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1、初二英语下学期期末综合复习及模拟试题初二英语下学期综合复习及模拟试题(答题时间:8 0分钟)Choose the best answer.1.-What is food in China?A.most popular B.popularestC.the most popular D.the popularest2.The English teacher asked to go to his office.A.l,Jim and Kate B.Jim,Kate and 1C.Jim,Kate and me D.me,Jim and Kate3.-Betty goes to the cinema

2、once a month.A.So 1 do B.So do 1 C.Do 1 soD.1 do so4.Congratulations you all your success.A.to;on B.for;to C.to;to D.for;on5.-Whats the matter?A.Thats all rightC.1 have got a coldB.1 have got a penD.It doesnt look well6.-What would you like to drink,girls?-,please.A.Two cup of coffee B.Two cups ofco

3、ffeesC.Two cups of coffee D.Two cup ofcoffees7.Whats way of saying TV?A.other B.others C.the otherD.another8.Will your mother you if you the English exam?-Of course not.Because Im trying my best.A.be angry with,dont passB.be angry with,wont passC.be angry to;dont passD.be angry to;won;t pass9.He ask

4、ed meA.what did it mean B.what it meansC.what does it mean D.what it meant10.May 1 your Chinese-English dictionary?-Sorry.1 it at home.A.borrow,forgot B.lend,leftC.lend,forgot D.borrow,left1 1.Each of us has to write a composition every two weeks.A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-wordC.two-hundred-w

5、ords D.two-hundreds-words12.There is a ticket on the floor,is it your?-Oh,yes,its mine.-Let me for you.A.to pick up it B.to pick it upC.pick up it D.pick it up13.Is the physics p r o b l e m?-Yes,1 can work it out.A.easy,easily B.easy,easyC.easily,easy D.easily,easily14.Its really nice of you.Thank

6、you very much.A.Im very pleased B.Dont mention itC.Dont say so D.It doesnt matter15.She when 1 went to see her yesterday evening.A.was watching a novel B.was reading anovelC.will read a novel D.watches a novel16.What do you think of a war,Lin Tao?-Ive no idea.But its a fact that people had to leave

7、theirhometown during the war on Iraq.A.three thousands B.thousand ofC.thousands of D.severalthousands二.Cloze testLinda Evans was a famous writer of childrens stories.She lived in afine old house in Devon.Usually she worked at home,in her quiet study(书房).Long before(不久)her books became popular,she ha

8、d triedto teach 1 how to use a computer,and now she typed(打字)all herstories on her Apple Mac Computer.But sometimes she had to 2 thehouse to get some books from the library or have a meeting.She didnt likebeing 3,because she was very 4 about burglars(盗贼).So shewas very 5.Just before leaving,she alwa

9、ys put a full cup of coffee onthe kitchen table,and left the radio 6,to make a burglar think therewas 7 at home.One day she came back after a day out,and saw at 8 thatsomeone had been there.There was only a little coffee 9 in the cup,and the radio was ofiE But when she looked at her computer,she saw

10、 itwas 10,and someone had typed in a new story.She had no 1 1who had got in,or how,because none of the doors or windows were 12.But she sat down to read the story,and it was a very good one.Ill use itin my next book!”she said 13.The next month she had to go to London.She put a pot(壶)of coffeeand a p

11、late of sandwiches on the table.When she returned,the coffee andsandwiches had 14.She ran to the computer.This time there was onlya 15 on the screen.M ITS NOT YOUR STORY.ITS MINE!it said.D.line1.A.the studentsB.herselfC.the burgiD.her children2.A.mendB.moveC.leaveD.buy3.A.aloneB.noisyC.awayD.back4.A

12、.tiredB.worriedC.pleasedD.interested5.A.carefulB.safeC.afraidD.polite6.A.listeningB.singingC.speakingD.playing7.A.nobodyB.someoneC.anyoneD.everyone8.A.onceB.noonC.timeD.moment9.A.flownB.drunkC.madeD.left10.A.onB.offC.inD.out1 1.A.luckB.wayC.ideaD.excuse12.A.newB.modernC.closedD.broken13.A.carefullyB

13、.happilyC.slowlyD.badly14.A.broughtB.usedC.goneD.eaten15.A.messageB.paperC.story二.Reading(A)The Chinese New Year is now known as the Spring Festivalbecause it starts from the beginning of spring.Though there aresome sayings about its origin(起源),all agree that the word Nian,which in modern Chinese me

