浙江省宁波市2022年初中学业水平考试明州卷英语试题 (含答案).pdf

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1、宁波市2022年初中学业水平考试明州卷英语试题试题卷1一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。My history with music was not good.I still remembered when I took my short-lived piano lessons,my grandfather said1_ to my grandmother,Why didnt he make any progress with much practice?I _2to make my piano perfor

2、mance better.However,my efforts were u nsuccessfu I.So I gave up playing any musical instrument until my old friend Thomas _ 3_ me to play the violin with him when I was 50.It made me enjoy the joy of playing music4.One day,Thomas wrote a letter to tell me that there was a _5_ performance and he wan

3、ted me to join him.Thinking of my past,I6his invitation.I expected to hear his words that I would become skilled with practice on stage(舞台)7_ he said,OK,only play if you want to.I was completely8by the unexpected answer and made no9except to tell him goodbye.No one was forcing me to take part,but I

4、faced a special _10.Should I play on stage or just watch a movie?I had chosen the movie route too many times and this time I was11 to hold the chance.After a long and careful _ 12_,I played my violin with Thomas._ 13_ I didnt lose all my nervousness,it was enough for me to overcome my fear.Finally,I

5、 _14_ a full performance in front of the audience(观众)A short time later,my friend Thomas passed away,but his15_ stayed.It helps me not only in music,but also in all my life.When I manage to complete what I want to do,joy will appear instead of fear.l.A.worriedly B.angrily C.clearly D.patiently 2.A.c

6、hose B.wasted C.tried D.agreed 3.A.ordered B.invited C.allowed D.reminded 4.A.suddenly B.hard C.instead D.again 5.A.movie B.music C.talent D.practice 6.A.accepted B.required C.refused D.prepared 7.A.And B.So C.Anyway D.But 8.A.shocked B.scared C.excited D.relaxed 9.A.mistake B.reply C.effort D.decis

7、ion 10.A.choice B.task C.chance D.problem 11.A.told B.advised C.supposed D.asked 12.A.competition B.resolution C.discussion D.preparation 13.A.Though B.Unless C.When D.Since 14.A.watched 15.A.expression B.offered B.importance C.organized C.influence D.admired D.method 二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面

8、材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Can the Time Go Slower?-byoannaPitt I Can the time go slower?Can the time go slower?Im still thinking of The answers.My grade is what my father Really cares about.Can the time go slower?My head is not Yet clear.So can the time go slower?My dear teacher,I dont want to ru

9、n behind others.Can the time go slower?For me the rules of math are There are still lots of questions Too hard to remember.16.Who really cares about the grades?A.The writer.B.The writers mother.C.The writers teacher.D.The writers father.17.What is the poem about?A.Learning math.B.Taking a test.C.Ask

10、ing questions.D.Running with others.18.Why does the writer keep asking Can the time go slower?A.She is missing her good old time.B.She does not want to get old with time.C.She is worried that theres not enough time.D.She is afraid that she will be home later than her father.B Jim was a well-known ra

11、dio host.Actually he was not only known for his hosting skills,but also known as a good dresser.Every morning he would take the time to get ready in a suit and tie.He would always arrive at his office on time.But many people thought that what he did was.No one ever sees you.Why do you dress like tha

12、t?He always just made it into a丿oke.One day Jim was invited to appear on TV.There was a special show for the oldest radio hosts.For the first time,people who only knew his voice would see his face.But he arrived late.The director was not going to point out the faults of such a famous host,but he wan

13、ted to know the reason.Usually you arrive on time,but today you are 10 minutes late.Why?When I got dressed,saidim,I noticed that my socks were too old.I am about to be on TV for the first time.So,I ran to the store for some now socks.Why do you need new socks?asked the director.,You could have come

14、here,wearing nothing on your feet.We will only show you in close-up,above your waist(腰部)“To be spotless(干净整洁的)onair,I need to feel spotless in everything,starting with my shirt and finishing with the pen in my pocket.If my socks have holes or my shoes are dirty,Im not spotless anymore.The director s

15、miled.He realized that only with the right attitude(态度)canyou achieve your best.19.What does the underlined word pointless mean?A.spotless C.doesnt score points B.very important D.a waste of time 20.Why did the director question Jim?A.To make fun of Jim.B.To see Jims face clearly.C.To find out what

16、happened.D.To point out the faults of Jim for being late.21.What did the director learn from this event?A.Being late is not a good thing.B.A good attitude leads to success.C.Dressing up well is most important.D.Dont point out the faults of old people.22.Which of the following would be the best title

