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《标准大学英语第一册Languageinuseu.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《标准大学英语第一册Languageinuseu.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Language in Use1 Rewrite the sentences(giving extra information)2 Rewrite the sentences(leaving out words)3 Form new words(word formation)4 Answer the questions5 Translate the sentences into Chinese6 Translate the sentences into English1 Rewrite the sentences.1 The restaurant was in a French seaside

2、 resort by the Atlantic Ocean.You get excellent seafood from the Atlantic Ocean.2 My father had decided to take me for lunch to a restaurant.He wanted me to try my first oyster.Language in UseThe restaurant was in a French seaside resort by the Atlantic Ocean,where you get excellent seafood.My fathe

3、r,who wanted me to try my first oyster,had decided to take me for lunch to a restaurant.3 The oyster was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since.It was slippery.4 Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree,Theobroma cacao.Theobroma cacao means“food of the gods”.Language in UseThe

4、oyster,which was slippery,was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since.Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree,Theobroma cacao,which means“food of the gods”.5 The worlds best-selling type of chocolate,milk chocolate,didnt appear until the end of the 19th century.Milk chocolate i

5、s sweeter and smoother than dark chocolate.6 Daniel Peter perfected the process of making milk chocolate.He was Swiss.Language in UseThe worlds best-selling type of chocolate,milk chocolate,which is sweeter and smoother than dark chocolate,didnt appear until the end of the 19th century.Daniel Peter,

6、who was Swiss,perfected the process of making milk chocolate.2 Rewrite the sentences.1.and the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood,crabs,prawns,lobsters and all sorts of shellfish which were clinging onto each other.2 On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws,and along

7、side was a battery of implements which were used to crack the shells.Language in Use.and the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood,crabs,prawns,lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other.On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws,and alongside was a batt

8、ery of implements used to crack the shells.3 The next development was learning how to get cocoa butter from the beans,a process which was first tried in 1825.4 Condensed milk is a thick,sweet milk which is sold in cans.5 Hormones are a chemical substance which is produced by your body.Language in Us

9、eThe next development was learning how to get cocoa butter from the beans,a process first tried in 1825.Condensed milk is a thick,sweet milk sold in cans.Hormones are a chemical substance produced by your body.3 Form new words with the following words and the prefixes/suffixes in the table.air carfi

10、ction helpsea shopsmoker spoonstop workLanguage in Useairsick carsicknon-fiction helpfulseasickshopaholicnon-smokerspoonfulnon-stop workaholic4 Answer the questions with the words you formed in Activity 3.Whats the word for:1 how you feel if the sea makes you ill?2 someone who likes shopping a lot?3

11、 what something is if it is useful and providing help?4 what a flight is if it goes directly from one place to another?5 someone who doesnt smoke?6 writing which is about real people and events,not imaginary ones?Language in Useseasickshopaholichelpfulnon-stopnon-smokernon-fiction5 Translate the sen

12、tences into Chinese.1 Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea.It looked as gloomy as I felt.2“Now,stop complaining,try one oyster for me,then you can have something nice and easy to eat,maybe some prawns with bread and butter,”he suggested,striking a note of compromise

13、for the first time during the whole meal.Language in Use外 面,天 空 灰 蒙 蒙 的,海 面 上 刮 来 一 阵 强 风。天 气 看 起 来 和我的心情一样阴郁。“好啦,别抱怨了,就给我尝一只牡蛎,然后你就可以吃些好吃、顺口的东西,比如对虾加黄油面包。”他提议说。吃了这么长时间的饭,他的话中第一次有了妥协的意思。3 But with the clear conception which only a ten year-old boy can have,I still understood that the compromise incl

14、uded eating that oyster,sitting on the side of my fathers plate.Language in Use但 是,尽 管 清 晰 地 感 觉 到 了 他 的 妥 协 只 有 一 个 十 岁 的 男孩 才 有 这 样 的 感 觉,我 仍 然 明 白 这 妥 协 包 含 着 吃 掉 那 只 牡 蛎,那只放在我父亲的盘子边上的牡蛎。4 The chocolate sets into bars which will easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth.5 But what accoun

15、ts for its amazing popularity or even the properties that have made millions of people confess to being chocaholics?Language in Use(添加了可可油后)巧克力凝固成易折断的条块,入口即化。但 是,是 什 么 原 因 使 得 巧 克 力 出 奇 地 畅 销?又 是 什 么 原 因 导致了巧克力的上瘾特性,使无数人承认自己是巧克力迷呢?6 Translate the sentences into English.1 他们这儿不卖薯条,如果你想吃,得去肯德基或麦当劳。(se

16、rve)2 他拣起一个核桃,想用锤子把它砸开,可没想到却把它砸碎了。(crack;crush)Language in UseThey dont serve chips/French fries here.If you want them,you have to go to a KFC or McDonalds.He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer,but instead he crushed it.3 当金子加热融化后,他们把金水倒进模子,铸成金条。(melt;mould)4 他承认是他打破了教室的窗玻璃。(admi

17、t to)5 令 我 们 欣 喜 的 是,新 的 经 济 计 划 开 始 对 经 济 发 展 产 生 积 极 影响。(have effect on)Language in UseWhen the gold was heated and melted,they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar.He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom.To our delight,the new economic policy is beginning to have a positive effect on the economy.


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