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1、小学英语教学设计五年级一班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unit 1课题L esson 1课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:The new word s:front friend c ome from b egin B rita inThe new sentenc es:Go b a c k to you r sea ts.I c ome from B rita in.L ets b egin ou r c la ss.2.A b ility a ims:Try to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.3.E motion a ims:To tra in

2、 the p u p ils interest of stu d ying E nglish.教学重点friend front c ome from b egin B rita in教学难点I c ome from B rita in.Go b a c k to you r sea ts.L ets b egin ou r c la ss.课 型新授课教学媒体C a rd s rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作教f过程Step 1 Revision1)Greetings.A sk a nd a nswer.2)L ef s sing a song.Where a re you from

3、?Step 2 K nowled ge1)Tea c h the new word s:friend front c ome from b egin B rita in2)Tea c her sa ys:P lea se ma ke u p a sentenc e.friend s We ha ve two new friend s in ou r c la ss.C ome from I c ome from B rita in.B egin L ets b egin ou r c la ss.Step 3 C omp rehensionl)L ook a t the slid e p ic

4、 tu re a nd listenL isten a nd p ointlisten a ndfollow p ra c tise sp ea king in two step sp a ir work2)A c t ou t this d ia logu e in p a irs.A sk a nd a nswer a c c ord ing to the p ic tu re c a rd s.Step 4 A p p lic a tions1)A sk the p u p ils to ma ke u p d ia logu es in p a irs b y u sing the s

5、entenc ep a tterns.2教学过程2)D ivid e the c la ss into b oy tea m a nd girl tea m,get one p u p il from ea c hof the tea m a t onc e,a nd a c t ou t the d ia logu e.3)Grou p work.I nvite a s ma ny grou p s to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.Step 5 Homeworkl)L isten to the ta p e a t home.2)M a ke u p the ne

6、w d ia logu e.板书设计UN I T 1 We ha ve new friend s.L esson 1front friendc ome fromb egin B rita inGo b a c k to you r sea ts.教学反思3华明小学英语教学设计五年级一班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unit 1课题Lesson 2课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:skills)F riend IThe new sentenc es2.A b ility a ims:writing.3.E motion a ims:ToThe new word s:B rit

7、a in A u stra lia N ew Zea la nd (threea m Um=I a m(fou r skills):I m B ob.I m eleven.To tra in the p u p ils9 a b ility to p ra c tise sa ying a ndma ke the p u p ils to b e interested in E nglish.教学重点friend I a m rm=I a m教学难点I m B ob.I m eleven.课型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作孽程Step 1 Revis

8、ion1)Revise the sentenc e p a ttern“Where d o you c ome from?”2)Revise some old word s:friend front c ome from b egin B rita in.3)L ets sing a song.Step 2 K nowled ge1)Tea c h the new word s:friend I a m a mP m B ob.P m eleven.2)Tea c h the word s:A u stra lia N ew Zea la ndL et the p u p ils look a

9、 t the p ic tu res in you r text b ooks.Get them to ma ke sentenc es.3)Tea c h the new sentenc es:I m.I c ome from.Step 3 C omp rehensionl)L et the p u p ils look a t every N a tiona l fla g.2)P la y the ta p e a nd get the c la ss to listen with their b ooks c losed.3)A c t ou t this d ia logu e in

10、 p a irs.A sk a nd a nswer a c c ord ing to the p ic tu re c a rd s.Step 4 A p p lic a tions1)A sk the p u p ils to ma ke u p d ia logu es in p a irs b y u sing the sentenc ep a tterns.2)Get the c la ss to p ra c tise the qu estions a nd a nswers in p a irs.4教学过程Step 5 HomeworkD L isten to the ta p

11、e a t home.2)M a ke u p the new d ia logu e.3)C op y the new word s three times.板书设计UN I T 1 We ha ve new friend s.L esson 2B rita in A u stra lia N ew Zea la ndI a m Um=I a mUm B ob.I m eleven.教学反思5华明小学英语教学设计五年级_班 教师姓名:课、章、节授课Unit 1 课题 Lesson 3 课时 1 日出日期教学目标1.Knowledge aims:Mast the new dialogue.2.

