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《【中英文对照版】出国留学经费管理办法(2022修订).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【中英文对照版】出国留学经费管理办法(2022修订).docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、财政部、教育部关于印发 出国留学经费管理办法 的通知(财教2022) 190 号)党中央有关部门,国务院有 关部委、有关直属机构,各 省、自治区、直辖市、计划 单列市财政厅(局)、教育 厅(教委、教育局),新疆 生产建设兵团财政局、教育 局,国家留学基金管理委员 会,教育部留学服务中心:关于印发出国留学经费管理办法的通知(2022修订)Notice by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education of Issuing theMeasures for the Management of Funds for Study Abroad

2、 (2022 Revision)制定机关:财政部教育部发文字号:财教2022190号公布日期:2022. 10. 19施行日期:2022. 10. 19效力位阶:部门规范性文件法规类别:出国留学与回国工作教育经费与财务Issuing Authority :Ministry of Finance Ministry of EducationDocument Number : No. 190 2022 of the Ministry of FinanceDate Issued : 10-19-2022Effective Date : 10-19-2022Level of Authority : De

3、partmental Regulatory DocumentsArea of Law : Study Abroad and Return China to Work Educational Funding and FinanceNotice by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education of Issuing the Measures for the Management of Funds for Study Abroad (No. 190 2022 of the Ministry of Finance)The relevant

4、 departments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) the relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council and the relevant institutions directly under the State Council; the finance departments (bureaus) and education departments (commissions or bureaus) of all provinc

5、es, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning; the Finance Bureau and the Education Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; China Scholarship Council and Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange:学人员奖学金资助标准的,

6、奖学金全部归留学人员;低 于留学人员奖学金资助标准 的,由国家提供部分补贴。对于中外合作项目,若合作 双方对资助内容和标准另有 协议的,按协议规定办理。除上述规定外,教育部、留 学基金委、留服中心及教育 部委托机构不得擅自扩大支 出范围或提高资助标准。第十四条优秀自费留 学生奖学金标准由教育部商 财政部确定。第十五条出国留学经 费应当按照国库集中支付制 度规定拨付。涉及政府采购 范围的,应当按照政府采购 有关规定执行。第十六条出国留学经 费预算一经批复,应当严格 执行,一般不予调整。确需 调整的,按规定程序报批。第十七条留学基金than the funding standard of scho

7、larship for a person studying abroad, all the scholarship shall belong to the said person; or if the scholarship provided by the other party is lower than the funding standard of scholarship for a person studying abroad, the state shall provide partial subsidies.With respect to Sino-foreign cooperat

8、ion programs, if both parties to cooperation otherwise agree on the funding contents and standards, the provisions of the agreement shall apply.In addition to the aforesaid provisions, the Ministry of Education, the CSC, the CSCSE, and institutions entrusted by the Ministry of Education shall not ex

9、pand the scope of expenditure or raise the funding standards without approval.Article 14 The standards of scholarship for excellent students studying abroad at their own expense shall be determined by the Ministry of Education in consultation with the Ministry of Finance.Article 15 The funds for stu

10、dy abroad shall be appropriated in accordance with the provisions on the centralized payment system of the State Treasury. If the scope of government procurement is involved, the provisions on government procurement shall apply.Article 16 Once approved, the budget of funds for study abroad shall be

11、implemented strictly and shall generally not be adjusted. If it is indeed necessary to make adjustments, a report shall be submitted for approval according to the prescribed procedures.Article 17 The CSC, the CSCSE, and institutions entrusted by the Ministry of Education shallstrengthen the control

12、and management of budget implementation, analyze the implementation of budgets on a periodical basis, and submit reports on the use of funds for study abroad in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education, and the reports shall be truthful, accu

13、rate, timely, and complete.Article 18 At the end of a year, the CSC, the CSCSE, and institutions entrusted by the Ministry of Education shall prepare final accounts of funds for study abroad, include them in the entities* final accounts, submit them to the Ministry of Education for summary and exami

