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1、优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 麒麟区三中 2011-2012学年下学期期中测试 八年级 英语(考试时间:120 分钟 全卷满分:120 分)题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 评卷人 第一部分 听力(共四节,满分 30 分)第一节 听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)()1.A B C()2.A B C()3.A B C()4.A B C()5.A B C 第二节 听句子,选出与句子内容相符的正确答语。(共 5 分)()6.A.Ill help them cook.B.Ok,I will.C.I cant

2、 find it.()7.A.Yes,we do.B.No,we cant.C.No,we arent.()8.A.Its expensive.B.Its white.C.Its made of wood.()9.A.Five thousand dolls.B.About eighty thousand.C.About nine thousand kilometers.()10.A.In the living room.B.At five oclock.C.My father.第三节 听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项(共 10 分)听第一段对话,回答第 11-12小题。()11.What di

3、d the boy think of the new movie?A.Boring.B.Really good.C.Not so good.()12.When will Lana see the movie?A.Sunday.B.Saturday.C.Tomorrow.听第二段对话,回答第 13-14小题.()13.What was the matter with Jack?A.He lost his money.B.He failed the exam.C.He was sick.()14.What will make us healthier according(根据)to the gir

4、l?A.Eating healthy food.B.Being in a good mood.(情绪)C.Doing more exercise.听第三段对话,回答第 15-17小题.()15.What does the woman look like?A.Heavy.B.High.C.Healthy.()16.How often does the woman play tennis?A.Hardly ever B.Once a week.C.Once a year.()17.What doesnt the woman eat?A.Junk food.B.Fruit C.Vegetables.

5、听第四段对话,回答第 18-20小题.()18.When did Miss Green go to Jodies home?A.Yesterday morning.B.Yesterday afternoon.C.Yesterday evening.()19.What was Jodies mother doing when Miss Green arrived?A.She was watching TV.B.She was cleaning the room.C.She was cooking dinner.()20.What subject does Miss Green teach?A.M

6、ath.B.Spanish.C.Science.优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 第四节 听对话,完成下列信息表格。对话听两遍。(共 10 分)Information card Bettys problem Feels a little 21 .Has a 22 test tomorrow afternoon.Cant remember im portant 23 .Franks advice Have a good 24 .Study tomorrow 25 .()21.A.nervous B.excited C.unhappy()22.A.math B.history C.English()23.A

7、.dates B.things C.persons()24.A.grade B.time C.rest()25.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening 第二部分 基础知识应用(35 分)第一节 选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项(5 分)()26.The robot can do the most unpleasant jobs over and over again.A.again and again B.times and times C.come over D.times again()27.Ming will be a reporter in ten years

8、.A.ten years ago B.ten years later C.ten years from now on D.for ten years()28.Mr.Li called me up yesterday evening.A.gave him a call B.rang me up C.call me D.gave me a ticket()29.Im very upset because my clothes are out of style.A.out of my mind B.fashionable C.not trendy D.in style()30.His great i

9、dea pays off at last.A new factory is built in his town.A.is successful B.is crazy C.is impossible D.is boring 第二节 单项选择题(15 分)()31.Allen,11-year-old girl,is doing homework.A.a B.an C.the D.不填()32.My friend English so she often helps my with my project.A.do well in B.does well in C.does well at D.be

10、good at()33.Five years ago,I in primary school,in five years,I in college.A.was;is B.is;will be C.will be;will be D.was;will be ()34.There more trees in the future.A.is going to be B.are going to be C.is going to have D.are going to have()35.Will there be more pollution?.A.Yes,they will.B.Yes,they w

11、ont.C.No,there wont.D.No,they wont.()36.Last year,I went to Shanghai and .A.fell in love B.fell in love with it C.fall in love with it D.falled in love with it()37.the future can be difficult.A.Predicting B.Predicted C.Predictting D.To predicted()38.Scientists agree may take hundreds of years to mak

12、e robots look like people.A.this B.that C.it D.what()39.Everyone in my class went to Liaokuo Park Helen.A.but B.except C.with D.by ()40.I my homework at home,what should I do?A.leave B.left C.put D.away()41.You cant your seat during the flying,its dangerous.A.get off B.get into C.got out of D.get ou

13、t of()42.He was watching TV his son was doing homework.A.while B.when C.during D.after()43.Listening is just as speaking in language learning.A.important B.more important C.most important D.the most important()44.What you at 8 oclock l ast Sunday morning.I music.A.was doing;was listening to B.were d

14、oing;were listening to C.were doing;was listening D.were doing;was listening to ()45.My flight to New York from Beijing Inter national Airport.A.got out of B.took off C.landed D.turned off()46.Yang Lei said she could her students eyes to the outside world.题的正确选项共分第一节听句子选出与句子内容相关的图画并将所选答四段对话回答第小题优秀学习

15、资料欢迎下载第四节听对话完成下列信息分根据短文内容判断句子正误第三部分阅读理解分优秀学习资料欢迎下优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 A.open up B.open C.get up D.get over()47.Lana told me she tomorrow.A.will return B.would return C.is going to return D.were going to return()48.Mary was supposed sorry to Ben.A.to saying B.saying C.to say D.said()49.My best friend Xiao Li

16、asked me he could copy my homework.A.if B.when C.that D.which()50.My mother wanted to know .A.where was I going B.when I would return C.when would I return D.when did I return 第三节 完形填空(10 分)I have a problem.Yesterday afternoon I argued _51_my best friend,Kim.And he was very angry.I thought about it

17、for a long time last _52_.Now I know I was _53_at that time,But I dont know _ 54_I should do.My mother thinks I _55_go to see Kim and tell him I was wrong.My father thinks I should _56_Kim and say _57_to him.And my brother _58_I should call:“Teen talk”,the radio advice program.My sister tells _ 59_I

