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《2019年北京中考英语二轮复习阅读理解第3讲及训练题含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年北京中考英语二轮复习阅读理解第3讲及训练题含解析.pdf(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第 3 讲 北京西城一模阅读理解CD篇i.掌握本篇阅读理解中出现的高频词及长难句。2.掌握阅读理解的解题技巧,并能够指出本篇阅读理解中运用到的解题技巧。3.通过阅读理解高频词、长难句等语料的积累,及阅读理解解题技巧的练习,灵活应对各种阅读理解题。C篇知识篇“巧妇难为无米之炊”,在英语学习的过程中,语料的积累至关重要。对于阅读理解高频词和长难句的梳理,能够为我们今后的学习和提升打下良好的基础。亲爱的同学,老师已经为你梳理出了本篇文章中的一些高频词和长难句,快来看看你掌握了吗?高 频词(课前检测学生的词汇量储备,以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优,模糊翻译的良,不会翻译的为差。)单词/短语词

2、性词义拓展掌握情况优良差in common共同的,共有的rememberV.记得experienceV.经验,经历n.experienceshareV.分享environmentn.环境noticeV.注意attendV.出席wonderfuladj.极好的adultn.成年人check out检验长 难 句(课前检测学生的句型储备,以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优,模糊翻译的良,不会翻译的为差。)1.What coding has in common with writing,playing music and creating art is that it lets you bri

3、ng yourideas to l i f e.(优 良差)句意:编码和写作,演奏音乐和创造艺术的共同点是它能够让你把你的想法带进生活。本句为复合句,主语是由w h a t 引导的主语从句,表语是由t h a t 引导的表语从句,翻译时要注意主从句的翻译。2.I t s s o m u c h f u n t o s h a r e o n e s c r e a t i o n s,a n d t o s e e w h a t e v e r y o n e e l s e h a s m a d e t o o.(优 良差)句意:分享自己的创作是非常有趣的,而且也可以看看其他人都创造了什

4、么。本句话的前半句是i t 作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语t o s h a r e o n e s c r e a t i o n s o方法篇“方法得当,事半功倍。”只有语料的积累,没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于阅读理解解题方法的梳理,能够帮助我们更好地理解阅读理解的命题逻辑,在有足够语料积累的基础上,能够帮助我们争取高分。亲爱的同学,老师已经为你精心整理了阅读理解的解题技巧,快来看看你掌握了多少?一、阅读理解解题步骤1第步快速浏览全文,了解文章大概。浏览时要注意以下句子:每段的开头和结尾,重要的情节句子,如果遇到未学或不认识的单词或不理解的句子,可以根据上下文猜测,切不可停留而放慢


6、确。二、阅读理解解题技巧初中英语选择型阅读理解题主要分为四种题型,分别是细节理解题,推理判断题,猜测词义题和主旨大意题。接下来我们将从这四种题型的定义,设题方式和解题技巧三方面进行介绍。题型题型一:细节理解题本类试题主要考察学生对阅读材料中的某一特定细节或文章的主要事实的理解能力。问题包括询问人(w h o)、物(w h a l)、时 间(w h e n)、地 点(w h e r e),原 因(c a u s e)、结果(effect)、文中的数据(d a ta)等。新闻、说明文、广告信息等常常考察这些细节。设题方式1.Which of the following statements is

7、true/false?2.Which of the following is(not)mentioned?3.According to the passage,when(where,why,how,who,etc),?解题技巧1.细心审题,直接就题找答案2.变通理解,间接转述找答案3.多点归纳,综合事实找答案典题精析Which hand do you use when write?About 8 to 15 percent of people are left handed.They often have to use tools that are designed for right-han

8、ded people.So itis difficult for left-handers to use most tools.If you are right handed,trythis experiment:Take a kni fe wi th your 1 eft hand and try cutting a potato intopieces.Don t be surprised if you feel awkward(别扭的).If right-handers cul up polalocs with Ihcir left hand,they will _.A.get hurt

9、B.give up cutting C.feel awkward D.changetheir tools本题可以运用到解题技巧1.细心审题,直接就题找答案浏览题干,确定关键短语为cut up potatoes with their left hand,浏览段落,确定关键句 If you are right handed,try this experiment:Take a knife with your lefthand and try cutting a potato into pieces.Don t be surprised if you feel awkward(别 扭 的).“如果你

