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《2023学年八年级英语下学期期中试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023学年八年级英语下学期期中试卷.pdf(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、听力部分(共25分)一、听句子,选择与所听内容意思最接近的一项。(5分)()1.A.I think you can clean the room tomorrow.B.I dont think you have to clean the room now.C.I think you should clean the room right away.()2.A.Lets come and talk to sick kids.B.Lets spend some more time with sick kids.C.Lets think of a way to make sick kids happ

2、y.()3.A.Could you please lend me your new bike?B.Could I repair your new bike?C.Could I look at your new bike?()4.A.You should listen to your friends.B.You should be friendly to your friends.C.You should talk to your friends more.()5.A.It was going to rain when I went to bed.B.I went to sleep while

3、it was raining heavily.C.After I fell asleep,it started raining hard.二、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(5分)()6.A.He has a headache.B.He has a stomachache.C.He has a toothache.()7.A.One.B.Two.C.Three.()8.A.Hes doing the dishes.B.Hes sweeping the floor.C.Hes doing his homework.()9.A.His father didnt listen to him.B.His

4、 father understoodhim.C.His father helped him with his problem.()10.A.It was raining hard.B.It stopped raining.C.It was raining less and less heavily.三、听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分)()ll.What was the weather like when Lily was going home?A It was raining.B It was snowing.C It was windy.()12.Whats wrong with Lily?

5、A.She hurt her arms.B.She hurt her hands.C.She hurt her legs.()13.What did David give to Lily?A.Some fruits.B.Some flowers.C.Some cakes.()14.How long will Lily stay in bed?A.For one day.B.For two days.C.For a few days.()15.What will David help Lily to do?A.To study her lessons.B.To look after her.C.

6、To make dinner.四、听短文,完成下面的表格。(10分)Mikes storyHow old was he?16.years old.What happened?Mikes 17.was badly hurt in acar accident when he wasplaying.What was thedoctors advice?The doctor advised Mikesparents to talk to him often.What did his family do?Mikes parents followed thedoctors advice and talke

7、d tohim all day and all night,butMike just 18.Mikes father mentioned(提及)Cody,Mikes19-.,to himhemoved his fingers.Mikes parents put Cody onhis bed,and he opened hiseyes.Cody touched Mikes arm,and he said20 to Cody!笔 试 部 分(共95分)五、单项选择。(15分)()21.You look tired.Whats matter?I have headache.I didnt sleep

8、 well last night.A./;the B.a;the C.the;a D.a;/()22.How was your trip?It was interesting.!e n j o y e d.A.me B.my C.mine D.myself()23.Because of hi s,the poor girl got enough money to goto school.A.bread B.kindness C.trouble D.difficulty()24.I didnt go to the park yesterday.一 did I,I went to the movi

9、es with my cousin.A.Neither B.Either C.So D.Also()25.Call me you arrive at the train station.A.so that B.because C.as soon as D.but()26.Where is your grandfather?My bike is broken.He is it.A.making B.playing C.buying D.repairing()27.Can you what our lives will be like if there is noelectricity(电)?A.

10、notice B.imagine C.continue D.hope()28.Can I the book?一Yes,but you can only it for two days.A.borrow;keep B.borrow;lendC.lend;keep D.lend;borrow()29.Could you please the rubbish when you go out?一Yes,sure.A.try out B.cut out C.take out D.work out()3 0.Look!The little girl is crying.一Lets do something

11、 to.A.cheer up her B.cheer her upC.cheer up him D.cheer him up()3 1.Could I use your pen?I left mine at home.Yes,you.A.must B.can C.need D.should()32.Our teacher told us in the hallways.lt was dangerous.A.running B.to run C.not running D.not to run()3 3.Its sunny to d a y.clim b in g mountains?Sound

12、s good.A.Why not B.Would you like to C.How about D.Whydont you()34.1 to music when my father came in.A.listen B.will listen C.am listening D.was listening()35.My sister has trouble learning math we l l.?She should do more exercises.A.What should she do B.What will she doC.What does she do D.What was

13、 she doing六、完形填空。(10分)I don t like my parents.They always tell me I should do this,andshould not do that.lt sometimes makes me 36,said LiuDan,amiddle school student in Beijng.Do you have the sameproblem?Perhaps your parents had the same problem at your agea long time ago.Why does it 37that some pare

14、nts are not sofriendly in their children s eyes?One of the biggest things is when someone becomes a parent,heor she likes worrying things.They38everything from the timeyou were born.They do a lot for you,39something they do wouldmake you angry,because they care too much.They tell you the40of making