14、nation, and be responsible for the standardization, veracity, accuracy, and integrity of final accounts. The Ministry of Education shall be responsible for examining and summarizing the funds for study abroad, which shall be included in the annual departmental final accounts of the Ministry of Educa

15、tion and shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance for examination, approval, and reply as required.委、留服中心及教育部委托 机构应加强预算执行的控制 和管理,定期分析预算执行 情况,按照财政部、教育部 有关要求,报送出国留学经 费使用报告,报告应当真 实、准确、及时、完整。第十八条年度终了, 留学基金委、留服中心及教 育部委托机构应编制出国留 学经费决算,纳入单位决 算,报送教育部汇总审核, 并对决算的规范性、真实 性、准确性、完整性负责。 教育部负责审核汇总出国留 学经费情况,纳入教

16、育部年 度部门决算,按要求报送财 政部审核批复。第十九条出国留学经 费年度结转、结余资金按照 国家有关结转和结余资金规 定管理。Article 19 The annual carryover and surplus funds of the funds for study abroad shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the state on carryover and surplus funds.Chapter IV SupervisionPerformance Management and第四章 绩效管理与监督第二

17、十条教育部按照 全面实施预算绩效管理有关 要求,加强出国留学经费绩 效管理,做好全过程绩效管 理,科学设置绩效目标和指 标,组织开展绩效运行监控 和绩效评价,加强绩效评价Article 20 The Ministry of Education shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements for comprehensive budget performance management, strengthen the performance management of funds for study abroad, conduct whol

18、e-process performance management, scientifically set performance objectives and indicators, organize结果应用。财政部根据工作 需要开展重点绩效评价,绩 效评价结果作为安排预算、 完善政策和改进管理的重要 依据。performance operation monitoring and performance evaluation, and strengthen the application of performance evaluation results. The Ministry of Fi

19、nance shall conduct key performance evaluation according to work needs, and the performance evaluation results shall be taken as an important basis for making budgets, improving policies, and improving management.第二十一条留学基金 委、留服中心及教育部委托 机构应当建立科学、合理的 经费监督管理机制,严格遵 守财务相关制度,接受财 政、教育、审计等部门的监 督检查。单位负责人对出国

20、留学经费收支的真实性、合 法性、完整性负责,财务人 员应当对出国留学经费依法 进行会计核算和监督。Article 21 The CSC, the CSCSE, and institutions entrusted by the Ministry of Education shall establish a scientific and reasonable fund supervision and management mechanism, strictly abide by the relevant financial rules, and accept the supervision an

21、d inspection of financial, education, audit, and other departments. The person in charge of an entity shall be responsible for the veracity, legality, and integrity of the receipts and expenditures for study abroad. The financial staff shall, in accordance with the law, conduct accounting and superv

22、ision of the funds for study abroad.第二十二条财政部、 教育部及其工作人员在项目 资金分配使用、审核管理等 相关工作中,存在违反规定 安排资金或其他滥用职权、 玩忽职守、徇私舞弊等违法 违规行为的,依法追究相关 责任。Article 22 Where the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, or any of its staff members abuses power, neglects duty, practices favoritism or makes falsification, or

23、 commits any other violation of law or regulation in the distribution and use of program funds, examination and management, or any other relevant work, it or he shall be held liable in accordance with the law.留学基金委、留服中心及教 育部委托机构、个人在资金 申报、使用或管理过程中存 在违法违规行为的,依照 中华人民共和国预算法及其实施条例、财政违法 行为处罚处分条例等国家Where t

24、he CSC, the CSCSE, or any institution or individual entrusted by the Ministry of Education commits any violation of law or regulation in the process of fund declaration, use3 or management, it or he shall be held liable in accordance with the Budget Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the regul

25、ation on its implementation, the Regulationon the Penalties and Disciplinary Actions against 有关规定追究相应责任。 Illegal Fiscal Conduct, and other relevant provisionsissued by the state.第五章附则第二十三条因国家公 派出国留学人员违约,退回 或追缴的中央财政拨款及产 生的利息,纳入出国留学经 费管理,交回零余额账户, 作冲减当年预算支出处理。Chapter V Supplemental ProvisionsArticle 23

