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《牛津版中考英语阅读理解实战演练4.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津版中考英语阅读理解实战演练4.pdf(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Section V 人物事件篇Passage 42Bill Clinton took office(就职)on January 20,1993 and became the 42nd U.S.President(总统).He isthe first U.S.president who was born after World War II.He is also one of the youngest of all U.S.presidents.Clinton was born in a poor family.Three months before he was bom,his father,

2、William Blats,died.When he was small,his mother remarried(再婚)Norger Clinton,so the boy*s family name was changed.In the summer of 1963,Clinton was asked to visit the city of Washington.During his visit,he metPresident Kennedy in the White House.At that time,he wanted to become a president,and now he

3、 is!1.Clinton became the 42nd U.S.president when he was.A.thirty B.about forty C.forty-seven D.37years old2.Clintons father di ed.A.after 1946 B.before Clinton was born C.before World War II D.when Clinton was young3.Why was the boy*s name changed?A.Because he became a president B.Because his family

4、 was very poorC.Because his father was dead D.Because his mother remarried Norger Clinton4.In 1963 Clinton came to the city of Washington_.A.to take part in an exam B.for his holidays C.for a visit D.to have a meeting with Kennedy5.Which one of the following is Not right?A.Everybody can visit the pr

5、esident in the White HouseB.All the U.S.presidents work in the White HorseC.Clinton wanted to become a president after he saw President KennedyD.The White House is in the city of WashingtonPassage 43EVERYTHING has two sides.One side of SARS is already clear.It is a deadly disease,whichcauses fear.Th

6、ere were 2,601 cases(病例)recorded on the Chinese mainland on April 24,according togovernment report.115 people have died and numbers keep rising.But,there is another side.SARS is a reminder(提醒)of how fragile life can be.Suddenly,ifs not just the old people who arethinking about death.Everyone now rea

7、lizes there might not always be a tomorrow.Wang Xinying,a student in Taiyuan,Shanxi Province came into contact(M)with a suspected(疑似)SARS patient in mid-April.He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks.Watching TV aboutmore and more SARS patients dying,I never knew that death could be so clo

8、se.Life is valuable(珍贵的)and Im going to treasure(珍惜)every single day,he said.SARS teaches people to be grateful,both for their own lives and for others.Doctors and nurses,forexample,have to spend all their time with infected(被)感染的)patients.As a result,more than one fifth ofSARS cases in China are me

9、dical workers.Xu Bing,a student of Beijing No.5 Middle School wants to be a doctor in the future.Although theycertainly know the dangers,doctors and nurses kept working hard on saving peoples lives.Tm deeplymoved by what they have done.I think they are real heroes.”he said.SARS also teaches sympathy

10、(同情).The past few weeks have been terrible for Chinese people.Butthere are far worse things than SARS in this world,such as war,earthquakes and robberies.Think of theIraqis,who have been living terrible lives for 20 years.Think of how the Americans felt on 9.11.And finally,SARS offers the chances to

11、 grow.All different kinds of people and the governments arejoining together to work in this difficult time.When this passes,China and its people will have learnedgreat lessons.I.What does Everyone now realizes there might not always be a tomorrow mean?It means life is easy to and we must our life.2.

12、How long was Wang Xinying told to stay at home?He was told to stay at home for about a.3.Why can medical workers be easily infected?Because they have to be with infected patients and.4.What do we learn in the difficult time?We learn nothing is difficult if we.Passage 44Marco Polo was born in Venice

13、in 1254.He was the most famous westerner to visit Asia during themiddle Ages.He wrote a book about his travels.In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard.Many people read the book but few believed what Marco Polo said.He spoke of strange people andplaces that nobody knew about at that time

14、.As a young man,Marco Polo decided to travel together with his father.It took them more than threeyears to travel to China.He became the Chinese emperors friend.He learned the Chinese languagewhen he traveled around and talked to many people.Before he reached the age of thirty he was made aChinese o

15、fficial.After nearly seventeen years in the east,Marco and his father prepared to return home.When theyfinally arrived in Venice,their family and friends were surprised to see them again.They had been awayfor almost 25years.1.What made Marco Polo famous during the middle Ages?A.His travel to America

16、.B.His travel in the west.C.His travel in Asia.D.His visit to Venice.2.What did Marco Polo write about in his book?A.How he traveled to China with his father.B.Something too difficult for people to understand.C.Some strange people and places D.Something that had been known to people for many years.3

17、.Marco Polo worked as a Chinese official in.A.1254 B.1284 C.1271 D.12794.Which of the following is the right order during Marcos travel?a.traveled with his father b.was made a Chinese officialc.wrote a book about his travel d.became Chinese emperors friende.returned to VeniceA.c-a-d-b-e B.c-a-b-d-e

