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《新视野大学英语视听说第3册听力文本和答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新视野大学英语视听说第3册听力文本和答案.pdf(58页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Uint2II.Basic Listening Practicel .W:Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet?Are you taking Frenchwriting again?M:Yes I am,but its compulsory for us next semester.So I think Im gong to domarketing as an elective instead.Q:Which class will the man choose as his elective?2.M:Did you go to

2、that businesses lecture on Friday?I missed it and need to copyyour notes.W:rd say you could borrow my notes,but Sarahs got them.Be careful not to missProfessor Browns seminar;he takes attendance in that.Q:What is the woman telling the man?3 W:Wow,Steven!In the library!What brings you here?M:Im enjoy

3、ing the view.All the girls in fashion design are here are preparing for anexam on Monday.Q:Why is the man in the library?4.W:Hows your group doing with this statistics presentation?Mines terrible.M:Yeah,mine too.David and Mike are OK,but Steven doesnt pull his weight andSuzies never around.I dont se

4、e how we can pass unless Steven and Suzie realizethat this is their last chance.Q:What is the true of Steven and Suzie?5.W:You took an MBA at Harvard Business School,didnt you?Whats it like?M:Its expensive,about U.S.$40,000 a year,plus the costs of food and housing.Butthe teaching is first class.The

5、 professors have a lot of practical experience.Theyuse the case system of teaching;that is,you study how actual businesses grew orfailed.Q:Why is he MBA teaching in Harvard Business School first class,according to theconversation?Keys:1.C2.D3.B4.D5.AHI.Listening In T askl:O n the First D ayHarrison:

6、Fm Harrison.Good to meet you.So youve bought the books for thisbiology class.Jenny:Sure,I think everyone had to before class started.Harrison:No.Usually no one does much on the first day because its still add-drop.Jenny:Whats that?Harrison:Changing from class to class to find out which one is best.H

7、ey,where areyou from?Jenny:Poland.Have you has this teacher before?Fve heard he is really good.Harrison:Hes good if youre a hand-worker.He expects a lot.Jenny:Oh,I guess thats good.I hope I can keep up with everyone else in theclass.Maybe I need your help after class.Harrison:Youre welcome.Professor

8、:All right.See you guys next week.Student:See you.Jenny:Harrison,wait up!Harrison:So what do you think about the professors lecture?Jenny:I think half of what he said went over my head.Harrison:Thats all right.A lot of what he said is explain in the reading/Jenny:Hey,would you mind if I borrowed you

9、r notes tonight to look them over?Harrison:No problem.We dont have class until Wednesday.Here you go.Jenny:Thanks.I just want to make sure Im prepared for the seminar.Harrison:Yeah,participation in the discussion is an important part of the educationhere.Seeing that Jenny has bought the books for th

10、e biology class,Harrison says nobodydoes much on the first day because its still add-drop,which means students arechanging from class to class.Jenny knows the professor is really good.But Harrisonwarns her that the professor is good,only if students are handworkers,for he expectsa lot.After class,Je

11、nny admits that half of what the professor said went over her head,andHarrison assures her that a lot of what the professor said is explained in the reading.When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison notes,he says“on problem,for they dont haveclass until Wednesday.Finally,Harrison says carticipation in the

12、discussion at theseminar is an important part of the education there.Task 2:Money for CollegeRobert is a university student.He likes to have fun.But having fun was expensive,sohe was rapidly running out of money.There was nothing to do to try to call his motherfor help.“Hi,Mom.I certainly miss you a

13、nd Dad.I.uh.got a big surprise this week in myphysics course.We have to buy two new textbooks.Tm going to need$100,“I understand,said his mother,“rn send you the money right away.You left yourcalculus book here when you were home two weeks ago.Shall I mail that at the same“Oh,yeah.Thanks/9 Robert sa

14、id.Roberts mother made up a parcel with the calculus book and two checks,and mailedit to Robert that very day.When she returned from the post office,her husband waswaiting for her.“Well,how much did you give the boy this asked Dad.“I send two checks:one for$100 and the other for$1,100,“answered Mom.

