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《2021-2022学年福建省厦门市高二(下)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年福建省厦门市高二(下)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).pdf(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、202L2022学年福建省厦门市高二(下)期末英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)AEarthwatch expeditions pair researchers with volunteers to address some of the worlds mostpressing environmental challenges.Explore our current expeditions to discover how you canmake a difference.Climate Change at the Arcties EdgeNorthern ecosystem

2、s are being transformed by climate change.Join this long-term monitoringeffort to explore what these changes mean for the arctic-and the rest of the world.Location:Churchill,Manitoba,CanadaActivity Level:ModerateAccommodations:Single Rooms possible;Research Station;Internet accessFood:buffet-style m

3、eals;Special diets accommodatedAmazon Riverboat ExplorationAboard a riverboat deep in the heart of Perus flooded Amazon region,you*!help toconserve river dolphins and monkeys,and protect the fragile South American wilderness.Location:Samiria River,PeruActivity Level:Very ActiveAccommodations:Single

4、Rooms possibleFood:Chef-prepared mealsConserving Threatened Rhinos in South AfricaRhinos are believed to play an important role as ecosystem engineers”.Help scientists tounderstand their impact on the environment to help conserve and manage rhinos in SouthAfrica.Location:Northwest Province,South Afr

5、icaActivity Level:ModerateAccommodations:Single Rooms possible;Double Rooms possible;Wilderness CampFood:Chef-prepared meals;Special diets accommodatedConserving Wetlands and Traditional Agriculture in MexicoAssist researchers in collecting data on water quality and land use in an ancient agricultur

6、alecosystem within the wetlands of Xochimilco.Location:Xochimilco,MexicoActivity Level:EasyAccommodations:Double Rooms possible;House Internet accessFood:Chef-prepared meals1.What are the volunteers required to do in Canada?A.Collect data on water quality.B.Observe Arctics climate change.C.Change no

7、rthern ecosystem.D.Rebuild the flooded region.2.What do the expeditions in Peru and South Africa have in common?A.Wildlife protection.B.Water activities.C.Various accommodations.D.Independent research.3.Which expedition is suitable for a beginner volunteer?A.Amazon Riverboat Exploration.B.Climate Ch

8、ange at the Arctics Edge.C.Conserving Threatened Rhinos in South Africa.D.Conserving Wetlands and Traditional Agriculture in Mexico.BWhen my wife and I hired some painters to freshen up several rooms of our home,one of themen was surprised by what he found.This guy is old school.There are books ever

9、ywhere.uI am,I have to admit.I love old books,which puts me in the company of a long line of readerswho often prefer them.I am not much taken by the new books,Michel de Montaigne declared in the 16th century.The old ones seem to have more meat and sinew(筋).“That quote is in a cheap copy of hisessays

10、 that I picked up in 1986,the start of my adventures in secondhand literature.Alone in a new city to take my first daily newspaper job,I was feeling anxious as I dipped intoa used bookstore to comfort my mind.The musty(发霉的)shelves,rich recalling of thepasUquickly calmed me.With their yellowed pages,

11、the tom titles in the shop usefully pointedme toward the longer view in my occupation as a journalist.MNo need to get too worked up overtoday*s fashion or headline,they seemed to say.There is not much new under the sun.MWhen I get a little down,the volume of Francis Bacons essays is always a ready c

12、ure:Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes,Bacon wrote,and“adversity not without第2页,共21页many comforts and hopes.*For me,that comfort and hope often come from a secondhand book.Sometimes,what the previous owners have written in the empty space is at least as instructiveas what the authors

13、 have to say.In my woni copy of Virginia Woolfs,an earlier reader hadfrequently penciled integrity”to describe Woolfs vision,which made me feel that my ownenthusiasm for her had been confirmed.4.What could be inferred from Montaignes words?A.He is not a vegetarian.B.He enjoys carrying old books.C.Ol

14、d books have endless aftertastes.D.Old books can start an eating adventure.5.How do Francis Bacons essays help the author?A.They inspire the author.B.They cure the authors illness.C.They reduce the authors adversity.D.They guarantee the author success.6.What can we lean about the author from the las

15、t paragraph?A.He showed little respect for Woolf.B.He was familiar with earlier readers.C.He penciled some comments on the book.D.He got educated from the notes in old books.7.What message does the author seem to convey in the text?A.Books are the experience of the past.B.Books are the only things t

16、hat never die.C.Old wood is best to burn,old book to read.D.A room without books is like a body without soul.cThirteen years ago Dr Angela Zilener,of the University of Zurich,was diving in the Red Seawhen she spotted dolphins queueing,The behaviour was so unique,she said.They wouldstand in a line,wa

