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1、初二英语下学期期末总复习综合试题2清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果初二英语期末总复习综合试题(2)(答题时间:70分钟)I. (A)根据句意及首字母提示完成句中所缺单词。 1. He cant hear what you said, he is d_. 2. Many d_ are caused by bacteria(细菌). 3. Modern t_ makes the world “smaller” than it used to be.4. The thief got into the room t_ the window.5. The

2、 computer is now a necessary and important t_ in many businesses. (B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Its _ for him to pass the test, for he has missed too many lessons. (usual)7. Please leave us alone, we have something _ to discuss. (person)8. Tom and Jim, please help _ to some apples. (your)9. Your father ha

3、s told me your success, and I am very _ about it. (please)10. There is a book _ on the desk. Whose is it? (lie)II. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )11. He can do everything _. His parents love him very much.A. quickly B. slowly C. careful D. safe( )12. From the small house came a girls _. A. voiceB. sound C. nois

4、e D. piano( )13. Zhang Li didnt go to the park yesterday. _ he stayed at home. A. ButB. AndC. Instead D. Because( )14. Thanks to the success of the business, we can _ to buy a new car this year. A. take B. get C. afford D. catch( )15. _, he refused to cooperate with us.A. SurpriseB. Surprising C. Su

5、rprised D. To our surprise ( )16. When does the train reach the station? Please go and _.A. find it outB. find out it C. look for it D. find it( )17. The boy _ the computer games. A. forgot himself in B. enjoyed himself forC. left himself in D. lost himself in( )18. We will have a sports meeting if

6、it _ next week. A. doesnt rainB. wont rain C. no rains D. dont rain ( )19. Congratulations _ you _ passing the exam. A. to, in B. to, on C. to, at D. on, to( )20. The twins corrected the mistakes on the test papers _.A. them B. themselves C. him D. himself ( )21. Some of my classmates arent _ in Chi

7、nese. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests( )22. He played a joke _ me _ pretending hed lost the tickets. A. in, by B. on, for C. to, on D. on, by( )23. When somebody succeeded in doing something, you should say “_”. A. Bad luck B. Well done C. Im sorry D. Nothing difficult( )24. My

8、 cousin will _ the weekend with us. A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take( )25. I think English _ maths. A. is not as important than B. is as important as C. is so important asD. is not so more important asIII.26. The girl is too young to ride a bike by herself. The girl isnt _ _ to ride a bike by herself

9、.27. The students had a good time last Sunday. The students _ _ last Sunday.28. If you study hard, you will keep up with others. If you dont study hard, you will _ _ others.29. When he was 13 years old, Bill started to play with the computer. _ the _ of 13, Bill started playing with the computer.30.

10、 They seem to have trouble._ seems _ they have trouble. . 句型转换(每小题1分,共5分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子。31. 如果他继续这样下去, 他会丢掉差事的。 If he _ _ like this, hell lose his job.32. 谢谢你请我到你家里吃饭。 Thank you for _ me to _ dinner in your house.33. 明天我们打算去旅行。Were going _ a_ tomorrow.34. 他尽力赶在火车开出之前到达车站。 He _ his _ to reach the stati

11、on before the train left.35. 我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。Lets hurry and _ up _ the group ahead.V. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,选出适当的一项完成下列对话。A:Hello, Jim. I called you yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.B:We were all out yesterday and got home very late.A:(36)_B:First my parents took me to Beijing Zoo. And then.A

12、:Beijing Zoo? Thats wonderful.(37)_B:Yes, thirty yuan for a person. By the way, have you ever been to the History Museum?A:No, why?B:Then we went to the History Museum.(38)_ Its only ten yuan for each person.A:(39)_ B:Yes. But only my mother and I went to the museum, because my father met an old fri

13、end on the way to the museum, and went away with him.A:(40)_B:Yes, of course. A. Another thirty yuan was enough. B. Did you have a good time? C. Where did you go?D. The tickets for the museum are a little cheaper. E. But the tickets are very expensive. VI. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)通读短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题后所给的四个选项中选

14、出一个最佳答案。Do you know the history of bowling(保龄球)? Scientists think that a game like bowling was 41 in Egypt thousands of years ago. Things look like the balls and bowling pins were found buried(埋葬)with a child who 42 around 5,200 B. C.People who study history know that the game was popular in Germany

15、 around 200-300 A.D. It was played in some churches in order to 43 that they were very good Christians. When people bowled poorly, they had to go to church more 44 than the others.The first bowling place was built inside a very big building and 45 in England in 1455. Then the game was taken to the U