17、 of the passage?A.The Clothes Make The Man B.A Director And A Host C.Depend On Hosting Skills D.Pointless And Spotless c With golden sunshine and a gentle breeze(微风),autumnis the most beautiful season in a year.This is a great time to go outside and have fun.Go to a valley to see red maple trees,go

18、and pick fruit in a garden or find an open field to fly your kite in.However,for manyuniorhigh school students,these great activities may beusta dream.With plenty of work to do,they spend all their hours indoors,fighting for a high mark in their exams.Of course,study is one of the most important thi

19、ngs for teenagers.But life is completely much more than that.Sometimes we spend so much time studying that we forget how to make life wonderful.In doing so,we lose the real purpose of life-to be a valuable and happy person.To enjoy just how great it is to be alive,we have to put down our books and p

20、ens and look around us.Students,take some exercise to improve your health,talk with your parents and friends for understanding and walk around outside to refresh(使恢复精力)yourbody and mind.Going out and enjoying the beautiful countryside often helps our creativity in our work.Chinese craftsman Lu Ban c

21、reated a saw(锯子)tohelp woodworkers.But if he hadnt walked outside,he would not have been inspired by a kind of toothed grass.We could also suppose if Newton hadnt rested under that apple tree,then he wouldnt have been hit by an apple,and his classic theories(理论)wouldnot have come out.Going out is no

22、t only a break from hard work,but also a chance to add to life experience.So come on,give your brain a good rest.Step out of the books and get your bag ready for an autumn outing.We are sure you will get much more than knowledge from the exciting journey.23.In which paragraph does the writer make a

23、summary about his opinion?A.Paragraph 1.B.Paragraph 2.C.Paragraph 3.D.Paragraph 4.24.Which of the following ISNT the reason for丿uniorhigh school studentsgoing out?A.To invent a new product.C.To develop their creativity 25.The passage is developed mainly by B.To improve their health.D.To refresh them

24、selves.A.making predictions B.reasoning and giving examples C.describing the beautiful scenery in autumn D.pointing out the present situation of丿uniorhigh school students 26.What can you learn from the passage?A.Nature is power.B.The writer isnt happy with our education at all.C.We should get a stro

25、ng feeling of satisfaction towards life.D.Going out can make junior high school students get more.D US poet Maya Angelou once wrote,We delight in the beauty of the butterfly,but rarely admit(承认)thechanges it has gone through to achieve that beauty.This is especially true when it comes to the main ch

26、aracters of the popular movie Better Days,which came out in China on Oct.25,2019.Starring Jackson Yee and Zhou Dongyu,the film follows an excellent student Chen Nian for the national college entrance exam,who meets teenage hooligan(1卜祚肪昆)LiuBeishan at a sad situation.Liu was dropped by his parents a

27、nd stopped attending school at 13.He tries to protect Chen-from school violence(暴力)Thetwo form a strong relationship,and support each other as they grow up in a difficult environment.But before they take the exam,Chen accidentally kills a classmate who bullies(欺凌)herat school and Liu tries to protec

28、t her by taking the blame(责任)Talking about why he chose to star in the movie.Yee said that he was interested by the theme of teenage bullying.Except the problem of school violence,the film also reflects on the mental(精神的)growthof youth,he told Global Times._ _ Any kind of bullying is painful,but it

29、isnt often realized that many bullies face mental problems of their own either at home or at school and look for ways to take their strong feelings out on others._ Often the easiest targets(目标)arethose who seem to be the weakest:the nicest or quietest people.Or they pick on admired people.Anything c

30、an make you a target,US high school teacher Jeff Ward told The Daily Universe newspaper.This may be true,but that doesnt mean that the victims have themselves to blame.You did not ask to be bullied,bullying prevention author Sherri Gordon told Very Well Family website.The bully made that choice and

31、you arent responsible for another persons thoughts and actions.For those who are neither bullies nor victims,if you know someone whos being bullied,dont just stand by and let it happen.At the end of the day,knowing whats right doesnt mean much unless you do whats right.27.What does the example like

32、Lui Beishan in the movie suggest?A.A badly-behaved child may still have justice(正义)fromthe bottom of his heart.B.Parents are more responsible for childrens mental growth than schools.C.Laws should be made to protect children who arc dropped by their parents.D.The government should take proper action

33、 to protect students from being bullied.28.Where can we put In other words,bullies are the weak ones,not their victims(受害者)“inthe passage best?A.CD B.c.29.What does the fifth paragraph mainly talk about?A.School bullying is common.B.Bullies can be weak if you are brave.C.Bulliesvictims should be bla

34、med as well.D.We often pay no enough attention to what makes bullies.30.What does the author want to say in the last paragraph?D.A.You can make your life meaningful only when you do something.B.We should do something to stop bullying even if you dont stand by.C.Doing whats right means you know what