14、ans year ,was originally the name ofa beast(里 予 兽)that started to eat people the night before thebeginning of a new year.One story goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth thatwould eat a great many people at one time.People were very afraid.One day,an old man came to their help and said he wou

15、ld stop allthis.To Nian he said,“1 hear that you are very strong,but can youeat up all the beasts on earth instead of people who are too weak tobe your enemy(敌人)?“Yes,Nian agreed with him and wentto kill many of the beasts on earth.People were very happy becausethose beasts also did bad things to pe

16、ople and killed their farmanimals from time to time.After that,the old man,who was a god(神),rode on the beastNian and left.Nian was gone,and other beasts also went into forests;people began to enjoy their happy life.Before the old man left,hehad told people to put up red paper-cuts on their windows

17、anddoors at each year s end to drive Nian away,because red is thecolour the beast felt most afraid oFrom then on,every year at the beginning of spring,people“Guo Nian The word“Guo Nian”means“Go through the Niansafely Putting up red paper-cuts to drive Nian away and makingdumplings for a better new y

18、ear are still an every-year doing by theChinese people.However(但是),people today have long forgottenwhy they are doing all this,they just feel that the colour and thefood make the New Year very enjoyable.1.How did the old man stop Nian from eating people?A.By putting red paper-cuts on windows.B.By ea

19、ting up beasts.C.By talking to him.D.By riding on him.2.Why did people put up red paper-cuts instead of thoseof any other colours?A.Because Nian liked the colour red.B.Because the colour red could kill Nian.C.Because the old man liked the colour red.D.Because Nian was afraid of the colour red.3.The

20、best title of this passage is.A.The Origin of the Chinese New YearB.The Old Man and the Beast NianC.How to Go through the Nian SafelyD.What Nian Was Like4.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Nian can eat up all the beasts on earth at one time.B.Nian is a tall beast that likes to eat farm animalsC.Nian

21、is afraid of paper-cuts.D.Nian doesnt like to use his own mind.(B)When you are learning English,you find it not clever toput an English sentence,word fbr word,into your ownlanguage.Take the sentence How do you do?”as an example.If you look up each word in the dictionary,one at a time,whatis your tra

22、nslation(番 羽 译)?It must be a wrong sentence inyour own language.Languages do not just have different sounds,they aredifferent in many ways.Its important to master(掌握)therules(规贝U )fbr word order in the study of English,too.If thespeakers put words in a wrong order,the listener cantunderstand the spe

23、aker s sentence easily.Sometimes when theorder of words in an English sentence is changed,the meaningof the sentence changes.But sometimes the order is changed,the meaning of the sentence doesnt change.Lets see thedifference between the two pairs of sentences.“She only likes apples?”Only she likes a

24、pples.”“1 have seen the film already 0 1 have already seen thefilm?When you are learning English,you must do your best toget the spirit(精神头质)of the language and use it as theEnglish speaker does.1.From the passage we know that when we arelearning English.A.we shouldnt put every word into our ownlang

25、uageB.we should look up every word in the dictionaryC.we need to put every word into our ownlanguageD.we must read word by word2.The writer thinks it is in learning English.A.difficult to understand different sounds.B.possible to remember the rules in differentC.important to master the rules in diff

26、erent waysD.easy to master the rules for word order.3.We can learn from the passage t hat.A.the meaning of an English sentence alwayschanges with the order of the wordsB.the order of words can never change themeaning of an English sentenceC.sometimes different order of words has adifferent meaningD.

27、if the order of words is different,the meaningof the sentence must be different4.Which is the best title for this passage?A.Different Orders,Different MeaningsB.How to Speak EnglishC.How to Put English into Our Own LanguagesD.How to Learn English四.Complete the dialogueLi Fen:Excuse me.Mrs.Green:Yes.

28、And you are.?Li Fen:Tm Li Fen.Your friend Miss Wu is busy at themoment.She asks me to meet you.Welcome to Guilin,Mrs.Green.Mrs.Green:Thank you.Li Fen:2Mrs.Green:No.This is my second time.1 camehere in 1998 for the first time.Li Fen:3Mrs.Green:1 like it very much.Its very beautiful andfamous in the w

29、orld.And the people here are quitefriendly.4Li Fen:Tm glad you like the city.And now Guilin isbecoming more and more beautiful 5Mrs.Green:1 think so.Thank you very much formeeting me.Li Fen:Ifs a pleasure.A.Im glad to see you.B.How do you like the city?C.Im sure youll have a good time.D.Are you Mrs.