17、it for their turn,rub a body part,then come back and repeat the behaviour on adifferent body part.lt was quite organised,and they really tried to cover all the body.nShe realised that they were rubbing against coral and doing so selectively.lt was always thesame species of coral and sponges.The acti

18、vity amazed her,especially because it appeared to beperformed daily.The dolphins come to the reefs during the daytime to sleep and to socialize.She noticed a schedule to the rubbing.It looked like they did it before they went to sleep in themorning,and then again when they woke up.Ziltener said an a

19、nswer could be that the specific corals and sponges produced substances thathelped to treat skin problems.For a paper in the journal iScience she and her colleaguesinvestigated this by sampling the secretions.They found a set of bioactive compounds(化合物)in them:some were antibacterial and some seemed

20、 to have other roles.Professor GertrudMorlock,the University of Giessen who conducted the analysis,was particularly interested insome that seemed to act like oestrogen(雌激素)and others that were poisonous.If you thinkof humans,oestrogen keeps human skin in a good state and supports its oil production.

21、Or thinkabout the poisonous compounds-if the dolphins have annoying viruses,that can help get rid ofthose on the surface,she said.Its like when you go to the pharmacy(药房)and buy a tincture and put it on your skin.Ithelps,Such is the case,Morlock argues,with the dolphins,except that there are logisti

22、calfactors with dolphin pharmacies that explain the queueing.Dolphins dont have arms.*8.What can we learn about dolphins*rubbing against coral?A.It is a sleeping pill1.B.It seems a daily routine.C.It is just fbr fun.D.It helps clean the coral.9.What makes dolphins*skincare possible?A.The efforts of

23、the scientists.B.The oestrogen in the body.C.The substances produced by corals.D.The oily surface of sponges.10.How does Morlock explain the queueing,in the last paragraph?A.By presenting data.B.By drawing a comparison.C.By explaining a concept.D.By analyzing cause and effect.11.Which can be a suita

24、ble title for the text?A.Newly Found Medical Coral in UseB.Coral Plays Essential Roles in Red SeaC.Most Common Skin Problem for DolphinsD.Dolphins Queue up for Trip to Coral PharmacyD第4页,共21页A 5-year-oId usually feels that a year is an intolerable time to wait for Christmas,while for anadult,those 3

25、65 days fly by.But there is more to our puzzling recognition of time than that.Some of it is in the brain.AdrianBejan at Duke University says the brains processing speed slows as we age.Our ageing braincaptures less information per second,so packs less into one block of time,or episode.cancreate the

26、 illusion(幻觉)that time has sped up.When we are younger,experiencing things forthe first time may pack more into each episode,like a slow-motion camera capturing thousandsof images per second.Moment to moment,our emotional state can affect how we perceive time passing,too.It seemsto fly when you are

27、having fun and drag when you are bored.This may be to do with how ourbody processes time.The theory of embodied cognition”(具身认知)says it is the processingof physical sensations(知觉)that creates our perception of the world around us,including oursense of time.The body has numerous rhythms-from the beat

28、ing of the heart to the hunger inour stomach-that might all give the brain a sense of how much time has passed.We know that the brain integrates our bodily signals in a region deep in the brain.In oneexperiment,Marc Wittmann from Germany,asked people to reproduce the length ofhigh-pitched tones whil

29、e he measured their brains activity in an fMRI scanner.During thistask,participants showed more heightened activity in the brain than when they did a control taskin which they pressed a button as soon as the tone had stopped.According to the experiment,anything that directs more attention to our bod

30、ies should maketime seem to slow.This might explain why time crawls when we are hungry or cold.If youdon*t have distraction,you start attending to your bodily self,says Wittmann,and time drags.If you focus your attention on something else,you are no longer listening so intently to thosebodily signal

31、s,and time seems to speed up.12.What does the underlined word This1 in paragraph 2 refer to?A.The puzzling recognition of time.B.The unbearable wait for Christmas.C.The slower processing in the ageing brain.D.The image captured by slow-motion camera.13.What can we learn from paragraph 3?A.Time is le

32、ngthened by emotional state.B.Time is defined by the rhythms in the body.C.The sense of time can activate the beating of the heart.D.The perception of time can be influenced by physical sensations.14.Why do the participants have more heightened activity in the brain?A.The high-pitched tones are exci

33、ting.B.They are fixing attention on the bodily self.C.The task is challenging to deal with.D.They are distracted by pressing a button.15.Who might feel one hour the longest according to the text?A.A hungry student waiting for dinner.B.A dynamic student playing basketball.C.A single-minded student ha