10、是一个习惯用右手的人,用左手拿刀把土豆切成块。如果你感到别扭并不让人惊讶。,根据句意即可推断出正确答案,故选C。题型题型二:推理判断题解释推理判断题着重考察学生的逻辑思维能力,即要求学生根据文章的逻辑关系进行推理判断。此类题目难度大,涉及面广,如人物的性格、心理,故事的结局、寓意,文章的出处、体裁,作者的倾向、态度等。设题方式1.It can be inferred from the text that_.2.From the text we know that.3.With which of the following does the author agree?4.The passage

11、is probably taken from a _.解题技巧1.通过文章陈述的事实进行推断2.根据文章所提供的的背景,人物的表情,动作和语言进行推断3.根据作者的意图和态度进行推断典题Boredom is often linked with loneliness,but a writer named Meera Syal said精析boredom had helped her in developing he。mind.She tod researchers about herchildhood.Having few things to do,Syal often talked with

12、her neighbors.Shea l s o t r i e d t o d o t hi n g s l i k e l e a r n i n g t o b a k e c a k e s.B u t i m p o r t a n t l y,I T ho u g hta n d w r o t e a l o t,b e c a u s e I w a s b o r e d,“S y a l s a i d.S he k e p t a d i a r y,f i l l i n ghe r t i m e w i t h s ho r t s t o r i e s a n

13、d p o e m s s he m a d e u p.G r a y s。P e r r y,a n a r t i s t,g r e w u p i n a f a m i l y w i t h l i t t l e m o n e y.H e e n j o y e dhi m s e l f b y m a k i n g u p s t o r i e s,d r a w i n g p i c t u r e s f o r hi s s t o r i e s a n d r e a d i n g m a n yb o o k s i n t he l i b r a

14、r y.B o r e d b u t f r e e,he s p e n t ho u r s l o o k i n g o u t o f t he w i n d o w,w a t c hi n g t he c ha n g i n g c l o u d s a n d s e a s o n s.P e r r y f i l l e d u p hi s f r e e t i m e w i t hw ha t he l i k e d.H e b e c a m e c r e a t i v e,b e c a u s e he c o u l d t hi n k

15、f r e e l y.T he w r i t e r t a l k s a b o u t S y a l a n d P e r r y t o _ _ _ _ _ .A.s t r e s s t he g r e a t d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t he mB.i n t r o d u c e a p o p u l a r w r i t e r a n d a f a m o u s a r t i s tC.s u g g e s t g o o d w a y s o f g o i n g t hr o u g h b o

16、 r e d o mD.s ho w e f f e c t s o f b o r e d o m o n d e v e l o p i n g c r e a t i v i t y本题可以运用到解题技巧2.根据文章所提供的的背景,人物的表情,动作和语言进行推断题干意为“作者谈论S y a l和P e r r y的例子的目的是什么?二 两个段落很长,我们首先要精读段落,抓住两个人物的态度,第一段中关键句为a w r i t e r n a m e d M e e r a S y a l s a i db o r e d o m ha d he l p e d he r i n d e v

17、 e l o p i n g he r m i n d.意 为 M e e r a S y a l 说无聊帮助她发展了她的思想,第二段关键句为 H e b e c a m e c r e a t i v e,b e c a u s e he c o u l d t hi n k f r e e l y.意 为“他变得积极,因为他能够自由思考”,由这两句关键句可知两个人都认为“无聊可以发展创造力,”,故选D。题型题型三:词义猜测题解释单词的猜测能力是阅读理解能力的主要组成部分,是考查对文中关键词语的理解。而且,所考察的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据文中语境来判断。设题方式1.T he

18、u nder lined s ent ence in t he la s t p a r a gr a p h mea ns _.2.T he w or d mos t likely mea ns _.3.W hich of t he follow ing is clos es t in mea ning t o t he w or d.解题技巧1.通过因果关系猜测词义2.通过同义词和近、反义词的关系猜测词义3 .通过构词法猜测词义4 .通过定义或释义说明来猜测词义5 .通过描述猜测词义6 .用知识和生活经验猜测词义7 .根据上下文的指代关系猜测词义典题C hildr en a r e ex

19、p ect ed b y t heir p a r ent s t o b e r ea ding a t ex t b ook a ll t he t ime.精析How ev er,r es ea r ch s how s t ha t it ma y ha mp er t he dev elop ment of t heir ima gina t ion,w hile b or edom ca n giv e t hem op p or t u nit ies t o dev elop cr ea t iv it y.W ha t does t he w or d“ha mp er”in

