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《高三二轮复习学案.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三二轮复习学案.ppt(43页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、字母字母d专练专练(2)1.The exam result was not good as he expected;he was very .2.According to the survey,half the marriages in this country end in (离婚)(离婚).3.Plans to a chemical factory could threaten the ecology(生态)(生态)of the island.4.Their apartment is in the Chongwen (区)(区)of Beijing.discourageddivorcebu

2、ildDistrict 5.What Tom did during the sports meet made all of us (失望)(失望).6.When (喝)(喝)to someones health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch.7.At the sight of the police,the thieves ran away in all (方向)(方向).8.He dived from the bridge and rescued the child.drinkingdirectionsdisap

3、pointeddrowning把下列句子译成汉语,注意红体字的含义把下列句子译成汉语,注意红体字的含义1.We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut.我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。2.I cant digest her endless complaint a moment longer.我一刻也忍受不了她那没完没了的抱怨。我一刻也忍受不了她那没完没了的抱怨。3.My brother doctored the old watch.我兄弟把这个旧表修好了。我兄弟把这个旧表修好了。4.Customs dutie

4、s are paid on imported goods.对进口货物征收关税。对进口货物征收关税。5.He directed the building of the new bridge.他主持修建这座桥的建筑工程他主持修建这座桥的建筑工程。take delight in,in danger,no doubt,draw in,do without,die out,draw up,deal with1.she means to help,but in fact she just gets in the way.2.The car and three men got out.3.I dont ha

5、ve enough money to buy a car,so I just have to (one).4.He in annoying me.5.The nights/days .No doubtdrew updo without takes delightare drawing in1.Now and then they would our house and have a talk with us.A.call on B.drop in at C.drop in on D.drop in 答案答案 B 解析解析 drop indrop in意为意为“顺便走访,不预先通知的拜顺便走访,不

6、预先通知的拜访访”,为不及物动词,其后不接宾语,若要接宾语,为不及物动词,其后不接宾语,若要接宾语,遵循以下原则:表示拜访某人,后接介词遵循以下原则:表示拜访某人,后接介词on;on;表示表示拜访某地,后接介词拜访某地,后接介词at at;callcall表示表示“拜访拜访”时也遵循时也遵循以上原则,即以上原则,即call atcall at后接地点,后接地点,call oncall on后接人。后接人。2.Elephants would if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.A.die down B.die out C.die

7、 away D.die off 答案答案 B 解析解析 die awaydie away指指“(声音、风、光线等)渐息,(声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱渐弱”;die downdie down指指“(慢慢)熄灭,平静下来(慢慢)熄灭,平静下来”;die offdie off指指“一个一个地死去一个一个地死去”;die outdie out指指“(家(家族、种族、习俗、观念、物种等)灭绝,绝迹族、种族、习俗、观念、物种等)灭绝,绝迹”。3.With the world changing fast,we have something new with all by ourselves every d

8、ay.A.deal B.dealt C.to deal D.dealing 答案答案 C 解析解析 考查不定式作定语的用法。考查不定式作定语的用法。deal withdeal with的动作的动作发出者是句子的主语,所以要用主动表示被动。发出者是句子的主语,所以要用主动表示被动。4.While watching television,.A.the doorbell rang B.the doorbell rings C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings 答案答案 C 解析解析 句意要表达的是句意要表达的是“看电视的

9、时候,门铃响了看电视的时候,门铃响了”,每一个选项都有可能成为考生的选择对象。但,每一个选项都有可能成为考生的选择对象。但英语表达中,分词的逻辑主语必须是主句的主语,英语表达中,分词的逻辑主语必须是主句的主语,再加上再加上hearhear结构的特点,因此答案选结构的特点,因此答案选C C项。项。5.The rainbow as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.A.dissolved B.removed C.resigned D.disappeared 答案答案 D 解析解析 disappeardisappear消失;消失;dissol

10、vedissolve溶解;溶解;removeremove去除;去除;resignresign,辞职。,辞职。6.The lorry driver was badly when his lorry crashed into a wall.A.damaged B.hit C.hurt D.harmed 答案答案 C 解析解析 damagedamage损坏;损坏;harmharm对对有害;有害;hurthurt(精神(精神上或肉体上)伤害;上或肉体上)伤害;hithit打击。打击。7.High interest rates people from borrowing money.A.discoura

11、ge B.decrease C.disturb D.disgust 答案答案 A 解析解析 discourage sb.from doing sth.discourage sb.from doing sth.使灰心;使泄使灰心;使泄气。气。8.American women were the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A.ignored B.refused C.neglected D.denied 答案答案 D 解析解析 denydeny否认。否认。9.On turning the corner,we s