34、ving a difficult exam.D.A gifted student going skating in a freezing winter.二、阅读七选五(本大题共5 小题,共 12.5分)Why barbecue tastes so good?The mere thought of barbecues smokey smell and fascinatingflavors is enough to get most mouths watering.Summer is here,and that means it is barbecueseason.Cooking on a gri

35、ll may seem simple.Cooking with fireWhen you cook meat at higher temperatures-like over direct heat on a barbecue-the first thingto happen is that water neai*the meats surface boils off.(2)This reaction produces a complexmixture of molecules(分子)that make food taste more delicious or meaty and adds d

36、epthto smell and flavors.(3)Barbecuing allows the water to evaporate(蒸发)or drip down.This keeps the vegetablesfrom becoming soft and wet and promotes caramelization(焦糖)reactions.These reactions turncarbohydrates and sugars into smaller compounds with nutty,meaty and caramel-like flavors.Burnt smell

37、and crispAnother feature of barbecued food is the unique burnt smell it develops.When foods areexposed to heat for lengthened periods of time,non-carbon atoms in the food breakdown,leaving behind the crispy,black carbon.This is the process of burning.(4)But a little bitof crispy burnt flavor can add

38、 such depth to foods.Cooking over the direct heat of a barbecueallows you to add just the amount of burnt flavor to match your taste.Smokey flavors第6 页,共 21页The final typical barbecue flavor is smokiness.Food is particularly good at taking on smokeyflavors because of fats and water.(5)In chemistry t

39、erms,fats are non-polar-meaning they caneasily grab other non-polar molecules.Water is polar and is good at combining other polarmolecules.One way to use chemistry to make food more smokey is to periodically water itproperly during the barbecuing process.A.A similar process occurs with vegetables.B.

40、Each combines different types of molecules.C.As for vegetables,things become totally different.D.Almost no one likes a completely burnt piece of meat.E.But there is lots of chemistry that results in such a delicious experience.F.Smoke is made up of gases,water vapor and small solid particles from th

41、e fuel.G.Once the surface is dry,the proteins and sugars experience the Maillard Reaction.16.A.AEB.Bc.cD.DE.F.FG.G17.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G18.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G19.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G20.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共 15.0分)For a long time I have seen a stray cat(流浪猫)everywhere in my neigh

42、borhood,on myporch,in my backyard,and under my car.Sometimes she even(21)in the underpinning(建筑底柱)of the house.Each time I tried to 22)her,however,she would run away.Finally J(23)anddecided to respect her independence.!kept a crack so she could stay under my house on thecold nights.She more than pai

43、d her(24)by keeping the mice away.We seemed to have anice,little business25)going.Recently,though,something strange happened.Thisindependent,loner,stray cat decided to(26)my daughter,Beth.Each time Beth walked over,shewas(27)bv the stray.The cat walked between her legs and meowed until she got(28).I

44、t hadhappened day after day until this morning Beth(29)her a bowl of cat food.I guess that(3O)thedeal because Beth even started calling the stray,Alice1.It makes me smile seeing all these happening.Isn*t it(31)how love works its way intoour(32)and lives?We are minding our own business and(33)we have

45、 a new pet,or a newfriend.Love is so glorious and we are all(34)through it.Let(35)work its way into your livesevery chance you can.And let it flow into the lives of others as well.21.A.frozeB.swamC.hidD.fought22.A.approachB.identifyC.remindD.cure23.A.watched outB.moved outC.turned upD.gave up24.A.ta


47、rious32.A.studiesB.businessesC.careersD.hearts33.A.frequentlyB.eventuallyC.suddenlyD.obviously34.A.trainedB.regulatedC.supervisedD.connected35.A.respectB.loveC.courageD.support四、语法填空(本大题共3 小题,共 15.0分)36.Perhaps one of the most famous sayings in China is,To be the first to feel concern for thetrouble

48、s of the world,and the last to enjoy (it)pleasures.Fan Zhongyan always hadthe peoples best interest at heart.While in exile,Fan (write)an essay entitledMomorial to Yueyang Tower where he expressed his idea that one should not worry abouthis own (person)welfare but look after the needs of common peop

49、le.Fan was such(4)man as put wise words into practice all his life.(1)(2)第 8 页,共 21页(4)37.World Blood Donor Day(WBDD),celebrated(1)(annual)with various activitiesaround the world,falls on June 14,The event,established in 2004,serves (raise)awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products,and

50、to thank blood donors fortheir voluntary life-saving acts.China has witnessed a steady increase of blood donations(3)1998,the year the BloodDonation Law took effect.Blood can never be produced or replaced.So,all the blood usedfor medicine relies on voluntary donation.(1)(2)(3)38.The Fujian,China*s t


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