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《2022年广东省江门市蓬江区中考一模英语试卷(含答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年广东省江门市蓬江区中考一模英语试卷(含答案解析).docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年广东省江门市蓬江区中考一模英语试题注意事项:1、全卷共七大题。满分共120分,测试时间90分钟。2、答题前,务必将自己的班级、姓名、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。3、答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如果改动,用橡皮 擦擦干净后,再选择其它答案标号。4、答非选择题时,用黑色签字笔将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。5、所有题目必须在规定的答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。一、语法选择。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选 出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选

2、项涂黑。Have you ever been to a music festival? Recently, my friends and I went (o a music festival in California.It 2 Head in the Clouds, a very popular Asian music festival. All the singers were Asian-American. Best of all, the festival invited the 626 Night Market, 3 Asian-fbod night market in the US

3、, to provide food! I have been looking forward to it 4 a very long time.The festival was 5 outdoor event at the Rose Stadium. It had two stages and a large part fbr eating. My friends and I all got pork dumplings. And (here were still many other dishes 6 famous all over the world.7 I didnt know many

4、 of the artists, it was exciting to attend the festival. There I got to know new artists, such as DPR LIVE and DPR IAN, a South Korean band. I 8 met Boobee, who Ive been listening to since the 7th grade. It felt so good to meet 9 in person!All in all, there I not only went out with my friends and at

5、e great food, but was able to see young and excellent Asian musicians. 1() wondcrfi.il the festival was! I cant wait to take part in it again.i. A. two-daysB. two daysC. two-dayD. two day2. A. will callB. was calledC. has calledD. will be called3. A. largeB. largestC. largerD. the largest4. A. atB.

6、forC. inD. after5. A. anB./C. theD. a6. A. which wereB. that wasC. which wasD. who were7. A. UntilB. IfC. AlthoughD. AfterNancy goes to visit her grandma every summer with her parents. Her grandma lives in a big old house in New York. But this summer, grandma did not seem as happy as usual. She seem

7、ed a little angry and worried.“Whats wrong with grandma? Nancy asked her mom.“The noise pollution made her bored,“ mom said.“Do you mean the noise from all those cars?” Nancy asked.“Yes, mom said. When grandma moved here many years ago, there wasnt such a big road here. Now people make it very big s

8、o that they can get to work easily in the city. They make so much noise.”“I know what water pollution and air pollution are. I learned about them in school. However, what is noise poliution? Nancy asked.Pollution is something bad for you J mom said. With noise pollution, certain sounds affect someon

9、es health. The person might become angry or worried. Grandmas blood pressure goes up. She also has trouble sleeping at night. Grandmas hearing has been greatly weakened (削弱)by all the noise, too.”“What should we do to help grandma?” Nancy asked.“Why not ask your grandma to live with us? mom said. Yo

10、u know, our community is so quiet and clean. Pm sure she will like il.”“Good idea! I will tell grandma about Nancy said excitedly.31. Where was Nancy in the story?A. At grandmas house. B. At school.32. What kind of pollution disturbed grandma?A. Air pollution.B. Water pollution.33. Why did people bu

11、ild the big road?A. Because they wanted (o make noise.C. Because they could get to work easily.34. What did grandma get from the pollution?A. Blood pressure going up.C. Hearing loss.35. Whafs the passage mainly about?A. Nancy visits her grandma every summer.B. The noise pollution a fleets grandmas l

12、ife seriously.C. In the car.D. At home.C. Noise pollution.D. None of the above.B. Because (hey wanted to make grandma go away.D. Because it could make the city more beautiful.B. Having trouble sleeping at night.D. All of the above.C. Water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution are all polluti

13、on.D. Grandma has to live in Nancys family.【3135题答案】【答案】31. A 32. C 33. C 34. D 35. B【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了过往车辆造成噪音污染给Nancy的奶奶造成了困扰,严重影响了奶奶的生活。 31题详解】推理判断题。根据Nancy goes to visit her grandma every summer with her parents. . But this summer, grandma did not seem as happy as usual.”可推出Nancy和妈妈应是乂去了奶奶家。故选A。【32

14、题详解】细节理解题。根据“The noise pollution made her bored”可知是噪音污染打扰了奶奶。故选C。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据“Now people make it very big so that they can get to work easily in the city.”可知人们修建大 路是因为这样他们去工作更方便。故选C。【34题详解】细节理解题。根据“Grandmas blood pressure goes up. She also has trouble sleeping at night. Grandmas hearing has been