18、 should call up my teacher for _60_.Can you tell me what I should do?()51.A.with B.of C.at D.for ()52.A morning B.noon C.afternoon D.night ()53.A.right B.wrong C.kind D.good ()54.A.how B.why C.what D.where()55.A.will B.should C.must D.need ()56.A.call B.to call C.calling D.called ()57.A.hello B.morn

19、ing C.sorry D.afternoon ()58.A.say B.says C.saying D.to say ()59.A.I B.my C.him D.me ()60.A.advice B.money C.homework D.study 第三部分 阅读理解(30 分)A Yang Lei,a Peking University graduate,come from Beijing.As a volunteer,she went to a high school in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province.She taught ther

20、e for one year.Life in the mountain was a new experience for Yang Lei.Her village was 2000 meters above sea level,and at first the thin air made her feel sick.The food was very simple,teachers ate porridge there times a day.Most of the students live in the school dormitories.They work hard.They get

21、up at 5 am and read books until 11 p.m.They love having the volunteer teachers and Yang Lei also thought there was no difference between the teachers and the students.Not all the students can go to senior high school or college because families are very poor.Yang Lei felt sorry about this,but she th

22、ought she could open up the students eyes to the outside world and gave them a good start in life.Yang Lei enjoyed the time as a volunteer,she thought she would return after finishing her studies.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)()61.Yang Lei went to Tibet as a volunteer.()62.Life in the mountains may be very dif

23、ficult.()63.All the students can go to college.()64.The students there study very hard.()65.Yang Lei didnt return until she finished her studies.B This is Teen Talk 109.1 FM ()66.Who is 15 years old?A.Lilly.B.Martin.C.Mary.D.We dont know.()67.Whats Martins problem?A.His English is not good.B.He is t

24、oo busy.This is Martin speaking.I am a fifteen-year-old boy.My father is not with us.Im afraid of being alone,so I am always trying to make my mother pay more attention to me by causing a lot of trouble to her.This is Lily.My biggest problem is my English.I think my English class is very difficult.M

25、y English teacher always speaks so quickly,and I cant understand every word.I am afraid to speak in class,because I think my classmates might laugh at me.I cant always make complete sentences,either.What should I do?This is Mary.My biggest problem is that Im too busy.These days I get up early and st

26、ay in school all day.Then I go right home and eat dinner.In the evening I have to do my homework and then go to bed.I just dont have the time to play games with my friends.I hardly ever have time for concerts.题的正确选项共分第一节听句子选出与句子内容相关的图画并将所选答四段对话回答第小题优秀学习资料欢迎下载第四节听对话完成下列信息分根据短文内容判断句子正误第三部分阅读理解分优秀学习资料欢

27、迎下优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 C.He is lonely(孤独的)D.His mother doesnt love him.()68.What do you think of Marys life?A.Happy.B.Busy.C.Easy.D.Hard.()69.What can“laugh at”mean?It may mean _.A.嘲笑 B.鼓励 C.冷落 D.捉弄()70.What do you think can help improve your English?A.Speaking English as often as possible.B.Staying at schoo

28、l all day.C.Being alone.D.Getting up early and going to bed late.C It is sometimes reported that strange objects have been seen high up in the sky.These unidentified flying objects(UFOs)have made a lot of people interest.Some of the reports about them are difficult to believe.Some have been explaine

29、d in scientific ways,others have never been explained.It is not easy to decide whether(是否)a report is true or not.One report of UFOs came from a British plane on its way from New York to London in 1954.The British plane was flying over an island(岛)at 19,000 feet when the captain(机长)noticed that some

30、thing was on their left and a little lower than their plane.It was about five miles away.“It was not one object but several,”the captain said.“We saw one large and six smaller objects.I sent out a radio to report about them and I received(收到)the answer that the other planes were coming out to meet u

31、s.Before the planes arrived,the smaller objects entered(进入)the big object.The big object then became smaller and moved away fast.”()71.Some have been explained in scientific ways.A.people B.planes C.strange objects D.of the reports about UFOs.()72.In 1954,a British plane met a UFO when it was flying

32、 from to .A.America,France B.England,America C.America,England D.New York,a small island()73.The captain and saw something on the left of their plane.A.looked up B.looked down C.looked back D.looked ahead()74.How many object did the captain see?A.Seven B.Six C.Five D.Only one.()75.The big object mov

33、ed away because .A.of some unknown reason B.it was afraid of the plane C.it had received a radio report D.it had stayed long enough with the plane 第四部分 写作(25 分)第一节 用所给词的适当形式填空(5 分)76.One day,people (fly)to the moon for vacation.77.It may take hundreds of years time (make)robot look like people.78.I

34、thought I failed my test but I just(find)I passed.79.My father (read)a newspaper when the bell rang.80.The more you exercise,the (healthy)you are.第二节 英汉互译(5 分)81.The head of (最大的电脑公司之一)thought no one would want to have a computer in his or her home.82.Our teacher asked us (停下来)listen to her.83.The d

35、ay got out of his box and (逃跑,跑掉).84.Yang Liweis flight around the earth()lasted 22 hours.85.Jack has made a decision()to return to his country.第三节 书面表达(15 分)一天你放学回家时,你的父母还没有到家。然后,你便玩起了电脑游戏。当你正玩得高兴时,你的父母回家了。以下列问题为线索,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。要求符合逻辑,情节合理。提示:(1)When did you get home?(2)What did you do first when you got home?(3)What were you dong when your parents got home?(4)What did your parents say to you?题的正确选项共分第一节听句子选出与句子内容相关的图画并将所选答四段对话回答第小题优秀学习资料欢迎下载第四节听对话完成下列信息分根据短文内容判断句子正误第三部分阅读理解分优秀学习资料欢迎下


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