18、C.a-b-d-e-c D.a-d-b-e-cPassage 45Typhoons(台仪I)in the northern part of the world have girls1 names.Sometimes they have verybeautiful names.Rose is a pretty name but there was nothing pretty about Typhoon Rose.It was theworst typhoon to hit Hong Kong in ten years.It began to rain in the morning of Mon

19、day,August 16th,1971.At ten oclock in the morning,TyphoonRose was still 130 miles away but already the wind was blowing peoples umbrella away.The windbecame stronger and stronger.The typhoon shelters(避以l港)were soon full of boats.Ships that weretoo big to go inside the shelters put down more anchors(

20、锚).Some very big shops went out to sea.It issafer for a big shop to be at sea in a typhoon because it cannot be blown onto rocks.Kai Tak Airportclosed.No planes were able to take off or land.At 9:00 in the evening,all the lights went out.No one slept well that night.It is difficult to sleep in such

21、bad weather.In Typhoon Rose,more than one hundred people died.229 people were hurt and 66 of these had togo to hospital.1500 lost their homes.The people of Hong Kong will not quickly forget Typhoon Rose!I.Whafs true according to the passage?A.Typhoons all over the world have girls names.B.Typhoons w

22、ith pretty names are usually beautiful.C.Typhoon Rose only hit Hong Kong.D.For ten years,people in Hong Kong havent seen a worse typhoon than Typhoon Rose.2.Whafs the possible result of Typhoon Rose?A.Lots of big shops were blown onto rocks.B.More than two hundred people lost their lives and many mo

23、re lost their homes.C.People didnt sleep well in such bad weather.D.People turned off the lights at 9:00 in the evening.3.The people of Hong Kong will not quickly forget Typhoon Rose because.A.it caused the terrible losses B.they didn*t sleep well that nightC.Typhoon Rose wasnt as pretty as its name

24、D.they couldnl find their ships after the typhoon4.Some big shops didnt go inside the shelters b e c a u s e.A.they had more anchors B.it is safer outsideC.they were out at sea and they werent fast enough to reach the shelterswhen Typhoon Rose cameD.it was too expensive for big shops to go inside th

25、e shelters5.This passage is mainly about.A.the names of typhoons B.typhoons in Hong King C.Typhoon Rose D.the typhoonsPassage 46There was once a man called Mr.Flowers,and flowers were his only joy in life.He spent all his freetime in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every color,with

26、long and difficult names,forcompetitions(比赛).He tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup(银杯)for the Rose of theYear.Mr.Flowers glass-houses were very near to a middle school.Boys of around thirteen of age wereoften tempted(弓I 诱)to throw a stone or two at one of Mr.Flowers*glass-hous

27、es.So Mr.Flowers did hisbest to be in or near his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times.Mr.Flowers had tried in many ways toprotect his glass,but nothing that he had done had been useful.He had been to school to report to

28、 theheadmaster;but this had not done any good.He had tried to drive away the boys that threw stones intohis garden;but the boys could run faster than he could,and they laughed at him from far away.He hadeven picked up all the stones that he could find around his garden,so that the boys would have no

29、thingto throw;but they soon found others.At last Mr.Flowers had a good idea.He put up a large notice(布告)made of good,strong wood,some meters away from the glass-houses.On it he had written the words:DO NOT THROW STONESAT THIS NOTICE.After this,Mr.Flowers had no further trouble;the boys were much mor

30、e tempted tothrow stones at the notice than at the glass-houses.1.lt was Mr.Flowers,hope to.A.build glass-houses in his free time B.grow the Rose of the Year in a silver cupC.win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new colorD.grow a rose with the longest name2.Boys were often tempted to.A.throw sto

31、nes at Mr.Flowers glass-house B.throw stones at Mr.Flowers from their schoolC.be in or near by Mr.Flowers*glass-houses D.play with Mr.Flowers near his glass-houses3.Mr.Flowers stayed in or near by his g la s s-h o u s e s.A.at times when school-boys were walking near themB.all the school day when th

32、ere were no boys aboutC.where he could not be seen by the boys passingD.in his free time at the beginning and end of the school day4.Mr.Flowers had tried to to protect his glass.A.be on watch in his free time B.ask the headmaster for helpC.pick up all the stones around his garden D.do all the above5

33、.Mr.Flowers1 good idea was to.A.write some words on the glass B.put up a large notice to cover his glass-housesC.give the boys something else to throw stones at D.send for policemenPassage 47People often say,Children cant do math problem,ifs because parents cant do their childrenshomework.Here*s an