30、Green from Australia?E.Is this your first visit to Guilin?F Its a nice place to visit.G.Would you like to visit Guilin?五.Fill in the blanks with proper words1.She could b u y (she)a lot of things.2.If it(not rain)tomorrow,1(go)out on mybike.1(buy)it last week.3.Please dont come in.W e(h a v e)a meet

31、ing.The meeting(be)over in half an hour.4.The Greens live in the(south)of the USA.5.The Greens live in t he(south)part of the USA.6.Im sorry 1(not know)you were asleep.7.Miss Green took her s t u d e n t s (visit)China last year.8.Tell h i m(not wait)fbr me at the park gate.9.What makes y o u (think

32、)so?10.The girl is five.Let her (do)this by(s h e).六.Finish off the sentences.l.T he apples on that tree are not difficult to reach.easy reach the apples on that tree.2.Ji Wei sings best in our class.Ji Wei sings than any of the students in ourclass.3.He isnt busy,1 think.1 he is busy.4.What do you

33、want me to do?What you me to do?5.The boys had a good time at the party.The boys at the party.七.书面表达:根据下列提示写一篇日记。Miss G ao上周五因一起意外事故从自行车上摔下折断胳膊而住院。今天(星期天)上午你和班上几名同学一起打的,带上鲜花和水果到医院看望她,并祝她早日康复。你们告诉Miss Gao在期末考试中你们发挥很出色,取得优异成绩,她很高兴,同时,祝愿你们暑假生活愉快,并希望你们再接再励,努力学习,你们交谈一个小时后离开医院。参考词汇:accident,hospital,glad,

34、do well in,enjoy,keep on doing,hope,talk,get well要求:字数8 0词左右;语言必须包含上述提示,可适当发挥。Sunday June 30th 2003 Fine【试题答案】1.C p o p u l a r是多音节形容词,最W 级为t h e m o s tp o p u l a r2.C a s k后边用宾格,习惯把自己放在最后3.B s o +谓+主表示与前句存在同样现象4.A c o n g r a t u l a t i o n t o s b o n s t h 在某方面祝贺某人5.C 回答我感冒了。6.C c o fi F e e为不

35、可数名词,因此两杯用 t w o cu p so f co f f e e.7.D a n o t h e r w a y o f s a y i n g s t h 表示表达某事的另外的方式8.A b e a n g r y w i t h sb生某人的气 i f引导从句用主将从现9.D 宾语从句主从句时态一致,并且从句不出现助动词。1 0.D b o r r o w 表示找别人借,le a v e s t h a t h o m e 表示把某样东西落在家了1 1.A t w o-h u n dr e d-word是复合定语形式。1 2.D le t s b do s t h1 3.A e

36、a s y词性是形容词,e a s i ly是副词1 4.B D o n、m e n t i o n i t.表不别客气。1 5.B when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时。1 6.C t h o u s a n ds of数以千记的1一5 B C C B A 6-1 0 D B A D A 1 1-1 5 C D B C A三(A)1 4 C D A D(B)1 4 A C C D四.1-5 DEBFC五.1.herself 2.doesnt rain;will go;bought 3.arehaving will be4.south 5.southern 6.didnt know 7

37、.to visit 8.not to wait9.think 10.do,herself六.1.IVs to 2.better other 3.dont think4.do ask5.enjoyed themselves七.Sunday June 30th,2003 FineLast Friday,Miss Gao had an accident.She fell off herbike and broke her arm.So she had to go to hospital.Thismorning,1 went to see her with my classmates.We got t

38、hereby taxi and took some fruits and flowers.All of us wished herto get better soon.We told Miss Gao that we all did well inthe examination,we got a very good result.She was very gladwhen she heard that then she hoped that we could have ahappy summer holiday and keep on studying.After onehours talki

39、ng we left the hospital.初中英语语法梳理和提高19宾语从句讲解试题知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!1 .在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句,宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也 口J做介词的宾语。e g,H e s a i d h e w a s g o o d a t dra w i n g.(动词宾语)H e a s ks h i m h o w lo n g Mi ke h a s b e e n do w n .(动词宾语)Mi s s Z h a n g i s a n g r y a t w h a t y o u s a i d.(介词宾语)2 .宾语从句的引导