12、Ability aims:To train the students skill to listen say read and act.3.Emotion aims.To make the students to be interested in English.教学重点Where do you come from?I come from France.Where are you from?Im from Germany.教学难点Do you like singing?Yes,I do.I like both singing and dancing.Let ussing a song toge

13、ther.课 型新授课 教 学 媒 体Cards recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作趣年程Step 1 Revision1)Sing a song.Where are you from?How old are you?2)Dictation.Step 2 Presentation:1)Listen to the tape.2)Teach the new sentences.Do you like singing?Yes,I do.I like bothsinging and dancing.Let us sing a song together.3)Listen and repeat.4)

14、Practice reading in group.5)Act out the dialogue.Step 3Comprehension.1)Act out this dialogue in groups2)Make up new dialogue in groupsStep 4 Applications1)Make up a short summary about this lesson.2)Praise those who learned well.Step 5 Homework.3.Listen to the tape at home.4.Make up the new dialogue

15、.6教学过程板书设计L esson3Where d o you c ome from?I c ome from F ra nc e.Where a re you from?I m from Germa ny.教学反思7华明小学英语教学设计五年级_班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unit 1课题L esson 4课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:N ew word s:where from c hina Ru ssia F ra nc e Germa nySentenc es:Where a re you from?I m from C hina.2.A b ility a

16、ims:Try to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.3.E motion a ims:To ma ke the p u p ils to b e interested inE nglish.教学重点N ew word s fou r skills:where from a re you教学难点Sentenc es:Where a re you from?I m from C hina.Where d oI c ome from F ra nc e.you c ome from?课 型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作教事过根Ste

17、p 1 Revision1.A sk a nd a nswer in p a irs u sing these qu estions.Where a re you from?I m from C hina.Where d o you c ome from?I c ome from F ra nc e.2 Revise some old word s a nd then p la y a ga me.P ra c tic e sa ying the sentenc es like this:A:Um a tea c her.B:I m thirty forty.C:I c ome from B

18、eij ing.Step 2 P resenta tion.1.Tea c h the new word s a nd sentenc es:N ew word s:where from c hina Ru ssia F ra nc e Germa nySentenc es:Where a re you from?I m from C hina2.P ra c tic e sa ying these sentenc es.I wa nt a.I c ome from.3.A c ord ing to these sentenc es p ra c tic e sa ying p ic tu r

19、esStep 3P ra c tic e.D ivid e the stu d ents into grou p s.C u te grou p a nd a c t grou p,a sking a nd a nswering.p ra c tic e8教学过程Step 4 Applications.1.Act out the dialogue in groups.2.Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentencepatterns.Step 5 Homework1.Listen to the tape at

20、 home.Make up the new dialogue.2.Copy the new words and sentences three time.板书设计Lesson 4New words:where from china Russia France GermanySentences:Where are you from?Um from China.Where do you come from?I come from France.教学反思9华明小学英语教学设计五年级_班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unitl课题L esson5课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:T

21、he new word s:c ity roa d streetThe new sentenc es:L ef s b e friend s.Wha f s you r na me?Where d o you live?2.A b ility a ims:Try to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.3.E motion a ims:To ma ke the p u p ils to b e interested in E nglish.教学重点sa me P a tric k Green hou se ea c h other roa d教学难点L ef s b e f

22、riend s.Where d o you live?How to u se on a ndin.课 型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作教学程Step 1 Revision1)Revise the sentenc e p a ttern“I c ome from.”2)M a ke u p a new d ia logu e,a nd then a c t it ou t.Step 2 K nowled ge1)Tea c h the new word s:c ity street roa d2)Tea c h the new sentenc es:L

23、 efs b e friend s.Wha ts you r na me?M y na me isWhere d o you live?3)L ets sing:Wha f s you r na me?Step 3 C omp rehensionl)L ook a t the slid e p ic tu re a nd listenL isten a nd p ointlisten a ndfollow p ra c tise sp ea king in two step sp a ir work2)P la y the ta p e a nd get the c la ss to list

24、en with their b ooks c losed.3)A c t ou t this d ia logu e in p a irs.A sk a nd a nswer a c c ord ing to the p ic tu re c a rd s.Step 4 A p p lic a tions1)A sk the p u p ils to ma ke u p d ia logu es in p a irs b y u sing the sentenc ep a tterns.2)A sk for volu nteers to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.1

25、0教学过程3)Grou p work.I nvite a s ma ny grou p s to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.4)L et the c la ss ma ke u p simila r d ia logu e.Step 5 HomeworkD L isten to the ta p e a t home.2)M a ke u p the new d ia logu e.板书设计UN I T 1 We ha ve new friend s.L esson 5L ets b e friend s.Wha f s you r na me?M y na me

