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《江苏省南京市秦淮区六校联考2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京市秦淮区六校联考2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022学年度第二学期期中考试七年级英语注意事项1. 本试卷共12页,全卷满分100分,考试时间为100 分钟。2. 选择题答案用 2B 铅笔填涂, 非选择通用0.5mm 黑水笔在每国对应答题框内作答, 超出答题框作各无效。第I卷 选择题(55分)一、听力理解(共 15题;每小题1分, 满分 15分)A)听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置. 每段对话读两遍. 1. Where is Daniels father now?2. What is the boy going to do?3. How will the

2、y go to Jinshan Park?4. Which animal does the girl like best? A. 品上5. Whose ruler is this?A. Helens. B. Mikes. C. Peters.6. Whats the womans phone number?A. 75289026. B. 5383596. C. 7538096. 7. Whats Lind doing ?A. Watching TV. B. Reading a bookC. Listening to music. 8. When will the plane leave for

3、 Paris?A. At 9:10. B. At 9:30. C. At 9:50. 9. How much money does the man have before anyone lends him any? A. 12 yuan.B. 7 yuan. C. 5 yuan.10. What are the two speakers talking about?A. What to buy. B. Where to eat. C. How to have fun. B)听下面一段对话请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置,读两遍。11. Where is J

4、im living now?A. In London. B. In the city centre. C. In Beijing. 12. How many people are there in Jims family?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 13. How does Jims father go to work?A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By car. 14. Where do Jims parents talk with their friends?A. In the living room. B. On the balcony

5、. C. In the garden. 15. Whats TRUE about Jims flat?A. Its in the centre of the city. B. It is big with two bedrooms. C. Its small with no gardens. 二、单项选择(共15小题, 每小题1分, 计15分)16. -Mille, you drop _ s in the word careless. Oh, I forgot it. A. aB. anC. the D. / 17. The bedroom with a picture of flowers

6、on the door is _.A. Lily and Lucy B Lily and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucys D. Lilys and Lucy18 There are no _ students in the classroom. A. another B. the otherC. other D. others19. Some tall girls are sitting _ me, so I cant see the blackboard clearly.A. aboveB. in the front ofC. in front of D. next to2

7、0. To get to Zhongshan Park, please turn right after you _the bridge. A crossB. acrossC. along D. through21. What city is _in?Washington D. C. A. Big BenB. Red SquareC. The White HouseD. Buckingham Palace!2. There is_ wrong with my computer. I have to ask someone _it. A. something; check B. somethin

8、g; to check C. everything; checkD. anything; to check23. Which of the following words stresses the second syllable? A. beautifulB. tomorrowC. Halloween D. badminton24. Every spring, people plant _trees to make our city more beautiful. A. five thousands ofB. five thousands C. thousand of D. thousands

9、 of25. -Do you know how many people in China have been vaccinated against COVID-19(接种新冠疫苗)by 14 March? Its said to be 64, 980, 940. _? It seems vaccinating all the people may come true soon after. A. Sixty four million nine hundred and eighty nine hundred and forty B. Sixty-four million nine hundred

10、 and eighty thousand nine hundred and forty C. Sixty - four million nine hundred eighty thousand nine hundred forty D. Sixty - four millions nine hundreds and eighty thousands nine hundreds and forty 26. Look at the sky. Its cloudy. I think it _ soonA. rainsB. rainedC. will rainD. is going to rain27

11、. -This is Tara Patel from Cotton House in Kidder-minster. Could I speak to Mr. Smith?-_A. Hello. B. Im Mr. Smith. C. Who are you? D. Speaking, please. 28. 一_your new job _, Jack?Well, it is usually full of fun. But I have to keep busy. A. How is; likeB. What is; likeC. What does; like D. How does;

12、like29. Beijing is about 1088.2 kilometres _Nantong. We can go there by train or by plane. A. away fromB. far fromC. far D. away30. Excuse me, sir. Im afraid you cant smoke here. This is non-smoking area. Oh, sorry. I _the sign.A. dont see B. didnt seeC didnt sawD. saw三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 计10分)Bike-s

13、harine(自行车共享)is a new choice(选择)for short journeys in cities. It is good to the 31 development(发展)of the big cities. A 32 by a company found that shared bikes started the peoples 33 for bikes again. Now more and more Chinese people are 34 bikes instead of (而不是) cars to make short journeys in cities.