26、 Where any person studying abroad as sponsored by the state violates the contract, the appropriations from the Central Treasury returned or recovered and the interest accrued therefrom shall be managed as funds for study abroad and be returned to the zero-balance account to offset the budgetary expe

27、nditure of the current year.对教育部、留学基金委取得 的与出国留学相关的捐赠收 入、合作收入、其他收入等 资金,由教育部纳入部门预 算统一管理。Funds such as donation income, cooperation income, and other income related to study abroad that are obtained by the Ministry of Education or the CSC shall be included in the departmental budget for unified managem

28、ent by the Ministry of Education.第二十四条本办法由 财政部、教育部负责解释。Article 24 These Measures shall be subject to interpretation by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education.第二十五条本办法自 印发之日起施行。财政部 教育部关于印发出国留学 经费管理办法 的通知(财教2013) 411号)同 时废止。Article 25 These Measures shall come into force on the date of

29、issuance, upon which the Notice by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education of Issuing the Measures for the Management of Funds for Study Abroad (No. 411 2013, MOF) shall be repealed.为了规范出国留学经费管 理,提高资金使用效益,推 动出国留学事业发展,根据 中华人民共和国预算法及其实施条例等有关规定, 我们对财政部 教育部关于 印发出国留学经费管理办 法 的通知(财教(2013) 411

30、号)进行了修 订。现将修订后的出国留 学经费管理办法印发你 们,请遵照执行。Annex: Measures for the Management of Study AbroadMinistry of FinanceMinistry of EducationOctober 19, 2022AnnexFunds for附件:出国留学经费管理办 法财政部教育部2022年10月19日附件Measures for the Management of Funds for Study Abroad出国留学经费管理办法Chapter I General Provisions第一章总则Article 1 The

31、se Measures are developed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state on budget management for the purposes of regulating the management and use of funds for study abroad, enhancing the efficiency of the use of第一条为规范出国留 学经费管理和使用,提高资 金使用效益,推动出国留学 事业发展,根据国家预算管The Notice by the Ministry of

32、 Finance and the Ministry of Education of Issuing the Measures for the Management of Funds for Study Abroad (No. 411 2013, MOF) are revised in accordance with the Budget Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the regulation on its implementation, and other relevant provisions for the purposes of r

33、egulating the management of funds for study abroad, enhancing the fund use efficiency, and promoting the development of the undertaking of study abroad. The revised Measures for the Management of Funds for Study Abroad are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation.理有关法律法规,制定本办 法。fu

34、nds, and promoting the development of the undertaking of study abroad.第二条本办法所称 “出国留学经费”,是指中 央财政安排用于资助国家公 派出国留学人员赴国外学 习、进修、访问、交流,奖 励优秀自费出国留学人员的 经费。Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “funds for study abroad” means the funds allocated by the Central Treasury for funding the personnel studyin

35、g abroad as sponsored by the state for study, further study, visit, or exchange abroad and for awarding excellent personnel studying abroad at their own expense.第三条本办法所称 “国家公派出国留学人 员”,是指根据留学项目要 求,通过专家评审,公平公 正择优选拔的赴国外学习、 进修、访问、交流的人员。第二章职责分工Article 3 For the purposes of these Measures, personnel study

36、ing abroad as sponsored by the state” means the personnel who are selected on a fair and impartial basis by expert review on the basis of the requirements of the study abroad program for study, further study, visit, or exchange abroad.第四条财政部负责审 核教育部报送的出国留学经 费预算编制建议,会同教育 部确定出国留学经费支出范 围、资助标准和留学项目类 别,核

37、定年度预算,对经费 使用进行监督,组织开展绩 效管理工作等。Chapter II Division of DutiesArticle 4 The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for examining the budget proposals of the funds for study abroad submitted by the Ministry of Education, and shall, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, determine the scope of