20、 P a r a gr a p h 2 p r ob a b ly mea n?A.S low dow n.B.K eep u p w it h.C.G o b ey ond.D.G iv er is e t o.本题可以运用到解题技巧2.通过同义词和近、反义词的关系猜测词义浏览本段,会发现本段中存在转折连词w hile“然而,w hile后的句意为“无聊能给他们发展创造力的机会”,所以w hile之前的句意应该与之相反,进一步推测词义。A意为“(使)慢下来”,B意 为“跟上”,C意 为“超出”,D意 为“引起,导致”,故选A。题型题型四:主旨大意题解释考查学生对文章主题或中心思想的领会和理解

21、能力。设题方式1.问标题:W ha t is t he ma in t op ic of t he p a s s a ge?/T he b es t t it le for t he p a s s a geis .2.问中心:T he fir s t p a r a gr a p h is ma inb a b ou t t he_./T he p a s s a ge is mos t lya b ou t _.3.问目的,态度:T he a u t hor w a nt s t o t ell./T he p u r p os e of t his a r t icleis t o _

22、.解题技巧1.浏览文章首尾段和各段开头,抓 住 主旨段或主旨句2.浏览全文,抓住关键字眼,把握主旨3 .以掌握主旨为前提,处理推断作者语气及写作意图典题精析 n I he p a s l,p eop le t hou ght il w a s s lr a ngo lo u s e lofl ha nd.You ng s t u dent slooked dow n u p on t heir left-ha nded cla s s ma t es.S ome childr en w er e ev en p u nis hedfor u s ing t heir left ha nd t

23、o w r it e.B u i I hos c da y s p a r ent s a nd t ea cher s ha v ea ccep t ed t ha t.I n a lmos t ev er y s chool in t he w or ld,left-ha nded s t u dent s ca nu s e t heir left ha nd t o w r it e.W ha t is P a r a gr a p h 2 ma inly a b ou t?A.C a u s es of b eing left ha nded.B.E ncou r a gement

24、t o left-ha nder sC.P u nis hment for u s ing t he left ha nd.D.C ha nges in op inions onleft-ha nder s.本题可以运用到解题技巧2.浏览全文,抓住关键字眼,把握主旨本题考察的是第二段段落大意,要首先锁定第二段的关键词b u t,b u t之前的关键词int he p a s t和it w a s s t r a nge t o u s e t he left ha nd表明了在过去人们认为使用左手是奇怪的,b u t之后的关键词t hes e da y s和ha v e a ccep t ed

25、 t ha t表明了现在人们接受了惯用左手的人。所以这段主要是讲述了人们关于惯用左手的人的态度上的转变。可以判定答案为 C ha nges in op inions on left-ha nder s.,故选 D。浏览问题(抓住题干及选项中的关键词,以便有目的性的通读文章)题号题干及选项1T n t he w r it er s fir s t ceding cla s s,s he.A.ma de a p p s a nd ga mesB.cr ea t ed a w eb p a geC.w r ot e for new s p a p er sD.did s ome int er v i

26、ew s(细节理解题)2W hy do mor e gir ls b egin lo lea r n coding?(细节理解题)A.T her e a r e coding cla s s es for gir ls.B.G ir ls w a nt t o lea r n a “b oy t hing”.C.T her e a r e mor o gir ls in S T E M.D.G ir ls ca n meet cool b oy s t her e.3W ha t does t he w r it er t hink of coding?(推理判断题)A.I t is b et

27、 t er t ha n p la y ing mu s ic.B.I t limils childr en s ima gina lion.C.I t s t op s p eop le fr om lea r ning fa s t.D.I t help s childr en w it h t heir cr ea t iv it y.4W ha t is p r ob a b ly t he b es l lillc for t his p a s s a ge?A.S t a r t C oding a s E a r ly a s P os s ib leB.C ome for F

28、 u n in C oder D ojo C la s sC.K ids S hou ld Ha v e C ha nces t o L earn to C odeD.S T E M I S C alli ng for M ore G i rls and Women(主旨大意题)通篇寻读(通读文章,根据问题中的关键词标记出文章中的重点词,短语或句子,为逐题分析做准备)话题体裁字数建议用时实际用时正确率星级日常生活类夹叙夹议4 2 97分钟_/4A s ki ds,we learn h ow to wri te,maybe play a musi cal i nstrument and draw

