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《【中英文对照版】有机产品认证管理办法(2022修订).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【中英文对照版】有机产品认证管理办法(2022修订).docx(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、有机产品认证管理办法(2022修订)Measures for the Administration of OrganicProduct Certification (2022 Revision)制定机关:国家市场监督管理总局发文字号:国家市场监督管理总局令第61号公布日期:2022. 09. 29施行日期:2022. 11.01效力位阶:部门规章法规类别:认证认可综合规定Issuing Authority :State Administration fbr Market RegulationDocument Number : Order No. 61 of the State Administ

2、ration for Market RegulationDate Issued : 09-29-2022Effective Date : 11-01-2022Level of Authority : Departmental RulesArea of Law : General Provisions on Certification and AccreditationMeasures for the Administration of Organic Product Certification有机产品认证管理办法(Issued by the Order No. 155 of the Gener

3、al Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on November 15, 2013; revised for the first time in accordance with the Order No. 166 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on August 25, 2015; and revised for the second time in accordance

4、with the Order No. 61 of the State Administration for Market Regulation on September 29, 2022)(2013年11月15日国家质量 监督检验检疫总局令第155号公 布根据2015年8月25日国家 质量监督检验检疫总局令第166 号第一次修订 根据2022年9月 29日国家市场监督管理总局令 第61号第二次修订)Chapter I General Provisions第一章总则Article 1 In order to protect the lawful rights and interests of c

5、onsumers, producers and sellers,第一条为了维护消费者、 生产者和销售者合法权益,进一Regulation is responsible for determining the basic format and numbering rules of the organic product certification document as well as the pattern and numbering rules of the certification mark.管理总局负责制定有机产品认证 证书的基本格式、编号规则和认 证标志的式样、编号规则。Articl

6、e 25 A certification document is valid for第二十五条 认证证书有效one year.期为 1 年。Article 26 A certification document shall contain:第二十六条认证证书应当 包括以下内容:(1) the name and address of the certification client;(一)认证委托人的名称、地 址;(2) the producer or processor of the certified product, and the name and address of its prod

7、uction place (base);(二)获证产品的生产者、加工 者以及产地(基地)的名称、地 址;(3) the quantity, area of the production place (base) and type of the certified product;(4) the type of certification;(5) the national standards or technical norms based on which the certification is made; and(6) the name of the certification agenc

8、y, the signature of the person in charge, the date of issuance, and the period of validity.Article 27 Where a certified product falls under any of the following circumstances within the valid period of its certification document, the certification client shall apply to the certification(三)获证产品的数量、产地

9、(基地)面积和产品种类;(四)认证类别;(五)依据的国家标准或者技术 规范;(六)认证机构名称及其负责人 签字、发证日期、有效期。第二十七条获证产品在认 证证书有效期内,有下列情形之 一的,认证委托人应当在15日内向认证机构申请变更。认证机 构应当自收到认证证书变更申请 之日起30日内,对认证证书进 行变更:(一)认证委托人或者有机产品 生产、加工单位名称或者法人性 质发生变更的;(二)产品种类和数量减少的;(三)其他需要变更认证证书的 情形。第二十八条有下列情形之 一的,认证机构应当在30日内 注销认证证书,并对外公布:(一)认证证书有效期届满,未 申请延续使用的;(三)获证产品的认证委托人

10、申 请注销的;(四)其他需要注销认证证书的 情形。第二十九条有下列情形之 一的,认证机构应当在15日内agency for modification within 15 days. The certification agency shall, within 30 days upon receipt of the application for modification of certification document, modify the certification document:(1) Change in the name or corporate status of the ce

11、rtification client or the producer or processor of the organic product.(2) Decrease in the type or quantity of the product.(3) Any other circumstances under which the certification document need to be modified.Article 28 Under any of the following circumstances, a certification agency shall cancel a

12、 certification document within 30 days and announce it to the public:(1) No renewal application is made upon the expiration of the valid period of the certification document.(2) The production of the certified product ceases. (二)获证产品不再生产的;(3) The certification client of the certified product applies

