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《全国卷1专用《金版新学案》2021高三英语一轮-高一-Units9测试卷2.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《全国卷1专用《金版新学案》2021高三英语一轮-高一-Units9测试卷2.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、智能检测智能检测(九九)TechnologyTechnology.单项填空1His words remind me_we did together during the past holidays.AthatBof thatCwhatDof what2Did you call Ben?He was on the Net the whole night._I wasnt able to get through.AIn caseBNow thatCOn conditionDNo wonder3(2021 年海淀模拟)These two reports of the accident disagre

2、e_a numberof points.AatBwithCtoDon4The doctor keeps_touch_telephone_his patients.Ain;with;withBin;by;withCon;by;withDon;with;by5We should make_a rule for us roommates to turn off the lights at 1000pm.AitBthatConeDall6The reason for his coming late is_his car_on the way.Athat;broke upBwhy;broke downC

3、why;broke upDthat;broke down7Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?Well,_.Well have to see if the weather is fine.Ait all dependsBit depends onCOKDI dont know8All his efforts were paid off.He_to win the election after all.Its too early to say he is_.There will be a long way beforehe_.Atried;success;

4、succeedBmanaged;a success;succeedsCsucceeded;successful;succeededDmanaged;successful;succeed9The twoweek trip to Europe cost the newlymarried couple about$2,000 morethan they_.Awill planBwould planChave plannedDhad planned10The firefighters were trying to put out the fire,but the strong windsmade_di

5、fficult to control the great fire.AthatBthisCitDone11Whoever litters in public will be fined 50yuanin order to improvecitizens_AfeatureBfunctionCbehaviourDappointment12“The match was boring to death,he said,_that he would ratherhave stayed at home watching TV.AaddingBaddedCfollowingDfollowed13 There

6、 are many books on show and you can choose whichever you like_yourown personal taste.Abecause ofBaccording toCthanks toDinstead of14 Withthehelpofsomenativevillagers,theforeignclimberssucceeded_the top of the mountain.AreachBfor reachingCto reachDin reaching15In London,people always take an umbrella

7、 with them_it rains.Aso thatBin caseCas ifDeven though.完形填空(2021 届南昌调研)Mary had her own special kind of joy,and she knew exactly how to spread itaround.She lifted children from_1_intolaughter,love,and belonging.Each timeshe found a new_2_for a child,she gavethe family one of her little homemadepaper

8、 roses.It had become a_3_for her,and the families didnt ever forget it.One evening,Mary was_4_a meetingforadoptiveparents.Oneofthe_5_fathers stood up to introducehimself.But before he spoke,he reachedinto his coat pocket and held up a_6_,red paper rose.“Twenty years ago today,I felt alone and_7_.I d

9、idnt know thetalents inside me or what was possible forme.1.A.povertyBlonelinessCmiseryDsuffering2A.homeBplaceCschoolDlife3A.gloryBfavorChabitDtradition4A.organizingBplanningChostingDattending5A.newBgratefulCkindDactive6A.brokenBfadedCtreasuredDdried7A.tastelessBpowerlessCpricelessDworthlessThenMary

10、_8_twowonderfulpeople into my life.They taught me whatit was like to feel_9_.They not onlylovedme_10_.Theyopenedaworldof_11_that I didnt know existed.Mynew parents told me,Reach for yourdreams!I did,and today Im_12_to begivingthatchancetoachildwho_13_just like me.My mother gave methislittlerose.Byno

11、w,allofyou_14_where she got it so long ago.Marysentmeanewrosejustyesterday.Andmynewrose_15_anewspring,a beautiful new_16_for my ownlittle girl.It_17_me to show her whatunconditional love is,and to teach herto reach for her own beautiful dreams.Thank you,Mary,for the speciallittle things like roses t

12、hat_18_ourlives together.And thank you for allectedBintroducedCbroughtDaccepted9A.lovedBprotectedCcaredDcheered10A.silentlyBcontinuouslyC unintentionallyD unconditionally11A.necessitiesBpossibilitiesCbeautiesDriches12A.eagerBwillingCproudDlucky13A.started outBcame upCturned outDgrew up14A.understand

13、BguessCtellDknow15A.replacesBsymbolizesCequalsDcreates16A.chanceBmysteryCchallengeDbeginning17A.remindsBhelpsCaccompaniesDdrives18A.fixBcloseyouve done for me and so many familiesover the years!One brief event can send our spiritssoaring or_19_us in quiet to ponder anew beginning._20_it is also the

14、verysmall things,like Marys roses,that tietogether the meaningful things.CtieDgather19A.causeBpushCputDleave20A.YetBBesidesCOtherwiseDTherefore.阅读理解(2021 届英语周报第 2 期,A)It was the hardest thing I ever had to do as a mother.But I knew I had to letmy daughter,my only child,go.In a few months,Sophie was