29、.S o wh y don,t we learn tocode(编码)computer programs too?Wh at codi ng h as i n common wi th wri ti ng,playi ng musi c and creati ng arti s th at i t lets you bri ng your i deas to li fe.C odi ng i s all about crcali vi ly and I h al s wh y I love i l.C reati ng wi th codeC oder D ojo h elps young p

30、eople around th e world to learn computer programmi ng for free.Wh en I wentto my fi rsl C oder D ojo class i n D ubli n C i ty U ni versi ty i n I reland,at age ni ne,I di dn t know anyth i ngabout codi ng or even wh at i t was.B ut I remember maki ng my very fi rst web page th at fi rst day,and be

31、i ngsurpri sed th at I could create such a th i ng.I t was a great feeli ng th at I th i nk every young person sh ouldexperi ence!B y goi ng to C oder D ojo every week,I learned h ow to make websi tes,apps and games.O ne of my appsi s called A uto-J ournali st.I t can h elp journali sts(i fi#)and i

32、ntervi ewees do i ntervi ews even i f th ey areboth really busy or li ve i n di fferent ti me zones.I t i s sti ll i n development,and I h ave sh owed i t atall event called C oolest P rojects A wards,wh ere young people get to sh ow th e publi c wh at th ey h ave createdwi th code.I t s so much fun

33、 to sh are one s creati ons,and to see wh at everyone else h as made too.L earni ng envi ronmentF or th e past th ree years I h ave also been h elpi ng to teach oth er young people at C oder D ojo D C U.I nrecent years I h ave also noti ced many more gi rls attendi ng C oder D ojo D C U to try out c

34、odi ng.T h i s h asa lot to do wi th th e C oder D ojo gi rls classes-gi rls and young women take part i n i t wi th th ei r fri ends,and i t doesn,t feel li ke codi ng i s a“boy th i ngn.I t i s really wonderful to see th i s,because we needmore gi rls and women i n S T E M (S ci ence,T ech nology,

35、E ngi neeri ng and M ath s).I t s a good way to learn moreabout tech nology.S tart earlyO ne of th e mai n th i ngs I h ave learned i n th e last few years i s th at codi ng i s not only for adults,codi ng i s for young people,too.A nd wh en you are a ch i ld i t i s a great ti me to start codi ng,b

36、ecauseyour i magi nati on i s th e 1 i mi t for wh at you can create!Want to learn more?F i nd out i f th ere i s a C oder D ojo near you at www.C oder dojo,com or set oneup yourself!A lso ch eck out C ode,org wh i ch h as lots of fun drag-and-drop codi ng games.逐题分析语篇解读:本篇文章主要讲述了编码这一概念,从编码有助于提高创造力,

37、编码目前的学习环境两方面进行讨论,最后呼吁应该给孩子们学习编码的机会。1.I n th e wri ter s fi rst codi ng class,sh eA.made apps and gamesB.created a web pageC.wrote for newspapersD.did some interviews解析:B.细节理解题。根据题干关键词first coding class可以将答案锁定在文章第二段中,根据第二段关键句I remembermaking my very first web page that first day”可以得知作者在第一节编码课上创造了一个网页

38、,故选B。2.Why do more girls begin to learn coding?A.There are coding classes for girls.B.Girls want to learn a“boy thing”.C.There are more girls in STEM.D.Girls can meet cool boys there.解析:A.细节理解题。题干意为“为什么更多女孩开始学习编码?,根据题干可以把答案锁定在文章第四段中,根据第四段关键句 This has a lot to do with the Coder Dojo girls classes一gir

39、ls and young women take part in itwith their friends.可以判定Coder Dojo女孩班级是女孩们和朋友们可以一起参加的编码班级,故选A。3.What does the writer think of coding?A.It is better than playing music.B.It limits children,s imagination.C.It stops people from learning fast.D.It helps children with their creativity.解析:D.推理判断题。本题询问的是作

40、者对编码的看法,浏览全文,根据第一段关键句Coding is all about creativity andthat s why I love it.可以判定出作者喜欢编码的原因是因为它和创造力相关,故选D。4.What is probably the best title for this passage?A.Start Coding as Early as PossibleB.Come for Fun in Coder Dojo ClassC.Kids Should Have Chances to Learn to CodeD.STEM IS Calling for More Girls

