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《全国卷2专用《金版新学案》2021高三英语一轮-高一-Units1测试卷2.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《全国卷2专用《金版新学案》2021高三英语一轮-高一-Units1测试卷2.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、智能检测(一)Good friends.单项填空1Will you go to the film tonight?It is supposed to be very good.Id love to,but if you dont,_.Anor do IBso do ICneither shall I Dso shall I2Five years ago,no one could imagine that the company was to hold such a great_in the world market.Ashare BtradeCmajority Dview3The Olympi

2、c torch was lighted on top of Mount Everest on May 8,_is one of the greatest events in the history of the Olympic Games.Athis BthatCwhich Dwhat4You have a new roommate._?He is honest,brave,smart and handsomein a word,I cant speak too highly of him.ADo you like him BWhat does he look likeCWhat is he

3、like DWhat does he like5Most people were still sleeping_the earthquake occurred,causing hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries.Abefore BwhenCsince Dwhile6Together with the local police,the villagers set out to_the woods for the lost child.Ahunt Bhunt forCsearch for Dresearch7_he could catch th

4、e early bus the next morning,Tom set the alarm clock half an hour earlier than usual before going to bed.ASo that BIn order thatCIn case DSo long as8Why do you look so tired?I_a report on how to ensure the safety of miners.Awriting Bhave been writingChave written Dhad written9He_an interest in Engli

5、sh with the help of his teacher.Adeveloped BplayedCmade Dshowed10I dont think its any use_with him.You might as well_him alone.Aarguing;leave Bto argue;leavingCarguing;leaving Dto argue;to leave11Although the little girl was_at home,she didnt feel_at all.Aalone;lonely Blonely;aloneCalone;alone Dlone

6、ly;lonely12Jack is_honest man and we all find it_pleasure working with him.Aa;/ Ban;/Ca;a Dan;a13Why do many people keep dogs as pets?Because they are our_friends and they never desert their masters.Aloyal BwiseCbrave Dhandsome14I dont believe what he says,for he is always_lies.Asaying BspeakingCtel

7、ling Dtalking15What about buying Joan a CD player as a birthday present?Thats great.She is so_music,you know.Ainto BaboutCwith Dover.完形填空(2021届昆明一中一模)Every morning,before dropping her son off at school,my friend would stop on the way to work to grab a quick breakfast.They tended to frequent the_1_re

8、staurant every morning grabbing an egg sandwich,juice,coffee for herself,milk for her son.One day she_2_an additional breakfast.When they had eaten and walked out of the door,she stopped and said good morning to a_3_man who was sitting alone outside the restaurant and_4_him the additional breakfast

9、she had bought.He_5_her,grinning,telling her it was the first meal he had in a great many days.She couldnt help but feel_6_and was glad she finally took action.She told her son that she had_7_him every day that week outside the restaurant and that no one,herself included,had_8_to offer him food,drin

10、k,comfort,etc.She further_9_that homelessness can happen to anyone and the importance of service to others and_10_acts of kindness were.And so_11_her kindness tradition.each day thereafter she and her son_12_to buy and supply the homeless gentleman with breakfast.The_13_was going on until they_14_se

11、veral years later but the lesson was_15_implanted (植入) in her son by then.She_16_as she told me that this kindness legacy_17_to her son,who remembered this childhood tradition and lesson.Now a college graduate and_18_employed,her son stops every day at Starbucks for his morning cup of coffee and pur

12、chases a_19_for a homeless person nearby before commuting to the_20_.What a great family legacy that he can pass along to his children as well. Bsame Ccrowded Dordinary2A.received Bdemanded Cexpected Dordered3A.strong BkindChomeless Dsick4A.handed Bbought Csupplied Dprovided5A.remembered BthankedCre

13、spected Dpaid6A.grateful Bsorry Canxious Dgood7.A.helped BseenCdisliked Dmissed8A.agreed Brefused Cstopped Dappeared9A.shouted BrepliedCargued Dexplained10A.what BwhichChow Dwhere11A.ended Bbegan Cmet Dpresented12A.hesitated BhurriedCcontinued Dneeded13A.moment BlifeCpractice Dperformance14A.moved a

14、way Bgot aroundCturned down Dbroke up15A.hardly BfirmlyChappily Dslightly16A.smiled Bcheered Csighed Dwondered17A.came BoccurredCwent Dbelonged18A.regularly BcarefullyCentirely Dgainfully19A.chance Btent Cshirt Dbreakfast20A.city BofficeChouse Dschool.阅读理解(2021届河北衡水中学期中测试)Forget counting sheep.Next

15、time you are having trouble going to sleep,try putting on a jazz CD.Researchers have shown just 45 minutes of relaxing music before bedtime can make for a restful night.The Taiwanese researchers studied the sleeping patterns of 60 elderly people with sleep problems.They told the Journal of Advanced

16、Nursing how the technique was easy to learn and lacked the side effects of other treatments.The study participants were either given a choice of music to listen to before going to sleep or nothing at all.The music group were able to choose from six tapes that featured soft,slow musicaround 6080 beat

17、s per minutesuch as jazz,folk or orchestral pieces.Listening to music caused physical changes that aided restful sleep,including a lower heart and respiratory (呼吸的) rate,the researchers found.The people in the music group reported a 35% improvement in their sleep,including better and longer nighttim

