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《湖南省常德市2022届高三下学期3月模拟考试英语试卷(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省常德市2022届高三下学期3月模拟考试英语试卷(含答案).docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、湖南省常德市2022届高三下学期3月模拟考试英语试卷学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、阅读理解Grandparents are sources of extra dollars, hearty hugs. Theres a long history of literary grandparents-passing down wisdom, sharing adventures, being eaten by wolves. Here are a few of our very favorite grandparents from some of our very favorite kids book

2、s.Hippie Grandmother (from My Hippie Grandmother by Reeve Lindbergh)This grandma is a wonderful reminder that not all grandparents grew up during the Great Depression. Grandparents come from a wide variety of backgrounds and time periods, so its fun to celebrate a grandmother who hasnt cut her hair

3、at all since 1969.”Uncle Alp (of Heidi by Johanna Spyri)This childrens classic, originally published in 1881, actually has a surprisingly progressive attitude towards grandparents.Throughout Spyris text, grandparents act as caregivers, and the transformation of Heidi5s grandpa, Uncle Alp, from a bad

4、-tempered hermit (隐士)to a loving parent figure is the emotional core of the book.Grannie (of Red Riding Hood retold by James Marshall)Red Ridings poor Grannie might be the most famous grandparent. Red was able to see past the wolfs trick, but her grandmother fate depends on what version of the tale

5、you read. If you prefer your grandmothers undigested, youll love this classic tale told by James Marshall.Nana (of Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pena)Young CJ and his Nana are waiting for the bus after church one Sunday, and CJ starts wondering why they have to take the bus, why he doesnt

6、 have as many toys as other kids, and why they live in a dirty part of town. His Nana addresses each question with patience and grace, helping her grandson understand inequality with the kind of insights.1 What is special about Hippie Grandmother?A. She wore long hair.B. She was eaten by a wolf.C. S

7、he never washed her hair.D. She lived through the Great Depression.2、What impresses readers most about Uncle Alp?A. His kindness. B. His bad temper. C. His stubborn mind. D. Changes in him.3、Who describes a child that always shows curiosity about the world around?A. Reeve Lindbergh. B. Johanna Spyri

8、. C. James Marshall. D. Matt De La Pena.参考答案1、答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据 Hippie Grandmother (from My Hippie Grandmother by Reeve Lindbergh)部分中的 Grandparents come from a wide variety of backgrounds and time periods, so its fun to celebrate a grandmother who hasnt cut her hair at all since 1969.”(祖 父母们来自不同的背景和时代

9、,所以为一位自1969年以来就没剪过头发的祖母”庆祝是 一件很有趣的事情。)可知,“嬉皮祖母”特别之处在于她留着长发。故选A。2、答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据 Uncle Alp(of Heidi by Johanna Spyri)部分中的 Throughout Spyris text, grandparents act as caregivers, and the transformation of Heidis grandpa, Uncle Alp, from a bad-tempered hermit (隐士)to a loving parent figure is the emoti

10、onal core of the book.(在斯佩里的文本中,祖父母扮演着照顾者的角色,海蒂的爷爷,阿尔普叔叔,从一个坏 脾气的隐土变成了一个慈爱的祖父母,这是这本书的情感核心。)可知,读者对阿尔普大 叔印象最深的是他从一个坏脾气的隐土变成了一个慈爱的祖父的变化。故选D。3、答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据 Nana (of Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La PeEa)部分中 的 Young CJ and his Nana are waiting for the bus after church one Sunday, and CJ starts

11、 wondering why they have to take the bus, why he doesnt have as many toys as other kids, and why they live in a dirty part of town.(一个星期天,年轻的CJ和他的奶奶在教堂后等 车,CJ开始想,为什么他们必须坐公交车,为什么他没有其他孩子那么多的玩具,为什么他 们住在一个脏”的地方。河知,Matt De La Pena描述了 一个孩子总是对周围的世界表现 出好奇心。故选D。4、答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的 Mum-of-two Lorna called i

12、t the r18 for 18 challenge1, offering Si vert $2,500 to stay off all social media sites until his eighteenth birthdaya task he successfully completed.(两个孩子的母亲洛娜称之为”18对18的挑战”,她给西弗特 2500美元,让他在18岁生日之前远离所有社交媒体网站一他成功地完成了这项任务。) 可知,Sivert成功地完成了任务,因此会得到他妈妈承诺的奖金,故选B。5、答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的 Lorna explained that

