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《2022年甘肃省定西市中考英语试题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年甘肃省定西市中考英语试题.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年定西市初中毕业考试和高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷考生注意:本试卷含听力,满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。所有试题均在答题卡上作答,否则无效。听力部分I.听力理解(分 6 小节,共 30小题;每小题1 分,满分30分)第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。D.4.A.1.B.2.E.5.第二节:听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。6.A.Yes,please.7.A.Here you are.8.A.Im very well.9.A.I have no idea.10.A.It must be Lilys.第三节:听对话及问题,B.Have fun.B.

2、Sorry to hear that.B.Hes fine.B.My pleasure.B.Were in China.选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。C.Let*s go.C.Not at all!C.Its sunny.C.Good luck!C.TheyYe blue.每段对话读两遍。11.What animals does Sam like best?A.Monkeys.B.Pandas.C.Lions.12.When will the football game start?A.At 4:30.13.Who is Tina?A.Daisys mother.14.How is Betty

3、s life in Gansu?A.Just so so.B.At 4:00.B.Daisys sister.B.Great.C.At 3:30.C.Daisy*s cousin.C.Too bad.15.Why was David late for the meeting?A.Because hes illwork.B.Because he forgot the time.C.Because his car didn*t第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第16至 17小题。16.Where is the surprise party?

4、A.In a restaurant.B.In a classroom.17.Will they be able to get to the party on time?C.In a park.A.No way.B.Yes,they probably will.C.No,they wont.听第二段对话,回答第18至 20 小题.18.Whats wrong with the woman?A.She has a cold.B.She is too stressed out.C.Shes got a stomachache.119.How long has the woman been like

5、that?A.For over a week.B.For about three days.20.What should the woman do?C.Since the day before.A.Take the medicine once a day.B.Drink only a little water.C.Call the doctor if shes still sick the next week.第五节:听短文,根据其内容选择能回答下列问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。21.How is John Smith?A.Very old.B.Very weak.22.What does Jo

6、hn Smith do?A.A teacher.B.A worker.23.How many children does Mr.Smith have?A.4.B.5.24.Why doesn*t Mr.Smith*s eldest son live with his parents?A.Because his school is too far away from the town.B.Because he is a teacher in a village.C.Because he doesn*t like his parents.25.Who doesn*t go to school in

7、 Mr.Smith*s family?A.His youngest daughter and his eldest son.B.His youngest son.C.All of his childrenC.Very well.C.A driver.C.6.第六节:听短文,根据其内容填写下面表格中所缺的信息。短文读三遍。(每空限填一词)注:请将此节的答案填写在答题卡非选择题部分的相应位置上。心 向H W 稼 INVEST iN OUR PLANETThe earth has a special day.It is much like your 26.It is on27 22nd.The Ea

8、rth Day 2022 Knowing more about the importance ofthe 28.We,eto help the earth!,can keep the rivers,lakes and ponds clean,and 29 water when washing dishes taking abath or doing other things can plant more trees,and not cut them down at will mustn*t 30 at school,at home or in the neighborhoodread more

9、 about how to protect it and tell it to othersLets sta r t to g e tlie r HOW!笔试部分H.语法与情景对话(共 20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)阅读下列各题,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1.1 just bought a new s h i r t.s h i r t was pretty expensive.A.A B.An C.The D./2.The rang and Pat answered it.It was his son calling from New York.A.telepho

10、ne B.doorbell C.clock D.bike3.These are my c o u s i n s.a r e both university students.A.We B.You C.I D.They4.We can see the toy bear in the picture.2A.in the boxB.on the bedC.beside the shelf D.under the table5.This will be my visit to the Great Wall.Tm really excitedReally?I cant believe you*ve n

11、ever been there yet.You arrived in Beijing almost a year ago!A.first B.second C.third D.fourth6.Let*s the chicken and make some soup.A.look at B.cut up C.put off D.knock against7.一How*s the new restaurant?11.一Shall we have an outdoor graduation party after the exam?Ifs_We waited a long time for the

12、food to arrive.A.wonderfulB.excitingC.difficultD.awful8.1 haven*t got any apple juice,_ _ Ive got some orange juice.Would you like some?A.butB.andC.orD.for9._ _ do you exercise?-Every day.A.How longB.WhyC.What timeD.How often10.Linda spoke too quietly.I could_ _ hear her at the back.A.alwaysB.everC.

