届九年级英语下学期第三次模拟试题(无答案) 试题.doc

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1、 无锡市天一实验学校九年级英语三模试卷 卷一(共50分)一、选择题(14)( )1. I wonder what it feels like to be one of _ really rich. The Browns already have Rolls Royce and now they are buying _ third. A. the; the B./;aC.the;aD./;the ( )2. The grassland, reaching out far away, looks rather beautiful _ the blue and clean sky. A. agai

2、nst B. aboveC. throughD. past( )3. Could you tell me how many books I can borrow at a time? Sorry. _ at all . Our compute system is updating. A.NotB. NothingC. NoneD. No( )4. Chinese Dream is a great way to gather people together and _ the fast development of our own country. A. try out for B. fit f

3、or C. push for D. cheer for( )5.Could you tell me_?“Rome was not built in a day.” You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.A. what I can do to have a good memory B. how I can do to have a good memoryC. why I should have a good memoryD. how can I have a good memory( )6. Dont wait for

4、 others to be polite. Show them _ a friendly person you are. A. whoB. how C. what D. where( )7. It is so cold that you cant go outside _you put on more clothes. A. ifB. unless C. though D. when( )8. There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching building there. Really? It _ be a fire, most proba

5、bly. A. canB. should C. have to D. must ( )9. Please drive a bit faster. I hear a storm is_. Dont worry. III find a hotel nearby to avoid it. A. on the wayB. in its way C. in some way D. by the way( )10. The patient was badly hurt and needed _ at once. A. operating B. to operate on C. to be operated

6、D. operating on( )11. I know this plan is far from perfect, but I just cant think of _ one. A. a better B. the betterC. a bestD. the best( )12. What a terrible experience! _, youre safe now - thats the main thing. A. Anyway B. MoreoverC. OtherwiseD. Indeed( )13. Pay no attention to those who laugh a

7、t you. What _ most is how you see yourself. A. caresB. mindsC. mattersD. counts ( )14. Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum! _ , Sue!A. Mind your own businessB. You are welcomeC. Its your dutyD. Never mind二、完形填空(10)Many people believe that they will be happy when they arrive at some special goal(

8、目标) they set for themselves. However, when you arrive “there” you will not feel 15 , and move your “there” vision to another point in the future. By always running after another “there”, you are never really 16 the value what you already have right “here”. It is important for human beings to keep 17

9、 about the strong natural need to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is 18 by your dreams. On the other hand, the power can 19 you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now. By learning to be 20 , you can bring yourself closer to achieve the challe

10、nge of living in the present. To be thankful means that you thank for what you have and where you are on your path right now. As you focus on (集中于) the present moment, you can 21 the full wonder of “here”. Taking some advice will help. First, imagine what your life would be like if you lost all that

11、 you had. This will most surely remind you of 22 you do enjoy it. Second, make a list each day of all that you are thankful for. Do this especially when you are feeling as though you have nothing to feel thankful for. Or 23 a few minutes before you go to sleep showing thanks to all that you have. Th

12、ird, spend time offering help to those who are less 24 than you, so that you may get new ideas.( ) 15. A. satisfied B. interested C.excited D. amazed( ) 16. A. reaching B. receiving C. understanding D. supporting( ) 17. A. fit B. calm C. clean D. safe( ) 18. A. controlled B. improved C. explored D.

13、proved( ) 19. A. force B. take C. pull D. promise( ) 20. A. powerful B. useful C. careful D. thankful( ) 21. A. notice B. see C. achieve D. experience( ) 22. A. how much B. how well C. how often D. how soon( ) 23. A. control B. wait C. spend D. spare( ) 24. A. lucky B. lively C. lovely D. friendly三、

14、阅读理解(26) (A)Greek-Roman Festival Friday, April 28thYou can join one group.As a member of the group, you will take part in at least ONE of the following activities.1. Compete in an Olympic event. Remember there is only small space for each event, so dont be late.Hercules Throw Throw a football throug

15、h a hoop(圈) 20 feet away.Three-Headed Race Three people line up with touching legs tied. Then they run 100 metres in the playground.Toga-Barrow Race This is like a wheelbarrow race. (Runners take hold of partners feet while partners walk on hands.)2. Make Greek or Roman food. Mrs. Jones has a list o

16、f recipes(菜谱) from ancient Greece and Rome. You may make American food, but be sure to give it a special, mythological(神话的) name. For example, call your chocolate cake “Zeuss Delight.” This is a great way to practice your skills in the kitchen.3. Create a work of art for the museum. Be sure your art

17、work shows ancient Greek or Roman culture. Artworks may include sculptures, paintings, mosaics, drawings or models. The museum is a great place to show off your artistic talent.4. Perform a new short performance, song or dance for the talent show. Rewrite your favorite Greek myth(神话) by using modern

18、 language, or change the words of a popular song to tell a Greek or Roman story. Send your creative ideas to your English teacher for agreement. You must first perform for a group of teachers. The teachers choose the BEST performance groups for the talent show, so be sure your group has prepared for

19、 it.This timetable will help groups know when each event will take place and where to go.Group Number1:00-1:251:30-1:552:00-2:252:30-3:30Olympics/PlaygroundMuseum/LibraryFood Court/Dining HallTalent Show/School TheatreIIFood Court/Dining HallOlympics/PlaygroundMuseum/LibraryIIIMuseum/LibraryFood Cou

