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《高一英语第一册第二单元.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语第一册第二单元.ppt(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1.patient-patience impatiently(cant wait to do)be patient with patients 对病人有耐心对病人有耐心 be patient of hardships/pains 忍受苦难忍受苦难 do/serve with patience be out of patience with 对对耐不住耐不住 lose(ones)patience with sb.对对不能再容忍不能再容忍 have no patience with 不能容忍不能容忍 require/take/call for patienceIt takes patience t

2、o finish the work.This is what it takes to finish the work.He has little patience _ to treat me.A.in which B.with which C.by which D.of which1)a patient worker2)patient researches 需要耐心的研究需要耐心的研究3)This sentence is patient of two interpretations.容许有容许有(allow of/admit of)The matter admits of no delay.2

3、.impression impress impressive impress sb.as/strike sb.as 给给留下留下的印象的印象What impressedstruck me most was that be deeply impressed by/at/with sth impress on sb the importance of work=impress sb with the importance of work 使某人铭记使某人铭记的重要的重要性性 impress sth on/upon ones mind/sb/memory impress his initials o

4、n the box 将将印在印在上上make/leave a lasting impression on sb an impressive scene 难忘的场面难忘的场面 3.admit 承认承认 让让进入进入 容纳容纳admit doing/having done admit sb to be admit sb into/to 准许某人进入准许某人进入=be admitted into/to admit of/allow of/be patient of容许有容许有This hall admits 1200 people.(hold,seat,accommodate)admission会场

5、学校等的入学许可会场学校等的入学许可 ,入场券入场券 admittance入场,进入入场,进入 这所学校只接受男生入学。这所学校只接受男生入学。_to/into this school is for boys only.No admittance.禁止进入禁止进入Must we pay for admission?admission freeAdmission4.appreciate appreciation appreciate your talents appreciate sth/doing sth.感激感激 thank sb for sth appreciate it if/prefe

6、r it if Id appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.have an appreciation for 对对感激感激 have a proper/deep appreciation of 对对有正确评价或有很深的鉴赏力有正确评价或有很深的鉴赏力 in appreciation of/for 因因鉴赏鉴赏而而 因感激因感激而而5.fall ill/asleep/dead/due/silent/prey/vacant 变变成成 fall/become a prey to 被被-捕食捕食 为为-所

7、困所困6.prefer doing to doing prefer sth to sth prefer to do rather than do sth =rather than do,prefer to dowould rather do than do prefer sb to do/to have done prefer that sb should do prefer it if I prefer not.Im afraid not.I hope not like=prefer to do/prefer doingWould/should prefer/love/like(sb)to

8、doHe preferred charges against the owner of the noisy factory.charge sb with sth 他对发出噪音的工厂老板提出控告。他对发出噪音的工厂老板提出控告。preferred stock 优先股优先股preference a personal preference 个人喜爱个人喜爱 His preference is for coffee rather than tea.He has a preference for coffee rather than tea.Wine or beer?Which is your pref

9、erence?by/for preference 由于喜欢,出于选择由于喜欢,出于选择 I should choose this in preference to any other.in preference to 优先于优先于,比起比起来宁愿来宁愿(rather than)The Committee would prefer the matter to be discussed.Would you like to have a walk?-No,I prefer staying at home _ watching TV.A.than B.to C.and D.without7.让某感到非

10、常愉快的是让某感到非常愉快的是 much/greatly to ones amusement to ones great amusement/surprise/delight/sorrow/disappointment/excitement/astonishment/satisfaction/regret She looked at me _.There were lots of amusements(娱乐的事)娱乐的事)at the fair.find amusement/delight in find fault with in amusementIn tearsruins/pairs/g

11、roupsFrom his _ expression I know I am really _.amuse sb/oneself with/at/by be amused to dobe amused atbywith amused amusing8.would/should like to do/to have done would/should like sb to do/to have done would/should love to do/to have done would sb to do/to have done feel like doing would prefer to

12、do/sb to do would(had)rather do/have done would rather sb did/had done had better do/have done might as well do/have done1)_ would you like to treat me today?2)Whom would you like to have _(repair)the machine?3)Is this the machine you would rather have _ (repair)?Hi,Amy.Why are you so upset?-Er,I fo

13、und the washing machine I had had_ broke down again.A.it repairing B.repaired C.it repaired D.to be repairedHowrepairrepaired9.consider/reckon/reveal/acknowledge/recognize sb/sth to be/as think-to be think as sb is considered to have done sb is thought/supposed/reported/believed/reckoned/said to hav

14、e done sb consider doing consider how to do sth/what to do all things considered 纵观一切纵观一切 considering 就就而论,照而论,照来看,从各方面来看来看,从各方面来看 I hear he is more than 70,but he is still very strong considering his age.(prep.)in view of Considering(that)he did not study,he did well on the test.(conj.)consideratio

15、n 在考虑当中在考虑当中 under consideration 考虑,斟酌考虑,斟酌 takeinto consideration/account=take account of 考虑到考虑到,作为,作为的报酬的报酬 in consideration of 值得考虑值得考虑 deserve serious consideration/considering/to be considered 决不决不 on no consideration/on no account/on no condition/under no circumstances/at no time/by no means/i