14、 An engineer of that company says that since the start of shared bikes, people have made 35 trips by car. The love for shared bikes is not only among 36 people, who were born in the 1980s and 1990s, but also among people over sixty. At weekends, the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the 37 of

15、 all cities. On weekdays, the number of people who use shared bikes to travel to word is 38 in Shanghai. It is said that bike-sharing will help 39 the cities environment (环境). It not only helps solve the traffic problems, but also will help to make more use of 40 in cities. Take Beijing as an exampl

16、e if more people choose shared bikes,an area of five Birds Nest stadiums (体育场)will be saved. 31. A. harmfulB. quickC. slowD. healthy32. A. reportB. posterC. invitationD. plan33. A. careB. loveC. searchD. worry34. A. drivingB. havingC choosingD. fixing35. A. lessB. fewerC. moreD. many36. A. strongB.

17、youngC. oldD. weak37. A comerB. lineC. topD. side38. A. going upB. going downC. getting offD. getting down39. A. shareB protectC. growD. invite40. A. spaceB. moneyC. airD. time四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 计15分)ALearning How to Learn $22Children who read this book show great interest in study. Many pictures w

18、ill help them understand it easily and quickly.Basic Study Guidebook $36Read this book and learn:What the three barriers(障碍)to study are and what to do about them. What to do if you are tired of a subject. Children read it to improve(提高)the ability to study.How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for C

19、hildren $35 Read this book and learn:How to look up words in a dictionary. What the different marks in a dictionary mean. How to use a dictionary to pronounce(发音)words correctly. Buy this book and help children open their study. Whats more, youll just pay 60% for it before December 20.41. Which book

20、 can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject?A Learning How to Learn B. Basic Study GuidebookC. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children D. None of them42 . How much will you pay if you buy all the three books on December 2?A. $71 B. $79 C. $80 D. $93 43. What are these advertisem

21、ents for?A. To sell these books to children. B. To help children learn English. C. To help children learn about books. D. To, help children use a dictionary to pronounce correctly. BThese years, we like taking our mobiles to a dinner table. This happens a lot, especially when we eat out. Once a dish

22、 comes, instead of lifting our Chopsticks(筷子), we take out our mobiles and click. Later, we post the photos onto Weibo or WeChat, waiting to be liked. Then we check our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see how many liked we can get. A recent study shows that what we are used to doing is

23、 not so good. Spending time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant. According to a research, more photos you take, the less delicious the food seems to you. So, why not stop taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you?On the other hand, after posting the photos onto the Interne

24、t, one will not be able to control (控制) himself and check his mobile many times. “Does everyone like my photos? I hope a lot of people like them! It seems that your mobile secretly calls your name all the time, even when you are with real people. So, next time you go out to have dinner with your fam

25、ily or friends, how about not taking photos of food? Let the food be delicious as it is and share your life with people around you. Trust me, it will be a wonderful time. 44. According to the passage, what happens a lot at the dinner table these years?A. People talk about how to cook delicious food.

26、 B. People take photos of delicious food and post them. C. People chat with their friends on WeChat. D. People take photos of the friends eating with them. 45. What does the underlined word “lifting” in Para. 1 mean?A. putting away B. raising C. putting down D. leaving 46. What does the writer mainl

27、y want to tell us by writing this passage?A. Its not good to play with our mobiles at a dinner table. B. Its difficult to make our food delicious. C. Its interesting to take photos of delicious food. D. Its healthier to eat at home than eat out. CWhen Reginald Johnston first walked into the Forbidde

28、n City in 1919, most palaces werent allowed to visit. But a century later. the 600-year-old palace complex(官殿群)becomes the worlds busiest museumOpen to the publicIn the old days, common people could only imagine what it looked like inside. When the Palace Museum was founded in 1925, the public could

29、 go into the palaces. Now 80% of the area of the museum is open to the public and it will increase to 85% in 2025. Embracing(拥抱)the world“It felt like you were hit by hundreds of years of history, Allen from Britain said. I begin to love its history and culture. The Forbidden City is becoming more o

