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《上海版牛津英语1B教案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海版牛津英语1B教案.pdf(65页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 1The First PeriodLets act一、教学目标1知识目标:用祈使句Show me your present。Try your new shoes。给出简单指令.2能力目标:听懂简单命令并作出反应,用所学命令相互交流。3情感目标:回忆过年时的快乐氛围,激发学习兴趣.二、教学重点:present,shoes 的识记教学难点:try 的发音三、教具准备:1。cassette 1B and a cassette player2。a present四、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up跟唱歌曲,进入英语学习状Song:Happy New Year态,帮助回忆过年时的快

2、Step 2 Pre-task preparation乐氛围,为学习新知创设情1.Talk about the Spring Festival with the境。students and ask them whether they have启发谈话,活跃气氛,引入received presents from their relatives。新知。2.Show a beautifully wrapped present and先熟悉句中单词的音、义,emitate“present”。分散难点。3.Open the present and take out a new pair of调动多种感官

3、感知新命shoes。Emitate“shoes.Encourage the令。教师示范得当能起到class to point to their own shoes and say良好的带头作用.“shoes多次视听,达到熟练。Step 3 Whiletask procedure同桌操练,缓冲马上发言的1.Play the cassette tape twice。meanwhile,紧张。the teacher does the commands for the自由说说命令,培养英语交students as a model.际能力.2.Give commands,ask individuals

4、to actthem.3.Repeat step 2 for several times until theyare familiar with them.4.Give commands and ask the class to repeatand act。5.Ask more able students to speak out theinstructions.6.Practise these commands in pairs。7.Ask individuals to give commands。Step 4 Posttask activityCommunicate with your f

5、riends using modeledinstructions。板书设计:课后小结:The Second PeriodLets talk一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学会 Happy New Year 问候新年好。学会问候语 How are you?及两种不同回答:I am fine.Thank you;Very well,and you?2.能力目标:能熟练运用这些句子交流自如.3.情感目标:教育学生要有礼貌问候别人。二、教学重点:How are you 及 Happy New Year 问候语。三、教学难点:Very well 的正确发音。四、教具准备:Cassette 1 B and C

6、assette player,Wallcharts 1 B and a puppet.五、教学过程:Step1。Warming up。进一步熟悉歌曲,在演演Song:Happy New Year。唱唱中自觉习得HappyStep 2.Pretusk preparation。New Year 问候语。1.Make quick responses。Show me your知识的积累需要不断巩present。Try your new shoes。固。2.Go on talking about the spring festival and ask启发谈话,激发兴趣,引入what will they

7、say when they meet their新课。relatives in the new year。听听故事,为新句创设语Step3.Whiletask proceduce。境,帮助形象记忆。1.Put up the wallchart of picture 2 on page 3.培养学以致用的交际能力.Tell a story about this picture to elicit“Happy语言知识在情境中引入,New Year!”有助于理解记忆。2.Practise greeting Happy New Year!放慢发音的速度,引起学生-Happy New Year!的注意.

8、夸张口形便于学生(1)Between the teacher and the students。正确模仿。(2)Between pairs。利用玩偶示范对话,能牢(3)Between friends.牢吸引学生的注意力.3.Show the wallchart of picture 1 on page 3。多种形式操练,增加视听Introduce the scene to elicit“How are you?次数,避免枯燥.I am fine,thank you。”Emitate and practise。磁带正音,完整感知。4.Then elicit another answer“Very

9、 well,and创设语境,在演演说说中you?Say the sentence slowly。Pay培养学生实际运用语言的attention to the shape of the mouth.Emitate.能力,形象感知,加深印5.Using a puppet。The teacher Practise the象.dialogue with the puppetas a model:How are you?Very well,and you?-I am fine,too.Thank you。6。Ask more able students to practise with theteach

10、er first。Then practise in pairs.6.Play the cassette tape.The students repeat.Step 4 Posttask activity1.Get the students to act out the picture 1 and 2on page 3.2.Get the students to go around the classroomand greet their friends using the learnedsentences。板书设计:课后小结:The Third PeriodLets learn一、教学目标:1