18、e sleep and less dysfunction (机能障碍) during the day.Lead author Professor HuiLing Lai,of the Buddhist TzuChi General Hospital and the University of Taiwan,said,“The music group reported a 26% overall improvement in the first week and this figure continued to rise as they mastered the technique of rel

19、axing into sedative (安静的) music.Professor Jim Horne,from the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University,said,“If anyone is a bit agitated before they go to bed,then anything that can help them calm down and relax is a good thing.“Some say making sure older people sleep less in the afternoon an

20、d get plenty of exposure to daylight can help them get a better nights sleep.1listening to music before going to sleep_.Ais better than other treatments to help you sleepBcan cure some diseases as well as sleeplessnessCis a necessary step for the elderDcan improve ones taste for music2Listening to m

21、usic has some help on the elder EXCEPT_.Asleep well Blower heart rateCincrease blood cycle Dlower breathe rate3The underlined word “agitated means “_Arelaxed BdisappointedCnervous Dsurprised4Judging by Professor HuiLing Lais words,we know_.Ahe has cured his sleeplessnessBit is not easy to master the

22、 technique of relaxing into sedative musicChe thinks much of music treatment for sleeplessnessDhe is worried about the spread of music treatment5Whats the best title for the passage?APeople will benefit from musicBThe relation between sleeplessness and musicCA research shocks the worldDListen to mus

23、ic to help you sleep.补全对话(2021届保定一中月考) Hello,Keith._1_It didnt go well at all,Im afraid.Why?What happened?Well,for one thing,I was five minutes late and I was scolded by the boss._2_In fact he is.He made me work hard all day._3_He had me sit at my desk the whole time.What about lunch?_4_Did he get y

24、ou to work overtime?No,we all left the office at five.Well,thats not too bad.What do the other people at the office think of the boss?_5_But if you work hard,Hes pretty easy to get along with.AHow did your first day at the office go?BThey say he is very strict with new employees.CHe wouldnt let me t

25、ake a coffee break.DHow about having a holiday?EHe only let me take half an hour off.FWe had a big dinner.GHe must be pretty strict.单项填空1C“neither/nor倒装表示“也不。if引导条件状语从句时,从句用一般现在时,主句要用将来时。2A句意为:五年前,谁也没想到那家公司会在国际市场上占有这么大的“份额(share)。3Cwhich在句中作关系代词,指代前面整个主句内容,引导非限制性定语从句。4C由答语可知,问句问的是“他是个什么样的人,所以选C项。注意:

26、选项D问的是“他喜欢什么。5Bwhen此处用做连词,表示“正在时突然。6A句意为:全村人和当地警察一起去森林里寻找失踪的孩子。注意:hunt/search后接寻找的范围;hunt for/search for后接寻找的目标和对象。7Bso that与in order that都可引导目的状语从句,但so that不能位于句首。8B此句中要用现在完成进行时表示一直进行的状态。9Adevelop逐渐产生、培养出来。10AIts no use/good后跟动词ing形式;另外,might as well还是的好,后跟动词原形。11A句意为:尽管小女孩单独一人在家,但是她一点也不感到孤独。12D句意为

27、:杰克很老实,和他一起工作我们感到很愉快。an honest man一个老实的人;a pleasure一件快乐的事。13A句意为:狗是人类“忠实的(loyal)朋友,从来不会离弃主人。14Ctell lies是习惯表达,意思是“说谎。15A句意为:给琼买个CD播放机作为生日礼物怎么样?太好了!你也知道,她可喜欢音乐了。be into意思是“喜欢,符合题意。.完形填空【语篇解读】有位母亲和她的儿子每天早晨去同一家餐厅吃早餐。从某天开始,母亲每天早晨都给餐厅外一个无家可归的男子买一份早餐。她的儿子继承了做善事的传统,大学毕业上班后,他每天早晨都给一个无家可归的人买早餐。1B上下文语境说明母子俩每天


29、善意的行为是什么。10A11B然后她家做善事的传统就开始了。12C她和她的儿子继续每天买早餐给这位无家可归的男子。13C此处practice指“通常的做法,惯例。14Amove away搬走。母子俩给男子买早餐的行为一直持续到他们搬走。15B帮助他人的好习惯牢牢地扎根于她儿子的心中。16A语境说明当时她应该是笑着讲述她家做好事的传统。17C她微笑着告诉我善意“遗产传给了她儿子。18Dgainfully employed被高薪聘用。现在她儿子大学毕业而且被高薪聘用了。19D她儿子继承了家庭传统,在上班前买一份早餐给一个无家可归的人。20Bcommute to the office上班。.阅读理解

30、【语篇解读】研究说明:听45分钟的放松音乐会让你轻松入睡。1A细节理解题。依据文章第一段以及第三段中的lacked the side effects of other treatments可以得出答案。2C细节理解题。依据文章第四段可知,睡前听音乐可以帮助入睡,降低心脏跳动和呼吸的频率,A、B、D三项都正确,因此选C。3C猜想词义题。依据语境可知,该词应和其后的calm down及relax相对应,因此选nervous紧张的。4C推理判断题。依据文章第六段可知,该教授认为听音乐对促进睡眠的作用非常大,因此选C。A选项文中没有提及;B选项和D选项与文章内容不符。5D主旨大意题。本文谈论的是听音乐能够使人轻松入睡,所以D项正确。.补全对话1A2.G3.C4.E5.B


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