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《2023年Prepare用法归纳.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年Prepare用法归纳.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、P repa r e用法归纳专业知识2 0 23-05-2 5 20:58:2 4阅读5 4 4评论0 字号:去中一、pre p are用作及物动词时:1.p rep are s th.表达”准备.,后接名词或代词作宾语。Our Eng lish t ea c her was p repar i ng t he lesson s w hen I cam einto the o f fice.我进办公室时,我们的英语老师在备课。当宾语是食物之类的东西时,可译为“制;做”。Mother wa s preparing d i nn e r in th e k i tch e n wh i 1 e F

2、ather waswatch i ng TV.妈妈在做饭,而爸爸在看电视。2.p r epare sb.s th.表达”给.准备.,也可转换为 pr e pare sth.f or s b.oShe prepar e d us a n ice breakf a st.(=She p re p ared a n i c e br e akfa s t for u s.)她给我们准备了可口的早餐。3.pre pa re sb.fo r sth.表达“使某人对某事有所准备”。S h e said s o bee a u s e she wan t ed to p rep a r e h er f a

3、 t h er forthe bad news.她这样说是由于她想使爸爸对那个坏消息有所准备。4.p re p a re t o d o sth.表达 准备做.T hey w e re prepar i n g to cross the ri v er wh e n it beg a n to r a i n.他 彳 门 正准备过河,忽然下雨了。二、pr e pare用作不及物动词时:prepa r e f o r st h.表达 为.做准备T h estu d e n ts a re busy p r e p a r ing f or t he fin a 1 exam.学生们正在准备期末考

4、试。prep a re 的名词形式为p rep a ra t io n,它可以和介词in 一起构成in p re para t i o n for短语;也可和动词m ak e 一起构成make preparati o ns f o r 短语,表 达 为 做 准 备We are ge t ti n g things t oge t h e r in p rep a r at i o n f o r th e j our ney.我们正在收拾东西准备旅行。The y h a v e mad e p re parations for w h at w i l l happen.他彳门已为将要发生的事

5、情做了准备。四、pr e par e 是一动词,意为“准备”。其用法相称灵活,现归纳如下:1.prepa r e sth.是”准备.,宾语是所准备的内容。如:Mother w a s p r ep a r in g dinner i n t h e kitche n.妈妈在厨房准备饭菜。He had a speec h to p r e pare that even in g,那天晚上他得准备一个报告。2.p r e p ar e t o do st h.准备做某事,如:T a king ou t a p ie c e of pape r,he pr e pared to w rit e to

6、 h isp a re n ts.他拿出纸,准备给父母写信。He i s p reparin g to go on a tri p.他正准备去旅行。3.p r e p a re for sth.是”为做准备”,for是准备的目的。如:He i s bus y p r epa rin g wit h g reat car e fo r the Congress.他 彳 门 正忙着精心准备这次代表大会。Hope fo r t he b e st and pr e p a re for the wor s t.抱最佳的希望,做最坏的准备。4.p re p a re s t h.fo r.P 1 ea

7、se p re p are th e tableY ou must p r e p are a roomM r Smi t h is pr e parin g为准备某物,如:f or t h e d inn e r.请摆好桌子吃饭。for th e guest.你必须为客人准备一个房间。his s p e e c h for the me e t i ng tomor r0W.史密斯先生正在为明天会上的发言做准备。5.pr e pa r e sb.f or s t h.使某人对.进行准备,如:W e h ave to prepare t he s tudents for that work s

8、te p by step.我们要为学生进行这项工作一步步做好准备。T he d o c t ors and nurses ar e p reparin g t h e patient for the ope ra ti o n.医生和护士们在使病人为做手术而进行准备。He p rep a red himse 1 f f or d e f e a t,他使自己对失败作好准备。6.prepa r e s b.to do sth.使某人准备做某事,如:T h ey pre p ared th e msel v es to acc e pt th e d e fe a t.他们准备好接受失败的结果。F

9、 ather i s p r epar i ng my litt 1 e br o t her t o go to s c hool.父亲为我小弟弟上学做准备。7.be prep a red for s t h.=get read y f o r s t h为.做好了准备,强调状态。如:Th ey we re p r e p a r ed fo r t he wor s t.他们已准备好了应付最坏的情况。He was n o t pr e p ared fo r t he quest i o n.对这个问题,他没有做好思想准备。8.be(we 1 1)prepa red to do s t h

10、,准备、打算做某事,如:We a re p r e par e d to supply t h e g oo d s you a s k ed fo r,我们准备好供应你要的货品。Im not p r e p ared t o 1 i sten to you r w e ak excuses.我不想听你那站不住脚的借口。9.b e prepare d agains t s t h.对.做好准备,a g a i nst 有 与.作斗争,、,抵御,之意。如:Were full y prepa red aga i nst a ny a g g r e ssion.我们对任何侵略都做好了充足的准备。B

11、e p re p are d a g a i nst w ar,b e prepared aga i n s t n a tu r al dis a sters and d o e veryt h in g for t h e p e opl e.备战,备荒,为人民。pre p are的名词是p repara t ion,常用复数,表达”具体的准备工作”。如:T h e p re p a r a t i ons for the p a r t y took hours.聚会的准备工作花了几个小时。可以用于以下一些短语:mak e pre p ar a t i on s for 为.做准备,如:

12、Sh e is maki n g preparat i on s for he r ma r ri a g e.她正在为自己的婚事做准备。m ak e p re p ara t ions a g a in s t sth.为对付/防止.做准备,如:We must ma k e p re parations again s t n a tur a I d i sasters.我 彳 门 必须为防止自然灾害做准备。i n pre p a r ation for 为.做准备,如:Were g et t ing things tog e ther in prep a r ation f or th e jou r ney.我7fi正在收拾东西准备旅行。He i s training in pr e paration for t he nex t foo t b a 1 1 match,他在训练准备下一轮足球赛。此外,prepa r e 尚有”配制、调制(点心、药、菜 等)”之意。如:He is p repa r i ng a medicine.他正在配药。


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