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《专业英语八级(阅读)历年真题试卷汇编1.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专业英语八级(阅读)历年真题试卷汇编1.pdf(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专业英语八级(阅读)历年真题试卷汇编l(总分:1.60,做题时间:120分钟)选择题(总题数:20,分数:l.60)L In 2011,many shoppers opted to avoid the frenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer.Sales at online retailers gained by more t han 15%,m aking it the biggest season ever.But people are also returning th

2、ose purchases at record rates,up 8%from last year.What went wrong?Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder t o accept extravagant indulgences?Or do people shop more impulsively-and therefore make bad decisionswhen online?Both arguments are plausible.However,t here is a

3、 third factor:a question of touch.We can love the l ook but,in an onl ine environment,we cannot feel the quality of a texture,the shape of the fit,the fall of a fold or the weight of an earring.And physically interacting 11ithan object makes you more committed to your purchase.W hen m y most recent

4、book Brandwashed was released,I teamed up with a l ocal bookstore to conduct an experiment about the differences between the online and offline shopping.I carefully instructed a group of volunteers to promote m y book in two different ways.The first was a fairly hands-off approach.Whenever a custome

5、r would inquire about my book,the volunteer would take them over to the shelf and point Lo it.Out of 20 such requests,six customers proceeded with t he purchase.The second option also involved going over to t he shelf but,this t ime,removing the book and then subtl y holding onto it for just an extr

6、a moment before placing it in the customer s hands.Of the 20 people who were handed the book,13 ended up buying it.Just physically passing the book showed a big difference in sales.Why?We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things jn our hand.That s why we establish or reesta

7、blish connection bi greeti ng strangers and friends with a handshake.Tn thi.s case,having to then let go of t he book afteT holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss,and motivate us to make the purchase even more.A recent study conducted by Bangor University together with t he United Kingdoms

8、 Royal Mail service also revealed the power of touch,in,this case when it came to snail mail.A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when delivered in a letter,as opposed to receiving the same message online.F邯Is(功能性磁共振成像)showedthat,on touching the paper,the emotional centre o

9、f the brain was activated,thus forming a stronger bond.The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of t he process,it could translate i nto a sense of possession.In other words,we simply feel more con皿ittedto possess and thus buy an item when weve first touched it.This sense of ownership i

10、s simply not part of t he equation in t he online shopping experience.As t he r it uals of purchase in t he lead-up to Christmas change,not only do we give less thought to the type of gifts we buy for our loved ones but,through our own digital wish lists,we increasingly control what they buy for us.

11、The reality,however,is that no matter how convinced we all are that digital is the way to go,finding real satisfaction will probably take more than a few simple clicks.问题:According to Lhe author,shoppers are returning their purchases for all the following reasons EXCEPT t hat.(分数:0.08)A.t hey are un

12、satisfied with the quality of the purchase B.they eventually find the purchase too expensive C.t hey change their mi.nd out of uncertainty 0.t hey regret m aki ng t he purchase without forethought 解析:细节理解题。根据题干定位至第二段。该段提到了网购退货率高的三个原因:一是金融危机导致人们对商品价格有所顾虑;二是购物时一时冲动做了糟糕的决定;三是由千不能接触商品而无法把握商品的品质,这三个原因分别对

13、应B、D和A。C所提到的uncertainty在原文中没有依据,因此该项不是购物者退货的原因,故为正确答案。2.In 2011,m any shoppers opted to avoid the frenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer.Sales al online retailers gained by more t han 15%,making it the biggest sea.son ever.But people are also returning those

14、 purchases at record rates,up 8%from last year.What went 1vrong?Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder t o accept extravagant indulgences?Or do people shop more impulsively-and therefore m ake bad decisions-when online?Both arguments are plausible.However,there is a

15、third factor:a question of touch.We can love the l ook but,in an online environment,we cannot feel the quality of a texture,the shape of the fit,the fall of a fold or the weight of an earring.And physically interacting with an object m akes you more committed to your purchase.W hen m y most recent b

16、ook Brandwashed was released,I teamed up with a l ocal bookstore to conduct an experim ent about the differences between the online and offline shopping.I carefully instructed a group of volunteers to promote m y book in two different ways.The first was a fairly hands-off approach.Whenever a custome