11、知识目标:会用 uncle,aunt,grandmother,grandfather 称呼人。2能力目标:培养正确、快速模仿能力.3情感目标:教育学生尊敬长辈。二、教学重点:4 个人称的正确发音.教学难点:单词词形的识记.三、教具准备:cassette 1B and cassette player,wallchart,word cards四、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up唱唱儿歌,复习已学人称,带Rhyme:My father is coming入英语学习氛围。Step 2 Pretask preparation不断复习巩固,让新知识内化1.Make quick response

12、s:Show me your present。为自己的语言。Try your new shoes。示范发音到位,是学生正确模2.Greet individuals“How are you?”“Happy New仿的关键。Year.”Get students to give responses。由单词的发音到词形,使学生Step 3 Whiletask procedure对单词有完整印象。1.Put up the wallchart for page 3 again.Ask“Who is播放磁带,看着课本,再次巩this?”Point to each of the four relatives.

13、Say the words固视听,帮助正音.in English slowly。Repeat。在游戏中巩固单词,不机械,2.Put the appropriate word cards under the four relatives枯燥,学生注意力更集中,效率on the wallchart.Ask individuals to read。Then the更高。whole class read together。图词配对,加深对词形的印象.3.Get students to open their books to page 4.Play the在唱唱玩玩中,进一步巩固新cassette ta

14、pe to let them listen and correct。单词,增加语感,活跃气氛。4.Game1:Follow or clap。Show the word cards,the teacher read it out。Ifright,they can follow.Otherwise,they can clap and speakout the correct answer。5。Game 2:Guess:Which word is it?Show the students the back of the cards,get them toguess the words.6。Scatt

15、er the picture and word cards for“uncle,aunt,grandmother,grandfather”on the board.Ask studentsto come up and make matching pairs.Get the class torevise together。Step 4 Posttask activitySubstituting the rhyme“My father is coming”with thenew words.e。g。My uncle is coming didi 板书设计:课后小结:The Fourth Perio

16、dLets play一、教学目标:1知识目标:学会用 draw,write,fold 说出制作贺卡过程。2能力目标:正确模仿发音并根据指令作出相应反应。3情感目标:学会通过贺卡传递对亲人、朋友的爱。二、教学重点:分清各步骤的名称.教学难点:fold 的识记。三、教具准备:cassette 1B and cassette player,samples of cards,wallchart四、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up歌曲、儿歌既复习已学知1.song:Happy New Year识,又能帮助集中思想,2.rhyme:My uncle is coming快速进入英语学习状态.St

17、ep 2 Pre-task preparation复习旧知识,逐步培养英1.Greet each other using“How are you?语交际能力。“Happy new year。”生动、带有感情色彩地复2.Show the word cards of four relatives learned习单词。既轻松,又有助in the previous lesson。Get students to greet于记忆.each one with“Happy new year!引起兴趣,激发求知欲.e.g.Happy new year,uncle。初步整体感知。3.Show the clas

18、s some New Year cards and tell示范到位,便于模仿。them that they are all made by other students。磁带再次感知,帮助正音.4.Ask“Do you like these cards?Do you want做做说说,调动多种感官to make one?”参与,帮助记忆。Step 3 Whiletask procedure1.Put up the enlarged picture of students Bookpage 5。Introduce the steps of making a NewYear card。2.Say

19、thewordsforeachstepslowly。Encourage the students to follow。3.Play the cassette tape.The studentslisten andcorrect the pronunciation。4.Show some good samples of cards to the class.Step 4 Posttask activityGet the students to make New Year cards fortheir parents,relatives or friends。Speak out theaction

20、 while making.Remind them to say“Happy New Year!when they send the card.板书设计:课后小结:The Fifth PeriodLets enjoy一、教学目标:1知识目标:学会用 I like句型表达自己的喜好.2能力目标:能熟练运用 I like句型熟练交流。3情感目标:做个有礼貌的小顾客。二、教学重点:灵活运用 I like句型.教学难点:the 在此型句中发音顺畅.三、教具准备:cassette 1B and cassette player,wallchart四、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up听听歌曲,在

21、歌曲声中初步Song:Do you like感知新句 I like,为后Step 2 Pretask preparation面学习打下基础.1.Show a box of sweets。Pick a sweet and say创设语境,引入新知,分“What is it?Sweet。Repeat。散难点。2.Point to the box of sweets and say“I like the听听故事,激发兴趣。sweets。”Students point to the box of sweets磁带正音,再次整体感知and repeat。故事.3.Show picture card s