26、is Where d o you live?I live on(in)教学反思11 1华明小学英语教学设计五年级一班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unitl课题L esson6课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:The new word s:c ity roa d street Wha ts=wha t ismy na mes=my na me isThe new sentenc es:Wha ts you r na me?M y na mes C a rl.Where d o you live?I live on(in)2.A b ility a ims:To tra in

27、 the p u p ils a b ility to rea d a nd write.3.E motion a ims:To ma ke the p u p ils to b e interested in E nglish.教学重点Wha fs=wha t ismy na mes=my na me is教学难点Wha ts you r na me?M y na mes C a rl.Where d o you live?I live on(in)课型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作Step 1 Revision1)Revise the sente

28、nc e p a ttern:Wha f s you r na me?M y na mes C a rl.教2)Revise some oldword s a nd then p la y a ga me.3)L ef s sing the old song.学Step 2 K nowled ge1)Tea c h the new word s:wha t is you re you r na me in ha ts二wha t is my na me9s=my na me is2)Tea c h the new sentenc es:Wha f s you r na me?M y na me

29、s C a rl.Where d o you live?I live on(in)过L et the p u p ils look a t the p ic tu res in you r text b ooksC a n you write them?程3)Step 3 C omp rehensionl)L ook a t the slid e p ic tu re a nd listenL isten a nd p ointlisten a ndfollow p ra c tise sp ea king in two step s一p a ir work4)A c t ou t this

30、d ia logu e in p a irs.12教学过程Step 4 Applications1)Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentencepatterns.2)Divide the class into boy team and girl team,get one pupil from eachof the team at once,and act out the dialogue.3)Group work.Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue.S

31、tep 5 Homework1)Listen to the tape at home.2)Make up the new dialogue and act it out.3)Copy the new words three times.板书设计UNIT 1 We have new friends.Lesson 6Whaf s your name?My names Carl.Where do you live?I live on(in)教学反思13华明小学英语教学设计五年级一班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unit 1课题F u n F a c ts课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a

32、ims:To lea rn fu n F a c ts.2.A b ility a ims:Try to rea d the text.3.E motion a ims:To ma ke the p u p ils9 to b e interested in E nglish.教学重点Rea d the text.教学难点N ew word s a nd sentenc es课 型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作教学程Step 1 Revision1)Revise the c ou ntries.2)L ets sing the old song.St

33、ep 2 K nowled ge1)Tea c h the new word s.2)Rea d a nd lea rn the text.3)L et the p u p ils look a t the p ic tu res in you r text b ooks.Step 3 C omp rehensionl)L ook a t the slid e p ic tu re a nd listenL isten a nd p oint-listen a ndfollow p ra c tise sp ea king in two step sp a ir work2)Try to re

34、a d the text.Step 4 A p p lic a tions1)Grou p work.I nvite some p u p ils to rea d.14教学过程Step 5 Homework1)L isten to the ta p e a t home.2)Rea d the text.3)C op y the new word s three times.板书设计UN I T 1 We ha ve new friend s.N ew Zea la ndHistorySeaa la nd of fireb e good for教学反思15华明小学英语教学设计五年级一班 教师

35、姓名:课、章、节Unit2课题L esson7课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:The new word s:p retty c leverThe new sentenc es:Wha t s her na me?Who s tha t girl?She ha s long ha ir a nd b ig eyes.2.A b ility a ims:Try to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.3.E motion a ims:D evelop the a b ility u se the new d rills into the d efe

36、rentsitu a tion.教学重点Wha t s her na me?Who,s tha t girl?教学难点She ha s long ha ir a nd b ig eyes.课 型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作熬学过程Step 1 Revision1)Revise the sentenc e p a ttern:Wha t c la ss a re you in?Um in C la ss O ne,Gra d e F ive.2)Revise some old word s su c h a s B rita in A u stra

37、lia N ew Zea la nd3)3)L ef s sing a song.Wha t9s you r na me?Step 2 K nowled ge1)Tea c h the new word s:p retty c lever2)Tea c h the new sentenc es:Wha t s her na me?Who s tha t girl?She ha s long ha ir a nd b ig eyes.Step 3 C omp rehensionl)L ook a t the slid e p ic tu re a nd listenL isten a nd p

38、ointlisten a ndfollow p ra c tise sp ea king in two step sp a ir work2)P la y the ta p e a nd get the c la ss to listen with their b ooks c losed.3)A c t ou t this d ia logu e in p a irs.A sk a nd a nswer a c c ord ing to the p ic tu re c a rd s.Step 4 A p p lic a tions1)A sk the p u p ils to ma ke