17、r would inquire about my book,t he volunteer would take t hem over to the shelf and point to it.Out of 20 such requests,six customers proceeded with t he purchase.The second option also involved going over to t he shelf but,this t ime,removing the book and then subtly holding onto it for just an ext

18、ra moment before placing it in the customer s hands.Of the 20 people who were handed the book,13 ended up buying it.Just physically passing t he book showed a big difference in sales.Vhy?We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things in our hand.1、hatswhy we establ ish or rees

19、tablish connecti.on by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake.In this case,having to then let go of t he book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss,and motivate us to make the purchase even more.A recent study conducted by Bangor University together with the United Kingdoms

20、 Royal Mail service also revealed the power of touch,in,this case when it came to snai 1 mail.A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when delivered in a letter,as opposed to receiving the sam e message online.FMRis(功能性磁共振成像)showedthat,on touching the paper,the emotional centr

21、e of the brain was activated,thus forming a stronger bond.The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process,it could translate into a sense of possession.In other words,we simpl y feel more committed to possess and thus buy an item when weve first touched it.This sense of ownershi

22、p is simply not part of the equation in t he online shopping experience.As the rituals of purchase in the lead-up to Christmas change,not only do we give less thought to the type of gifts we buy for our loved ones but,t肛oughour own d戊italwi sh lists,we increasingly control what they buy for us.The r

23、eality,however,is that no matter how convinced we all are that digital is the way to go,finding real satisfaction will probably take more than a few simple clicks.问题:What is the purpose of t he experiment in t he bookstore?(分数:0.08)A.To see which promotion method is preferred by customers.B.To f ind

24、 out the strengt hs and weaknesses of both methods.C.To try to set up a new retailer-customer relationship.D.To see the effect of an approach on customersdecisions.解析:细节理解题。根据题干定位至第三、四段。作者采用了两种不问的方式来推销书籍。一种只是将顾客引到书架前,并指给他们要购买的图书,另一种是在引到书架前之后将书取下来递到顾客手上,这两种方法的主要差别在于是否让顾客接触到书籍。第四段第三句也指出physicallypassi

25、ng t he book showed a bigdifference in sales,可见,这个实验就是验证让顾客接触实物这种促销方式的效果,故D为答案。3.In 2011,many shoppers opted to avoid the frenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of t heir computer.Sales at online retailers gained by more t han 15%,m aking it the biggest season ever.But people

26、 are also returning those purchases at recor d rates,up 8%from last year.hat went wrong?Is the lingering shadow of the global f inancial crisi s making it harder t o accept extravagant indulgences?Or do people shop more impulsively-and therefore make bad decisions一whenonline?Both arguments are plaus

27、ible.However,there is a third factor:a question of t ouch.lle cai1 love t he look but,in an online environment,we cannot feel the quality of a texture,the shape of t he fit,the fall of a fold or the weight of an earring.And physically interacting with an object m akes you more committed to your purc

28、hase.W hen my most recent book Brandwashed was released,I team ed up with a local bookstore to conduct an experim ent a.bout t he differences between the online and offline shopping.I carefully instructed a group of vol unteers to promote m y book in two different ways.The first was a fairly hands-o

29、ff approach.Whenever a customer would inquire about my book,t he volunteer would take them over to t he shelf and point to it.Out of 20 such requests,six custom er s proceeded with the purchase.The second option also involved going over to t he shelf but,this t ime,removing t he book and then subtly

30、 holding onto it for just an extra moment before placing it in the customer s hands.Of the 20 people who were handed the book,13 ended up buying it.Just physically passing t he book showed a big difference in sales.Why?We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things in our hand

31、.Thats why we establish or reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake.In this case,having to then let go of the book after holding i t might generate a subtle sense of loss,and mot ivate us to make the purchase even more.A recent study conducted by Bangor University to

32、gether wit h the United Kingdoms Royal Mail service also revealed the power of touch,in,this case w hen it came to snail mail.A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when del ivered in a letter,as opposed to receiving Lhe sam e message online.FMRis(功能性磁共振成像)showedthat,on touch

33、ing the paper,the emotional centre of t he brain was activated,t hus forming a stronge1 bond.The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of t he process,it could translate i nto a sense of possession.In other words,we simply feel more com川ittedto possess and t hus buy an i tem when weve fi

34、rst touched it.This sense of 011,11ership i s simply not part of the equation in the on line shopping experience.As the r i tuals of purchase in the lead-up to Christmas change,not only do we give less thought to the type of gifts we buy for our loved ones but,through our own digital wish l ists,we

35、increasingly control what they buy for us.The reality,however,is that no matter how convinced we all are that digital is the way to go,finding real satisfaction will probably take more than a fe11simpleclicks.问题:Whydoes the author cite the study by Bangor University and the Royal Mail Service?(分数:0.

