter 的名词为 entrance,意为“进入,入口处”,the entrance to.表示“的入口处”。3.When she walked towards the door,she forgot about t

29、he key.当她走向门的时候,她忘了钥匙这件事情。(1)towards(prep.)“向,朝”,还可写成 toward,强调方向性,常与动词连用,后接名词或代词。e.g:The sunflower turns toward(s)the Sun.向日葵朝向太阳。辨析towards 与 to词条含义用法towards介词,意为“向,朝”只表示“方向”,不含到达某地之意to介词,意为“向,朝;面对”表示向目的地走,往往带有“已到达某地”的意思(2)用法 forget about 表示“忘记;遗忘”,其中 about 可省略。forget 后跟名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句作宾语。e.g:I

30、almost forgot my umbrella.我差一点就忘了我的雨伞。注意forget to do sth.表示“忘记去做某事(事情还未做)”e.g:Dont forget to close the window when you leave the room.离开房间时不要忘了关窗户。forget doing sth.表示“忘记了做过某事(事情已经做完)”e.g:I forgot telling him about it.我忘记了曾经告诉过他这件事。4.Alice had to go back to the table,but she was too small to reach th

31、e key.爱丽丝不得不回到桌子边,但是她太小了以至于够不到钥匙。(1)too.to.太而不能,too 后面接形容词原形;to 是动词不定式符号。e.g:My son is too young to join the army.我儿子太小不能参军。拓展too.to.可与“形容词+enough to do sth.”转换使用。e.g:The boy is too young to go to school.=The boy is not old enough to go to school.这男孩太小了,不能上学。(2)reach(v.)“伸手(脚)够到”,后面直接跟宾语。e.g:The app

32、les on the tree are red and big,but I cant reach them.树上的苹果又红又大,但我够不到。拓展reach(v.)“到达”,后面直接跟宾语,相当于 get to 或 arrive at/in。e.g:Mr and Mrs Black will reach Shanghai tomorrow afternoon.布莱克夫妇将于明天下午到达上海。5.She tried to climb up,but failed.她试图爬起来,但是失败了。(1)climb(v.)“爬,攀登”,后面直接跟宾语,也常与 up,down,into,to,over 等介词连用。e.g:All cats like climbing up trees.所有的猫都喜欢爬树。拓展与 climb 有关的常用短语有:climb(up)the tree爬(上)树climb(down)the hill爬(下)山climb the ladder爬梯子(2)fail“失败”,通常强调做了,但是没有成功。固定短语:fail in sth.在某事上失败了fail to do sth.做某事失败了反义词:succeed(成功)e.g:He wanted to run away but failed.他想逃跑,但失败了。


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