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《2023年初中英语阅读理解精选20篇含超详细解析超详细解析超详细解析答案2.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年初中英语阅读理解精选20篇含超详细解析超详细解析超详细解析答案2.pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 1(1)A Clever Bird A man has a bird.It is very clever.Every day the man speaks to the bird.“Hello!”he says.“Hello!”the bird answers.“What are you doing?”says the man.“What are you doing?”says the bird.The man is not at home one day.A thief comes in.He is taking many things.“Hello!”The thief hears th

2、e birds words.“What are you doing?”The thief is very afraid,so he does not take any things and runs out of the house.1.The man teaches the bird _.A.how to say something B.how to sing songs C.how to eat something D.how to dance 2.The bird is _.A.Very nice B.very clever C.very beautiful D.very silly(傻

3、的)3.The man speaks to the bird _.A.Sometimes B.once a week C.every week D.every day 4.The thief is taking _ things from the house.A.a few B.a little C.a lot of D.some 5.The thief _ out of the room.A.walks B.comes C.runs D.goes 2(2)What Are Stars Like?Have you ever wondered about the stars?In some wa

4、ys,stars are like people.They are born.They grow old.And they die.A star is born from dust and gas.Slowly the dust and gas make a ball.The ball gets very hot.Then it starts to give off light.The young star grows into a giant.Many years go by.The older star begins to get small again.At last its light

5、 goes out.The stars life is over.1.Dust and _ make a star.A.gas B.snow C.rain 2.This story tells about _.A.old people B.the life of a star C.the number of stars in the sky 3.In the first part of the story,what does the word“wondered”mean?A.moved B.looked at C.asked yourself 4.Stars give off light be

6、cause they are very _.A.small B.hot C.old 5.You can guess from the story that most stars are around for a _ time.A.long B.short C.nice 3(3)English Learning Every year students in many countries learn English.Some of these students are children.Others are young people.Some students learn English at s

7、chool,and others teach themselves.Why do all these people want to learn English?It is very difficult to answer this question.Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.Many people learn English because it is useful in their work.Some young people learn English fo

8、r their higher studies because some of their books are in English at college or university.Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.1.根据短文内容在文中空白处填上恰当的答案。Learning _is very popular in many countries nowadays.It is very _ to answer why so many people want

9、 to learn English.There are many_ for people to learn English.2.根据短文内容进行连线。Many boys and girls learn English at school because .Many people learn English because .4 Some young people learn English for their higher studies because .Other people learn English because .A.it is useful in their work.B.so

10、me of their books are in English at college or university.C.it is one of their subjects.D.they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.(4)Look at the picture.Its a small room.We can see Betty in it.There is a bed and a desk in her room.Whats on the wall?Its a map of England.We can see a phot

11、o(照片)near the map.Its Bettys photo.We can see a clock on the table.There are some flowers near it.Is her black cat on the bed?No,its her hat.Wheres her bag?Its on the bed,too.1.Whose(谁的)room is it?2.Is the room big or small?3.Whats on the wall?4.Where are the flowers?5.What colour is Bettys hat?5 (5

12、)Chaoyang Foreign Language School Harry Green English Teacher Add:38 Chaoyang Street Beijing 100029 E-mail: Tel:(010)65794231 Beijing Children Hospital Zhang jing Doctor Add:56 Nanlishi Road Beijing 100045 Tel:(010)68028401 阅读以下名片,并回答问题。1.Harry is a _,and Zhangjing is a _.A.teacher,teacher B.doctor,

13、doctor C.teacher,doctor 2.If child is ill,you may call Zhangjing.Her telephone number is _ A.(010)6594231 B.(010)68028401 C.100029 3.A card mainly tells us a persons _.A.name and work B.telephone number C.both A and B 4.Harry Green e-mail is _.A B C 6 5.Zhang Jings postal code is _.A.100045 B.100029

14、 C.(010)68028401 (6)Mr.Smith is our Chinese teacher.He always asks the same student to answer his questions because he doesnt look at the students at all.Yesterday he questioned Dick three times.Dick was very angry.After class Dick asked me,What shall I do?I told him a good idea.Now we are having a

15、Chinese class.Mr Smith wants one of us to read the text.Dick,please read the text.Dick isnt here today.Dick stands up and says.Oh,I see.you read it,please.1.Mr.Smith teaches us _.A.English B.Maths C.Physics D.Chinese 2.He always asks the same student to _.A.translate the text B.read the text C.tell

16、a story D.answer his questions 3.Yesterday he questioned Dick _.A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times 4._ told Dick a good idea.A.Tim B.Mr.Smith C.The writer D.I 5.Is the idea really good?_.A.yes,it is B.No,it isnt C.Yes,it does D.No,it doesnt 7(7)Most people who work in the office have a boss(老