22、for“shoes”and“dress”to通过提问,帮助理解记忆,the class and say“I like the new shoes。I like同时反馈所学。the new dress。”Students repeat。联系自己喜好,互相运用Step 3 Whiletask procedure新句型交流,灵活掌握句1.Show a wallchart of page 6。Tell a story about型,活跃气氛。this。增加输入量,使对话有可2.Play the cassette tape of page 6.Students说性。在演演说说中,培listen。养实际运

23、用语言的能力。3.Ask some questions about the story:先给他们自由操练的时Where were Sam and Mays family in each间,缓冲马上表演的紧张,picture?同时让对话演得更到位。*What were they doing?What did Sam say in the sweets shop?Does May like the new dress?What did she say?Who had the new shoes?how did Sam and May greet their parents onNew Years

24、Day?4.Get the students to discuss what New Yearpresents they want to buy。Using the sentence“I like”Step 4 Post-task activityGive them much more words about the items ofClothing。Such as“coat,trousers”Get students to pretend that they are goingshopping to buy a new items of clothing。First practise in

25、three,one being the shopkeeper,the other two being the customers.Then askthem to act it out for the class.板书设计:课后小结:Unit 2 Small animalsUnit 2 Small animalsThe FirstThe FirstPeriodPeriodLets actLets act一教学目标:1、知识目标:数字 110 数数,并认明小动物2、能力目标:能听懂特定环境中简单的命令3、情感目标:培养学生的节奏感,激发学生学习兴趣二.教学重点:儿歌的完整性三。教学难点:数字 11

26、0 的认识四教具准备:StudentsBook1Bpage 7Cassette1BandacassetteplayerWord1BPictureCards1B10papercut outs ofbeesWorkbook1Bpage 5五、教学过程一上课就把学生带入学习英语的Warmingup氛围.SongGoodmorningtoyou用先前所学儿歌,使学生回忆 16Revision数字。1.Playagame(Drawten flowersontheboard.运用身体器官,动动手,动动脑,Putsixpaper beesontheflowers巩固记忆。活跃气氛.通过形象的动作,激发学生学

27、习兴andcountwithstudents)趣,便于记忆。Whocancountthebeesfirst?吸引学生注意2.Rhyme:Onetwothree。Its用玩具鸟引入课文,atree。Four five six。Pick up力.反复跟读,加深印象,巩固记忆.sticks。Learn:Four。fivesix。Pick up磁带正音,培养语感。培养学以致用的能力。sticks。表演激发学生兴趣,培养学生实际3.LearnsevenPutanotherbeeonaflower应用语言的能力,加深印象。andsay。“Seven”Countagain。Act:Clap one。Show

28、 me:seven4.Repeatstep3for“eight。nineandten。”5.ReviewOneTenAct:Clap oneten。(Holduptenfingersandasktheclasstocount)Whiletaskprocedure.1.T:TodayLetsgotothepark.(Showaparkpicture。Thisisapark。Therearesomecleveranimalsinit.Ilikethebee.Iarmabee.(Extendarms,movearoundandsayBzz。Bzz.Bzz)Followme。2.Whoishe?Oh,

29、hesJi Ji。I like him。Now please follow me:Iamabird。(Extendarmsandtheupanddown)3.(Puthandsabovehead)Say:I am a rabbit.4.Stoopdownslightlyandpretendtojumpforward。Say:Iamafrog.Studentcopy。5.Followandsay.Iamabee。Iamabird.Iamarabbit。Iamafrog。6.Listentothetapeandsay。7.Practise。(1)Betweentheteacherandthestu

30、dents.(2)Between pairs。(3)Between friends.8。Act out the rhyme。板书设计:课后小结:TheTheSecondSecondPeriodPeriodLets talkLets talk一、教学目标:1知识目标:用特定的句型让学生说 Isee2能力目标:一般学生能会说课文中的三句句子,基础好的学生能运用以往所学活用句型。3情感目标:让学生善与发现周围的事物,培育热爱自然的童趣.二、教学重点:Isee三教学难点:butterfly 的读音四教具准备:StudentsBook1Bpage8Casette1BandacassetteplayerW

