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1、新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)B O O K 3 教案章节Unit One:The Way to Success教学内容Section A:New Words and ExpressionsText:Never,ever give up!Exercises:Vocabulary,Sentence Structure,TranslationListening,Speaking&Writing Skills教学目的1.To talk about the secret of success;2.To further understand the text;3.To apply the phrase

2、s and patterns;4.To master the essay writing skill;教学栗求1.Clearly know the structure of the passage;2.Master the important language points;3.Briefly summarize the passage alone;4.Correctly use and master the key words in this unit.重点1.The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing waysm

3、entioned in this passage2.The reading skills mentioned in this unit3.listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit难点1.The use of the new words and phrases in this passage2.The writing ways mentioned in this passage3.Some important sentence structures课 堂 设 计TheFirstTwoPeriodsStep

4、1:Lead-in10mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 2:Pre-reading Activities10mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 3:New Words80mLecturing,Questioning&Giving ExamplesTheSecondTwoPeriodsStep 1:Background Information10mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 2:Structure Analysis10mLecturingStep 3:Language points and DifficultSentences7

5、0mLecturing,Questioning&Giving ExamplesStep 4:Comprehension of the Text A10mQuestioning&DiscussingTheThirdTwoPeriodsStep 1:Summarize the passage orally20mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 2:Exercises(Words in use,Wordbuilding,Banked cloze,Expressions in use,Translation in Section A)70mQuestioning&Discussin

6、gStep 3:Revision&Homework10mLecturing,QuestioningTheForthTwoPeriodsStep 1:Check Homework30mQuestioningStep 2:Structured Writing30mWatching&DiscussingStep 3:Listening20mListening&QuestioningStep 4:Speaking20mQuestioning&Discussing教 学 过 程The First Two Periods:Step 1:Lead-in:l.What is success?2.What do

7、 you think are the secrets of success?Step 2:Pre-reading Activities:1.Listen to a talk about steps to make your dreams come true.Fill in the blanksbased on what you hear.2.Listen to the talk again and discuss the following questions.Step 3:New WordsThe Second Two Periods:Step 1:Background Informatio

8、n1.Public schools in the UK&US2.Winston ChurchillStep 2:Structure AnalysisPart I(Paras.1-2):By using Winston ChurchilPs story and his speech at Harrow as anintroduction to the topic,the text makes clear its statement:thesecret of success is“Never give up”.Part II(Paras.3-7):Through the examples of w

9、orld famous scientists,statesman,andjurist,the text brings forward the statement that only those with astrong will,those who keep their eyes on the prize,and those whoexpend the substantial effort to keep going,will finally succeed.Part III(Paras 8):By reinforcing the statement given in part II,the

10、text draws theconclusion that with hard work,determination,dedication andpreparation,you can transcend any handicap,accomplish any fbat,and achieve success.Step 3:Language points and Difficult SentencesPractical Phrases1.deviate from.偏离,背离.2.preclude sb.from doing 阻止某人做.3.triumph over 战胜.4.in(the)pu

11、rsuit o f.追求.5.work ones way;to/through/into.通过奋斗逐步达至U6.give up on.放弃.7.focus on.专注于.Functional Patterns1.A,B,C-none of these be/do用于表达“对已知条件的否定”。2.Sb.do sth.,not because,but because用于表达“某人做某事的原因3.Ifs not.that matters.Ifs.that be/do用于表达 对某事物最为重要的因素是.”。Step 4:Comprehension of the Text AUnderstanding

12、the text(Page 9)The Third Two Periods:Step 1:Summarize the passage orallyStep 2:ExercisesWords in use(Page 9)Word building(Page 10,11)Banked cloze(Page 12)Expressions in use(Page 12)Translation(Page 16)Step 3:Revision&Homework1.Finish the exercises of Unit lin the Comprehensive Exercises(Page 1-6,9)

13、2.Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the topic:No one succeedswithout a strong willThe Forth Two Periods:Step 1:Check HomeworkStep 2:Structured WritingTopic:Biological clocksIntroduction:Thesis statement:Even though it is not easy to explain why,scientists believe livingthings must hav

14、e built-in biological clocks that can be reset.Bodyl:Topic sentence:To start with,various 24-hour rhythms observed in peoplesbiological clocks can be adjusted.Example:A traveler flying from New York to London can adjust his normalrhythms to London time.Body2:Topic sentence:The same kind of resetting

15、 also takes place in the biological clocksof animals and plants.Example 1:The clock of an animal or plant can be set to the laboratoryproducedhours of light and dark.Example 2:Mussels can adjust to the tides of the new beach after being movedfrom the old one.Conclusion:Biological clocks,in a way,ser

16、ve as automatic internal“watches“for all livingthings.Step 3:ListeningStep 4:SpeakingMake a speech on the following topic.Suppose you are to give a speech on how toachieve success.课后补遗章节Unit Two:Beat your fear教学内容Section A:New Words and ExpressionsText:Swimming through fearExercises:Vocabulary,Sente