34、example to show what I mean.The other day my daughter brought home her math homework.Ml have to subtract(减)179 from202,M she said.“Its quite easy/11 said.uYou put the 202 over the 179.”But we need a 10 here.Where is the 10?Ml dont know where the 10 is.Lefs just subtract 179 from 202.Nine from two is

35、 three.You carry oneand add it to seven.Eight from zero is two.The answer is 23.“We can*t do it that way.We have to use the 10.”Well,Im going to call your teacher to see how she subtracts 179 from 202.”Over the telephone,I said that I was having a bit of trouble with the homework she had given to my

36、daughter.The teacher said,Mln the right-hand column(栏)we have units of one.The two in that columncounts for two ones.The zero in the center counts for zero tens.The two in the left-hand column countsfor hundreds.Are you clear?But I didnt think I was clear.I hung up and found my way to the medicine b

37、ox.My head was now hurting.I started putting pills ofmedicine into my mouth.How many did you take?”my wife asked.u took one and then I took another.!know one and one was two,but don*t ask me what it is now.”I.The daughter wanted the other day.A.to give her father a lesson B.to show how difficult mat

38、h wasC.her father to phone her teacher D.her father to help her with her homework2.Which of the following sentences is not true?A.The father had a different way to do the math problem.B.The father couldnt do his daughters homework.C.The daughter couldnt understand her fathers way.D.The daughter had

39、some trouble doing the math problem.3.From what the teacher said,we know that the word“units”means here.A.whole numbers less than 10 B.whole thingsC.groups of lessons D.the smallest numbers4.What the teacher said made the f at her.A.angry B.worried C.sad D.tired5.Can you guess what would happen next

40、 in the story?A.The father would go to school and begin to learn math.B.The father would become very ill and have to take more medicine.C.The father would never do his daughters math problems again.D.The father would go to the school and fight with the teacher.Passage 48Almost everyone likes dogs,an

41、d almost everyone likes to read about dogs.I have a friend.He has abig police dog with the name Jack.Police dogs are very clever.Every Sunday afternoon my friend takesJack for a long walk in the park.Jack likes these long walks very much.One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend.He st

42、ayed a long time.He talked andtalked.Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk.But the visitor still stayed.Jack becamemuch worried.He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor andlooked at him.But the visitor paid no attention。主意)to Jack.He went on

43、talking.At last Jack got angry.He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later.He sat down again in front of the visitor,butthis time he took the visitors cap in his mouth.1.The young visitor stayed a long time in my friends house,didnt he?A.Yes,he was.B.Yes,he did.C.No,he wasnt.D.No,he di

44、dnt.2.Jack became worried b e c a u s e.A.he wanted to go out for a walk B.he wanted to play with himC.he didnt know the young man D.he wanted to eat something3.Jack sat down in front of the visitor because he w a n t e d.A.the visitor to talk with him B.to join the talkC.to show the visitor how cle

45、ver he was D.the visitor to leave the house soon4.The visitor went on talking and.A.he paid no attention to his cap B.he didnt like JackC.he didnt know that his cap was taken away by Jack D.he paid no attention to Jack5.At last Jack took in his mouth.A.food B.nothing C.the visitors cap D.the visitor

46、s bagPassage 49Watson won his most important game and became Southern Chess Master in 1977.He wasgiven the silver cup.*lt isnt rightly mine/t he said,when he was holding the cup.”“It was won two years ago when I wason holiday in”A family was staying at my hotel at that time.Mrs.Prig,the mother,was t

47、old that I played chess;and she begged me to give her young son a game.Hes only ten.1 she said,1*ve been told that he playsquite well.,Well,as you can guess,I wasnt too happy.A player likes the opponent(对手)to play as well as hedoes.But it was holiday time and I agreed to play.We placed the board(棋盘)

48、in the garden.The gamebegan.I hoped it would be quick-and so it was.Mlsoon knew that David Prig was no learner.After ten minutes his sister came outside and began toplay tennis against a wall.The boy seemed to lose interest in our game.He moved a piece(棋子)withoutcare.I gave my attention to the board

49、.“Call me when you are ready,Mr.Watson,n he said.When I was ready?I looked up.He had gone off to play with his sister.I studied the board,andfound I was driven into corner.So it went on with David:a quick move,then tennis,back to the board,then back to his sister.My difficult condition became imposs

50、ible to change.I was beaten.Oh,so easily,by a ten-year-old chess player.He was the winnerin twenty-eight minutes.“David Prig,a name to remember.I had a chance to use his game today,and it won this cup for me.To him,of course,it is only one of a hundred,or perhaps a thousand,winning games.”1.When Mr.


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