12、aw the road steeply.A.departing B.decreasing C.descending D.depressing 答案答案 C 解析解析 descenddescend走下来;传下来;走下来;传下来;depressdepress压抑,使沮压抑,使沮丧;丧;departdepart出发,起程。出发,起程。10.People who live in a small village are bound to see a good of each other.A.sum B.quantity C.deal D.amount 答案答案 C 解析解析 see a good dea

13、l of each othersee a good deal of each other经常见面。经常见面。完形填空专练(完形填空专练(8)解完形填空从以下四步做起:解完形填空从以下四步做起:第一步,重视首句,把握开篇。完形填空一般无第一步,重视首句,把握开篇。完形填空一般无标题,首句一般不留空白,是完整的一句,全文信息标题,首句一般不留空白,是完整的一句,全文信息从此开始。细读首句,可判断文章体裁,预测全文大从此开始。细读首句,可判断文章体裁,预测全文大意和主旨。意和主旨。第二步,速读全文,掌握大意。速读全文要一气第二步,速读全文,掌握大意。速读全文要一气呵成,尽管有空格、生词或不明白的地方




17、时对极难确定的答案,也要凭语感任猜一个,决不同时对极难确定的答案,也要凭语感任猜一个,决不可不选。可不选。(2008山东)山东)On August 26,1999,New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm.The rain caused the streets to1and the subway system almost came to a stop.Unfortunately,this happened during the morning rush hour.Many people who were going to work we

18、re 2 to go home.Some battled to 3 a taxi or to get on a bus.Still others faced the 4 bravely,walking miles to get to work.I 5 to be one of people on the way to work that morning.I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most 6 had stopped.After making my way 7crowds of people,I finall

19、y found a subway line that was 8.Unfortunately,there were so many people waiting to 9 the subway that I could not even get down the stairs to the 10.So I took the train going in the opposite direction,and then switched back to the downtown train.Finally,after what seemed like forever,the train11my s

20、top.Then I had towalk several blocks in the increasingly heavy rain.When I finally got to my office,I was 12 through,exhausted and 13.My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off.When it was 5 00 p.m.,I was ready to go home.I was about to turn off my computer 14 I received an email from Gart

21、h,my Director:I would like to thank all of you who made the effort I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and and 15 reported to work.It is always reassuring(reported to work.It is always reassuring(令人欣令人欣慰慰),at times like these,when employees so clearly show),at times like these,when

22、employees so clearly show their their 16 to their jobs.Thank you.to their jobs.Thank you.Garths email was short,but I learned more from that 17 message than I ever did from a textbook.The email taught me that a few words of 18 can make a big difference.The rainstorm and the traffic 19 had made me ti

23、red and upset.But Garths words immediately 20 me and put a smile back on my face.1.A.break B.flood C.sink D.crash 答案答案 B 解析解析 暴风雨使得街道被水淹没了。暴风雨使得街道被水淹没了。floodflood在此用在此用作不及物动词,意为作不及物动词,意为“被淹没被淹没”。2.A.forced B.refused C.adjusted D.gathered 答案答案 A 解析解析 许多正要去上班的人被迫回了家。许多正要去上班的人被迫回了家。be forced be forced

24、to do sth.to do sth.不得不做某事。不得不做某事。3.A.order B.pay C.call D.search 答案答案 C 解析解析 有些人乘出租车,有些人乘公共汽车。四个有些人乘出租车,有些人乘公共汽车。四个选项中只有选项中只有C C项符合要求。项符合要求。4.A.climate B.scenery C.storm D.burden 答案答案 C 解析解析 但还有一些人勇敢地面对暴风雨,步行数英但还有一些人勇敢地面对暴风雨,步行数英里去上班。里去上班。5.A.used B.promised C.deserved D.happened 答案答案 D 解析解析 我碰巧也在上

25、班的路上。我碰巧也在上班的路上。happen to dohappen to do碰巧碰巧。6.A.practice B.routine C.process D.service 答案答案 D 解析解析 许多许多“服务服务”因为暴风雨已经停止,因此我因为暴风雨已经停止,因此我只能来回寻找上班的办法。只能来回寻找上班的办法。7.A.to B.through C.over D.for 答案答案 B 解析解析 making my way through crowds of peoplemaking my way through crowds of people穿过穿过人群往前挤。人群往前挤。8.A.op

26、erating B.cycling C.turning D.rushing 答案答案 A 解析解析 终于发现有一条地铁还在运转。终于发现有一条地铁还在运转。operateoperate指指“(机器等)运转、运行(机器等)运转、运行”。9.A.check B.carry C.find D.board 答案答案 D 解析解析 boardboard指指“上(飞机、船、火车等)上(飞机、船、火车等)”。有。有许多人在等着坐地铁。许多人在等着坐地铁。10.A.street B.ground C.floor D.platform 答案答案 D 解析解析 人很多以致于我都上不了站台(然后才能人很多以致于我都