17、nce Structure,TranslationListening,Speaking&Writing Skills教学目的1.To talk about how to beat fear2.To further understand the text;3.To apply the phrases and patterns;4.To master the essay writing skill;教学栗求1.Clearly know the structure of the passage;2.Master the important language points;3.Briefly summ

18、arize the passage alone;4.Correctly use and master the key words in this unit.重点1.The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing waysmentioned in this passage2.The reading skills mentioned in this unit3.listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit难点1.The use of the

19、 new words and phrases in this passage2.The writing ways mentioned in this passage3.Some important sentence structures课 堂 设 计TheFirstTwoPeriodsStep 1:Lead-in10mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 2:Pre-reading Activities10mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 3:New Words80mLecturing,Questioning&Giving ExamplesTheSecon

20、dTwoPeriodsStep 1:Background Information10mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 2:Structure Analysis10mLecturingStep 3:Language points and DifficultSentences70mLecturing,Questioning&Giving ExamplesStep 4:Comprehension of the Text A10mQuestioning&DiscussingTheThirdTwoPeriodsStep 1:Summarize the passage orally2

21、0mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 2:Exercises(Words in use,Wordbuilding,Banked cloze,Expressions in use,Translation in Section A)70mQuestioning&DiscussingStep 3:Revision&Homework10mLecturing,QuestioningTheForthTwoPeriodsStep 1:Check Homework30mQuestioningStep 2:Structured Writing30mWatching&DiscussingSte

22、p 3:Listening20mListening&QuestioningStep 4:Speaking20mQuestioning&Discussing教 学 过 程The First Two Periods:Step 1:Lead-in:3.Look at the some pictures,what are these people afraid of?4.Did you have a fear of something before?If so,how did you overcome it?Step 2:Pre-reading Activities:3.Listen to a sto

23、ry about Jacks fear and decide whether the following statementsare T(true)or F(false).4.Listen to the talk again and discuss the following questions.Step 3:New WordsThe Second Two Periods:Step 1:Background Information3.Have you ever heard about Mediterranean Sea?What do you know about it?4.Do you kn

24、ow what is“rip current?How to escape from rip current?Step 2:Structure AnalysisPart I(Paras.1-3):On a tour of France,I saw the Mediterranean Sea,but the rip currents scaredme.And it reminded me that I developed a fear of water due to the experienceof last summer and since then,the fear wouldnt reced

25、e.Part II(Paras.4-17):When I saw a boy drowning amid the waves,I was in a mental andemotional struggle whether I should save him because I was extremelyterrified of water.After my fierce struggle,I made the single big decision:tothrow myself into the water.I finally reached the boy and had him under

26、control;but when I swam back toward shore,the rip current was forciblydragging us out to sea.I tried to remember how to escape from a rip current,and with that,I slowly made my way to safety,thus conquering my inner fearof water as well.Part III(Paras 18-19):I was relaxed and happy in a moment of tr

27、iumph and salvation.Step 3:Language points and Difficult SentencesPractical Phrases1.deem sth.Important认为 ,重要2.pop up 突然出现;冒出来3.be paralyzed with使丧失思考能力,使呆若木鸡4.plow through sth.艰难费力的通过5.throw oneself into/a t/o n/down突然猛力地冲进/扑向/跳到/扑倒等6.makeone,sw ay行进(尤指艰难地,或需要很长时间时)Functional Patterns1.Nothing.as m

28、uch as.否定比较级,用于表达“最.2.As sb.did sth.sb.realize something incredible/provoking/important:sb.no longer.用于表达“某人对某些事的反思二3.Adj.as sb.was,sb./sth.had never looked ad j,用于表达“某人对某事或某人新的看法”。Step 4:Comprehension of the Text AUnderstanding the textThe Third Two Periods:Step 1:Summarize the passage orallyStep 2

29、:ExercisesWords in use(Page 39)Word building(Page 40,41)Banked cloze(Page 42)Expressions in use(Page 42)Translation(Page 46)Step 3:Revision&Homework3.Review the whole passage4.Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the topic:My biggest mistakeThe Forth Two Periods:Step 1:Check HomeworkStep

30、 2:Structured WritingTopic:Biological clocksTopic:Dads blessingsIntroduction:Thesis statement:We often misread people we truly care for in our life and may neveragain have a chance to make up for it.Exposition:Setting:Upon graduation,a young man was expecting his dads blessing.Conflict:The fathers g

31、ift,a Bible with the young mans name on it in gold,resultedin the young mans storming out of the house on Graduation Day.Development:Rising action:Having become successful,the young man decided to pay a visit to hisfather.Climax:When the young man made arrangements to visit his father,he was informe