39、u p d ia logu es in p a irs b y u sing the sentenc ep a tterns.2)Get the stu d ents to d isc u ss in grou p s a nd ra ise some qu estion thisd ia logu e.3)Get the c la ss to p ra c tise the qu estions a nd a nswers in p a irs.4)Grou p work.I nvite a s ma ny grou p s to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.16教

40、学过程Step 5 HomeworkD L isten to the ta p e a t home.2)M a ke u p the new d ia logu e.3)C op y the new word s three times.板书设计L esson7Wha t s her na me?Her na me is*Who s tha t girl?She s 教学反思17华明小学英语教学设计五年级一班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unit2课题L esson8课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:The new word s:her his eye nose ha i

41、rThe new sentenc es:Wha ts her na me?Her na me is Zhou P ei.Wha f s his na me?His na me is P eter.2.A b ility a ims:D ra w you r friend s.3.E motion a ims:L ove a ll kind s of a c tivities.教学重点Wha ts her na me?Her na me is Zhou P ei.教学难点Wha ts his na me?His na me is P eter.课 型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord

42、 er教学方法讲解、小组合作4学过aStep 1 Revision1)Revise the sentenc e p a ttern iWha ts you r na me?”2)Revise some old word s3)P la y a ga me.Wha t s missing?”a b ou t word s for Unit Two.4)M a ke u p a new d ia logu e,a nd then a c t it ou t.Step 2 K nowled ge1)Tea c h the new word s a nd sentenc es,Tea c her sa

43、 ys:Wha f s you r na me?A nd then a sk:Wha ts her na me?Wha fs his na me?2)L ets sing:Wha fs you r na me?3)I ntrod u c e the new friend s:C a rl C a thy C a rlaStep 3 C omp rehension1)P la y the ta p e a nd get the c la ss to listen with their b ooks c losed.2)L ook a t the slid e p ic tu re a nd li

44、stenL isten a nd p ointlisten a ndfollow p ra c tise sp ea king in two step sp a ir work3)A c t ou t this d ia logu e in p a irs.18教学过程4)Lets find.Draw your friends and find him and her.5)Lef s read and chant.Step 4 Applications1)Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentencepatt

45、erns.2)Ask for volunteers to act out the dialogue.3)Group work.Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue.4)Let the class make up new dialogue.Step 5 Homework1)Listen to the tape at home.2)Make up the new dialogue.板书设计Lesson 8What9s her name?Her name is Zhou Pei.Whats his name?His name is Peter.教

46、学反思19华明小学英语教学设计五年级_班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unit 2课题L esson 9课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:To lea rn a new d ia logu e.2.A b ility a ims:To ma ke the stu d ents to b e interested in E nglish.3.E motion a ims:To ma ke the stu d ents to b e interested in E nglish.教学重点my new friend a t the a rt c lu b She is sma r

47、t How old is she?教学难点How old is she?M y new friend a t the a rt c lu b课 型新授课教学媒体C a rd s、rec ord er教学方法讲解、小组合作教学程Step 1 Revision1.Sing a song.Where a re you from?How old a re you?2.Revise some old word s a nd then p la y a ga me.Step 2 P resenta tion:1.Tea c h the new word s:a t the a rt c lu b litt

48、le sma rt2.Tea c h the new sentenc es:How old a re you?How old is she?He is sma rt.3.L isten to the ta p e.4.Rea d a fter the tea c her.5.P ra c tic e rea d ing in grou p.Step 3 P ra c tic e:1)L ook a t the slid e p ic tu re,listen a nd p ra c tic e sp ea king in twostep sp a ir work2)A c t ou t thi

49、s d ia logu e in situ a tions.20教学过程Step 4 A p p lic a tions1.A sk the p u p ils to ma ke u p d ia logu es in p a irs b y u sing the sentenc ep a tterns.Step 5 Homework1.L isten to the ta p e a t home.2.M a ke u p the new d ia logu e.板书设计L esson 9my new friend a t the a rt c lu bHow old a re you?How

50、 old is she?He is sma rt.教学反思21华明小学英语教学设计五年级_班 教师姓名:课、章、节Unit 2课题L essonlO课时1授课日期教学目标1.K nowled ge a ims:N ew word s:how old he she he s-he isshe s=she is Sentenc es:How old a re you?I m ten.How old is she/he?He/She is twelve.2A b ility a ims:Try to a c t ou t the d ia logu e.3E motion a ims:To ma k


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