15、greatly weakened by all the noise, too.”可知奶奶因为噪音污染血压上升、夜里难以入睡且听力被削弱。 故选D。【35题详解】主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了过往车辆造成的噪音污染给Nancy的奶奶造成了困扰,严重影响了奶奶的生 活。故选B。D配对阅读配对阅读请阅读以下左栏五个人对书本需求的情况简介,然后从右栏的七本书或字典的介绍中找出与之相 匹配的信息,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。36 Miss Liu, 27, from the US, is a newA. An English-Chinese dictionary. ItEnglish teacher

16、 in a middle school. She hopesintroduces over 80,()(X) idioms. Clearthat she can be a good teacher. She wants toexplanations are in it. Il is very useful forfind a book to give pupils a special and greatlearning idioms.class.B. A guide book for English language37 Sun Jia, 15, from China, is a middle

17、teachers. Ideas are on classroomschool student. He wants to be a good writer inmanagement, the subject matter of Englishthe future. He loves English lessons. Now he is trying to put the Chinese writing into English.38 Hui Smile, 20, from the UK, is a university student. He is very crazy about Chines

18、e culture. He wants to learn about the idioms (成语).He doesnt know the meaning of the saying Luoyeguigen.39 Alcide, 45, from Italy, is a science teacher. He is reading an English book of technology but there arc so many new words. Now he is looking fbr a book or dictionary to help.40 Jones, 30, from

19、New Zealand, is an English teacher. He needs some books to improve his management. He needs something about the subject matter of English language teaching and skill teaching.the future. He loves English lessons. Now he is trying to put the Chinese writing into English.38 Hui Smile, 20, from the UK,

20、 is a university student. He is very crazy about Chinese culture. He wants to learn about the idioms (成语).He doesnt know the meaning of the saying Luoyeguigen.41 Alcide, 45, from Italy, is a science teacher. He is reading an English book of technology but there arc so many new words. Now he is looki

21、ng fbr a book or dictionary to help.42 Jones, 30, from New Zealand, is an English teacher. He needs some books to improve his management. He needs something about the subject matter of English language teaching and skill teaching.language teaching, including four skills.C. The information and activi

22、ties of the book meet the needs of teachers who want to give pupils a special and great class.D. The book is for Chinese students. It is quite useful for the new learner. With i( students can easily put the Chinese into English.E. This book is easy to understand with a lot of examples and pictures.

23、It helps learners to use verbs correctly.F. An English-English dictionary. 50.000 words and phrases are in it, including scientific and technical terms and latest words.G. The book is for high school students. It talks about uses of numerals, kinds of nouns and sentences, etc. There are many detail

24、explanations in it and students can get the grammar more easily.【3640题答案】【答案】36. C 37. D38 A 39. FB【解析】【导语】这篇文章介绍了五个人的问题及他们对书本的需求和七本书籍的介绍。【36题详解】根据 She wants to find a book to give pupils a special and great class.” 可知刘老师想找一本书给学生们上一 堂特别而又棒的课,选项C “这本书的信息和活动满足了教师想给学生一个特别而又棒的课堂的需要。”与 之对应。故选C。【37题详解】+14

25、 44 Now he is trying to put the Chinese writing into English.M可知现在孙嘉正试图把中文写作译成英文,选 项D ”这本书是给中国学生看的。它对初学者很有用。有了它,学生可以很容易地把汉语译成英语。”与之 对应。故选D。【38题详解】根据He wants to learn about the idioms.”可知慧斯迈想学习成语,选项A “一本英汉词典。它介绍了 8 万多个成语。里面有明确的解释。学习成语是很有用的。与之对应。故选A。【39题详解】根据 He is reading an English book of technolog

26、y but there are so many new words. Now he is looking for a book or dictionary to help.可知埃尔希德正在读一本关于技术 英语书,但是里面有很多新单词所以他正在找一 本书或字典来帮忙,选项F “一本英英词典。它包含了 5万个单词和短语,包括科学技术术语和最新词汇。” 与之对应。故选F.【40题详解】根据 “He needs some books to improve his management. He needs something about the subject matter of English lan

