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1、外贸商务信函标准范文外贸商务信函标准范文 第1篇 We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997. You will see that there have been number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Out range of washing machines has been completely revampe

2、d. Many popular lines, however, have been retained unchanged. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole .Ws have been affected like everyone else and some price increases havebeen unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board, In many cases, there i

3、s a small price increase, but in others, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continueto be first class. We look forward to receiving your orders. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第2篇 I enclose an illustrated supplement t

4、our catalogue. It covers the latest designs, which are now available from stock. We are most gratified that you have, for several yeas. Include a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady. We believe that you will find our new designs most att

5、ractive. They should get a very good reception in your market. Once you have had time to study the supplement, please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection. For your information, we are planning a range of classi

6、cal English dinner services that should do well in the North American market. We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you. 随函寄奉配有插图的商品名目附页,介绍最新设计的产品。贵公司的邮购名目多年来收录本公司产品,产品销售成果理想,特此致以深切谢意。最新设计的产品巧夺天工,定能吸引顾客选购。烦请参阅上述附页,需查看样本,请赐复,本公司情愿效劳。 本公司现正设计一系列款式古典的英国餐具,适合北美市场需求。如

7、感爱好,亦请赐知。 愿进一步加强联系,并候复音。 外贸商务信函标准范文 第3篇 Dear Sirs: June 24, 2001 Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid un

8、til Sep. 20. Please advise us by fax when the order has been executed. Sincerely 外贸商务信函标准范文 第4篇 We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems. We are now in our fifty year of operation, and we receive many letters like your indicat

9、ing a high level of customer satisfaction with our installation. We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that it you need to contact us at any time in the future. Our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance. If we can be

10、of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第5篇 I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited of the prospect ofexpanding our trade. As agreed, We will meet of our office in

11、 bond street at Monday 20 March. I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend , please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasu

12、re to our meeting. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第6篇 Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids. We would like to invite you to visit our booth, next months London Toy Fair, at Earls court , which starts

13、on 2 October. If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours please call me. I can then arrange for our sensor staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第7篇 Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses. We regret to s

14、ay that we do not manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards: Swan Textiles corporation The industrial zone Shekou We supply the factor with all their silk materials, I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination. Should you desire any of these sample

15、s made up into finished products , we can supply the swan factory with them. We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第8篇 Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month. I have

16、 had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account .We know we made a mistake on your last order . Although we replaced it for you. we want to make sure it does not happen again. We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of you

17、r future order. It includes your firms particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe can service your company better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard. Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.

18、 外贸商务信函标准范文 第9篇 At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there, I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He

19、 attributed his own companys success to your excellent distribution network that has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in all subjects .Our patented Matrix math apparatus is

20、particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reacti

21、ons to the material. I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第10篇 Thank you for your enquity of 25 are always pleased to hear from a valued regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical info

22、rmation regarding our software security fact is,that most of our competitors also keep such information private and sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any there is any other way in which we can help. do not hesitte to contact us again. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第11篇 I would like to confirm our

23、appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited of the prospect of expanding our trade. As agreed, we will meet of our office in Bond Street at Monday 20 March. I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend, pleas

24、e phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure to our meeting. 次合作至令,产品款式变化极大。除了有迎合欧洲人口味的款式这外,亦有特地为中东市场而设计的产品。现奉上配有插图的商品名目供 初步参考。职需查看样本,还望赐知。 外贸商务信函标准范文 第12篇 Thank you for you

25、r letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are to pleased with the refurbishment of your hotel. As your know .in our line of work, we depend on good ,reports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves

26、. With your permission, we would like to use your hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry . Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you? It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel . W

27、e would , of course , stay overnight at ll call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words. 外贸商务信函标准范文 第13篇 1.什么是商务书信? 商务书信就是公司写给其他公司、客户、顾客或合作伙伴的信件,其使用的语言比一般伴侣之间的书信语言要正式,并以商业流程或商业交易等为主要内容。 2.什么时候需要写商务书信? 你会用商务书信与顾客、客户、商业伙伴和其他公司进行沟通。有些商务书信是“公司写给公司”,有些则是不同公司个人之间的书信往来。商务书信的格式,