15、friends and what kind of food you should eat.They askyou to concentrate on your study41computer games.They alsoworry about how much sleep you get and tell you it s bad foryour health to42.So how can you make things easier on yourself?Just make sureyour parents 43what you re doing.If you make 44,plea

16、se saysorry to them.Most of all,we should learn to how to get on 45yourparentsfbeacause they love you.()36.A.happy B.sorry C.angry D.excited()37.A.seem B.taste C.sound D.smell()38.A.read about B.worry about C.tell about D.lookfor()39.A.or B.soC.since D.though()40.A.importance B.troubleC.difference D

17、.difficulty()41.A.basides B.withC.instead of D.except()42.A.give upB.stay upC.look up D.end up)43.A.knowB.hear C.see D.feel)44.A.faces B.successC.friendsD.mistakes()45.A.with B.toC.for D.at七、阅读理解。(每 题2分,共30分)There was a fire in the factory at about 1:40 last night.A reporterinterviewed some people a

18、bout it this morning.Reporter:What were you doing when the fire broke out?I was preparing a report when I got the phone call from Jim.Iquickly drove to the factory.The firefighters were putting out thefire when I got there.They arrived several minutes before me.TomThe manager of the factoryI was on

19、duty last night.I smelled something burning.When Igot up,1 saw smoke coming from the window of the workshop(车间).I called 911 and our manager at once.And they both arrivedquickly.JimA workerWe drove to the factory as soon as we got the phone call at 1:47 am.We arrived at about 1:55 am and soon put it

20、 out.No onedied or got hurt in the fire.Its dry these days.We think all thefamilies and factories should be more careful.JeffA firefighter()46.What was Tom doing when he got the phone call?A.Sleeping.B.Watching TV.C.Hanging out with friends.D.Preparing a report.()47.Who discovered(发现)the fire first?

21、A.The manager.B.A worker.C.A firefighter.D.The reporter.()48.When did the firefighters get the phone call?A.At 1:40 am.B.At 1:47 am.C.At 1:55 am.D.At 2:07 am.()49.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Tom arrived at the factory first.B.The reporter was working when the fire broke out.C.Jeff said it was d

22、ry these days.D.Jim helped the firefighters put out the fire.()50.What dont we know about the fire?A.The cause.B.The place.C.The time.D.The casualty figures(伤亡人数).BWhen can you get a phone?The answer is when your parentsthink you need one.Of course,many kids seem to get a phone ataround age 12 or 13

23、 or at an even younger age because theirparents think it is helpfuLA phone can let the children sooncontact(联系)their parents if something goes wrong or they needhelp.Likewise(同样地),it can also make parents quickly contacttheir kids so that they can check on them and make sure theyreOK.If you get a ph

24、one.work out some rules with your parents.Learn tobe in control of your phone.lt will cost you much if you send toomany messages or talk too long.Also work out some otherthings.When can you use your phone?When must you turn offthe phone?If you get a phone,youll also have to make sure you can take ca

25、reof this new“friend”.Put it in the same place so that it doesnt getlost.And dont use it in the bathroom,because it is easy for you todrop your phone into the toilet(厕所).()51.Why do some young kids have a phone?A.Because their parents are rich.B.Because the young kids want to have fun.C.Because thei

26、r parents think it is helpful.D.Because their parents are very busy.()52.The underlined word Likewise means in Chinese.A.希望地 B.急速地 C.同样地 D.绝望地()53.What should NOT you do if you get a phone?A.Work out some rules with parents.B.Work out some other things about using it.C.Put it in the same place so th

27、at is doesnt get lost.D.Use it in the bathroom in order to play games.()54.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Many kids at around age 12 or 13 have phones.B Jf your parents think you need a phone.they will buy you one.C.You may have to turn off the phone when you are in class.D.You should spend mu

28、ch the time communicating with yourfriends on the phone.()55.What is the best title for this passage?A.The importance of a phone.B.When kids can get a phone.C.The use of a phone.D.Where kids can get a phone.CFirhall 1a village in Scotland,was built many years ago.lt is said thatpeople living there m

29、ust follow some rules.They cant feed animals in the village and each family is allowed tokeep only one dog.Even children are not allowed to live in thevillage for long.Villagers living there must be over 45 yearsold.Grandchildren and their friends can visit and stay,but thereare even limits(限制)on ho

30、w often this happens.But in fact people in Firhall say that the village only wants to offerpeace and quietness to people there.HLiving here makes us feel peaceful and quiet and this is whatmany of us look forward to having because we are getting older a manager(经理)named Ann in Firhall said.Ne choose