15、going to college.We had so much to be happy about,but I was nervous,too.I knew I had to do something to help myself through the summer.Sophie had a pack of Tshirts that she wouldnt wear and didnt want to getrid of,so I decided to make a quilt(被子)out of them for her bed at college.Itfocused my energy

16、,and also let me relive some memories.I tried to work on the quilt when Sophie wasnt homewhich turned out to beoften.She was very busy with her friends.Even when she was around,her door was shutmore than usual.I felt a bit hurt.After all,we didnt have much time together beforeshe went to college.I w

17、as already missing her,but she hadnt even left yet!The day finally came.When we arrived at the college,a wave of emotion sweptover me.I tried to hold it back,but Sophie saw it in my face.She took out a beautifulbook from her bag.“I made this for you,Mom,she said.Then I knew why she hadbeen staying b

18、ehind a closed door that summer.It was an album of photographsdocumenting the life of our family over the last 17 years.I broke into tears.Some of it was sadness at having to let her go,but therewas joy,too.I knew that our connection was more powerful than ever,and that wedalways be connected by the

19、 love that went into every stitch(针脚)of her quilt andevery photo in my album.When we helped Sophie settle in her dorm,I unfolded the quilt on her bed.Fora moment she was speechless.Then she threw her arms around me.“Mom,I love you,she said.One of her new friends was calling her outside.Sophie turned

20、,and I let hergo.1The author decided to make a quilt for her daughter to_.Amake her daughters bed comfortableBmake her daughter remember herCstore her daughters TshirtsDshift her attention and ease her anxiety2According to Paragraph 4,the author felt hurt because her daughter_.Awas not interested in

21、 what she was doingBhad little time for herCwas going to leave home for a long timeDdid not help her to make the quilt3How did the author feel when they arrived at the college?AShe was excited.BShe felt at ease.CShe was sorry to be leaving her daughter.DShe felt proud of her daughter.4Why did the au

22、thor finally let her daughter go?AShe realized that her daughter had to go to college by herself.BShe realized that the love between them would never be cut off.CSophies present made her forget her sorrow.DSophies new friends were calling her outside the dorm.答案:.单项填空1D由 remind sb.of sth.可知介词 of 后面跟

23、了一个由 what 引导的宾语从句,what作从句中谓语动词 did 的宾语。句意为:他的话使我想起了在过去的假期中我们在一起做的事情。2D考查短语用法。前三项分别表示“万一;“既然;“只要,均不符合题意。3D考查 disagree 的用法。disagree with sb.on/about sth.在某一方面同某人观点不一致。句意为:这两份有关事故的报告在许多点上说法都不一致。4B此题考查了两个词组,即 keep in touch with 与保持联系和 by telephone通过。因为 by telephone 插入 keep in touch with 之中,无疑给解答此题增加了不少难

24、度。5A考查代词用法。it 为形式宾语,后面的 for sb.to do sth.不定式复合结构为真正宾语。句意为:我们应该让我们同宿舍的人晚上 10 点关灯这件事成为制度。6D该题考查表语从句和固定短语。首先注意 reason 作主语时,表语从句应由 that引导,而非 why,可排除 B、C 两项。break up 拆散,打碎,分解等;break down 分解,坏掉,垮下来。句意为:他来晚的原因是车在路上坏了。7Ait all depends 那要看情况而定。8 B第一个空表示“成功地在选举中获胜,但不能填 succeed,因其句式为 succeeddoing,也不能填 try,因为 t

25、ry 只表努力,不表结果。故只能选 manage,它可指将某事做成。第二个空可填 successful,但不可填 success,因为在这里表示“一个成功的人,故应用 a success。最后一个空应用 succeeds,因为是在时间状语从句中,故用一般现在时表示将来。9D句意为:这对新婚夫妇为期两周欧洲行的花费比方案多了 2000 美元。plan 发生在 cost 之前,用过去完成时表示“过去的过去。10Cit 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语 to control the great fire。11C句意为:为了改善公民的行为标准,随地乱扔垃圾的人将被罚款 50 元。12Aadd

26、在句中表示“接着说,这里用的是动词ing 形式短语作状语,表示伴随情况。13B句意为:展出的书籍有很多,你可以“根据(according to)个人喜好选择你喜欢的书。14D在表示“做某事成功时,用 succeed in doing sth.。15B句意为:在伦敦,人们总是带把伞“以防(in case)下雨。in case 用做连词,引导目的状语从句,意为“免得,以防(万一),以备。.完形填空1B名词辨析。由下文主要人物的谈话可以看出,玛丽一直从事的事业就是为那些没有人爱的孩子找到新家,让他们拥有父母,获得爱和希望,也就是让他们摆脱孤独(loneliness),而不是 poverty 贫穷,m