31、ordandPictureCardsI BWallchartsI BWorkbookI Bpage6五教学过程:Warmingup:复习上节课所学,把学生带入学习氛Rhyme:Page7围,对以下所学也有帮助。Pre一taskfoursmall animals。Show未学过的单词在一开始先重点强调,引somepictures:bee起学生重视。Birdrabbitfrog用学生所熟悉的学生名字引入,让学生2。Showanotherpicture:butterfly很容易理解 I see 的含义。Learnthe new words:butterfly通过游戏方式,巩固所学。对以前所学Exte

32、ndarmsmorearoundand能学以致用。游戏形式符合学生年龄特say:Iamabutterfly.点。3。Actouttheanimalsandsaythelines:IamabutterflyWhile 一 taskprocedure1.Learn:IseePointtoPeterandsay:IseePeterPointtoLucyandsay:IseeLucy。Pointtoarulerandsay:IseearulerPointtoeyeswhenyousay“seePointtothestudentsandallsay:IseeMary。IseeJannyIsee2.Pra

33、ctise:T1T2 T3Workinpairs。3.Showsomesmall animals andwhocansay?“I see”Asksomestudents.4.Openstudents bookandlistento the tape。Post一 task activity.Play agame:Whois winner?Isee板书设计:课后小结:The Third PeriodThe Third PeriodLets LearnLets Learn一教学目标1 知识目标:bird rabbit butterflyfrog bee 单词的识记。2 能力目标:能正确读出单词发音,

34、并能识记单词卡片。3 情感目标:培养学生热爱小动物的习惯,让他们在学习中体验成功的乐趣。二教学重点:能识记单词.三教学难点:butterfly的发音四教具准备:Students Book 1B page 9Cassette 1B and a cassette playerWord andpicture cards 1BSilhouettes of the above small animalsWork book 1B page 7五、教学过程:Warming up:,1.Rhyme:One two three。I am a游戏吸引学生,激发学生学习兴趣,bee。(page 7)也便于老师了解学

35、生掌握程度。2.Game:句型操练,让学生能把以前所学融Guess“what are they?”Say“I see 汇于新知识中,学以致用。a”词型配对,学生对所学字母能达到3Stickallthepictures on theboard.识记目的。Take one away and ask:“what animal is it?游戏巩固所学,激发学生的好胜心While-task procedure:和集体荣誉感。1。Hold up a butterflyand say:Today,thereisa new friendin ourclass.Guess。who is she?Shes ab

36、utter fly.I like her.2Repeat the new word.3.Make some scentens.Butterfly butterflybutterfly Ilike it.;Ican seeFor you and me4.Repeattheprocesswithsichouettes of other animals。5.Match:Pictures and word。6.Read the words slowly。7.Open students,listen to thetape and read after the tape。Post-task activit

37、yGame:what is missing?板书设计:课后小结:The FourthThe FourthPeriodPeriodLets playLets play一教学目标1 知识目标:问句 What do you see?2 能力目标:会熟练运用问句进行对话.3 情感目标:使学生发现事物的特征,培养细心观察的好习惯。二教学重点:问答句的使用。三教学难点:单词发音。四 教具准备:Students Book 1B page 10Cassette 1b and a cassette playerPaper cutouts of bind bee butterfly frog and rabbit

38、Work book 1b page 8五 教学过程Warming up歌曲引入,增强学习气氛,使1 Song:Hello,how are you?学习氛围更加浓烈.让学生2 Rhyme做一个有礼貌的好孩子.3 Reed the words:bird,rabbit,butterfly,frog句型操练,增加练习机会。bee游戏形式,调动学生参与的4 Make some sentences.“I see a”积极性,重点在于问句的反Whiletask procedure:复出现。1Play a game图片的使用,学生更加形Guess:Whats in my hand?What do you se

39、e?象。ruler,paper,bag学学,涂涂,画画,符合一年2Repeat:What do you see?级学生的年龄特点。在完成3 Work in pairs4 ActP1:What do you see?P2:I see a 5 Show paper cut outs of bird bee butterflyfrog and rabbit.T:What do you see?Students answer.6 listen to the tape。Post task activityWork book page 8:Draw the other half of each small