36、08)A.To compare similar responses in different settings.B.To provide further evidence for his own observation.J C.To offer a scientific account of the brains functions.D.To describe emotional responses in online shopping.解析:推理判断题。作者引用班戈大学和英国皇家邮政研究的目的应该贯穿全文来考虑。作者在笫二段就提出了自己的核心论点:网购与实物采购的一个重大区别在千aquest

37、ion of Louch。在第三、四段通过一个对比实验实际验证了holdthings in our hand的重要性。第五段的研究alsorevealed the power of touch,可见,作者一直是循着aquestion of touch的思路,从不同的角度进行印证,引用这个研究为作者的实验提供了进一步的证据,故B为答案。4.In 2011,m any shoppers opted to avoid the frenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of t heir computer.Sales

38、at online ret ailers gained by more t han 15%,m aking it the biggest season ever.But people are also ret urning those purchases at record rates,up 8%from last year.W hat went wrong?Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisi s making it harder to accept extravagant indulgences?Or do peopl

39、e shop more impulsively-and therefore make bad decisions-when online?Both arguments are plausibl e.However,t here is a third factor:a question of touch.We can love the l ook but,in an online environment,we cannot feel the quality of a texture,the shape of t he fit,the fall of a fold or t he weight o

40、f an earring.And physically interacting with an object makes you more committed to your purchase.IIhenmy most recent book Brandwashed was released,I team ed up with a l ocal bookstore to conduct an experim ent about t he differences between the onl i ne and offline shopping.I carefully instructed a

41、group of volunteers to promote m y book in two different ways.The first was a fairly hands-off approach.Whenever a customer would inquire about my book,t he volunteer would take them over to the shelf and point to it.Out of 20 such requests,six customers proceeded with t he purchase.The second optio

42、n also involved going over to t he shelf but,this t ime,removing the book and then subtl y holding onto it for just an extra moment before placing i t in the customers hands.Of the 20 people who were handed the book,13 ended up buying it.Just physically passing t he book showed a big difference in s

43、ales.Why?We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things in our hand.Thats why we establish or reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake.In this case,having to then let go of t he book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss,and mo

44、t ivate us to make the purchase even more奄Arecent study conducted by Bangor University together with the United Kingdoms Royal Mail service also revealed the power of touch,in,this case when it cam e to snail mail.A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was form ed when delivered i n a l

45、etter,as opposed to receiving t he same message online.FMRis(功能性磁共振成像)showedthat,on touching the paper,the emotional centre of the brain was activated,t hus forming a stronger bond.The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of t he process,it could translate into a sense of possession.In

46、other words,we simpl y feel more c01runi tted to possess and thus buy an i tem when weve first touched it.This sense of ownershi p is simply not part of the equation in t he online shopping experience.As the rituals of purchase in the lead-up to Christmas change,not only do we give less thought to t

47、he type of gifts we buy for our loved ones but,through our own digital wish lists,we increasingly control what they buy for us.The reality,however,is that no matter how convinced we all are that digital is t he way to go,finding real satisfactionIill probably take more than a few simple clicks.问题:Wh

48、at can be inferred from t he last paragraph?(分数:0.08)A.Real satisfaction depends on factors other t han the computer.B.Despite onl ine shopping we still attach importance to gift buying.C.Some people are still uncertain about the digital age.D.Online shopping offers real satisfaction to shoppers.解析:

49、推理判断题。文章最后一段总结分析了网购给购物带来的不同感受。作者在最后一句特别指出:f indingreal satisfaction will probably take more than a few simple clicks,言外之意即使用电脑购物可能并不能为顾客带来真正的满足感,这与A表述一致,故为正确答案。5.My professor brother and T have an argument about head and heart,about whether he overvalues IQ w hi le I l ean more toward EQ.We typicall

50、y have this debate about peoplecan you be friends with a really smart jerk(怪物)?一buttheres corollary to animals as well.I d love it if our dog could fetch the morning paper and then read it to me over coffee,but I actually care much more about her loyal and innocent heart.Theres already enough thinki


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