16、nited States where most people played it outside just for fun. During the 1800s, many people in the United States began to bowl for 46 , so several cities made the game illegal(违法的). And later, a group 47 the American Bowling Congress(ABC) began around 1900. The job of this group was to clean up(整顿)

17、bowling and make it a gentlemans game again. At that time, the game was mostly played by men. If women played, they 48 a curtain up so that the men were not able to see them. Then, in 1916, a womans 49 named the Womens International Bowling Congress(WIBC) made a point of showing that the game was fi

18、ne for 50 men and women. ( )41. A. done B. playedC. seenD. watched ( )42. A. died B. was dying C. deadD. death( )43. A. tell B. showC. lookD. say( )44. A. possible B. oftenC. timeD. chance( )45. A. closed B. builtC. openedD. stopped( )46. A. fun B. pleasureC. moneyD. health ( )47. A. callingB. calls

19、C. namingD. named( )48. A. hangedB. hang C. hungD. hunged( )49. A. partyB. group C. classD. kind( )50. A. betweenB. both C. allD. wholeVII. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容选择最佳答案或回答问题。ACan dreams come true? John Godley bet money that his dreams could come true. Over the course of his life, Mr. Godley dr

20、eamed of horse races several times. He did not know much about horses or winning races. He remembered these dreams after he woke up, and he put what he knew to good use. The first time Mr. Godley dreamed of horses was on the night of Friday, March 8, 1946. He dreamed that he was reading the names of

21、 the horses that won Saturdays races. The next morning he found the names of the horses from his dream in the newspaper. The horses were racing that day. He bet on the horses and won. These horse racing dreams came to Mr. Godley off and on for the next 12 years of his life. Between 1946 and 1958, Mr

22、. Godley had eight dreams about horses winning races. He always bet on his dreams, and he always won. Mr. Godley never knew why the dreams started or why they stopped. Was he lucky or did he have a special gift? The world may never know. ( )51. How often did John Godley dream of horse races in his l

23、ife? A. Every night.B. Every year. C. Several times. D. Every week. ( )52. What did he see in his first dream of horses? A. He saw the newspaper. B. He saw the names of horses that won Saturdays races. C. He saw himself winning the races. D. He saw nothing. ( )53. Which of the following is close to

24、the underlined sentence? A. These dreams lasted for 12 years and happened every year. B. These dreams stopped sometimes and continued again in these 12 years. C. These dreams happened very often in the 12 years. D. These dreams stopped in the 12 years and then began again. ( )54. What caused his dre

25、ams to stop? A. He was too old. B. He lost one important race. C. He didnt know why. D. The God took away his gift. ( )55. Whats the best title for this passage? A. Bet MoneyB. Racing Horses C. Winning DreamsD. A Special ManBEven when Benjamin was a boy, he tried to find ways to help people live bet

26、ter lives. One of his earliest inventions was paddles(短桨)for swimming. Ben had wondered for some time if there was a way to swim faster, maybe with something on his hands or feet. Slowly a picture of swimming shoes, or paddles, came into his mind. Ben thought for a long time. The paddles must be nei

27、ther too big nor too small. The right kind of wood was important, too. It must be neither too heavy nor too light. He started to work on the paddles and soon finished them. And then Ben was ready to try them out. He decided to try them the following Sunday afternoon in a lake. Boys gathered around t

28、he lake as Ben got ready. Ben got into the water and began to paddle. He swam slowly at first, then faster and faster until he was travelling through the water like a fish. The boys around the lake jumped up and down, crying with joy. They had never seen such fast swimming. ( )56. According to the p

29、assage, Ben _ when he was a boy. A. liked singing very much B. had few friends C. wanted to help people live better lives D. was a great scientist( )57. Paddles can help _. A. children play faster games B. a child jump higher C. boys study well D. people swim faster( )58. It took Ben a long time _.