27、上不了站台(然后才能乘地铁)。乘地铁)。platformplatform站台。站台。11.A.paused B.crossed C.reached D.parked 答案答案 C 解析解析 火车到达我停的那一站。火车到达我停的那一站。12.A.wet B.weak C.sick D.hurt 答案答案 A 解析解析 be wet throughbe wet through浑身湿透。浑身湿透。13.A.ashamed B.discouraged C.surprised D.puzzled 答案答案 B 解析解析 浑身湿透,又累又沮丧。浑身湿透,又累又沮丧。discourageddiscourag

28、ed感到感到沮丧的,其他选项不合上下文语境。沮丧的,其他选项不合上下文语境。14.A.while B.when C.where D.after 答案答案 B 解析解析 be about to do.when.be about to do.when.正要做正要做这时这时 15.A.hardly B.casually C.absolutely D.eventually 答案答案 D 解析解析 此处为主任表扬员工不畏艰难而最后来上此处为主任表扬员工不畏艰难而最后来上班的事情。班的事情。eventually adv.eventually adv.最后。最后。16.A.devotion B.donati

29、on C.connection D.reaction 答案答案 A 解析解析 员工冒着暴风雨来上班,表现出他们对工员工冒着暴风雨来上班,表现出他们对工作的热爱。作的热爱。devotiondevotion挚爱,奉献。挚爱,奉献。17.A.accurate B.urgent C.brief D.humorous 答案答案 C 解析解析 邮件虽短,但我却从简短的语言中学到了邮件虽短,但我却从简短的语言中学到了很多。很多。briefbrief简洁的,简短的。简洁的,简短的。18.A.promise B.appreciation C.advice D.guidance 答案答案 B 解析解析 感激感激(

30、appreciation)(appreciation)的话对他人的影响是巨大的话对他人的影响是巨大的。的。19.A.troubles B.signals C.rules D.signs 答案答案 A 解析解析 由上文可知,是暴风雨以及因此造成的交由上文可知,是暴风雨以及因此造成的交通困难而使我劳累、难过。通困难而使我劳累、难过。20.A.corrected B.supported C.amazed D.refreshed 答案答案 D 解析解析 但是,但是,GarthGarth的话却立刻让我的精神为之的话却立刻让我的精神为之振奋。振奋。refreshrefresh使恢复精神。使恢复精神。Nin

31、e-year-old Barack Obama was looking through a magazine.But he was 1 by a series of photos,which were of a black man who 2 his skin with chemicals that promised to make him white.For the first time,the boy began to doubt 3 he was.“I stood in front of the 4 and wondered if something was wrong with me,

32、”Obama said.However,now the boy who used to 5 his identity doesnt see it as a problem any more,but a(n)6 for his successful career.He made 7 by being elected as the first black president of the United States.Obamas white mother and black father met during college in 8,but his father left the family

33、when Obama was just two years old and his mother moved to Indonesia.At 10,Obama moved back to Hawaii,where his 9 that he didnt belong grew.At his class,a white boy asked Obama if his father ate people.Out of 10,Obama lied to his classmates that his father was a prince.Things came to change 11 the yo

34、ung man made friends with those with a similar 12 at college.Their experiences back in Africa helped Obama to finally 13 his African origin.He worked hard to become a star at Harvard Law School and the third black senator in US history.At the beginning of his campaign for the White House,14 people v

35、iewed Obama favorably.Many 15 his unusual background,which left him neither“black”enough nor white enough.But Obama turned his 16 of growing up into a tool to make Americans 17:“There is not a black America and a white America,a Latino America,an Asian America.Theres the United States of America.”Ob

36、amas victory overcame centuries of 18 and fulfilled Martin Luther Kings dream that a man should be 19 not by the color of his skin,20 by the content of his character.1.A.shocked B.amazed C.attracted D.angered 答案答案 A 解析解析 结合第二段结合第二段ObamaObama的反应的反应doubt.doubt.以及以及“if if something was wrong with mesom

37、ething was wrong with me”可推知。可推知。2.A.protected B.applied C.destroyed D.enjoyed 答案答案 C 解析解析 该空与第一空对应该空与第一空对应,Obama,Obama之所以感到震惊,之所以感到震惊,是因为看到某黑人为了变白,不惜用美白的化学产是因为看到某黑人为了变白,不惜用美白的化学产品损毁皮肤。品损毁皮肤。applyapply表示表示“涂抹涂抹”,用法为,用法为apply the apply the chemical to his skinchemical to his skin。3.A.what B.who C.whe