13、 for cancellation.(4) Any other circumstances under which the certification document need to be cancelled.Article 29 Under any of the following circumstances, a certification agency shall, within暂停认证证书,认证证书暂停期 为1至3个月,并对外公布:15 days, suspend a certification document for one to three months and announc

14、e it to the public:(一)未按照规定使用认证证书 或者认证标志的;(1) The certification document or certification mark is not used as required.(二)获证产品的生产、加工、 销售等活动或者管理体系不符合 认证要求,且经认证机构评估在 暂停期限内能够采取有效纠正或 者纠正措施的;(2) The production, processing, sale or management system of the certified product does not conform to the certifi

15、cation requirements, and it is assessed by the certification agency that effective corrective measures or corrective measures could be taken within the period of suspension.(三)其他需要暂停认证证书的 情形。(3) Any other circumstances under which the effectiveness of the certification document need to be suspended.

16、第三十条有下列情形之一 的,认证机构应当在7日内撤销 认证证书,并对外公布:Article 30 Under any of the following circumstances, a certification agency shall revoke a certification document within seven days, and announce it to the public:(一)获证产品质量不符合国家 相关法规、标准强制要求或者被 检出有机产品国家标准禁用物质 的;(1) The quality of the certified product fails to co

17、nform to the compulsory requirements of the relevant regulations or standards of the state, or the inspection result shows that the product contains any substance prohibited by the national standards for organic products.(二)获证产品生产、加工活动 中使用了有机产品国家标准禁用 物质或者受到禁用物质污染的;(三)获证产品的认证委托人虚(2) Any substance pro

18、hibited by the national standards for organic products has been used in the production or processing of the certified product, or the certified product is contaminated by such substance.(3) The certification client of the certified product报、瞒报获证所需信息的;has reported any false information or concealed a

19、ny information necessary for certification.(四)获证产品的认证委托人超 范围使用认证标志的;(4) The certification client of the certified product uses the certification mark beyond the approved scope.(五)获证产品的产地(基地) 环境质量不符合认证要求的;(5) The environmental quality of the production place (base) of the certified product fails to c

20、onform to the certification requirements.(六)获证产品的生产、加工、 销售等活动或者管理体系不符合 认证要求,且在认证证书暂停期 间,未采取有效纠正或者纠正措 施的;(6) The production, processing, sale or management system of the certified product does not conform to the certification requirements, and no effective corrective measures or corrective measures a

21、re taken during the period of suspension of the certification document.(七)获证产品在认证证书标明 的生产、加工场所外进行了再次 加工、分装、分割的;(7) The certified product has been reprocessed, subpackaged or partitioned outside the production or processing place indicated in the certification document.(八)获证产品的认证委托人对 相关方重大投诉且确有问题未能 采

22、取有效处理措施的;(8) The certification client of the certified product fails to take effective measures to handle major complaints made by the relevant parties or the confirmed problems.(九)获证产品的认证委托人从 事有机产品认证活动因违反国家 农产品、食品安全管理相关法律 法规,受到相关行政处罚的;(9) The certification client of the certified product is subject

23、 to any administrative punishment for violating any state law or regulation on the safety administration of agricultural products or foods when engaged in organic product certification.(十)获证产品的认证委托人拒 不接受市场监督管理部门或者认 证机构对其实施监督的;(10) The certification client of the certified product refuses to accept t

24、he supervision of the market regulatory department or the certification agency.(十一)其他需要撤销认证证书 的情形。(11) Any other circumstances under which the certification document need to be revoked.第三十一条有机产品认证 标志为中国有机产品认证标志。中国有机产品认证标志标有中文 “中国有机产品”字样和英文 “ORGANIC”字样。图案如下:Article 31 The organic product certificatio