17、板).So do I(我也是).But my boss is a little unusual.Whats unusual about him?Its a big dig.Many men have dogs,but few men bring their dogs to the office every day.My bosss dog.Robinson,is big and brown.My boss brings him to work every day.He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch.When th

18、ere is telephone call for my boss,I always know if he is in the office.I only look under his desk.If I see something brown and hairy(毛绒绒的)under it,I know my boss is somewhere in the office.If there is no dog,I know my boss is out.1.People _bring dogs to the office.A.usually B.often C.seldom(几乎不)D.so

19、metimes 2.My boss is Robinsons _.A.boss B.Master C.classmate D.teacher 3.Robinson goes to meetings _ my boss.A.for B.Without C.instead of(代替)D.with 4.Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _.A.in the office B.at meetings C.out of the office D.out of work 5.The passage tells us the boss _ t

20、he dog very much.A.looks like B.hates(恨)C.likes D.trust(信任)8(8)Mary is a little girl She is only five She doesnt go to school Of course(当然)she doesnt know how to read and write But her brother,Tom,is a school-boy He is ten One day Tom sees his sister at the door with a pen in her hand and a large pi

21、ece of paper in front of her What are you doing,Mary?he saysIm writing a letter to my friend Kitty,says Mary But how can you?says her brotherYou do not know how to write Well,says Mary It does not matter(没关系)because Kitty does not know how to read 1.Mary is not a school girl 2.Tom does not know how

22、to read and write 3.One day Mary is flying a kite in the room 4.Mary and Kitty are good friends 5.Kitty is a middle school student (9)Mrs Browns telephone number was 3464,and the number of the cinema in her town was 5463,so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.O

23、ne evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Brown answered it.A tired man said,At what time does your last film begin?9 Im sorry,said Mrs Brown,but you have wrong number.That is not the cinema.Oh,it began twenty minutes ago?said the man.Im sorry about that.Goodbye!Mrs Brown was very surprised.So she

24、told her husband.He laughed and said,The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema,but he was feeling tired,so he telephoned the cinema.His wife heard him,but she didnt hear you.Now they will stay at home this evening,and the husband will be happy!根据短文判断正误:(T or F)l.Mrs Brown knew a lot about The films,s

25、o people often telephoned her.2.The man made a mistake and telephoned her.3.The man didnt want to see a film because his wife was feeling tired.4.The man and his wife didnt go to the cinema because the film had already begun(已开始)。5.The man telephoned just to cheat(骗)his wife.(10)John and Sally are i

26、n the same school.Their home is far(远)from school.They get up early in the morning and take the 1 0 early bus after breakfast.Sometimes they have lunch in the restaurant.John likes hamburgers and meat.But Sally likes vegetables and fruit.After lunch John goes to play volleyball and Sally goes to the

27、 classroom.She sings English songs or listen to music.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。1.John and Sally go to a different school.2.They go to school on foot(步行)every day.3.They don t have lunch at home sometimes.4.Sallys favourite food is vegetables and meat.5.Sally likes singing or listening to music after lu

28、nch.(11)Rick:Wow!Bill!This music store is really big!Bill:Yeah,it is.Well,I want to go to the pop section.Yu Quan(羽泉)has a new CD and I want to buy it.Rick:Oh.Is that your favorite pop group?Bill:Yes.They are really cool.So,whats your favorite kind of music,Rick?Rick:I also like pop and my favorite

29、group is F4,they are fantastic!Bill:What about classical music?Do you like classical music?Rick:I love classical.Do you know Yo-Yo Ma?He is my 1 1 favorite musician.He is amazing.Bill:Sorry,I really dont like classical,but I think Yo-Yo Ma is great.So,where are the classical CDs?Rick:Follow these di

30、rections,go upstairs and turn left.They are behind dance music.Bill:What about pop CDs?Rick:They are on the first floor.Bill:Ok,see you later.判断正误。正确的写(T),错误的写(F).l.Bills favorite music is dance.2.Bills favorite group is Yu Quan.3.Ricks favorite music is classical.4.The classical CDs are on the firs

31、t floor.5.Rick likes classical music but he doesnt like pop.6.Bill wants to buy a new CD of F4.(12)Look at the clothes line in the twins bedroom.There are some clothes on it.You can see a green blouse and a yellow skirt.The trousers on the clothes line are black.They are not new but clean.Are they L

32、ilys clothes?No.I know they are Lucys.Lilys clothes are on a clothes tree near the window.Her trousers are brown,her blouse 1 2 is white and her skirt is blue.There is a new hat on the clothes tree,but its not Lilys,its Lucys.There is an old hat on Lucys bed in the room,its Lilys.There are no clothe

33、s on the other bed,the bed is Lilys.1.What can you see in the bedroom?I can see _.A.a clothes line B.a tree C.a bed 2.What colour are Lucys trousers?They are _.A.green B.black C.brown 3.Where is Lucys hat?Its on _.A.the clothes tree B.the clothes line C.lilys bed 4.How many beds are there in the roo