40、词有三类:以t h a t引导的宾语从句,主要用来引导句形式的宾语从句,t h a t 可以省略。e g,Th e r a di o s a y s (t h a t)t h e clo u ds w i ll li f t Ia t e r o n.Sh e t o ld m e (t h a t)s h e w o u ld li ke t o g o w i t h u s.(2)以连接代词w h i ch,w h a t,who等或连接副词h o w,w h e r e,why等引导的宾语从句,从句是陈述语序e g,Co u ld y o u t e ll m e w h a t s

41、t h e m a t t e r w i t h u?1 w a n t t o kn o w h o w s o o n i t w i ll b e g i n.(3)以w h e t h e r或i f引导的宾语从句,主要用来引导一般疑问句意思或选择疑问句意思的宾语从句,从句同样是陈述语序e g,1 w o n de r i f /w h e t h e r u h a v e t o ld t h e n e w t o Li Le i3.宾语从句的时态当主句为一般现在时态、现在进行时态、或一般将来时态时,从句可用所需要的任何时态。eg,1 want to know what tim

42、e he got up this morning.You are telling me that you wont stop until tomorrow?当主句为一般过去时态时,从句要用于过去有关的时Oeg,They asked what Jean was doing now.Linda said that the train had left.当从句表述的是客观真理或自然现象时,宾语从句要使用一般现在时。eg,Lisa asked whether light travels faster than sound.Polly said no news is a good news注意:一般情况

43、下,whether和i f可以互用,但有些情况例外。1 .当从句做介词的宾于是只用w hether不用ifeg,We are talking about whether well go on the pinic.2.引导词与动词不定式或n o t连用时,只用whether.eg,Please let me know what to do next.Could you tell me whether u go or not?3.if当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,这时不能用whether.eg,You cant work the plan out if you don*t have the m

44、eeting例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松!1.The teacher asked the students.A.if they were interested in dinosaurs B.when was AlbertEinstein bomC.what they will do with the computers D.how many treesthey have planted解析:宾语从句中从句应保持陈述语序,答案B首先删去,主句一般过去式,从句要用于过去有关的时态,删去答案C和D,答案A中的i f意为如果.应选A2.Could you tell me?A.what the mat

45、ter is with you B.what was the matter withyouC.hats the matter with you D.whats the wrong with you解析:w h a t就是从句的主语,w h a t s t h e m a t t e r w i t h you本身就是陈述语序,因此删掉A;主句可看作是委婉的请求,并是一般过去式,可删去答案B;w r o n g前不用加t h e,因此此题选C.3.H e as k e d m e 1 cou l d s i n g t h e s on g M y H e ar t w i l l G oO n

46、.A.i f B.w e at h e r C.w h at D.t h at解析:此句应选含有疑问意思的关系代词,故删去D;w e at h e r意为天气,根据句意应选A.4.O u r t e ach e r t ol d u s t h at t h e m oon r ou n d t h e e ar t h.A.w e n t B.t u r n e d C.g o D.t u r n s解析:从句是一个客观真理,因此从句的时态不受主句影响。应 选D5.I t m ak e s n o di f f e r e n ce .A.w h e t h e r w i l l y ou

47、 com e t om or r ow.B.W h e t h e r or n ot w i l l be pas s t h e e x amC.I f h e w i l l com e t o t h e m e e t i n g or n otD.W h e t h e r h e w i l l com e t o t h e m e e t i n g or n ot解析:答案A和B从句不是陈述语序先删掉不不能与n ot连用。因此此题选D6.T h e y don t k n ow t h e i r par e n t s ar e.A.that B.what C.why D

48、.which解析:w hat表示职业,因此选B.7.1 am sure you said is true.A.what B.that C.which D.who解析:根据句意应用what,做sa id的内容,你所说的话。应选A.8.The old man told us and.A.to do what,to do how B.what to do it,how to doitC.what to do,how to do it D.what to do,how to do解析:疑问词w h at即连接不定式,又 做d o的宾语;而在h o w引导的不定式短语中,how表示方式,d o为及物动词

49、,因此需接宾语才正确应选C练习与巩固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩!1 .-Do you know when the World Cup next week?Next Friday.When it,1 will ring you.A.begins,begins B.begins,will begin C.will begin,willbegin D.will begin,begins2.Today or tomorrow?-What are you talking about?-We are talking about to give a talk on WTO.A.how B.where3.1 wo

50、nder.A.where does he liveC.he lives whereC.whenB.whereD.whathe liveD.where he lives4.Are yousure you have to?It s been very late.1 don*t knowcan do it if not now.A.where B.why C.when D.how5.一 Would you please tell me?-In a small village near Niingbo.A.where was your mother born B.where your mother w


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