25、n mark is the organic product certification mark of China.The organic product certification mark of China contains 中 国有机 产品 in Chinese and “ORGANIC” in English. Its pattern is as follows:第三十二条中国有机产品 认证标志应当在认证证书限定的 产品类别、范围和数量内使用。Article 32 The organic product certification mark of China shall be used

26、 only for the type, scope and quantity of products as specified in the relevant certification documents.认证机构应当按照国家市场监督 管理总局统一的编号规则,对每 枚认证标志进行唯一编号(以下 简称有机码),并采取有效防 伪、追溯技术,确保发放的每枚 认证标志能够溯源到其对应的认 证证书和获证产品及其生产、加 工单位。Certification agencies shall assign a unique number to each certification mark (hereinaf

27、ter referred to as “organic code)according to the unified numbering rules of the State Administration for Market Regulation, and take effective anti-counterfeit and tracking technologies to ensure that each certification mark granted is traceable to the corresponding certification document, certifie

28、d product and the producer or processor thereof.第三十三条获证产品的认 证委托人应当在获证产品或者产 品的最小销售包装上,加施中国 有机产品认证标志、有机码和认 证机构名称。Article 33 The certification client of a certified product shall affix the organic product certification mark of China, the organic code and the name of the certification agency to the cert

29、ified product or the smallest sales package thereof.获证产品标签、说明书及广告宣 传等材料上可以印制中国有机产 品认证标志,并可以按照比例放The organic product certification mark of China could be printed on the label, description and advertising or publicity materials of the certified product and could be magnified or shrunk大或者缩小,但不得变形、变 色。p

30、roportionally, but may not be deformed or discolored.第三十四条有下列情形之 一的,任何单位和个人不得在产 品、产品最小销售包装及其标签 上标注含有“有机”、“ORGANIC”等字样且可能误导 公众认为该产品为有机产品的文 字表述和图案:Article 34 Under any of the following circumstances, no entity or individual may label such characters as 有机 or “ORGANIC” on a product or the smallest sale

31、s package or tag thereof, or label any expression or pattern that may mislead the public into regarding the product as an organic product:(一)未获得有机产品认证的;(1) The product has not been certified as organic.(二)获证产品在认证证书标明 的生产、加工场所外进行了再次 加工、分装、分割的。(2) The product has been reprocessed, subpackaged or parti

32、tioned outside the production or processing place indicated in the certification document.第三十五条认证证书暂停 期间,获证产品的认证委托人应 当暂停使用认证证书和认证标 志;认证证书注销、撤销后,认 证委托人应当向认证机构交回认 证证书和未使用的认证标志。Article 35 During the period of suspension of a certification document, the certification client of the certified product shal

33、l stop using the certification document and the certification mark for the time being; where a certification document is canceled or revoked, a certification client shall surrender the certification document and the unused certification mark to the certification第五章监督管理agency.Chapter V Supervision an

34、d Administration第三十六条国家市场监督 管理总局对有机产品认证活动组 织实施监督检查和不定期的专项 监督检查。Article 36 The State Administration for Market Regulation shall conduct supervisory inspection and unscheduled special-purpose supervisory inspection on organic product certification activities.第三十七条县级以上地方 市场监督管理部门应当依法对所 辖区域的有机产品认证活动进行 监

35、督检查,查处获证有机产品生 产、加工、销售活动中的违法行 为。Article 37 The local market regulatory department at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the law, conduct supervision and inspection of organic product certification activities within its jurisdiction, and investigate and punish illegal acts in the prod

36、uction, processing, and sale of certified organic products.第三十八条县级以上地方 市场监督管理部门的监督检查的 方式包括:Article 38 The supervisory inspection modes of the local market regulatory departments at or above the county level include:(一)对有机产品认证活动是否 符合本办法和有机产品认证实施 规则规定的监督检查;(1) supervisory inspection on whether organic

37、 product certification activities conform to these Measures and the organic product certification implementation rules;(二)对获证产品的监督抽查;(2) supervision and random inspection on certified products;(三)对获证产品认证、生产、 加工、进口、销售单位的监督检 查;(3) supervision and inspection on entities certifying, producing, processin

