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《2023届天津市第高三最后一卷英语试卷含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023届天津市第高三最后一卷英语试卷含解析.pdf(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023高考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1.全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。第 一 部 分(共 20小题,每小题1.5 分,满 分 30分)1.some people criticize graffiti for being ugly and destructive,those graffiti lovers still see it as real a

2、rt.A.As B.WhileC.Once D.Until2.Mark drives his car too fast and,vvhafs more,very c a r e le s s ly,w o r r ie s his mother.A as A.what B.it C.which3.The boy was waving his stick in the street and it missed the child standing nearby.A.closely B.narrowly C.nearly D.hardly4.The 19th Party Congress drew

3、 up a blueprint for Chinas development in the next three decades and more.this blueprint into reality,we must be down-to-earth in our approach,take one step at a time as we move forward anddeliver solid outcomes.A.Turning B.TurnedC.Turn D.To turn5.Chinas Chang9e 4 robotic probe entered lunar orbit o

4、n We d n e s d a y,a major step in its mission to make asoft landing on the moons far side.A.marking B.to markC.having marked D.marked6.At college,Barack Obama didnt know that he the first black president of the United States of America.A.was to become B.becomesC.is to become D.became7.They did ever

5、ything in their power to save the building dating back to the Qing Dynasty,but their effortswere.A.in turn B.in timeC.in vain D.in need8.Last year I applied to Princeton University.I _ they would say yesbut they did,and now here I am.A.never think B.am never thinkingC.have never thoughtD.never thoug

6、ht9.We firmly believe that the new examination system comes into existence,completely new situations will arise.A.considering B.supposed C.providing D.given10.When faced with a big challenge potential failure seems to hide at every corner,maybe you*ve heard thisadvice before:Be more confident.”A.whe

7、re B.whose C.which D.of which11.the effect of culture shock,he is trying to read a lot about it before going to France for further study.A.To reduce B.ReducedC.Reducing D.Having reduced12.A book I read last y e a r,n a m e I cant remember;changed my idea about time.A.which B.thatC.whose D.what13.The

8、 same boiling water softens the potato and hardens the egg.Its about youre made of,not thecircumstances.A.that B.whatC.how D.who14.If they throw stones at you,dont throw back.Use them to build your own f o u n d a t i o n.A.somehow B.anywayC.instead D.nevertheless15.While working in Kunming,he check

9、ed the weather each morning for months he realized it would be thesame every day.A.when B.afterC.before D.since16.As a teacher;you have to your method to suit the needs of slower children.A.display B.testC.adjust D.transfer17.a bike,she cycled home.A.Bought B.To buy C.Being bought D.Having bought18.

10、by many potential customers,the salesman had to gather his courage and sell the product in differentways.A.Having denied B.DenyingC.Being denied D.Having been denied19.Could you check my list to see I have forgotten anything?No problem.A.whether B.whichC.that D.what20.you are familiar with the autho

11、rs ideas,try reading all the sections as quickly as you possible can.A.Now that B.Ever sinceC.So that D.In case第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.(6 分)I have received many Christmas gifts over the years,The best gift I ever received was presented to me bya stranger.I never even knew

12、his name and I only had contact with him for less than 60 seconds.His Christmas presentto me changed the way I had thought about people and Christinas.It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the local department store on Black Friday morning.They had advertised a childs bike th

13、at she wanted to purchase for our son.We stood with a very large crowd,waitingfor the manager to blow the whistle.After a while,the whistle blew.It was like throwing a bucket of Hsh into a tank ofsharks.I told my wife that if we obtained a bike,fine,but i we did not,I was OK with that too,As the she

14、lf of bikes began to gradually decrease in size,I saw my polite opportunity to wrap my hands around thecorner of one of the boxes.I lifted it off the box and suddenly felt some mild resistance.I looked up to see one of thelargest gentlemen I had ever seen in my life.Threat was not the word to descri

15、be his presence.He was decorated withnumerous belts of metal pointed leather around both arms and even his neck.Tattoos(文身)were an obvious passion ofhis.I started to return anxiously the box but he gently pushed it back in my direction and back into my hands.He thendirected it into my shopping cart.