28、与学术写作或创意写作不同。通常一家公司会就全部的内部文件和通信,接受一种固定的格式。假如你的公司已经有固定的格式,那就依据公司的格式。 3.信的长度超过一页时,如何支配格式? 假如信的内容比较长,会超过一页,那就换一张纸连续打下去,但是不要加入信头,而是用空白、纸质好的白纸。至于其次页的格式要怎么支配,有几种不同的做法,但是你至少都要在页面顶端写上收件人的姓名、页数和日期,有些人还会加上参考文号或主旨。你可以把全部这些信息都靠左对齐,或是把姓名靠左对齐,页数打在中央,日期则靠右,然后空三行,连续信的内容。 4. 商务书信的格式(1) :齐头式 齐头式(block style)是一种简便的商务书

29、信格式,在齐头式中,文件或信中的每个部分都从左边界起头。不同的部分比如说不同的段落或地址则以空行的方式隔开。齐头式很简洁,因此特殊受欢迎。其主要格式如下: 段落齐头:在齐头式中,文件或信中的每个部分都从左边界起头。 不同的段落之间要空行:不同的部分(比如说不同的段落,或商务书信中的地址),则以空行的方式隔开 (1) 寄信人地址和收件人的地址之间:空三行 (2) 称呼与信件正文的第一段之间:空一行 (3) 信件正文的段落之间:空一行 (4) 大小标题与随后的段落之间:不空行 5. 商务书信的格式(2):改良齐头式 改良齐头式(modified block style)结合了缩排式与齐头式的特点,

30、它看起来跟缩排式很像,而最大的不同,就是在改良齐头式中:段落首行齐头,新段落与左边界齐头(flush left)。寄件人地址、日期、结尾敬辞和签名都缩排,如同缩排式。改良齐头式就跟齐头式一样,版面看起来清晰整齐,它是商务书信经常使用的格式。 6.商务书信的格式(3):缩排式 缩排式(indented style)比其他通用的商务书信格式略微简洁一些。缩排式是比较老式的商务书信格式,所以很多人都生疏这种格式。在缩排式里,每个段落的首行要缩排,信件中某些其他部分也要缩排。有些人觉得缩排式是商务书信最传统的格式,但是也有些人觉得这种格式过时了。有些人觉得缩排式在页面上看起来不是那么清晰,有时候要把缩

31、排的地方上下对齐也不是那么简洁,而其他的格式应用起来通常比较简洁。现在大家更宠爱接受其他新的格式,但是很多商务人士还是习惯使用缩排式。在商务书信中,缩排式的意思就是要缩排,要缩排的部分包括: 1) 段落的第一行 2) 寄件人地址(return address) 3) 寄件日期(date) 4) 结尾敬辞(complimentary close) 5) 签名(signature) 接受缩排式时,最重要的就是要前后全都,缩排最少要六格,要缩更多格也可以只要每个段落缩排的距离都一样。对于商务书信中的其他要素也一样,重要的原则是缩排的距离一样,彼此上下对齐。 段落的第一行要缩排 每个段落的首行都缩排,

32、与正文的左边界距离 厘米左右;这是最常见的缩排距离,但是大于 厘米的缩排也有人用。不同的公司对于怎么缩排、缩排多少可能有不同的习惯。关键就是要前后全都,也就是每段缩排的距离都一样。要把段落缩排有几种可行的做法: 可以按几次空格键 可以按一次tab 键 也可以利用段落格式设定的功能 通常你会用 enter 键在段落之间多空一行,但是接受缩排式的商务书信,也可能在段落之间不空行。不过最重要的原则照旧是要前后全都。 商务书信中的其他部分缩排 商务书信接受缩排式时,还有其他的部分也要缩排:寄件人地址、日期、结尾敬辞、签名。这些部分的缩排方式,应当从页面的右半边起头,统一从页面中线略微往右的地方起头。

33、外贸商务信函标准范文 第14篇 Dear Sirs: , 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the . Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Truly11


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