41、 and Women解析:C主旨大意题。A 项意为“尽早开始编码”;B 项意为“来 Coder Dojo的课上玩吧。C 项意为“孩子们应该有机会学习编码”;D 项意为STEM需要更多的女孩和女人”。首先根据文章第一段why don t we learn to code(编码)computerprograms too?可以判定作者呼吁我们学习编码;根据文章倒数第二段when you are a child it is a great timeto start coding可知孩子是学习编码的最好时间,综合这两点我们得知文章主要强调的是“孩子们应该有机会学习编码,故选配精讲笔记(学生在教师的指导下

42、,回顾本讲中积累的阅读理解的知识和方法)语篇中积累的词汇(至少积累10个)单词词性及词义单词的运用(鼓励学生用所学词汇造句)语篇中的学到的方法(至少掌握2种)细节理解题1、2推理判断题3词义猜测题主旨大意题4一、词汇/短语英汉互译基础过关单词/短语词性词义in commonV.记得experienceV.V.分享environmentn.V.注意V.出席wonderfuladj.adultn.check out二、句子英汉互译1.他说的话感动了我。2.我的问题是不知道选哪个电脑好。3.What coding has in common with writing,playing music an

43、d creating art is that it lets you bring yourideas to life4.I t s so much fun to share on。s creations,and to see what everyone else has made too.5.It is very important to keep our environment clean and tidy.阅读练习话题体裁字数建议用时实际用时正确率星级科普环保类说明文3 2 97分钟_/4 W e a l 1 k n o w t h a t z e b r a s h a v e s t

44、r i p e s (条纹).B u t w h y?I t s h a r d t o g e t a b l a c k-a n d-w h i t e a n s w e r.T h i s i s a q u e s t i o n n o t j u s t c o m m o n p e o p l e l i k e u s h a v e a s k e d,b u t s c i e n t i s t s t o o.S e v e r a l s t u d i e s h a v e b e e n d o n e t o f i n d o u t t h e r e

45、 a s o n b e h i n d t h e s t r i p e s a n d m a n y t h e o r i e s (理论)h a v e b e e n s u g g e s t e d.A c c o r d i n g t o a r e c e n t s t u d y,t h e t y p e o f s t r i p e s c h a n g e s d e p e n d i n g o n t h e t e m p e r a t u r ew h e r e z e b r a s l i v e.T h e w a r m e r t

46、h e p l a c e i s,t h e m o r e s t r i p e s t h e y m a y h a v e.F r o m t h i s s t u d y,s c i e n t i s t sb e l i e v e t h a t s t r i p e s m a y h e l p t o k e e p a z e b r a c o o l i n w a r m e r p l a c e s.A c c o r d i n g t o t h e c o o l e r t e m p e r a t u r e t h e o r y,w h

47、 e n a i r h i t s a z e b r a,t h e m o v e m e n t s o f a i r a r e s t r o n g e ra n d f a s t e r o v e r t h e b l a c k p a r t s a n d s l o w e r o v e r t h e w h i t e.T h i s i s b e c a u s e b l a c k c o l o r t a k e s i n m o r e h e a tt h a n w h i t e.S o a t t h e p o i n t w h

48、 e r e t h e b l a c k a n d w h i t e m e e t,t h e r e i s c o o l i n g a i r f l o w.I t c a n q u i c k l y c o o la z e b r a,s s k i n!I n f a c t,s c i e n t i s t s h a v e n o t i c e d t h a t h e a v i l y s t r i p e d z e b r a s h a v e 5.4 T l o w e r s k i nt e m p e r a t u r e t h

49、 a n o t h e r a n i m a l s w i t h o u t s t r i p e s i n t h e s a m e a r e a.S o m e s c i e n t i s t s b e l i e v e t h a t s t r i p e s m a y b e a n a d a p t a t i o n (适应)b y z e b r a s t o d e f e n d (防卫)t h e m s e l v e sf r o m t h e h o r s e f l i e s t h a t f o l l o w z e b

50、r a s.T h e c o o l e r t e m p e r a t u r e t h e o r y h o l d s i n o r i l h e r e t o o,s i n c ed i s e a s e-c a r r y i n g f l i e s l i k e h o r s e f l i e s 1 i k e i t h o t.F l i e s a l s o d o n t l i k e l a n d i n g o n s t r i p e d s u r f a c e s.T h e r e a l s o h a v e b e


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