20、rt/Dining HallOlympics/Playground( )25. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Each student is made to take part in at least one Olympic event.B. Greek myths or the songs that will be performed are rewritten by the teachers.C. Greek or Roman names must be used for American food t

21、he students may cook.D. Artworks shown in the museum are collected or made by the students themselves.( )26. What do Group do right after watching the artworks?A. Watch the talent show.B. Prepare for a performance.C. Taste food that students make.D. Compete in the Olympic events.( )27. For what purp

22、ose is the festival most probably held?A. To improve students artistic talent.B. To make students more physically strong.C. To make students more creative in making foods or performing.D. To help students learn about ancient Greek and Roman cultures. (B)By now, most people know they should be eating

23、 more vegetables. But are there ways to get more from the vegetables you already eat? A research shows that when it comes to vegetables, its not only how much we eat, but also how we prepare them, that decides the vitamins(维生素) and other nutrients(营养物) that enter our body.Many studies show that peop

24、le who eat lots of vegetables have less heart disease, and eye problems and even cancer. But raw(生的) vegetables are not always best. The researchers found that 198 Germans who eat raw food were short of lycopene(番茄红素), the matter found in tomatoes and other red vegetables. “There is an idea that raw

25、 foods are always going to be better,” says Steven K. Clinton, a professor at Ohio State University. “For fruits and vegetables, sometimes a little bit of cooking can be helpful.”A number decide how the vegetables do good to peoples health before they reach the table, including where and how they we

26、re grown and stored before being bought. No single cooking way is best. Some nutrients are easily lost in cooking if they are cooked in different ways.Vitamins C and B are often lost. In January, another report said that boiling was better for carrots than frying(油炸) or serving them raw. Frying was

27、the worst way to cook.What cooked with the vegetables can also be important? When the vegetables are cooked with fat, the diners can get more nutrients. Fat can also make the taste of vegetables better, meaning that people will eat more of them. Putting some other things will make it taste bettera l

28、ittle saltcan make the food taste better.( )28. The people who eat the raw vegetables for a long time will _.A. have the eyes problemsB. have heart diseaseC. be in need of lycopene D. hate eating tomatoes( )29. The following decide how the vegetables do good to people EXCEPT _.A. the place where the

29、 vegetables are grown B. the way how the vegetables are storedC. the way how the vegetables are prepared D. the price at which the vegetables are sold( )30. From the last paragraph, we can know _.A. its better to cook vegetables with the fatB. the more fat in the cooking, the fewer vegetables people

30、 will eatC. its better to cook the vegetables without saltD. the fat will increase the nutrition of the vegetables (C)BANG! the door caused a big noise. It was just standing there, with Father standing on one side, and I on the other side. We were both in great anger. Never set foot in this house ag

31、ain! stormed Father. With tears in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.The street lights were shining, causing rather sad-feeling. I walked aimlessly. A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and care

32、free. But now. I dont know whether it is because I have grown up or because Dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. He always puts his opinions and rules of behaviour on me. Whenever I do something wrong, he never allows it. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds

33、. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened. I walked in the streets, without a place in mind. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were fewer and fewer people on the streets, until I had only the street lights to accompany me. When I fina

34、lly reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on. I thought to myself: Is Father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me? In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, Dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought they were useless. I never ha

35、d the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps. I cant stand his words: I cant throw you away, let alone these old papers? All the lights were off except Fathers. Dad was always like this. Maybe he didnt know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any pity or any mom

36、ents of feeling sorry. After an argument he has the habit of appearing silently in my sleep and then helping me under the covers. This was how he always was. He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature. The light was still on. Am I wrong? I whi

37、spered, maybe. With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, tears ran down my face. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist (存在) at all. Love-is second to none.( )31. Which is

38、 the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage? a. I opened the door and entered the house. b. Sadly I ran out into the street. c. I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit. d. I thought of my fathers kindness towards me. e. I walked about in t

39、he street without any aim.A. b-e-d-c-a B. b-e-c-d-a C. b-e-a-c-d D. b-e-c-a-d( )32. What can we learn from the passage?A. The father treats his son in an unfair way. B. The father is actually kind to his son.C. The father is neither kind nor rude to his son. D. The father is always finding his son w

40、rong.( )33.This passage is mainly about_.A. How the boy understand his fathers love B. Where the boy wentC. What made a father angry D. Why the boy left home (D)Most people around the world are right-handed. This also seems to be true in history. In 1799, scientists studied works of art made at diff

41、erent times from 1,500 B.C. to the 1950s. Most of the people shown in these works are right-handed, so the scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common through history. Today, only about 10% to 15% of the worlds population is left-handed. Why are there more right-handed people tha

42、n left-handed ones? Scientists now know that a persons two hands each have their own jobs. For most people, the hand is used to find things or hold things. The right hand is used to work with things. This is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain. The right side of the brain, wh

43、ich makes a persons hands and eyes work together, controls the left hand. The left-side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is the centre for thinking and doing problems. These findings show that more artists should be left-handed, and studies have found that left-handedness is twice as com

44、mon among artists as among people in other jobs. No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed instead of left-handed. Scientists have found that almost 40% of the people become left-handed because their main brain is damaged when they are born. However, this doesnt happen to everyone,

45、 so scientists guess there must be another reason why people become left-handed. One idea is that people usually get right-handed from their parents. If a person does not receive the gene(基因) for right-handedness, he/ she may become either right-handed or left-handed according to the chance and the people they work or live with. Though right-handedness is more common than left-handedness, people no longer think left-handed people are strange or unusual.


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