15、“Youre outing your mind,yelled Dad,Thats$1,100.Hell just spend that in acouple of weeks.Hes never going to learn the value of money that way.”“Dont worry,honey,“Mom said,“I taped the$100 check to the cover of his book,but I put the$1,000 one between the pages in Charperl3!Keys:TFFFTTask3:How to Get

16、Straight AsIt is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence.Here,according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets ofsuper-achievers.First,they know how to set priorities.Top students allow no intrusions on study time.Once the books are open or the c

17、omputer is turned on,phone calls go unanswered,TVshows unwatched,snacks ignored.Study is business,and business comes beforerecreation.Also,good students can study anywhere and everywhere.Claudia Hill,an ArizonaState University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked outevery day

18、.Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term.Thenhe posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom.He learned a fewterms every day while brushing his teeth.Eventually,he scored high on the finalexamination.Moreover,top students schedule their time well.Study times

19、 are strictly a matter ofpersonal preference.Some work late at night when the house is quiet.Others awakeearly.Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work isfresh in their minds.All agreed,however,on the need for consistency.A student says,Whatever I was doing,I maintained

20、 a certain period of time every day for studying.”Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read,According to a book entitled Getting Straight As,the secret of good reading is to be“an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understandi

21、ngof the authors message”.1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super-achievers starting tostudy?2.What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam?3.What is the good thing all top students agree on?4.What does the speaker mean by“an active reader”?5.What is the main idea of

22、the passage?Kes:1B2.C3.D4.A5.DIV.Speaking OutMODEL 1 Youre just going to have study hardNora:Only our first day back at school,and already I feel like Ive learned a lot.Chris:Only our first day back at school,and I already fee】like Im up to my ears inhomework.Nora:Youre going to have to hit the book

23、s if you want to keep your grades up.Chris:Tell me about it!I already have two reports,two books reports,a composition,an oral report,and a research project-all due before midterms.Nora:We could work together.Maybe some of my organized study habit would ruboff on you.Chris:Better yet,maybe you could

24、 do my homework for me.Nora:Forget it!That would be cheating.Chris:All right,all right.I have yet to write a term paper.Can you recommend anyarticles and books?Youd better find me the exact pages where I can find whatI want.Nora:You could borrow ideas from references,but if you quote without giving

25、thesources,youre plagiarizing.Chris:The quiz next week will be a headache.If you dont help me,ril have toprepare some study sheets and hide them in my hand when I take the test.Nora:Oh,no!If youre caught,the professor will definitely give you an F.Probably,you will have to repeat the year.Chris:All

26、right,Ill take your advice.The library is going to be my new home,and inthe dorm Ill be burning the midnight oil.Now Your Turn SAMPLE DIALOGA:Were going to have a test,and I also have a term paper to finish.But I haventdone a thing.Im really worried now.B:Youre going to have to have to hit the books

27、 if you want to get good grades.A:But this course is so difficult that I already dont understand it at all.B:We could work together.Maybe some of my organized study habit can help you.A:Better yet,maybe you could write a term paper for me.B:Forget it!That would be cheating.A:All right,all right.I ha

28、ve yet to write it myself.Maybe I can download somearticles from the Internet and piece them together.B:You could borrow ideas from those articles,but if you quote without giving thesources,you9re plagiarizing.A:Also,the test next week will be a headache.If you dont help me,Ill have toprepare a chea

29、t-sheet and hide it in my hand during the test.B:Oh,no!If youre caught,the professor will definitely give you an F.A:Til try to be careful.B:But if the professor catches you,youll have to repeat the year.Youre just going tohave to study hard.A:Ok,Fil take your advice.The librarys going to be my new

30、home,and in the dormril be burning the midnight oil.M0DEL2 Which class do you prefer?Chris:First period is math with Mr.Woods.I dont know how am I going to stayawake?Nora:I like Mr.Wood.Hes interesting.Chris:Hes boring!He could put the entire basketball team to sleep-during thechampionship game!Who

31、do you have for economics?Nora:Mrs.Jenkins.Shes smart.Students really learn a lot from her.Chris:Shes tough!You have to work hard in her class,or youll probably fail.Nora:No pain,no gain.Chris:Nonsense,You could have learned even more with Mr.Sharp.But not manystudents opt for his class.Nora:Whats w

32、rong with him?Chris:Often,the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+,and he usually failshalf of the students.Nora:No wonder h s got the nickname Mr.Shark.Well,how about PE?What areyou doing this semester?Chris:Thats the worst part.In PE,were learning tai chi.Im bored to death.Nora:Ha-ha!Not t

33、o rub salt into the wound,but our class is playing your favoritesport:basketball.Chris:Oh.that figures!This is going to be a terrible semester.Nora:This is going to be a great semester!Now Your Turn SAMPLE DIALOGA:The history class is really boring.How am I going to stay awake?B:I like the history t