16、n no way/in no sense/in no case show much consideration for 体谅体谅Low price and good condition are two considerations in buying a used car.considerate 体贴的体贴的 考虑周到的考虑周到的 thoughtfulconsiderable 可观的可观的 相当的相当的 值得考虑的值得考虑的 重要的重要的He is _of/to/towards old people.The increase was _.a _ expense/difference a _ m

17、an a _ problemIts considerably colder today.今天冷多了。今天冷多了。considerateconsiderableconsiderableconsiderable/considerateconsiderable10.So+adv/adj/adj+a+n/many/few/much/little thatSuch+a+adj+n/adj+n thatone/no/any/some/all/many/several/few+such+n1.It is impossible for _few people to finish _ a lot of work

18、 in only two days.2.The teacher wondered why _ many students had made _ careless mistakes.3.I dont believe that _ little children can finish so _ work in _short a time.sosuchsosuchsuchmuchso12.besides,in addition to,as well as,apart from,except,except for,except that,except when/what/how1)The teache

19、r told him it was a good composition,_ a few spelling mistakes.2)I know nothing about it,_I read in the newspaper.3)We all succeeded _ Tom,so he is also glad.4)We all succeeded _ Tom,so he is very sad.5)He always goes to school _it rains.6)He always goes to school _rainy days.apart from/except for e

20、xcept what besides/apart from except except when except on12.respect sb for show/have(new)respect for 尊敬;重视尊敬;重视 send ones respects/regards/wishes/love to gain/win broad respect 受到广泛尊敬受到广泛尊敬 In terms of=in respect of 就就而言而言 in every respect/aspect/without respect of=regardless of respectable 值得尊敬的;体

21、面的;(质量)不错值得尊敬的;体面的;(质量)不错的,(数量)相当大的的,(数量)相当大的 respectful 尊敬人的尊敬人的 respective 各自的各自的 respecting 关于;鉴于关于;鉴于1)We are all astonished to learn that the clearly _ professor was really a spy.A respectful B respective C respectable D respecting2)The teacher is _,so we are all _ to him.Two scientists have wo

22、n the Nobel Prize.They are 23and 34 _ respectable respectfulrespectively 1、Be strict with sb/in sth Be happy _the news/helping sb Be happy _the present situation satisfied content pleasedatwith2Grade A milk 3Our papers are being _now.4The same is true_ Russian 55this picture is true _nature.gradedof

23、to 1A _ station2Knowledge is _ 3 devote/apply ones _to doing 4atomic_ 5potential _ 6an _crisis7 There is _in what he said.Magnetic _.powerpowerenergyenergyenergyenergiesforceforce1.当着某人的面当着某人的面2.承担未完成的事业承担未完成的事业3.在某种程度在某种程度上上4.发表电视讲话发表电视讲话5.废除奴隶制度废除奴隶制度6.接待会接待会7.值得值得祝贺祝贺8.忙于日益兴隆的生意忙于日益兴隆的生意9.我的自行车正在

24、修我的自行车正在修10.屈指可数屈指可数11.将全部时间全部投入到将全部时间全部投入到12.赞成提议赞成提议13.人人生来平等人人生来平等14.往往,多半往往,多半15.我也不我也不16.铺床铺床17.欣喜若狂欣喜若狂18.列为列为19.暂时的暂时的20.理解理解21.文凭文凭22.流利流利1 in the presence of 2 take on the unfinished cause 3 in a sense 4 deliver a televised address 5 abolish slavery 6 reception 7 deserve congratulating on 8

25、 be engaged in the flourishing business 9 my bike is being repaired 10 count sth on the fingers of one hand 11 dedicate ones time wholly to doing 12 agree to the proposal 13 Everyone is born equal 14 more often than not 15 me neither 16 make the bed 17 thrill 18 rank as 19 temporary 20 comprehension

26、 21 diploma 22 fluency1他的进步如此之大以至于老师表扬了他。他的进步如此之大以至于老师表扬了他。2 急急着去欣赏音乐着去欣赏音乐3使某人沦为偷窃使某人沦为偷窃 4 消除疑虑消除疑虑5跟其跟其他孩子一样他孩子一样6 一如既往(惯常)一如既往(惯常)7联络某人联络某人8 与都与都市生活相比市生活相比9 定合同定合同 1His progress was such that the teacher praised him.2 be anxious/eager to enjoy the music 3 reduce him to stealing 4 remove ones dou

27、bts 5 in common with many other boys 6 as is usual with sb=as is often the case 7 make contact with sb 8 in contrast with/to the city life 9 make/enter into contract 1他的进步如此之大以至于老师表扬了他。他的进步如此之大以至于老师表扬了他。2 急急着去欣赏音乐着去欣赏音乐3使某人沦为偷窃使某人沦为偷窃 4 消除疑虑消除疑虑5跟其跟其他孩子一样他孩子一样6 一如既往(惯常)一如既往(惯常)7联络某人联络某人8 与都与都市生活相比市生活相比9 定合同定合同10 把权衡得失把权衡得失11修复庙宇修复庙宇12 参加研讨班参加研讨班 13 多半,往往多半,往往14 主动提出监督主动提出监督15 取样检验取样检验16 很能看出,很能鉴赏很能看出,很能鉴赏 10 balance the advantage and disadvantage 11 restore a temple 12 attend training workshops 13 more often than not 14 take a sample for examination and test 16 keep an eye on


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