13、hardlyD.usually-I think everyone will love itA.Good idea.B.No way.C.Enjoy yourself.12.Paper in ancient China more than 2,000 years ago.A.invented B.was invented C.invent13.1 wo n d e r-.A.that April is the hottest month in ThailandB.do you know where I can buy some medicineC.whether June is a good t

14、ime to visit GansuD.how can I improve my pronunciation14.一I don*t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to smoke.Its bad for the teens*health.A.I agree.B.I hope so.C.I disagree.15.What can we know from this School Notice?D.The same to you.D.is inventedD.I hope not.A.School will start on Monday.B

15、.School will be closed fbr a week.C.We*ve succeeded in fighting against COVID-19.D.Students neednt go to school on March 16.16.Hi,Mary.You look tired.I missed the school bus so I had to run to school this morning.A.What happened?B.What a pain!C.Youre kidding.17.We a meeting.Come and join in.A.were h

16、aving B.are having C.hadD.How about you?D.have been318.Kevin,what are you doing?Dont you remember that the doctor warns you not to eat anycandy?Pm so sorry!I totally forgot about that.Imdidn*t remember this year I wasnt supposed to.A.Practice makes perfect.C.Old habits die hard.so used to eating can

17、dy every Halloween that IB.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.D.Time is money.19.Happy birthday to you,Mary.A.Have a nice day.B.See you.C.The same to you.D.Thank you.20.Which of the following sign will you probably see in a reading room of a library?A.沁仇加磔%”QuieiPleaseIII.完形填空(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满 分 15分)阅

18、读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。It was the turkey that made it the worst Thanksgiving ever.well,it I did.All the family-my grandparents,my parents,my aunt and uncle,my cousin,my sister andI 2 the turkey.However,turkey is not the easiest thing to 3.It takes a lot of time toprepare and a lot of work

19、 to cook.and there are a lot of chances for things to go wrong.My mum and dad bought a nice,big turkey a few days before Thanksgiving.4 wasproud of herself as she got it for a good price.Thanksgiving,Mum got the turkey out of thefridge.Early the next morning,my sister and I helped her put some butte

20、r and salt on the turkey.After that,Mum put it in the oven.It looked like it would be delicious.My sister and I were6.But soon,we noticed something was wrong.The oven was 7.Dad checked it closely.8 he said in a low voice,its broken.Mums heart almost stopped.She didnt want her dinner to be a failure.

21、We didnt know 9.How were we going to feed everyone without the turkey?Mum looked worried.Finally,Dad had an idea,and we all agreed with his suggestion to order 10 instead.Afterall,Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and spending time with your family.That evening,we shared a delicious pizza.We had a

22、 great time,talking,eating and playinggames.Thanksgiving without turkey can still be fun!IV.阅读理解(共 10小题;每小题2 分,满分20分)A1.A.reallyB.nearlyC.finallyD.hardly2.A.sharedB.hatedC.expectedD.bought3.A.cookB.eatC.buyD.raise4.A.GrandmaB.My auntC.My sisterD.Mum5.A.The night beforeB.AfterC.OnD.Two days before6.A

23、.worriedB.excitedC.nervousD.full7.A.cooking wellB.self cleaningC.not heating upD.not smoking8.A.ForB.OrC.ButD.And9.A.what to doB.how to do itC.where to buy itD.when to have it10.A.pizzaB.a turkeyC.sandwichesD.chicken4鹘 皆 淼 嘲 累 潴 隹 流 鼠 嗒 螳 贾 舞.震 感;状#黑 版 洲and p r d to beQq:Hg a pictureYour pen中 风Andre