31、 Firhallbecause of the low house prices here and the location(位置)of thevillage said Jimmy,a retired(退休的)engineer.He also said thatFirhall was a beautiful place and there was golf and other kindssports there.()56.What is Firhall according to the passage?A.Its a city in Scotland.B.Its a country in Eur

32、ope.C.Its a village in Scotland.D.Its a village in America.()57.Which is NOT the rule in Firhall according to the secondparagraph?A.People cant feed animals in the village.B.People cant keep dogs there.C.People cant let children live there for a long time.D.People living there must be over 45 years

33、old.()5 8.What is Firhall like in fact?A.It is a place with many places of interest.B.It is a place with no animals.C.It is a place with many children.D.It is a peaceful and quiet place.()59.What can we learn from the passage?A.Ann is a young lady who lives a rich life.B.House prices in Firhall are

34、high.C.The houses in Firhall are not good.D.Firhall is beautiful and has many sports.()60.What is the best title for this passage?A.Life in a village with some rules.B.Why children shouldnt stay in a village.C.When people should move to a village.D.How to live a good life in a village.八、词汇运用。(每 题1分,

35、10分)A.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填入恰当的单词。61.Everyone wants to.(竞 争)and win.62.My mother never.-允许)me to go out alone at night.6 3.1 dont think you are telling me the whole-(真相)aboutwhat happened.64.Susan got up early this morning into(为 了)catch the firstbus to London.65.It also helps them to understand the idea

36、o f.-(公正性).B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。66.Mary is too young to take care o f-(her).67.Would you mind.(打 开)the windows?68.Our class won the basketball match.AII of us were-.(excite).69.Its difficult for me to make a.(decide)in such a situation.70.My.(old)brother is a teacher in our school.九、任务型阅读。(每 空1分,共5分)Chine

37、se people love to eat because they think having mealstogether is the best way to communicate.They think lots of disheson the table can show that they live a comfortable and richIife.71._Now the Chinese government(政府)is asking people notto waste the food at any time.72._Some restaurants are doing wha

38、t they can to help people toreduce(减少)food waste.73._Wang M ei,a famous woman,says,“We shouldnt order more food than we need,andsometimes we can order a half so that we wont waste.Shealways orders just the enough food she needs.74._Some people like eating up everything on their plates.We call itClea

39、ning the plates.Wu Li does it for many years.She says,75._However,many people throw away the whole chicken or fish.”Cleaning the plates is not only to save food,but also to protectthe environment.Most importantly,it is also good for ourhealth.If we can eat properly,we will not have so many healthpro

40、blems.根据材料内容,将 A-E 五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在题号后的横线上。A.If customers(顾客)order more than they can eat,therestaurants would remind them kindly.B.There are still a lot of people who dont have enough food toeat.C.Restaurants should also offer their help.D.She believes that saving food doesnt mean

41、losing face.E.So some people often order so many dishes that they canteat up.十、从方框内选词并用其适当形式完成短文填空。(10分)disable,satisfy,learn,kind,interest,hate,walk,agree,safe,suddenWhat a long vacation!I stayed at home and almost did nothing butthe homework.I 76-to stay in the small room and do thesame thing ever

42、y day like a robot.77.-,an idea came to me.Ican find a part-time job to learn something new.”I told my plan to my parents and they 78.-with me on that.Youcould imagine how happy I was at that time.The next morning,Iwent out and 79.-around the city to look for a part-timejob.After visiting many shops

43、,I went into a small cake shop andfound a job,I was very 80.-.in it.My first customer(顾客)was a 81.-man who couldnt walkwell.After I took his order fhe seemed a little tired 1 1 helped him sitdown on a small chair slowly and 82.-.Then I asked him towait for a while.A few minutes later,I came back wit

44、h a nice cake.You are verynice,little girl,I feel very happy because of your 83.-,theold man said with a smile of 84.185.-.a big lesson that day.If you are good to others,peoplewill think you are a nice person and be good to you.I love this part-time job,because I like to see the warm smile on peopl

45、es face.十一、书面表达。(共15分)良好的同胡文关系对青少年的健康成长很重要。但现实生活中,少数孩子不善于跟同胡文和睦相处,与同胡文间关系紧张,甚至还发生打架斗殴事件,我们应该如何和同胡文友好相处呢?请根据下面的提示以How to get onwith others为题写一篇80词左右的文章。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数)与他人友好相处的要点:尊重他人,尊重别人就是尊重自己,己所不欲勿施于人。乐于助人,对需要帮助的人伸出援手,帮助别人就是帮助自己。.加入个人观点,述写如何与人相处,注意语法正确。How to get on with others?There is no doubt that a good relation is important foreveryone.答题卡12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061. 3.8 4.85.


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