13、 the idea for the challenge camefrom a similar story she heard on the radio about a mum who did the same with her child until they turned 16.(洛娜解释说,这个挑战的想法来自于她在广播上听到的一个类似的 故事,一个母亲对她的孩子做了同样的事情,直到他们16岁。)可知,收音机里有一位妈妈 给了西弗特的母亲灵感,故选Ao6、答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的As a basketball and football player he says he t

14、reated the challenge like one of his games and stuck to his focus of winning at the end.(他说, 作为一名篮球和足球运动员,他把挑战当作自己的比赛之一,并坚持到最后获胜。)可推 断出,让西弗特仍然完成了这项任务的是他渴望胜利。故选A。7、答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据最后段的 The teen is, however, keeping his account private has asked followers to be patient with him while he figures it out.

15、(然而,这位少年为了 保护自 己的账号隐私,请求粉丝们在他弄明白”的时候耐心等待。)可知,虽然他已经到了 18岁 了,可以使用社交媒体了,但是他还是不确定自己是否能够控制好自己,所以他才让他的 粉丝等一等,也就是说“从故事的结尾我们能推断出西弗特仍然不确定自己的自控能力”, 故选C。8、答案:C解析:段落大意题。根据第二段中的 They sang Christmas carols, exchanged photographs of loved ones back home, shared rations, played football, and even roasted some pigs.

16、 Soldiers embraced(拥抱)men they had been trying to kill a few short hours before. They agreed to warn each other if the Generals (将军)forced them to fire their weapons, and to aim high.(他们唱圣诞颂歌,交换家乡亲人的照片,分享口粮,踢足球,甚至烤猪。士兵们拥 抱了几小时前还试图杀死的人。他们同意,如果将军们强迫他们开枪,并把目标定得很高, 他们就互相警告。)可知,本段主要介绍了士兵们与敌人讲和、休战。故选C。9、答

17、案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的 Generals on both sides declared this peacemaking to be wrong. Fifteen million would be killed.(双方的将军们都宣称这种和平斡旋是错误的。 1500万人将会死亡。)可知,士兵的行动会导致许多人死亡。故选B。10、答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的 You can probably guess why the callers were in tears.The Christmas Truce story goes against most of what we

18、 have been taught about people. It gives us a glimpse of the world as we wish it could be and says, This really happened once.(你大概可以猜到为什么打电话的人哭了。圣诞节休战的故事与我们所接受的关 于人的大部分教育相违背。它让我们看到了我们希望的世界,并说,”这真的发生过一 次。)可知,打电话的人都哭了是因为他们珍惜和平生活。故选C。11、答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的It reminds us of those thoughts we keep hidde

19、n away, ou of range of the TV and newspaper stories that tell us how trivial(微不足道的)and mean human life is. It is like hearing that our deepest wishes really are true: the world really could be different.(它让我们想起那些被我们隐藏起来的想法,以及那些告诉我们人类生 活是多么琐碎和卑鄙的电视和报纸故事的范围。这就像听到我们内心深处的愿望真的 是真的:世界真的可以改变。)可推断,电视和报纸的故事可

20、能传达的是反对战争的信 息。故选A。12、答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第一段 The Brazilian scientists were in disbelief after seeing the results.(巴西科学家在看到结果后感到难以置信。)可知,巴西科学家对他们的发现是震 惊的。A.Satisfied 满意的;B.Disappointed 失望的;C.Shocked 震惊的;D.Overjoyed 欣喜 的。故选C。13、答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段 Evaporation(蒸发)is a part of the natural process that can les

21、sen water resources. This is especially true in areas with low water levels like the Pantanal wetlands. But the scientists believe something else is happening.(蒸发是可以减少水资源的 自然过程的一部分。在潘塔纳尔湿地等低水位地区尤其如此。但科学家们相信还有别 的什么事情发生。)可知,专家认为还有别的什么因素导致水资源减少。第三段Experts have warmed human activity is affecting the wor

22、lds weather patterns. It is causing extreme events to happen more often, such as severe droughts and floods. The cutting and burning of forest and the building of large hydroelectric factories and dams for watering crops all affect natural patterns.(专家认为,人类活动正影响着世界的气候模式。它导致极端事件更频繁 地发生,如严重的干旱和洪水。砍伐和焚