32、dof his fathers death.Falling action:When he arrived at his fathers house,sudden sadness and regret filledhis heart.Conclusion:Resolution:The young man found the key fbr the sports car he once dreamed of in thestill new Bible when searching through his fathers belongings.Buthis father was gone.Step

33、3:ListeningStep 4:SpeakingMake a speech on the following topic.:Suppose,as an eye-witness,you areexpected to write a report to the police.课后补遗U N IT。Life storiesPART IU N D ER STAN D IN G AN D LEA R N IN GOverviewMovies play an important role in almost everyone9s life.People from the movieindustry h

34、ave considerable influence on the masses.They exhibit personality traitsthat deserve admiration and applause,and could be looked up to as role models.Thisunit will fully explore their best qualities.The two texts in the current unit are biographies,a genre of literature,which is awritten account of

35、another persons life.Each of the texts narrates,analyzes andinterprets the most important facts of one prominent figure in the movie domain.TextA pays attention to actress Audrey Hepburns noble endeavor and her contribution tothe cause of UNICEF,while Text B portrays the detennination and fervent sp

36、irit ofdirector and producer Steven Spielberg.The teacher can make students do additional research at the library,or AudreyHepburn and Steven Spielberg in advance.Then in the classroom,the teacher mayorganize a variety of activities including pair work,group discussion,and mini-surveyto talk about t

37、he films or the issue of fame,fortune,and social responsibility.Section AAudrey Hepburn-A true angel in this worldBackground information1 Audrey HepburnAudrey Hepburn(1929-1993)was a slender,stylish motion picture actress known forher radiant beauty,her ability to project an air of sophistication te

38、mpered by acharming innocence,and her tireless efforts to aid needy children.Although bom in Belgium,Hepburn had British citizenship through her father andattended school in England as a child.In 1939,however,at the onset of World War II,her mother(Hepbums father left the family when she was six yea

39、rs old)moved thechild to the Netherlands(where the author of this text mistakenly considered Hepburnwas born),thinking the neutral country safer than England.Throughout World War II,Hepburn endured hardships in Nazi-occupied Holland.She still managed,however,toattend school and take ballet lessons.A

40、fter the war,she continued to study ballet inAmsterdam and in London.During her early 20s,she studied acting and worked as amodel and dancer.After appearing in several British films and starring in the 1951Broadway play Gigi(琪琪),Hepburn gained instant Hollywood stardom forplaying the Academy Award-w

41、inning lead role in Roman Holiday.She remains one offew entertainers who have won Academy,Emmy,Grammy,and Tony Awards.Hepburns war-time struggles inspired her passion fbr humanitarian work.Shedevoted much of her later life to UNICEF,visiting famine-stricken villages,in LatinAmerica,Africa,until shor

42、tly before her death of cancer in 1993.She was awardedthe Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF GoodwillAmbassador in 1992.2 UNICEFUNICEF(United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund)was created bythe United Nations General Assembly on December 11,1946,to prov

43、ide emergencyfood and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War ILAfter 1950 the fund directed its efforts toward general programs fbr the improvementof childrens welfare,particularly in less-developed countries and in variousemergency situations.The organizations bro

44、ader mission was reflected in the name itadopted in 1953,the United Nations Childrens Fund,but it has continued to beknown by the popular acronym based on this old name.Headquartered in New YorkCity,UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance tochildren and mothers in develop

45、ing countries.UNICEFs programs emphasizedeveloping community-level services to promote the health and well-being ofchildren.3 UNICEF Ambassador of GoodwillMany celebrities have acted as international,regional or national ambassadors,depending on their profile,interests,and desired level of responsib

46、ility.The role ofGoodwill Ambassador allows celebrities with a demonstrated interest in UNICEFissues to use their fame to draw attention to important issues.This may take the formof public appearances and talks,visits to troubled regions,and use of their politicalaccess to advocate UNICEF causes,all

47、 of which have the power to draw attentionfrom the media and to create public awareness.4 Gregory PeckGregory Peck(1916-2003)was one of the worlds most popular film stars from the1940s to the 1960s.He is best known for his performance in the 1962 film To Kill aMockingbird,which earned him the Academ

48、y Award for Best Actor.In 1967 Peck received the Academys Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.He wasalso in 1969 for his lifetime humanitarian effort.Always politically progressive,Peckwas active in such causes as anti-war protests,workers9 rights and civil rights.5 Billy WilderBilly Wilder(1906-2002)w

49、as an Austrian-born American filmmaker,screenwriter,producer artist,and journalist.His career spanned more than 50 years and 60 films.He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywoodsgolden age.During his career,Wilder gained 20 Academy Award nominations andwon six O

50、scars.He received a lifetime achievement award from the American FilmInstitute in 1986.6 Academy AwardsAn Academy Award(byname Oscar)is an award presented annually by the AmericanAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Science to recognize excellence of professionalsin the film industry,including directo


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