16、He look d at me,smiled,and said,uMerry Christmas.My wife and I went to thecheckout,paid for the bike and went home.AH the way home I was thinking that this moment was by far the bestChristmas gift I had ever received.The kindness of a stranger that broke all previous views I may have had ofstereotyp

17、es and prejudices.I will never forget the tenderness of a human heart in a simple act.1、Why does the author view the gift as the best?A.Because it was given by a stranger.B.Because it was donated by a charity.C.Because it improved his level of living.D.Because it changed his opinion on people.2、What

18、 can we know about the bike at that time?A.It sold well that night.B.It was attractive to women.C.It was equipped with a whistle.D.It was sold at a lower price on that morning.3、What can we infer about the stranger with tattoos?A.He was awful in appearance but kind in heart.B.He was handsome and goo

19、d-mannered.C.He was big but cautious in behavior.D.He was lovely and energetic.4、What may be the best title for the text?A.A True Gentleman I MetB.The Best Gift I Ever ReceivedC.A Choice That Changed My ViewD.A Stranger Who Gave Me a Gift22.(8 分)Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the ear

20、ly afternoon?Many people feel this way afterlunch.They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness.Or,in summer,they may think it is the heat.However,the real reason lies inside their bodies.At that time-about eight hours after you wake up-your bodytemperature goes down.This is what m

21、akes you slow down and feel sleepy.Scientists have tested sleep habits inexperiments where there was no night or day.The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleepingpattern.They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later.In many parts of

22、the world,people take naps(、睡)in the middle of the day.This is especially true in warmerclimates,where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon.Researchers are now saying that naps are good foreveryone in any climate.A daily nap gives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good

23、 for health in general.In countries where naps are traditional,people often suffer less from problem such as heart disease.Many working people,unfortunately,have no time to take naps.Though doctors may advise taking naps,employers do not allow it!If you do have the chance,however,here are a few tips

24、 about making the most of your nap.Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up.A short sleep too late in the day mayonly make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward.This can also happen if you sleep for too long.If you do not haveenough time,try a short napeven

25、ten minutes of sleep can be helpful.1、Why do people feel sleepy in the early afternoon according to the text?A.They eat too much for lunch.B.They sleep too little at night.C.Their body temperature becomes lower.D.The weather becomes a lot warmer.2、If you get up at 6:30 am,what is the best time for y

26、ou to take a nap?A.About 12:30 pm.B.About 1:30 pm.C.About 2:30 pm.D.About 3:30 pm.3、What would be the best title for the text?A.Just for a Rest B.All for a NapC.A Special Sleep Pattern.D.Taking Naps in Warmer Climate.23.(8 分)During Amsterdams chaotic rush hour,nine-year-old Lotta Crok cycles to a ve

27、ry busy junction.“Look,“she says.Theres traffic coming from everywhere.Four trams from four different directions.For a child on abike thafs really confusing!”Lotta is the first junior cycle mayor in the world and her working area is the Dutch capital.You would think thischallenge would be superfluou

28、s in a city known as the bicycle capital of the world.The number of bicycles inAmsterdam is estimated at 881,000-more than the citys 850,000 inhabitants-and 63%of the population cycle daily.But children who cycle in Amsterdam face challenges,Lotta says:The three biggest problems for us are cars,cycl

29、ing tourists and scooters(小型摩托).The cars take up too much space,the tourists are always swinging side to sideand stop when you least expect it,and the scooters simply run you over?Lotta became junior cycle mayor in June last year when she won a contest in which schoolchildren were asked tocome up wi

30、th plans to make cycling safer and more fun.Her idea was to add childrens bikes to the popular bike shareprogramme.Since Lotta was appointed junior cycle mayor;she has been busy,giving interviews,opening cycling contests in thecity and being a jury(评审员)member during the Amsterdam Light Parade,an eve

31、nt in which Amsterdammersdecorate their bikes with lights.She is now planning a meeting with the citys mayor to discuss ideas that children have come up with:One of ourproposals is a bicycle park where children can learn how to cycle.Right now,most of us learn it in the street,which canbe quite busy

32、.Another idea is to create an app for tourists to teach them the rules of cycling,because most of them reallydont know.”Following the success of the Amsterdam scheme,cycle mayors around the world are now planning to appoint juniorcolleagues.wThey see it works really well,“Boerma,the senior major,say

33、s.UI talk to the parents,Lotta talks to thechildren.And if you look at the city through the eyes of a child,you will also make it accessible for others.A city thatsgood for an eight-year-old is also good for an 88yearold.”1、Why is a junior cycle mayor appointed in Amsterdam?A.To teach children how t

34、o ride.B.To ensure cycling is safer for children.C.To give suggestions to the citys mayor on how to run the city.D.To organize the cycling contests in the city.2 Which word can best replace the underlined word“superfluous”in paragraph 2?A.Important B.UnnecessaryC.Difficult D.Valuable3、What has Lotta