34、eacher.Shes knowledgeable.She told us a lot of interestinghistorical events in class.A:Bur I find her boring!She could put the entire basketball team to sleep-during thechampionship game!Which class do you find dull?B:I hate the economics course.The teacher always talks above my head.So Pve lostinte

35、rest in the course.A:Bur economic is my favorite.The professor is smart.Most students really learn alot from him.B:But hes tough!He expects a lot.You have to work hard in his class,or youllprobably fail.A:No pain,no gain.B:Actually not many students opt for his class.A:Whats wrong with him?B:Often t

36、he highest grade he gives on a term paper is B-.Last seme4stwe he failedmore than a third of the students and I was one of them.A:Oh,thats too bad.B:Well,how do you find your English teacher?I dont think much of her,either.A:I find her kind,always willing to answer my questions;she always gives me h

37、ighmarks.B:Youre rubbing salt into my wound.She failed me last semester.M0DEL3 Publish or perishChris:Tell us,Professor Grant,What are your primary duties as aprofessor?Professor Grant:Well,I do a lot of research and writing,hs rough being anassociate professor.It publish or perish.Chris:So you spen

38、t a lot of time in your office?Professor Grant:Yes,but I also have to prepare class motes,give lectures,holdoffice hours.Teaching is an important part of being a professor.Chris:With all those responsibilities,you must make a lot of money.Professor Grant:I wish.Actually,I spend a lot of tome applyin

39、g foe grants to fundmy research.Then I can offer assistantships and scholarships tothe worthy graduate.Chris:I see why they call you“the boss”.But being a professor soundspretty competitive.Professor Grant:Actually,I think you were in one of my classes.Chris:think youre mistaken,Professor Grant!Prof

40、essor Grant:No,I remember very clearly now!You owe me an essay!Chris:Sorry,I have too much work to do for the Student Union Newsletter,and I have to work two jobs to pay for school.Professor Grant:So you get an F in this course.Now Your Turn SAMPLE DIALOGA:Professor Smith,Fm from the Student Union n

41、ewspaper.Many students want toknow a western professors main duties and compare them with a Chineseprofessor duties.B:Well,I do a lot of research and writing.Its tough to be a professor.A:Chinese professor are also facing increasing pressure,as they are required to domore research than before.Profes

42、sor Smith,do you spend al lot of time onteaching?B:Yes,I have to prepare class notes,give lectures,host seminar,and hold officehours.In fact,teaching is an important part of being a professor,though someprofessors believe that research is more important than teaching.A:With all those responsibilitie

43、s,you must make a lot of money,I suppose.B:I wish.Salary is a sensitive topic in the west.Let me say something about researchfunds.Actually I spend a lot of time applying for grants to fund my research.A:How are you going to use the grants?B:With that money,I can offer assistantships and scholarship

44、 to graduate studentswho can help with my research project.A:Now I see why they call you boss”.But being a professor sounds prettycompetitive.B:Thats true.A lot of young teachers want to be promoted to a professorship.A:What you said has given us a fairly clear picture of a western professors primar

45、yresponsibilities.Thank you very much for your time.B:Youre welcomeV.Lefs TalkHi,everybody.My topic today is Problems with Our Educational System.There are a lot of things in our educational system that I dont agree with.It seemsthat educators just want to give standardized tests,which focus only on

46、 academicperformance but neglect students9 abilities and interests in other areas.I think there9rea lot of people who are very intelligent,but havent had the opportunities theycouldve had,had they been educated in a broader-minded educational systems.I feelthat a lot of courses that students are foc

47、used to take in high school are too academic,and,as a result,many kids lost their interest in learning.Educators have failed to recognize various kinds of intelligence.They often exert a lotof pressure on students to be as well-rounded as possible.I think being well-roundedisnt really possible.And a

48、s a consequence some students who are believed to beintelligent cant get into good colleges if they,for example,havent scored well on themath section,even if they ate brilliant writers.Another thing that disturbs me is that the so-called“weak students are separatedfrom the rest of the school.Some ki

49、ds are kept in a separate class id their grades arelower then others.And theyve very aware of their social position,you know.I think itcauses them to act in a way that is not really positive.Theyre just acting in a way thatthey are expected to act.Often their grades go from bad to worse.And thats pr

50、ettysad to me.I think that many of the kids in those classed are intelligent,but neveractually realize their potential because of the way they are treated very early on intheir education.ProblemsResultsEducators just want to give standardizedtests.They only focus on academicDDrfocmaace but neglect s


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