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1、 人教版高二英语选必三导学案 年级: 高二 班级: 学生姓名: 科目: 英语 制作人: 教务审批: 编号: B 6 U 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGEMotto: A person either grows up in adversity or dies out in adversity.一个人不是在逆境中成长,就是在逆境中消亡。. Learning Objectives:In this lesson, you will:1. Read three diary entries about Shackletons Antarctic expedition.2. Learn abo

2、ut the main idea, and stylistic feature of the passage.3. Infer the main characters traits and emotions by studying the detailed descriptions of their languages and actions. 4. Guess the meaning of phrases according to the context. Learning guidance and testsLearning guidanceTestsLead-inRead this ad

3、vertisement that was posted by a famous British Explorer. Discuss the questions with your group members.1. According to the advertisement, what kind of men was Ernest Shackleton looking for?2. Would you like to join an expedition like this? Why or why not? Step One Pre-readingLook and discuss1. What

4、 can you see in the picture? 2. When do you think the photo was taken? How do you know? 3. How would you feel and what would you do if you were on this ship? Task 1Skimming for the main structureRead the text quickly and find out: what order does the author use to write the text? Task 2Reading for t

5、he main idea1. Read the text quickly and find out the theme of it. 2. Read the text again and match the main idea with each diary.(1) Diary 1 A. The Endurance was stuck in the ice and the crew had to camp on ice.(2) Diary 2 B. The crew stayed in Elephant Island while Shackleton left to find help.(3)

6、 Diary 3 C. Blackborow managed to join the Antarctic expedition led by Shackleton.Step Two While-readingTask 3Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.1. Why was the author turned down by Shackleton? A. Because he was not well prepared. B. Because he was not fit enough. C. Because he was n

7、ot full of vigour. D. Because he wasnt old enough and qualified.2. What can we know about the author? A. He went aboard the ship without permission. B. He wanted to serve as a cook on the ship. C. He came out of his hiding place 3 days later. D. He was caught by Shackleton on the ship.3. How did Sha

8、ckleton feel when they had to abandon the ship? A. He became worried. B. He remained calm. C. He felt frightened. D. He grew anxious.4. What do you think of Shackleton? A. He is adventurous and responsible. B. He is generous and helpful. C. He is strict but warm-hearted. D. He is courageous but care

9、less.5. This text can be classified as _ . A. commercial advertisements B. personal diaries C. news report D. historical reviewTask 4 根据P38-P39课文内容,补全下面的表格。ASUCCESSFULFAILUREStartthe journeyIhavebeendreamingofan1.totheSouthPolewithShackleton.ButShackletonturnedme2.Ihidinasmall 3.intheship.AfterIwasd

10、iscovered,Shackletonassigned metobea4.StuckintheiceEndurancebecamestuckintheice.Andfinallyitsank.Shackletontoldustorescueourmost5.supplies.Wecampedonthe6. andmanagedtosurvive.StruggleonElephant Island7.Shockletonleftfor8.tofindhelp.Therewasnofoodexceptsealsand9.Itriedtothinkof hap-pierthings.WithFra

11、nkandErnestsconcern,their10.andtheirresolve,wewerefilledwithhope.Task 5 How did Blackborows feelings about being on the expedition change as the days passed?HowdidBlackborowsfeelingschange?OccasionsBlackborows feelingsAfterhereadtheadvertisementabouttheexpeditionAfterhisapplicationwasturneddownAfter

12、hebecameastewardonboardWhenEndurancesankBeforethecrewsettledonElephantIslandAfterShackletonlefttofindhelpWhenhethoughtabouttheliving conditionsonElephantislandWhenhishappymemorieswere interruptedbycoldairAfterFrankWildrepliedtohim Step Three Post-reading课文语篇填空My name is Perce Blackborow and I have b

13、een dreaming of 1. _expedition to the South Pole with Sir Ernest Shackleton. One day, I read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition in a newspaper, but when I 2._ (apply) to join it, I was turned down because I was too young and wasnt qualified. I got aboard the ship without 3._ (permit) a

14、nd hid in a small cupboard, but 4._ (discover) three days later. Shackleton assigned me to be a steward, and I cooked for twenty-eight men. How 5._ (excite) I was!The journey was 6._ (hard) than I expected. When we approached Antarctica, our ship became stuck 7._ the ice and got crushed. Before aban

15、doning the ship, we were only allowed to take some of our necessities and throw away the rest. We were camped on the ice, but with spring 8._ (come), the ice began to melt.Having struggled for days, the conditions on Elephant Island were going from bad to worse. Shackleton left us to find help on So

16、uth Georgia Island, 9. _ is 1,320 kilometres away. I was in low spirit. There was no food on the island except seals or penguins we sometimes caught. However, with the genuine concern of Frank and Ernest, I was filled with hope and thought perhaps there was a chance we 10._ (return) home, after all.