35、is right and what is wrong.D.If you stand by when bullying happens,you will be a victim some day.三、任务型囡读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)下面是记者Nancy对经历了一次旅行的Chris的采访实录,请将下面方框中A-E五个采访问题与相应的段落匹配。选项中有一项为多余选项。并完成第35小题。Our reporter Nancy met Chris at his home in London and he told her all about the trip to India.Report

36、er:_31 Chris:Well,it all started two years ago when I was planning a trip to India.I visited an exhibition of elephants and I realized that the only way to travel around India was on an elephant.Reporter:What did you do next?Chris:I flew to New Delhi and started looking for an elephant.I didnt know

37、anything about elephants,so I asked an expert for help.He taught me how to ride an elephant.He also helped me find an elephant.Reporter:_32 Chris:Not too long.I bought a female elephant called Tara for about USD 6.000.Reporter:Can you tell me about the丿ourney?Chris:Tara and I set off from New Delhi

38、a week later.We were heading to Sonepur in northern India where there is a big elephant market and I could sell Tara easily.And what a ride!Elephants can travel at about 6 miles an hour and Sonepur was more than 1,200km away.It took us 64 days to complete the journey.Reporter:_33 Chris:Yes,a few.But

39、 nothing serious.On the third day,Tara hurt her foot.But that got better quickly.Also,there was a lot of heavy rain during the first week and we got very wet!Reporter:_34 Chris:My plan was to sell Tara.But by now I liked her.I couldnt take her back to Britain and I didnt want to sell her at the mark

40、et.By chance.I met some people who wanted an elephant for their national park in southern India.I knew that Tara would be safe with them,so I gave her to them.I was very sad to say goodbye.A.What happened when you reached Sonepur?B.Did you have any problems on your journey?C.Did you happen to meet a

41、nything interesting?D.How long did it take to find a right elephant?E.What gave you the idea to travel around India On an elephant?35.What is the best title of the passage?A.Selling An Elephant.B.An Exhibition Of Elephants C.An Unusual Journey D.How To Ride An Elephant 试题卷II四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15

42、分)A根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)36.We were completely shocked when we heard the Ukraine broke out in February,2022.5.(战争)betweenRussia and 37.How 2022!(自豪)wefelt when Shenzhou XIII returned to the earth on April 16,38.Have you ever(写)aletter to your parents?39.To our great(惊讶),Tom failed to pass

43、 the graduation exam.40.It s said that the factory seldom every year.(倾倒)waste water into the river near it 41.The government always put peoples COVID-19 outbreak.(生命)firstduring Chinas latest 42.Could you please take some masks for me?my daughter asked(礼貌地)43.一Whichcity has the 一Tianjin,I think.(少)

44、freshwater,Beijing,Shanghai or Tianjin?44.People often store different kinds of food in their(冰箱)becauseof COVID-19.45.Up to now,Omicron variant has kept(传播)rapidlyall over the world.B.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。I goal Asia hard enter plan Known as the fastest Chinese man,Su Bing i;m made history

45、and brought an unforgettable moment for the world in the summer of 2021.On August 1 of that year,Su set a new record of 9.83 seconds in the Mens 100m semifinals(半决赛)atthe Tokyo Olympics,making him the first Chinese runner to46the final in the event.For a long time,there was an idea that47people were

46、 not physically built to succeed in sprinting.Sus success broke this idea and inspired many people.But the way to success was never easy for Su.Because of an injury(受伤),Suhad to stop running for several years.He even _ 48_ to retire(退役)in2017.but the call to challenge himself brought Su back to the

47、track(跑道)Toincrease his strength,Su trained even _ 49_-than before.He realized that finishing the semifinal in less than 10 seconds would offer him the chance to take part in the final competition.To encourage himself,Su set a personal _50_ of 9.89 second.He even made the number his personal passwor

48、d for his phone and computer.Luckily,his efforts paid off.I hope my performance today could serve as an inspiration for younger athletes in their sporting careers.五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题分共计0分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Mr.Brown was in school for only three years when he was young and on he was ma

49、de to work in the field with his father.One year,it hadnt rained for several _51_(month)and they had a poor harvest(收成)theyhad little food and they were sometimes hungry.Mr.Brown knew 52_ was difficult for them to get any crop.He had to go to find a job in a town.He learned 53(drive)a truck in a fac

50、tory.Now he has his own family.His wife works in a shop and their son Sam goes to school.Mr.Brown tries his best to save everything and hardly ever eats out.Hes good at54(cook)and always takes some food he has made at home with him when he goes to work in the morning.It was Sams _SS_(eight)birthday


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