23、烧森林,建造大型水电工厂和用于灌溉作物的大 坝,都影响着自然格局。)可知,建造用于灌溉作物的大坝属于上文中的something else0 故选Bo14、答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据第四段 In Brazifs Amazon rainforest, water evaporates then travels on air flows to provide rainfall faraway. But some climate experts say if too much forest is destroyed, the Amazon will start an irreparable pro

24、cess of becoming a savannah(大 草原).(在巴西的亚马逊雨林中,水分蒸发后随气流流动,为遥远的地方提供降雨。但一些 气候专家表示,如果太多的森林遭到破坏,亚马逊将开始不可挽回地变成大草原。)可知, 雨林的破坏可能会影响降水。故选B。15、答案:A解析:标题归纳题。根据第一段 The Brazilian scientists were in disbelief after seeing the results. They tested different models to re-check their information. But all returned th

25、e same. The country with the most freshwater resources in the world had lost 15 percent of its surface water since 1991.(巴西科学家在看到结果后感到难以置信。他们测试了不同的模型来重 新检查他们的信息。但所有都是一样的结果。自1991年以来,这个拥有世界上最多淡 水资源的国家失去了 15%的地表水。)可知,本文主要讲述了巴西科学家面对研究得出 的水资源流逝感到震惊和担心。因此推断A.Water Study Raises Fears for Drought.水资 源研究引发对干

26、旱的担忧,为最佳标题。故选A。16、答案:AFDGE解析:推理判断题。根据前文 When 1 visited my brother Selva, who lives in Australia, he took me to a must-visit place一the National Art Gallery.(我去拜访住在澳大利亚的哥哥 塞尔瓦时,他带我去了一个必去的地方一国家美术馆。)可知,这里介绍哥哥塞尔瓦带作 者去美术馆的原因。A选项Selva knew I was an amateur painter.(塞尔瓦知道我是个业 余画家。)符合题意,故选A。细节理解题。根据后文 The qu

27、ality and the imagination of the painters despite being young, were breathtaking.(这些画家的素质和想象力尽管年轻,却令人惊叹。)可知,本段主 要介绍美术馆以及画作。F选项There was even a section where paintings by Art students were on display.(这里甚至还有一个展区,展示艺术系学生的绘画作品。)”符合题意,故选 Fo推理判断题。根据后文 There is a sad history that surrounds the natives of

28、Australia.(有 一个悲伤的历史,围绕着澳大利亚土著人。)可知,本段介绍的是土著绘画。D选项“was most impressed by the aboriginal paintings.(我印象最深的是土著绘画。)符合题意,故选 Do推理判断题。根据前文 Since it was a public holiday, the gallery was crowded with students, parents and their children.(当天是公共假日,因此,学生、家长和孩子们挤满了画 廊。)可知,本段主要介绍的是观众。G选项It was amazing to see ev

29、en small children appreciating such abstract paintings.(连小孩子都能欣赏这样的抽象画,真是令人惊奇。) 符合题意,故选Go推理判断题。根据后文 Now I left Australia but the memory of that day still haunts me. It is really an attraction worth visiting.(现在我离开了澳大利亚,但那一天的记忆仍然萦绕在 我心头。这真是一个值得参观的景点。)可知,本段介绍的是作者对于这一次经历的感 悟。E 选项After three hours I was

30、 tired yet refreshed by the visit.(三个小时后,我虽然累了, 但这次访问使我精神焕发。)”符合题意,故选E。17、答案:A18、答案:C19、答案:A20、答案:B21、答案:A22、答案:D23、答案:C24、答案:D25、答案:C26、答案:A27、答案:B28、答案:B29、答案:C30、答案:B31、答案:D32、答案:productiverelieveswhyhas foundcaloriesupto havehelpingand the33、答案:Dear Eileen,It is universally acknowledged that the

31、 24th Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was a success. It was you who won two gold and one silver medals, which contributed to the final result China at top 3 of the medal list. I am writing to congratulate you on your achievements. The whole nation is proud of you. Thank you heartedly for what you have

32、done to our country.Your success and spirit inspire me greatly, and I decide to follow you to do something for our motherland. I am impressed by your confidence, intelligence and diligence. Your attitude towards life will never stop influencing my thoughts and actions.Wish you live a more wonderful