30、pen and friendly to visitors. It attracted(吸引)about 3. 5 million visitors from abroad and 9 overseas (海外的) exhibitions were held in 2018. The Palace Museum exhibition becomes a cultural phenomenon(文化现象)everywhere it goes. Attracting the youngOn the Palace Museums online store on Taobao, you can find

31、 more than 10,000 cultural products(产品). The ones with cute and humorous pictures of emperors are very popular. Some favourite products also go offline. For example, the “Kangxi Emperors Favourite Chocolate”, the most popular drink, always has people lining up (排队) to get a taste. As a child, Xu Jin

32、g often rode a bike in front of the Meridian Gate (午门). “I had little memory of the museum then, but now I am more willing to visit it after watching several popular TV shows about the museum.” she said.47. The current situation (现状) of the Forbidden City is that _. A. it has become the worlds busie

33、st museumB. most palaces are still not allowed to visitC. it is closed to all the world except local peopleD. it is not open because there are too many exhibits (展品)48. Which is NOT the reason that the Forbidden City attracts more visitors from abroad?A. Foreigners are hit by hundreds of years of Ch

34、inese history. B. The Forbidden City is becoming more open and friendly to visitors. C. The ticket price of the Forbidden City is the lowest. D. The Palace Museum exhibition becomes a cultural phenomenon everywhere it goes. 49. According to the last part, the young know more about the Palace Museum

35、mainly through _.a. the online store on Taobao b. offline sores c. history books d. popular TV showsA. a, b, d B. a, b, c C. b, c, d D. a, c, d 50. Which is RIGHT according to the passage?A. The Palace Museum becomes world famous in a short period. B. Visitors can leave their footprints(脚印) in each

36、area of the museum. C. Al the native people were willing to visit the museum when they were kids. D. With the development of China, the Palace Museum opens its arms and welcomes the visitors from all around the world. DDid you know that when you surf the web, websites in some countries put secret so

37、ftware on your computer? The software collects a large amount of information about you and sends it to internet companies. The internet companies sell it to other businesses. Your personal information can also be gathered from social media sites. There are many ways your information can be used. Fir

38、st, companies collect your information and record all your online habits. They find out , here you live, what websites you visit and what you do online. With this information, they can guess other things about you. For example, they can guess if you are male or female, how old you are and your inter

39、ests. The companies use this information to decide which ads are best for you. Two people can go to the same website, but they will see different ads. For example, someone who likes sports could see ads for trainers, and someone who likes films might see ads for a film. Your personal information cou

40、ld also be sold. Some companies collect information just so they can sell it to other businesses. A business that collects and sells personal information is called a data broker. When data brokers sell your information, a lot of different companies will know your online habits. Then the companies wi

41、ll advertise products or other websites to you. Another way your personal information can be collected is through social media When your information is on social media, a lot of people ca see it. Even if you dont use social media, a friend might post a picture or video of you with your name on it. P

42、ictures and videos can be shared for free on social media, which is one of the great advantages. However that same act of sharing could be a problem for your own security(安全). If someone knows too much about you, they steal your identity. Then they can buy things online and post messages while prete

43、nding (假装) to be you. The law is finally changing when it comes to technology. In the European Union, for example, they have introduced the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR). This rule means that internet users can now ask companies to show them what information they have about them and even

44、make them delete it. If other countries do the same, the internet could soon be a much safer place. 51. According to paragraph 2, what will the companies find by collecting your information?age and hobbies online activitiesaddressjobA. B. C. D. 52. Your personal information can be directly collected

45、 through the following EXCEPT_.A. social mediaB. websitesC. advertisement companiesD. secret software53. Which of the following statements is WRONG?A. Data brokers can make money by selling personal information to other businesses. B. Data brokers cant get your information if your friend posts a vid

46、eo of you with your name on it. C. According to GDPR, we can ask companies to delete our personal information they have collected online. D. Different people can see different ads on the same websites because their online habits have been gathered. 54. Which sentence is the most suitable for the beginning of the last paragraph?A. However, its not all bad newsB. Anyway, every coin has two sides. C. Actually, different people have different


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