40、animals。板书设计:作业的同时也满足了他们的成就感。课后小结:The Fifth PeriodThe Fifth PeriodLetLet s enjoys enjoy一.教学目标1知识目标:歌曲中数字及单词复数的认识2能力目标:能学会用 oneten 数字表演唱儿歌3情感目标:使学生在轻松,愉快的氛围中学习英语寓教于乐二教学重点:歌曲中句子与动作的协调配合三教学难点:rabbits 复数的掌握四教具准备:Students Book 1B page 11Cassette 1B and a cassette player五教学过程:Warming up.10 little paper ra

41、bbits句型快速操练,训练学生的反应。巩1.Quick responds:固以往所学知识,起到温故而知新的What do you see?目的.Whats this?用学生熟悉已知的学习用品,引入新Is this a bee?授。由浅至深,通俗易懂.Do you like rabbit?调动多种感官参与,加深对数字的印2.Review numbers.Oneten(clap象。hands)通过形象的图片,让学生对 110 数字3.Show a pen。Say:what do you一目了然。see?配上动作,使学生在轻松 愉快的环境A pencil。one pencil.中学习英语。Show

42、 two pens.Say:How many激发学生表演欲,满足他们成就感,对pens?后进生也有促进作用。Two pens。4.Hold up ten fingers and count.5.Show four rabbits。T:What do you see?Lets count。One。two。three。four。Fourrabbits.Repeat and say.Show the other animals。While-task procedure1.Learn a song about ten littlerabbits.2.Listen to the tape.Listen

43、thefirst.3.Sticktenrabbitsontheblackboard。Let count.4.Read the verses of the songslowly。Point to the pictures of therabbits.5.Play the cassette again.Singwith them four a few times。Encourage them to sing alongwith the tape6.Put hands above head。Squathop and sing the song。Post task activity.1.Song:Te

44、n little birds.(frogs。bees)2.Act the song。板书设计:课后小结:Unit3 ColoursUnit3 Colours一、单元目的要求通过课堂活动得到一些信息,主要是有关颜色表达事物方面的知识,同时进一步学习一些数词.二、课时数:5 课时The First PeriodThe First PeriodLets actLets act一、Teaching aims1.Basic aims.Using imperatives to give simple instructions。Establish and maintain relationships in

45、carrying outclassroom aitivities。2.Developing aims。Use modelbed phrases to communicate with otherlearners.3。Education aimsHow to express colour二、Teaching importance.Using imperatives to give simple instructions三、Teaching difficultyHow to express colour四、Teaching aids.Book 1B page 12。Cassette 1B and

46、a cassette player。Paper thread and glue.Eight crayons五、Teaching procedure(一)Pre-task preparation1。Song2。Stick the pictures of small animals on the board.Ask“What do you see?”to elicitI see a”(二)Whiletask procedure1.Colour the picture of a rabbit with the white crayonsaying,“Colour the rabbitThen say

47、“Look!Its white。Its a white rabbit2.Invite other students to colour the other pictures andpractise.“Colour”and“Its (colour)”/“Its a(colour)”3。Say“Make a kite。and demonstrate to the classhow to make a simple kite using paper,thread andglue。Repeat the sentence“Make a kite”。and getthe students to follw

48、。4。Repeat step 1 with the other seven kites。5。Say“Pick out the red kite”。and pick out the correctpicture。Repeat the sentence and encourage the students tocopy。6。Play the cassette(1)Listen(2)Follow the tape。(3)Read“Lets act(三)Posttask activityGive each student a piece of paper,some thread andglue to

49、make a kite。(四)Homework板书设计课后小结通过唱歌活跃课堂气氛。以旧知识引入今天的新句型,起到 承上启 下的作用。循序渐进地进行教学,学生容易掌握.通过实际操作培养学生的动手能力,加深他们对所学知识的印象.通过模仿录音,培养良好的语音语调。巩固所学知识。The Second PeriodThe Second PeriodLets talkLets talk一、Teaching aims1.Basic aims歌曲能使学生集中注意力,迅速进入学Provide and present information on familiar topics2.Developing aims

50、Asking yes/no questions to obtain a simple responsee。g.Is it blue?Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g Yes./No。Asking Whquestions to obtain a simple response.e。g How many kites?3。Education aimsUse modellod phrases to communicate with otherlearners二、Teaching importanceProvide and present


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