30、A. to think about how to make the paddles B. to make the paddles C. to buy the paddles D. to carry the paddles to the lake ( )59. The following words could be used to describe the boys around the lake except _. A. frightened B. joyful C. excited D. surprised( )60. We know that the paddles were on Be

31、ns _ when he swam in the lake. A. hands only B. feet only C. backD. feet and hands【试题答案】I.(A)1. deaf 2. diseases 3. technology 4. through 5. tool(B)6. unusual 7. personal 8. yourselves 9. pleased 10. lying II. 1115 AACCD 1620 ADABB 2125 BDBCB III. 26. old enough 27. enjoyed themselves 28. fall behin

32、d 29. At age 30. It that.31. keeps on 32. inviting ; have 33. on ; trip 34. tried ; best 35. catch ; withV. 3640 CEDABVI. 4145 BABBC 4650 CDCBB VII. A5155 CBCCC B5660 CDAAD清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果alien 形容词 a. 1. 外国的,外国人的;外国侨民的A law was passed to protect alien property. 通过了一项法律保护外国

33、侨民的财产。 2. 性质不同的;不相容的(+to/from)Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。 名词 n. C1. (住在他国的)外国人,侨民Enemy aliens were imprisoned during the war. 战争期间敌国侨民遭到监禁。 2. 外星人experience 名词 n. 1. 经验,体验U(+of/in)She had no experience of life at all. 她毫无生活经验。Have you had any experience of teaching

34、 English? 你有过教英语的经验吗? 2. 经历,阅历CPlease tell us about your experiences in Africa. 请跟我们谈谈你在非洲的经历。 I had a rather odd experience the other day. 前些天我有过一次相当奇怪的经历。 及物动词 vt. 1. 经历;体验The city experienced over 2,000 such incidents last year. 去年这座城市发生过二千次以上这类事件。 2. 感受;遭受He experienced a pang of sadness. 他感到一阵悲

35、痛。follow 及物动词 vt. 1. 跟随My dog follows me to school. 我的狗跟着我去上学。 2. 接在.之后Night follows day. 黑夜接着白天。 3. 沿着.行进Follow this road to the bridge. 沿这条路一直走到桥边。 4. 追赶;追逐;追求The dogs followed the fox. 这些狗一齐追赶着那狐狸。 5. 注视;密切注意The cat followed every movement of the mouse. 猫注视着老鼠的每一个动作。 6. 倾听7. 听懂;领会Do you follow me

36、? 你听懂我的话了吗? 8. 听从;采用;信奉Follow my advice. 听我的劝告。 9. 因.而产生Disease often follows malnutrition. 疾病常常起因于营养不良。 10. 从事(职业等)不及物动词 vi. 1. 跟随He leads; we follow. 他带路;我们跟随。 amazing 形容词 a. 1. 惊人的,令人吃惊的It was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly. 那男孩能这样快地解完这道题,真是令人惊奇。How amazing!真惊人!Just

37、 look at it. Isnt it amazing!你看看。真叫人惊叹!Oh, thats amazing!哦,真叫人惊异!strange 形容词 a. 1. 奇怪的,奇妙的,不可思议的She was startled by a strange voice. 一个奇怪的声音使她吓了一跳。 Its strange that hes failed in the exam. 他竟然不及格,真是想不到。 2. 陌生的;生疏的,不熟悉的Z(+to)The place is strange to me. 这地方我不熟悉。 3. 生手的,外行的;不习惯的ZF(+to)My uncle is stran

38、ge to city life. 我叔父不习惯都市生活。 She is strange to the work but will soon learn. 她对这个工作还很生疏,但很快就会学会的。 4. 冷淡的,不亲近的(+to)scare 及物动词 vt. 1. 惊吓,使恐惧They are scared that the ship might be wrecked. 他们怕船失事。 My mother is scared to fly in a plane. 我母亲怕搭飞机。 He was horribly scared. 他惊恐万状。 The thunder scared the chil

39、dren. 雷声吓着了孩子。 2. 把.吓跑(+away/off)The watchdog scared away the thief by barking. 看门狗大声吠叫吓走了窃贼。 3. 把.吓出来(+out/up)She was scared out of her wits. 她被吓得不知所措。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 受惊(+at)My horse scares easily. 我的这匹马容易受惊。 名词 n. 1. 惊恐;惊吓SYou did give me a scare. 你可真把我吓了一跳。 2. 大恐慌CThere was a rabies scare in town.

40、城里发生了狂犬病恐慌。happen 不及物动词 vi. 1. (偶然)发生A funny thing happened. 发生了一件好笑的事。 2. 碰巧W+to-vI happened to sit by her in the cinema. 在电影院我碰巧坐在她旁边。What happened when you told him the news?你告诉他这消息时,他有何反应?I happened on just the thing Id been looking for.我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。I happened to see her yesterday.我昨天碰巧见到她。murder n. 谋杀,危险物vt. 谋杀,折磨,损坏vi. 谋杀His parent


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