34、m?_.A.only one B.three C.two 5.Are there any things on Lilys bed?_.A.Yes,there is a hat on it B.No,there is not anything on it C.Sorry,I dont know (13)The earth moves round the sun,and the moon moves round the earth.When our part(部分)of the earth turns to the sun,it is day.When our part of the earth

35、turns away from the sun,it is night.The sun is much bigger than the moon.But sometimes the moon 1 3 looks bigger than the sun,because its much nearer to the earth.The sun is very bright.It gives a very strong light.The moon looks quite bright,too.But it doesnt give any light at all.The moon looks mu

36、ch bigger and brighter than the stars.But in fact the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon.They look smaller than the moon because theyre much farther away from us.1._ moves round _.A.The earth,the moon B.The moon,the earth C.The moon,the stars D.The sun,the earth 2.Sometimes the moon lo

37、oks bigger than the sun,because _.A.it is much bigger than the sun B.it comes out only at night C.it is much nearer to the earth than the sun D.it doesnt give a very strong light 3.The sun _.A.gives us light B.gives more light than the moon does C.moves round the earth D.makes the moon move round th

38、e earth 4.The stars _.A.look much bigger than the sun 1 4 B.look much brighter than the moon C.are a lot brighter than the moon,but they are not bigger than the moon D.are much farther away from us than the moon 5.The moon looks bright because _.A.it gives light B.it reflects(反射)the suns light C.it

39、is nearer to the earth D.it is nearer to the sun (14)When people meet each other for the first time in Britain,they say“How do you do?”and shake hands(握手).Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye.But they shake hands after they haven t met for a long time or when they will

40、be away from each other for a long time.Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday.Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands.So when they met their English friends at the station,they kept their hands behind their backs.The English students had learne

41、d that the Germans shake hands as often as possible,so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them.It made both of them laugh.1 5 (1)It is_ if you know the language and some of the customs of the country.A.not useful B.not helpful C.very helpful D.very bad (2)English people

42、usually shake hands when they_ .A.meet every time B.meet for the first time C.say goodbye to each other D.say hello to each other (3)Usually English people don t shake hands_ .A.when they will be away for a long time B.when they say“How do you do?”C.when they just meet or say goodbye D.after they ha

43、ven t met for a long time (4)Which is right?_ A.German people shake hands as often as possible.B.English people like shaking hands very much.C.German people hardly shake hands.D.Neither English people nor Germans like shaking hands.(5)This story is about _ .A.shaking hands B.languages C.customs D.la

44、nguages and customs (15)Look at the clothes line in the twins bedroom.There are 1 6 some clothes on it.You can see a green blouse and a yellow skirt.The trousers on the clothes line are black.They are not new but clean.Are they Lilys clothes?No.I know they are Lucys.Lilys clothes are on a clothes tr

45、ee near the window.Her trousers are brown,her blouse is white and her skirt is blue.There is a new hat on the clothes tree,but its not Lilys,its Lucys.There is an old hat on Lucys bed in the room,its Lilys.There are no clothes on the other bed,the bed is Lilys.1.What can you see in the bedroom?I can

46、 see _.A.a clothes line B.a tree C.a bed 2.What colour are Lucys trousers?They are _.A.green B.black C.brown 3.Where is Lucys hat?Its on _.A.the clothes tree B.the clothes line C.lilys bed 4.How many beds are there in the room?_.A.only one B.three C.two 5.Are there any things on Lilys bed?_.A.Yes,th

47、ere is a hat on it B.No,there is not anything on it C.Sorry,I dont know 1 7 (16)My name is Kate.Mr.Zhou is my father and Im his daughter.My mother is an American,but my father is a Chinese.I have a brother.His name is Jim.We are studying in China now.Jim and I study in the same middle school,but in

48、different grades.We go to school at seven in the morning and come back home after school in the afternoon.We have some Chinese friends.We love China.1.How many people are there in Kates family?A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 2.Who is Chinese in Kates family?A.Kates father.B.Kates mother.C.Kates parents.D.Kates brot

49、her.3.When do they go to school in the morning?A.At six thirty.B.At seven.C.At seven ten.D.At eight.4.Jim and Kate are in _.A.different schools B.the same school C.different grades D.Both B and C 5.Kate and Jim have some Chinese _.A.fathers B.mothers C.friends D.books 1 8 (17)Look!A nice watch is on

50、 the desk,and it is new.The colour of the watch is pink.It is a small watch for girls.Whats the time on it?Its a quarter past ten.Whose is it?Lets ask Lucy.Lucy,is this watch yours?”“Let me have a look.Yes,it is.”“Put it on,please.You must look after your things.”“Thank you very much,Jim.”1.The watc


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