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《2023年need用法归纳.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年need用法归纳.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、need用法归纳词性词组/句型中文例句备注动词(行为动词)n eed sth需要Do you n e ed m oremoney?n e ed to d osth需要做,有必要做.Do 1 ne e d to g o atone e?ne e d sb todo sth需要某人做某事I nee d you to helpme.need d oi ng=needto be done(东西)必须被The TV ne e ds m ending.=Th e T V nee d s t o b e m e nded.类似的词尚有want,requir e o情态动词You neednt w o rr

2、y.Need 1 st a y any 1 o nger?1.无人称和数的变化。2.后跟动词原形。3.否认句在后面加n oto4.变为疑问句将need置于句首。5.一般用于否认和疑问句中。6.Mu s t/Nee d?的回答必须统一使用:Ye s,y o u/.mu s t.N o,yo u/.n e ednt./No,you/.dont ha v e t o.名词in(great)need of需要A re you in need ofhelp?me e t S bsn e ed s满足某人的需要There i sn o need t odo s th没有必要做Theres n o n e

3、ed f oryou to wa i t.拓展内容:n eedn t have done是做了而本不必做(表达过去发生过的事,事实上没有必要)I need n o t h a ve got u p so early.我本来不必那么早起床的(但事实上已早起床)。例句:1.Need I type th i s Ie t ter aga i n?我需要重新录入将这封信吗?2.The r e i s enough time.You ne e dnt h u rry.有的是时间,你不必着急。3.The p r e s iden t won d ered whet h er he nee d se n d

4、 m o re sol d i ers.总统不知道他是否要增兵。4.-M us t Iha nd in m y h omew o rk n o w?现在我必须交作业吗?-N o,you neednt.不,你不必。5.Y our car ne e d s mending.=Y o ur car ne e d s to b e re p a ire d.你的车需要维修了。翻译句子:1.你不必再尝试了。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2

5、 .在你需要帮助的时候我会来的。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.你不必为此紧张。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.他有必要来吗?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6、 _ _ _ _ _5.你得完毕你的作业。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6.我必须立即去那里吗?不,你不必。7.你的外套要洗了。江苏1 3城市中考试题汇编:()1.-P e t er doesnt mind len d in g y ou h is c a mera.(2023 无锡)H e.T v e a 1 rea d y borrowe d one.(A.need n tB.ca n tC.m u s t ntD.s h o

7、uldnt)2.Mustw e leave now?(2 0 23 连云港)-N o,w eW e s t ill h ave two mo r e h o u r s.A.cantB.mu s tn tC.need n tD.s houl d)3.-M u s tI mop up the f loor now?you.(2 0 2 3 扬州)A.nee d ntB.c a ntC.shou 1 d n N o,ntD.mustnt)4.T h e d e s k is notdir t y.Youclean it.(2 0 2 3 盐城)A.m ustntB.s ho u I d ntC.n

8、e e d ntD.ca nt)5.Mr Wu,must w eb r i ng some water to the park?-Noyo u.Drin k in g w a ter i s o f f ered th e re.(20 2 3泰州)A.shou 1 dntB.mus t ntC.neednt D.cant()6.Dont wo r r y.Its n othing se r ious at a 1 I a n d you _t a ke a n y med i cine.(南通)A.c antB.should nt C.m u s t ntD.need nt()7.-M us

9、t I f i n i sh w a terin g t h e fI o w e rs no w?-No,y o u.(宿迁)A.m u st B.wont C.need nt D.c a nt()8 .May I watch TV t h i s Th ursday?The r es a live f oo t b allmate h.-.You ma y o nl y watc h TV a t the w e e k e nd s.(常州)A.Yes,y ou ma y B.No,you mustnt C.Yes,yo u can D.No,you ne e dnt()9.-W i I

10、I you go to the mu s e u m with me th i s a f t emo o n?-Sorry,.My a u n t is coming to s ee m e.(无锡)A.I d o nz tB.I can t C.I need nt D.I m ustn t()1 0.Be q u i e t.Youtai k to t he old lik e t h a t.(连云港)A.co u 1 d n t B.n e e d n t C.mu s t ntD.wo u Idnt()1 1.-L isten!I s Ro s e sin g ingi n t h

11、e n e xt room?No.It_be Ro s e.Sh e has gone toSh a ngha i.(扬州)A.m a y n ot B.cant C.mustnt D.n ee d n t()12.Oh,d e a r!D id yo u w a lk so lo n g a way on s u ch a ho t day?Y ou be t i red!(淮安)A.can B.must C.need()1 3.Mil 1 ie will b e b usy thi s weeken d.Sh e wat c h t he game show o n TV.(镇江)A.mu

12、 s tn7 t B.n e ednt C.ca nt D.d oes n t ha v e t o()1 4.-I b o r r ow t h e se magazi n es?S o r ry,on 1 y the m a g a zi n es ove r the re can b e bor r o wed.(09 常州)A.Mus t B.Wo u Id C.May D.Need()1 5.-I s t hat you r best f r i e nd S i mon?-N o,it b e him.He fl e w to Hon g Kong yes t e rday.(连云

13、港)A.mustnt B.ma y n o t C.cant D.nee d n()1 6.-It mu s t be John who is in the offi c e.-Im sure it be Jo h n.I saw h im of f at the r a i I wa ystation j us t t wenty minut e s ag o.(无锡)A.wont B.mustnt C.c ant D.n e e dnt()1 7.The r e w i II be an i mp o r tant test t o mor r ow morn i n g.Yo ube l

14、a t e.(2023 南通)A.may not B.neednt C.m ustnt D.c ou 1dnt)18.-I d o nt c a r e abo u t what my te a c h er s thi n k.-w e 1 1 ,you.(2 0 2 3 苏州)A.c ould B.would C.s h oul dt()19.-I h a ve a tick e t,p Ie a se?-Sorr y,sir.All th e tick e t s were sol d ou tago.(202 3 连云港)A.May B.Need C.Mustuld()20.-Fift

15、y do 1 I a rs fo r such a Tshi r t!You(2023南京)-Im serious.Its m a de of sil k.A.m ust B.need C.may()21.-I borrow y o ur h isto r y book?,-S u r e.Here y ou are.A.Must B.May C.Nee d D()2 2.Ac c ording to t h e new t raffi c laws,p eopler dri n k i n g w i ne o r b e e r.(202 3 泰州)D.mig ht en minutesD

16、.Shob e jo k ing!D.can(2 0 2 3 淮安).Willd r i ve a ft eA.w o u IdntB.c ou 1 dntC.needntD.mu s t ntKeys:翻译句子:1.Th e res no n e ed f or yo u to tr y a gain.2.Ill come w h en you a re i n need o f help.3.You need n ot w o rr y abo u 11 h i s.4.Need h e come here?5.You need to f i nish y o u r homework.6.Must I g o t h er e a t once?-N o,yo u n e e dnt./dont h a veto.7.Y o u r c oat needs washi n g./You r coat n e e ds t o be wash e d.江苏13城市中考试题汇编:15 AC A C C6-10D C B B C11-15 B B C C C16-20 C CC A A21-22 B D


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