38、expenditures, funding standards, and category of the study abroad program, approve the annual budget, supervise the use of funds, and organize performance management, among others.第五条教育部负责编 制出国留学经费年度预算、 组织项目实施,并具体进行 监督、绩效管理工作,会同 财政部制定年度选派计划。Article 5 The Ministry of Education shall be responsible fo

39、r preparing the annual budgets of funds for study abroad, organizing the implementation of programs, specifically conducting supervision and performance management, and making annual selection plans in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance.第六条国家留学基金 管理委员会(以下简称留学 基金委)负责提出下一年度 选派计划建议,包括年度留 学项目、留学人员

40、规模、留 学人员结构等。在年度选派 计划范围内,公平公正择优 选拔国家公派出国留学人 员,并负责国家公派出国留 学人员管理。Article 6 The China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as the “CSC”)shall be responsible for giving recommendations on the selection plan for the next year, including annual study abroad programs and the size and structure of pe

41、rsonnel studying abroad, among others. It shall fairly and justly select the personnel to study abroad as sponsored by the state within the scope of the annual selection plan and be responsible for the management of the personnel studying abroad as sponsored by the state.第七条教育部留学服 务中心(以下简称留服中 心)及教育部

42、委托机构负责 国家公派留学人员的派出服 务工作,包括组织国家公派 出国留学人员行前培训L订 购国际机票,办理护照签 证、出境证明、报到证明、 奖学金退款等。Article 7 The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the “CSCSE) and institutions entrusted by the Ministry of Education shall be responsible for providing services for personnel studying

43、 abroad as sponsored by the state, including organizing predeparture training for such personnel, purchasing international air tickets, handling passports and visas, exit certificates, registration certificates, and scholarship refunds, among others.第三章预算和决算管理Chapter III Management of Budgets and Fi

44、nal Accounts第八条出国留学经费 预算编制依据包括:Article 8 The basis for making the budget for study abroad includes:(一)国家公派出国留学事 业发展需要和国家财力情 况;(1) the development needs and financial resources of the state for the undertaking of study abroad as sponsored by the state;(二)政府互换项目、国际 组织人才培养项目等情况;(2) government exchange

45、programs and talent cultivation programs of international organizations, among others;(三)预计的年度资助人数 和各项资助标准;(3) the estimated number of people funded each year and each funding standard;(四)以前年度出国留学经 费结转和结余情况;(五)汇率情况;(4) the carryover and surplus of funds for study abroad in previous years;(六)绩效评价结果。(

46、5) exchange rate; and(6) performance evaluation results.第九条出国留学经费 资助对象主要包括高级研究 学者、访问学者、博士后、 博士生、硕士生、本科生、 赴国际组织实习人员。第十条出国留学经费 的支出范围包括:Article 9 The recipients of funds for study abroad mainly include senior research scholars, visiting scholars, post-doctoral scholars, doctoral students, master studen

47、ts, undergraduates, and interns in international organizations.Article 10 The expenditures of funds for study abroad include:(一)学费或研修费,是指 用于资助符合条件的国家公 派出国留学人员,向国外留 学机构或单位支付的学费、 研修费等。(1) “Tuition fees or further study fees” means the tuition fees or further study fees, among others, paid to overseas

48、study institutions or entities for funding the qualified personnel studying abroad as sponsored by the state.(二)奖学金,是指用于资 助符合条件的国家公派出国 留学人员,在国外学习期间 的基本学习生活费用,包括 生活费、注册费、医疗保险 费、书籍资料费、板凳费、 签证延长费等。(三)艰苦地区补贴,是指(2) “Scholarship” means the basic study and living expenses for supporting qualified personnel studying abroad as sponsored by the state during their study abroad, including living expenses, registration fees, medical insurance fees, fees for books and materials, bench fees, and visa extension fees, among others.(3) Subsidies for study in regions where conditions用于发放给赴条件艰苦国家 (地区)的国家


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