17、Consolidation:单句语法填空1It happened _ I didnt wake up on time and missed my bus to school that day. 2At work, Miss Li is always working with great _ (enthusiastic). 3The president assigned me _ (act) as head of my office at the meeting last week. 4The ship ran into an iceberg and soon _ (sink) into the

18、 bottom of the ocean. 5On the train, all of her belongings _ (steal) and she had to call the police for help. 6Youll have to work hard to realize your goal. Otherwise, you wouldnt make _ . 7It is obvious that the girl is too nervous _ (express) herself clearly. 8Without strong _ (persevere), you wou

19、ldnt reach your goal easily. 9The little boy was _ excited that he was unable to keep calm. 10My friend promised me to come, but I dont know why he still hasnt turned _ yet. 短语填空dream of, at the age of, turn down, set off, to ones surprise, cheer up, from bad to worse, make it, hold on, turn into1_,

20、I won the first prize in the English speech contest last week. 2I put a basin of water in the open air and it soon _ ice in the freezing cold weather. 3It will take you ten hours to drive there, so youd better _ early tomorrow. 4Im sorry, but Miss Li is not here. Could you please _ ? Ill go and get

21、her. 5I dont think Mr Brown will _ such a very practical suggestion in the public. 6We all want to stand out and get ahead. But only by working hard can you _ . 7World situation is getting _ . We must get good preparation for it. 8She began to work in a factory to support her family _ sixteen. 9Your

22、 friend looks down today. You should do something funny to _ her. 10Many people are _ becoming rich but they just dont want to work hard. 、配对练习请从后面的七个选项中选出最恰当的一个补全句子。1He assigned me to be a steward, _ . 2Their genuine concern for others, their perseverance, _ . 3We were not allowed to take most of o

23、ur personal belongings, _ . 4But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them _ . 5However, when I applied to join the expedition, Shackleton turned me down _ . Aand their resolve fill me with hopeBthat I secretly went aboard his shipCand difficult for all of us to make itDand Shack

24、leton himself threw away all his goldEbecause he thought I was too young and wasnt qualifiedFand I now serve meals for twenty-eight men, three times a dayGI bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expeditionPeriod 2 Learning about language pointsPhrase bank:1. 拒绝(某人) _ 2. 梦

25、想 _3. 为做好了准备 _ 4. 精力充沛 _ 5. 出发 _ 6. 返航;往回走 _ 7. 被困在 _ 8. 把某人召集在一起 _9. 保持;不落后_ 10. 越来越糟_Language points:1. it (so) happened that.碰巧Well, it so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition.(教材原句)好吧,一天早晨,我碰巧买了份报纸,看到了这则有关南极探险的招募广告。【归纳拓展】it (so)

26、 happened that.“碰巧”,it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的句子。(=It chances that. )happen to do sth碰巧做某事happen to be doing sth碰巧正在做某事happen to have done sth碰巧做过某事完成句子碰巧他们的童年是在同一个村子度过的。_ _ _ _ they spent their childhood in the same village.我碰巧知道问题的答案,所以举了手。I _ _ _ the answer to the problem, so I put up my hand.碰巧我过去曾开过

27、那种车。I happened _ _ _ that kind of car before.他那时碰巧在看格雷氏解剖学这本医学书。He happened _ _ _the medical book Grays Anatomy at that time. _ _ _ he was looking through the medical book Grays Anatomy at that time.2.感叹句的用法How everyone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been

28、 to! (教材原句)当我回来告诉每个人我去过的那些神奇的地方时,大家该会多么羡慕我啊!【归纳拓展】(1)what引导的感叹句What+a(n)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!(2)how引导的感叹句How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!How+形容词+a(n)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!How+主语+谓语!单句练习 _ a strange plant! Ive never seen it before. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell

29、 _ close you may be to victory. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognise _ silly mistakes I had made. This is a really lovely day to go for a spring outing today. What _ it is to go for a spring outing today! (what感叹句) How _ it is to go for a spring outing today! (how感叹句)在过去的几周里他取得了多么大的