24、u)of our neuj p见Oo you hae a pH?十 璞 阴.:翎阅读以上书信,根据其内容判读下列句子正误。正 确 填(涂)A、错 误 填(涂)Bo1.It*s a letter from Kimmy to Andrew.2.Andrews class pet is furry.3.Miss Lee took Tobin to the class.4.Tobins mother gave birth to four pups.5.Andrew is sure that his pen-pal has a pet and loves animals.Riddle 1I carry

25、a big bag every day.There are letters and parcels in the bag.I take them to people.Who am I?BRiddle 2I wear a uniform.I catch thieves.I make sure the neighbourhood is safe.Who am I?6.The underlined pronoun them in Riddle 1 refers to.Riddle 3I work on a bus.I drive it around every day.I take people t

26、o different places.Who am I?Riddle 4I work in a shop.Many children come to the shop.They buy sweets and chocolate.Who am I?阅读以上四条谜语,根据其内容回答其后各个小 题。V.口语交际(共 5 小题;每小题1分,满分5 分)A.big bags B.letters and parcelsC.peopleD.riddles7.What is the answer of Riddle 2?A.A teacher.B.An enginee匚C.A waiter.D.A polic

27、eman.8.Where does the person in Riddle 3 work?A.On a bus.B.In a zoo.C.At an airport.D.On a fann.9.The shop in Riddle 4 is probably a _.A.book store B.fruit storeC.fish marketD.candy,store10.The riddles are about_.A.children B.parentsC.jobsD.places阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项)

28、A:Whats the matter,John?B:Im-thinking about going somewhere nice after the exam with my parents.IA:Why don*t you go to Dunhuang.2_5B:We went there last summer.We also went to Mingsha Mountain,Crescent Spring and YumenPass.A:3 The beach city is a perfect place for the summer holidays.B:Its a lovely p

29、lace,but its a bit far away from here.4A:Well,youd better find some advice for a short trip in a travel guide.B:5 Thank you.A:Youre welcome.A.You can go to the Mogao Caves.B.Do you have any ideas?C.I dont feel like it.D.What about Qingdao?E.Thafs a good idea.F.Why dont you go skating?G.We want a sho

30、rt trip.V I.词 汇 考 查(共 10小题;每小题1分,满 分 10分)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.1 bought t w o(n o t e b o o k)yesterday.2.T h e r e(b e)a lot of rain outside last night3.Young children should not be left b y(t h e y).4.Smile and greet others in a(f r i e n d)way.5.More and more young people e n j o y(r e a d)poems

31、.6.Who can r u n(f a s t)in your class?7.1 go to a chess c l u b(t wo)a week8.Sometimes brothers or sisters w i l l(a g r e e)with each other and begin to argue.9.(make)sure you lock the door when you go out.10.The teacher asked the s t u d e n t s(c i r c l e)the correct answer.VH.根据所给汉语提示完成句子(共5 小

32、题;每 空 1分,满 分 10分)(每空限填一词)1.他过去特别安静。He be really quiet.2.甘肃是我国三个大熊猫自然憩息分布省之一。Gansu Province is_ the three natural habitats of giant pandas.3.我们应该遵守交通法规。一We should always the signs and rules.4.我更喜欢自己创作音乐的歌手。I that write their own music.5.我们齐心协力就能创造更加美好的未来。Together,our actions can lead to a.vm.书面表达(满分i

33、o 分)以“being lost”为主题,根据以下提示信息写一篇80词左右的短文。6The pictures are provided to help you think about this topic.Pay attention to the following points when you plan your composition:,Where was Mary?What was Mary doing?What happened to her?What did Mary feel when seeing her mother?The following words may help you:,crowded with visitors so interested in the animals,no one around turn to.要求:1.条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;2.文中不能出现其他人名和地名等信息;3.在答题卡的相应位置作答。7


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