38、re D.which 答案答案 B 解析解析 由下文由下文“wondered if something was wrong wondered if something was wrong with mewith me”可知。可知。4.A.wall B.road C.house D.mirror 答案答案 D5.A.satisfy with B.struggle with C.take pride in D.turn down 答案答案 B 解析解析 struggle with his identitystruggle with his identity表示表示“与他的身份作与他的身份作斗争斗争

39、”,与下文,与下文see it as a problemsee it as a problem对应。对应。6.A.mark B.feature C.advantage D.improvement 答案答案 C 解析解析 由由butbut可知此处要选可知此处要选problemproblem的反义词,的反义词,improvementimprovement(改善,改良)不合语境,故选(改善,改良)不合语境,故选C C。7.A.a difference B.a winner C.history D.reputation 答案答案 C 解析解析 当选为美国第一个黑人总统,当选为美国第一个黑人总统,Oba

40、maObama创造了创造了历史。历史。8.A.Hawaii B.Indonesia C.New York D.Africa 答案答案 A 解析解析 与下文与下文“moved back to Hawaiimoved back to Hawaii”相对应。相对应。9.A.belief B.sense C.emotion D.judgment 答案答案 B 解析解析 beliefbelief信念;信念;sensesense感觉;感觉;emotionemotion情绪;情绪;judgmentjudgment判断判断;只有只有sensesense符合语境。符合语境。10.A.arrogance B.cu

41、riosity C.shame D.embarrassment 答案答案 D 解析解析 根据常识,同学的无中生有的问题应该会根据常识,同学的无中生有的问题应该会让小让小ObamaObama感到难堪,故选感到难堪,故选D D。11.A.before B.after C.since D.while 答案答案 B 解析解析 情况发生转变是在情况发生转变是在ObamaObama结交了一些与他结交了一些与他经历相似的伙伴之后。不能选经历相似的伙伴之后。不能选since,since,其常与完成时其常与完成时连用。连用。12.A.interest B.dream C.anxiety D.background

42、 答案答案 D 解析解析 ObamaObama一直对自己的黑人身份感到困惑,一直对自己的黑人身份感到困惑,所以能够影响他的也必定是与他背景相似的人。所以能够影响他的也必定是与他背景相似的人。由下文的提示词由下文的提示词“their experiences back in their experiences back in Africa,his African originAfrica,his African origin”也能推出答案。也能推出答案。13.A.turn back to B.face up to C.take up with D.give up to 答案答案 B 解析解析 tu

43、rn back toturn back to翻回到,回溯到;翻回到,回溯到;face up toface up to勇勇敢地面对;敢地面对;take up withtake up with致力于;致力于;give up togive up to让给,让给,交给。由上文交给。由上文helpedhelped以及下文以及下文ObamaObama的积极的改变的积极的改变可知可知B B项正确。项正确。14.A.most B.few C.some D.several 答案答案 B 解析解析 此空同样要由下文推知,此空同样要由下文推知,ButBut为关键词,为关键词,ObamaObama用强有力的演讲说服人

44、们接受他的黑人身用强有力的演讲说服人们接受他的黑人身份份,说明一开始很多人并不看好他,说明一开始很多人并不看好他,B B项符合语境。项符合语境。15.A.appreciated B.respected C.doubted D.refused 答案答案 C 解析解析 与前一句话对应。与前一句话对应。16.A.damage B.ache C.pain D.injury 答案答案 C 解析解析 此处指此处指ObamaObama将他成长的痛苦转变为一种将他成长的痛苦转变为一种有力的工具。有力的工具。damagedamage指损害;指损害;painpain可指长时间不可指长时间不间断的疼痛间断的疼痛,也

45、可指心灵的伤痛也可指心灵的伤痛;ache;ache指局部的持续指局部的持续的疼痛;的疼痛;injuryinjury常指身体上的外伤。常指身体上的外伤。17.A.believe B.admit C.expect D.choose 答案答案 A 解析解析 下文下文ObamaObama的言辞是为了让人们相信并接的言辞是为了让人们相信并接受他的观点,故选受他的观点,故选A A。18.A.fears B.prejudice C.Difficulties D.uncertainties 答案答案 B 解析解析 多个世纪以来,美国黑人白人地位都不平多个世纪以来,美国黑人白人地位都不平等,等,ObamaOba

46、ma当选总统克服了人们对黑人的偏见,当选总统克服了人们对黑人的偏见,故选故选B B。19.A.defeated B.praised C.judged D.accepted 答案答案 C 解析解析 马丁马丁路德路德金的梦想是:有一天,我的金的梦想是:有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在一个不是以肤色的深浅,而是四个孩子将生活在一个不是以肤色的深浅,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里。以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里。20.A.and B.or C.but D.yet 答案答案 C 解析解析 两个两个byby后的内容是相对的,用后的内容是相对的,用not.butnot.but固定固定结构表示结构表示“不是不是而是而是”。返回


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