38、g, importing and selling certified products;(四)对有机产品认证证书、认 证标志的监督检查;(4) supervision and inspection on organic product certification documents and marks;(五)对有机产品认证咨询活动 是否符合相关规定的监督检查;(5) supervision and inspection on whether organic product certification consulting activities conform to the relevant p

39、rovisions;(六)对有机产品认证和认证咨 询活动举报的调查处理;(七)对违法行为的依法查处。(6) investigation and handling of tip-offs about organic product certification activities and certification consulting activities; and(7) investigation and punishment of illegal acts.第三十九条国家市场监督 管理总局通过信息系统,定期公 布有机产品认证动态信息。Article 39 The State Adminis

40、tration for Market Regulation shall disclose the dynamic information about organic product certification through the information system on a regular basis.认证机构在出具认证证书之前, 应当按要求及时向信息系统报送 有机产品认证相关信息,并获取 认证证书编号。Before issuing a certification document, a certification agency shall timely file the relevan

41、t information about organic product certification through the information system and obtain a serial number for the certification document.认证机构在发放认证标志之前, 应当将认证标志、有机码的相关 信息上传到信息系统。Before granting a certification mark, a certification agency shall upload the relevant information about the certificatio

42、n mark and the organic code to the information system.县级以上地方市场监督管理部门 通过信息系统,根据认证机构报 送和上传的认证相关信息,对所 辖区域内开展的有机产品认证活 动进行监督检查。第四十条获证产品的认证 委托人以及有机产品销售单位和 个人,在产品生产、加工、包 装、贮藏、运输和销售等过程 中,应当建立完善的产品质量安 全追溯体系和生产、加工、销售 记录档案制度。The local market regulatory departments at or above the county level shall, through th

43、e information system, oversee and inspect the organic product certification activities conducted within their respective jurisdictions based on the relevant certification information filed or uploaded by certification agencies.Article 40 The certification clients of certified products and entities a

44、nd individuals selling organic products shall establish sound product quality and safety traceability systems and producing, processing and sales records and archives systems in the production, processing, packaging, storage, transport and sale of products.第四十一条有机产品销售 单位和个人在采购、贮藏、运 输、销售有机产品的活动中,应 当符

45、合有机产品国家标准的规Article 41 In the course of purchasing, storing, transporting and selling organic products, entities and individuals selling organic products shall conform to the national standards for organic products, ensure the type, scope and quantity of定,保证销售的有机产品类别、 范围和数量与销售证中的产品类 别、范围和数量一致,并能够提 供与

46、正本内容一致的认证证书和 有机产品销售证的复印件,以备 相关行政监管部门或者消费者查 询。organic products sold by them are consistent with those indicated in the relevant sales certificates, and be able to provide photocopies of certification documents and organic product sales certificates which are identical with the originals for future re

47、ference by the relevant administrative regulatory authorities or consumers.第四十二条市场监督管理 部门可以根据国家有关部门发布 的动植物疫情、环境污染风险预 警等信息,以及监督检查、消费 者投诉举报、媒体反映等情况, 及时发布关于有机产品认证区 域、获证产品及其认证委托人、 认证机构的认证风险预警信息, 并采取相关应对措施。Article 42 Market regulatory departments may, based on information released by the relevant authori

48、ties of the state regarding prevalent epidemic animal or plant diseases or environmental pollution warnings, supervisory inspection results, complains and tip-offs made by consumers, and media reports, timely release certification warning information about certification areas, certified products and the certification clients and certification agencies thereof, and take corresponding countermeasures.第四十三条获证产品的认 证委托人提供虚假信息、违规使 用禁用物质、超范围使用有机认 证标志,或者出现产品质量安全 重大事故的,认证机构5年内不 得受理该企业及其生产基地、加 工场所的有机产品认证委托。Article 43 Where the certification client of a certified product prov


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