33、life.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 34、答案:Paragraph 1:By the time I got there, the van driver had reached them. He was gently holding the child and examining his body. Fortunately, the little boy was all right. nDon,t panic. Youll be all right. Well rush you to a hospital/ I said to the woman, trying to rel

34、ieve her anxiety. The lady could not walk, so them an carried her and settled her in his van. I carried the whimpering child to the van and set him beside his mother. The man asked me to go along with them so that I could help make the police report.Paragraph 2:I realized that, by this time, the mot

35、orcyclist must have gone far from that spot, with the lady*s handbag. A few days later, I received a phone call from the woman. I was informed that she had already been discharged from the hospital. nWhat,s more, the snatch thief was finally arrested and put into jail, thanks to your detailed descri

36、ption of his facial features/ she added. nI would like to express my sincere gratitude for your timely help. Finishing the telephone call, I felt overwhelmed by delight from the bottom of my heart. The warm sunshine shone in. What a meaningful day!解析:Asking a teenager to get off their phone for jut

37、an hour during dinner time is sometimes a big ask. So imagine asking them to stay off social media for six year.This is exactly what mum Lorna asked her son Sivert to do when be turned 12 in an attempt to guide him to clear of the social media addictionMum-of-two Lorna called it the 18 fbr 18 challe

38、nge offering Sivert $2,500 to stay off all social media sites until his eighteenth birthdaya task he successfully completed.Lorna explained that the idea for the challenge came from a similar story she heard on the radio about a mum who did the same with her child until they turned 16. It was also f

39、ueled by the fear that her son would fall into the same social media trap that her daughter found herself in.Siverts older sister had her phone taken away from her in an attempt to get her away from the sites, something she was at first very angry about, It was not even three weeks later that she th

40、anked us and said she was so happy to not have her phone J mum Lorna recalled. So to avoid having the same issue with her son, she set him the challenge enticing (诱导)him with money.While he says it was hard to stay off platforms like TikTok and Instagram with his friends always talking about the hot

41、 topics and viral videos, Sivert said that it meant that he had more time to focus on his schooling and sport. As a basketball and football player he says he treated the challenge like one of his games and stuck to his focus of winning at the end.Now that Sivert is of the age to make a mature choice

42、 about social media, he has decided to create an Instagram account. The teen is, however, keeping his account private has asked followers to be patient with him while he figures it out.” 4、What happened on Siverfs 18th birthday?A. He got a phone.B. He received a reward.C. He made his wish come true.

43、D. He broke a world record.5、Who gave Siverts mother inspiration?A. A mum on the radio.B. Siverts sister.C. Sivert.D. Siverfs friends.6、What made Sivert complete the task still?A. His desire to win.B. His friends help.C. His sisters experience.D. His mothers wisdom.7、What can we infer from the endin

44、g of the story?A. Sivert lost some of his followers.B. Sivert refused his mothers offer.C. Sivert is still uncertain about his self-control.D. Sivert has decided not to use Instagram.It was December 25, 1914, only 5 months into World War I . German, British, and French soldiers already sick and tire

45、d of the senseless killing, disobeyed their superiors and fraternized (打得火热)with “the enemy“ along two-thirds of the Western Front. German troops held Christmas trees up out of the trenches (战壕)with signsMerry Christmas.”“You no shoot, we no shoot. Thousands of troops streamed across a no-mans land

46、filled with dead bodies. They sang Christmas carols, exchanged photographs of loved ones back home, shared rations, played football, and even roasted some pigs. Soldiers embraced (拥抱) men they had been trying to kill a few short hours before. They agreed to warn each other if the Generals (将军)forced

47、 them to fire their weapons, and to aim high.It shocked the high command on either side. Here was disaster in the making: soldiers declaring their brotherhood with each other and refusing to fight. Generals on both sides declared this peacemaking to be wrong. Fifteen million would be killed.Not many

48、 people have heard the story of the Christmas Truce. On Christmas Day, 1988, a story in the Boston Globe mentioned that a local FM radio host played Christmas in the Trenches” several times and was surprised by the effect. The song became the most requested recording during the holidays in Boston on

49、 several FM stations. Some callers even telephone the host deeply moved, sometimes in tears, asking, What the hell did I just hear?You can probably guess why the callers were in tears. The Christmas Truce story goes against most of what we have been taught about people. It gives us a glimpse of the world as we wish it could be and says,


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