27、isery 不幸,suffering 痛苦。2A名词辨析。由后面的 the family 以及下一段的 for adoptive parents(养父母)可以看出,她是在为无家可归的孤儿找一个新的家,所以应选 home。3D名词辨析。由语境可知,这些年来,玛丽每一次为孤儿找到一个新家的时候都要送给那家人一朵纸做的玫瑰花。所以要用 tradition,意思是“惯例,指因长久奉行而形成的习惯做法。glory 荣耀;favor 喜爱;habit 习惯,只用于表示个人习惯,强调习惯成自然。4C动词辨析。由语境可知,这里指的是她正在主持(host)一个想收养孩子的父母参加的会议。干扰项 attend 一

28、般指参加会议,通常不在组织会议中发挥作用。5A形容词辨析。这是为孤儿找新家的会议,这些父母都刚刚收养了孩子,因此应选new(新的)。6B形容词辨析。由第四段段末的 so long ago 可知,应选 faded 褪色的,(花)凋谢了的。语境为:他把手伸进衣兜,拿出了一朵褪色的红色的纸玫瑰花。7D形容词辨析。worthless 意为“没有价值的,没有用的。由下文的“I didntknow the talents inside me可知,他当时流浪街头,认为自己没用,认识不到自己的价值。priceless 意为“无价的,贵重的,与表达的意思正好相反;powerless 无力的;tasteless

29、没味道的。8C动词辨析。语境为:然后玛丽把两个好人带进了(bring.into)我的生活。也就是说,他当年也是一个孤儿,是玛丽为他找到了养父母。注意 introduce 和 into 连用,表示引进,而不是介绍。9A动词辨析。由下文的 They not only loved me.可知。10D副词辨析。由上文的“wonderful people可以看出,他的养父母对他的爱应是无条件的(unconditionally)。silently 沉默地;continuously 持续地;unintentionally非成心地,非存心地。11B 名词辨析。由第二段的“I didnt know.what w

30、as possible for me可以推出,这里要表达的意思是:我的养父母用鼓励我的方式(“Reach for your dreams)带我进入了一个我以前不知道但已存在的潜力无穷的世界。possibilities 开展前途,潜在价值。12C形容词辨析。由上文的描述可以看出,他认为收养一个孩子,用无条件的爱鼓励他成为一个有价值的人是很伟大的,所以得到这个时机他感到很自豪(proud)。13A动词短语辨析。a child who started out(开始)just like me 意思是:开始和我一样的(是个没人疼爱的)孤儿。come up 出现;turn out 结果是;grow up

31、长大,都不符合语境。14D动词辨析。语境为:大家都知道(know)了很久以前,我妈妈是从哪里得到这朵玫瑰花的。15 B动词辨析。作者认为玛丽送给他的这朵玫瑰花象征着(symbolize)一个新的春天,自己收养的一个小女孩的新生活的开端(beginning),因为当年自己就是这样开始了美好生活的。16D名词辨析。17A动词辨析。remind sb.to do sth.使某人想起。前文提到,我的养父母给了我无条件的爱,这朵玫瑰花提醒我要和他们一样给我收养的小女孩提供无条件的爱。18C动词辨析。tie.together 把连接在一起。语境为:玛丽,谢谢您,因为您送的玫瑰花把我们的生活连接在了一起。文

32、章最后一句也有暗示。19D动词辨析。leave sb.in quiet 使某人处于安静状态。20A连词辨析。该句和上文是转折关系,所以要用 yet,意思是“可是,却,然而。语境为:一件简单的事情可以使我们的精神飞扬或使我们安静下来考虑一个新的开端。然而像玛丽的玫瑰花一样的小东西,也可以把有意义的东西连接在一起。.阅读理解【语篇解读】作者通过自己女儿离家上大学的故事告诉我们,有时候父母要学会放手。1D细节理解题。作者在第二段指出,女儿要上大学了,她既快乐又紧张,需要找些事情做来度过这个夏天,由此可知,作者是为了转移注意力、排除担忧才做被子的,应选 D项。2B细节理解题。根据文章第四段的内容可知,让作者感到伤心的是 Sophie 马上就要离开家了,母女俩在一起的时间所剩无几,但女儿却很少和自己交流,要么出去和朋友们在一起,要么把自己关在屋子里,应选 B 项。3C细节理解题。根据第五段第一句可知,送女儿到学校时,作者因为舍不得离开她而难过,因此选 C 项。4B细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段的内容可知,作者意识到她和女儿之间的感情将她们紧紧连接在一起,这是最坚韧的,空间的别离并不能将之割断,所以作者释怀了,应选 B 项。


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