30、进步啊!_3. the voyage was too dangerous and difficult for all of us to make it in our small boats. 【翻译】这次航行太危险太困难了,我们所有人坐着我们的小船无法抵达。【句式剖析】tooto结构意为“太以至于不能”。【归纳拓展】(1)tooto结构常常用来表示一个否定意义,意为“太以至于不能”。(2)如果too后面的形容词是一些表示意愿的形容词,如ready, willing, happy, glad等,则tooto结构表示一个肯定意义。这时,too的前面还可以有副词only修饰。表示肯定意义的tooto

31、结构中的too相当于very。针对练习翻译句子(1)我兴奋得睡不着觉。_(2)我非常乐意参加演讲比赛。_(3)他太小了,不能上学。_(4)我非常乐意帮助你。_4. Without Frank and Ernest,wed all be dead by now. 【翻译】如果没有弗兰克和欧内斯特,我们早就死了。【句式剖析】隐含条件的虚拟语气【学法点拨】在虚拟语气中,隐含条件是指该句不直接使用if,as if 或if only 等表示条件的连词,而是用单词、短语、分词、从句或上下文关系等来间接地表示。隐含条件有多种形式: (1)介词短语暗示But for the captain, the ship

32、 would have sunk with all on board. 要不是船长,船连同船上的人都会沉没的。With more money and time, we could have done it better. 如果有更多的金钱和时间,我们可以做得更好。(2)分词短语暗示Given more time and money, he could have done better than what it is now. 如果有更多的时间和金钱,他本可以做得比现在更好。(3)连词暗示He cant be ill, or he wouldnt have come. 他不可能病了,否则他就不会

33、来了。Im lucky that Im interested in schoolwork, otherwise Id go mad. 我很庆幸自己对功课感兴趣,不然我会疯掉的。完成句子(1) She wasnt feeling very well. Otherwise she _ _ (not leave) the meeting so early. (2) Under such circumstances I _ (make) the same mistake. (3) I _ (help) you, but I was too busy. (4) I dont think it is an

34、 example of bad writing myself, otherwise I _ (agree) with Levis.(5) In the absence of the keeper, the house _ _ (就被烧毁了). (6) _ (要不是这场雨), we should have had a pleasant journey. Homework.完成句子1.他如此气愤,结果一句话也没说就离开了房间。He was _ he left the room without a word.2.当那位女士发现儿子不见了时,十分惊慌。When she found her son wa

35、s out of sight, the lady _.3.他的车被困于交通堵塞,因此他宴会迟到了。His car _ in the traffic jam, so he was late for the party.4.这家饭店隔壁有多栋大楼和另一家装修华丽的大酒店。_ stand many buildings and another grand hotel which is beautifully decorated.5.他年纪太小,不能独自一人去旅游。He is far _ on a trip on his own.完成句子1.碰巧他告诉我不要依赖运气,要靠自己的行动。_ _ _ _ he

36、 told me not to depend on fortune, but on conduct.2.在你来之前,我从没意识到我住在一个如此漂亮的地方。Before you came over, I never realized _ _ _ _ I lived in.3.无论结果怎样,我们都要微笑着接受,因为我们已经尽了全力。_ _ _ _ _ _, we should accept it with a smile, because we have tried our best.4.在我们到达目的地之前,食物和饮用水已经用光了。Food and drinking water had been

37、 used up _ _ _ the destination.5.我系着安全带。如果我没有系安全带,我就会受伤了。I was wearing a seatbelt. If I hadnt been wearing one, I _ _ _ _.III阅读理解Hot after “smart email” comes “digital wellness”, the umbrella term for trying to reduce our addiction to technology and its bad effects on our health, productivity and po

38、litics by means of that technology itself. One hugely popular app, Forest, displays a tree on your phone when you put it down, which then gradually begins to grow, and is only to die if you pick it back up. Using fire to fight fire in this fashion is an appealing thought. And given the endless data

39、these firms collect about how we use their products, nobody could be better placed to help us use them more healthily.And yet, increasingly, digital wellness triggers(触发)in me a response aware of those kinds of things I meet in bad American reality TV shows. In the shows, some teenagers are sent to the Colorado wilderness to learn self-discipline through self- love. If you hate how much you use your phone, just stop using your phone so much! Relying on Big Tech to help you


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