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《【教案】Unit1Reading+and+thinking+公开课教学设计-人教版(2019)必修第三册.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【教案】Unit1Reading+and+thinking+公开课教学设计-人教版(2019)必修第三册.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、必修三Unit1 Reading and Thinking 1 教学设计课型:阅读课语篇类型:论说文授课时长:40分钟文本分析:本篇文章的主题是“节日”,通过探讨庆祝节日的重要价值和意义,激发学生对中外节日文化差异和融通的思考和理解,探究不同节日背后的社会、历史、文化等原因,进而能够从尊重文化多样性的视角来理解节日文化的差异和融通。本文是一则说明性文本。全文通过举例子、摆事实、作比较等方法,从一个节日延展到更多节日,从公认的事实到有争议的热点话题,重点探讨节日的“异中有同”:节日虽因时代更替而变化,但节日的本质意义是相同的;第二段紧扣主题,以“丰收节“为例,说明不同文化虽然有独特的节日庆祝方式


3、学生要注意“read beyond lines”,不仅要领会各类节日和庆典方式,更要理解不同文化间求同存异的重要意义。课时目标:在本课学习结束时,学生要能够:1. 阅读全文,理解语篇主题,文章框架及主要内容。2. 体验阅读技能,掌握话题语言,了解世界节日的异同及节日习俗背后变化的原因。3. 研读文本,获取段落主旨大意,感悟文章的写作技法。教学重难点:1. 引导学生掌握论述文的基本结构,文本特征和语言特点。2. 引导学生总结不同节日背后都有相同的精神,从而引出“美美与共”的思想感情教学资源:教材、多媒体课件、多媒体设备教学过程步骤教学活动设计意图Lead in Step 1 Quizamongg

4、roups(5mins)1. T presents several pictures of various festivals, invites Ss to name the festivals and reasons why we celebrate them;2. Ss get to know several new words related to festivals 通过展示各种节日的图片,并引导学生思考不同节日的意义。激活学生脑海中关于节日的图式,为接下来的阅读活动做准备。而且本环节选择的图片有中、外、古、今不同,有传统的,商业的,精致的,悲伤的,狂欢的,校内的以呼应本文主题中对节日

5、多样化的要求。同时准备阅读文本相关的生词Reading Step 2 Skimming(3mins)1. Ss are required to skim the passage to get the general structure and main ides of the passage 2. The structure model of hamburger (general-specific-general) and cupcake (general-specific) are introduced 3. T verifies the steps to get the main idea

6、 and guides Ss to predict the content of this passage. 学生扫读全文,并形成对文章的结构,主题大意有基本了解。再和学生印证是去何处寻找大意,并通过标题预测文章内容,引发下一个scanning的环节。Step 3Scanning(4 min)1. Ss scan the passage to get the answer to the question in the title “why do we celebrate festivals?” and to conclude what festivals and celebrations ar

7、e mentioned in the passage. 2. Ss and T conclude the reasons in Para. 1 &5.在首段和尾段寻读庆祝节日的原因,然后再全篇范围内寻读出现的全部节日以及其庆祝的方式。Step 4Carefulreading(20 mins)1. Ss are given time to read attentively after being provided with several assisting questions, which mainly involve factual information of the text. 2. S

8、s get to know the function of examples, the concept and location of topic sentence, the reason why people celebrate harvest festivals in Para. 2.3. Ss explore why and how the customs change, and think about why we are allowed to light fireworks again this year in Para. 3.4. Ss get to know the concep

9、t and reasons of festival commercialization and peoples attitude. They are also required to present their own opinion in Para. 45. T shows the “hamburger” again and review the structure as well as the content. 这一部分主要是细读。阅读与设问层次主要是事实信息类(right there),即文章中直接可以查到,如“How did the customs of festivals chang

10、e?”;分析推断类(Think and search),“what is the function of three harvest festivals?”整合评价类(author and me)“what your attitude towards custom commercialization?” 关联与创造类(on my own)“why we are allowed to light fireworks this year”以引发学生对于节日意义的思考,最终引向本文所强调不同文化间“和而不同,美美与共”的思想境界。Step 5Post-reading (8 mins)Ssarediv

11、ided into groups to design a festival of their own, with purposes and celebrations considered. 鼓励学生设计自己的节日,激发学生想象力,并运用课上所学到关于的节日目的和庆祝活动的表达方式。Homework Writing Ss are required to describe in details about the festival they have designed in class. They should pay more attention to purpose and meaning of their festival. 鼓励学生将课上的语言知识和自己的初步设计结合起来,进一步融合,形成一篇介绍自己节日的文章学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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