35、 done since she became the bike mayor?A.She has solved the three biggest problems for children cycling in Amsterdam.B.She has won a contest about cycling.C.She has given interviews and been a jury member during a parade.D.She has given proposals to the city mayor.4、What 9s Boermas attitude to the ju

36、nior cycle mayor?A.Cautious B.FavorableC.Ambiguous D.Disapproving24.(8 分)Flying down a 488-meter-long slide provides plenty of excitement for most people.But for those wholike more extreme adventures,Nicaragua offers an even more exciting slide experience.The thought of racing down anactive volcano

37、with only a board is enough to get most people hot under the collar.But for thrill-seeking sports fanatics,boarding down a 2,380-foot-high volcano at the speed of 80 km/h is the coolest sport around.Thousands of travelers are heading to the foothills of Nicaragua飞 Cerro Negro to take part in the new

38、 sportingcraze(狂热).Surfers,dressed in protective jump suits,knee-pads and helmets,receive brief instructions and then trysliding down a short slope(斜坡).After that,its time for the real thine.Sitting on their specially-constructed boards,surfers push off and fly straight down a 488-meter-long slope.T

39、he black volcanic ash provides a dusty,dirty ride.Butboarders usually arrive at the bottom with smiles on their faces.Phillip Southan,owner and manager of Bigfoot Hostel and Green Pathways Tours,said,We started offering thistrip in 2005 and it has become so popular.This is a unique tour as nowhere e

40、lse in the world can you board down anactive volcano.*“What we offer is a tour for everyone with absolutely no experience.One of the greatest attractions of the tour isthat you get a bit of everything.Since 2005,more than 10,000 people have traveled to Cerro Negro to give it a try.”“When you are on

41、the top you will have the opportunity to stand near the crater(火山 口)and see a smoking volcano.But the biggest risk is that you will take the chance of getting some scratches if you fall over.”“Many years of experience has taken this tour to a level where it is safe but still fun and for some people

42、a littlefrightening.We are always working on ways to continue improving it for the future.*1、Which words can best describe the slide in Cerro Negro?A.Secure but tiring.B.Enjoyable but risky.C.Popular but demanding.D.Worthwhile but painful.2、What does the underlined words the real thing1*in paragraph

43、 2 refer to?A.Sliding down the volcanic slope.B.Escaping the black volcanic ash.C.Heading to the mountaintop alone.D.Receiving professional slide instructions3、In what way is the slide in Cerro Negro special?A.It is available to everyone.B.It has the longest slope worldwide.C.It is based on an activ

44、e volcano.D.It offers specially-constructed boards.4、What makes the slide in Cerro Negro relatively safe according to Phillip Southan?A.High-tech safety facilities.B.Knowledge and skills from practice.C.Advanced training guidance on the slide.D.Staffs familiarity with the surroundings.25.(10 分)You m

45、ight have heard a lot about ancient towns and ancient cities in China.Here,we list several ofthe most beautiful ancient villages in China.Baoshan Stone City,Yunnan ProvinceBaoshan Stone City was built on a huge mushroom-shaped rock,and only has about one hundred houses.Thehouses are laid out in an o

46、rderly way,built on the rock,and linked by stone steps.The Naxi people there still lead anoriginal life and grow crops in terraces(梯田);you can experience the colorful culture of the Naxi ethnic(民族的)groupthere.Thvas Village in Kanas,XinjiangKanas Tuvas Village is near the mysterious Lake Kanas.The sm

47、all village is located in a valley,and only has about80 houses.These Swiss-style wooden houses are all surrounded by wooden fences.Tuvas is an ancient minority group.They traditionally lived as hunter-gathers.You can visit a local family,go herding(放牧)with the locals and experiencethe peaceful ancie

48、nt village life.Jiaju Tibetan Village,Danba,Sichuan ProvinceJiaju Tibetan Village is known as the Tibetan fairyland.It stands on a mountain slope,and consists of about 140houses.These unique houses are all built with crown-shaped roofs,red eaves,and white walls,which make the houseslook like little

49、castles among the forest.Xijiang Miao Village,Guizhou ProvinceIf you re interested in the Miao Minority,Xijiang Miao Village can be a great destination for deepening yourunderstanding of Miao history and culture.Ifs the largest Miao village in China,and now has 1432 households with apopulation of ov

50、er 5000,of which 99.5%are Miao ethnic group.If s also famous for the houses built on stilts(支柱)ofdifferent heights.1、What can you do in Kanas Tuvas Village?A.Hike in terraces.B.See houses of a foreign style.C.Go hunting with the locals.D.Learn about houses built on stilts.2、Where can you admire the


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