27、guage teaching and skill teaching.”可知琼斯需要一购书来提高他的管理水平,他需要一些关于英语语言教 学和技能教学的内容,选项B ” 本给英语教师的指南。课堂管理是英语教学的主题问题,其思路包括四项 技能。”与之对应。故选B。四、根据首字母或者汉语提示填写单词,每空一词(每小题1分,共10分)The(政府)is taking actions to protect our environment.41题答案】【答案】government【解析】【详解】句意:政府正在采取行动保护我们的环境。government政府,根据“is”可知,此处使用名词单数形 式,故填 g

28、overnment。40. Dont be(担心)about me as long as you work hard.【42题答案】【答案】worried【解析】【详解】句意:只要你努力工作,就不要为我担心。be动词后接形容词作表语,“担心”译为形容词worried。 be worried about“担心”,是固定搭配。故填worried。41. Please be(自信的)when you speak in the public.【43题答案】【答案】confident【解析】【详解】句意:在公众场合讲话时,请自信一点。根据中文提示,confident“自信的”,形容词作表语,故填 con

29、fidenta42. My friends came here to celebrate my(第二十)birthday.【44题答案】【答案】twentieth【解析】【详解】句意:我的朋友们来这里庆祝我:十岁生口。iwenlielh第:十,作定语修饰birthday,故填twentietho 45. S (突然地),I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones.45题答案】【答案】(S)uddenly【解析】【详解】句意:突然,我看到一只熊宝宝在玩一曲棍子和石头。根据汉语提示及首字母可知,此处应填suddenly, 这里sudd

30、enly为副词作状语,修饰整个句子。故填(S)uddenly。46. The rwhy I was late for school was that I missed the first bus.【46题答案】【答案】(Deason【解析】详解】句意:我上学迟到的原因是我错过了第一趟巴士。根据“The.why I was late fbr school was that 1 missed the first bus.”可知,空处为先行词,后接why引导的定语从句,why指原因,它的先行词通常是reason“原 因“。故填(r)eason。47. Yuan Longping was n as t

31、he “Father of Hybrid Rice”.【47题答案】【答案】(n)amed【解析】【详解】句意:袁隆平被誉为“杂交水稻之父be named as”被誉为。故填(n)amed。48. In order to do the research, the astronauts s in landing on the moon last year.【48题答案】【答案】(s)ucceeded【解析】【详解】句意:为了进行研究,宇航员们去年成功登陆月球。表示成功做某事“用短语succeedindoingsth., 根据时间状语力aslyear”可知,此句为般过去时态,所以填succeed的

32、过去式succeeded。故填ucceeded。49. Han Hong r a laige amount of money to the people in need every year.【49题答案】【答案】(r)aises【解析】【详解】句意:韩红每年都为有需要 人筹集大量资金。ffiffiHan Hong. a large amount of money to the people in need every year.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是raise“募集”,结合every year可知,句子应用一般现在 时,主语是单数名词,动词用三单形式,故填(r)aises。50. I

33、ts sad to think of pandas and other animals in d.【50题答案】【答案】(d)anger【解析】【详解】句意:一想到熊猫和其他濒危动物就令人难过。根据Its sad to think of pandas and other animals in d.”可知,此处是be in danger短语,意为“处于危险中”,故填(d)anger。五、根据中文提示完成句子(每空1分,共10分)记得说话大点声,她现在有点耳背了。Remember to! Shes a bit deaf now.51题答案】【答案】. speak .up#loudly【解析】【详解

34、】句子为祈使句,“Rememberto”后接动词原形,表示“记得要做某事”;表达“说话大点声”可以用speak up/loudly0 故填 speak; 叩/loudly。51. 出乎意料,我通过了考试。, I passed the exam.【52题答案】答案】 .Contrary . to .my .expectation【解析】【详解】句中有四个空,“出乎意料”译为contrary toonesexpectation,结合主语“I”可知用形容词性物主代词 my 代替 ones。故填 Contrary; to; my; expectationo53.你最好努力学习。You study ha

35、rd.【53题答案】【答案】.had.better【解析】【详解】最好had better,故填had better。54.会议被推迟。The meeting needs to.【54题答案】【答案】.be.put off【解析】【详解】会议是被推迟,此处要用动词不定式的被动式tobedone;表达“推迟”用短语put off, put的过去分 词为 put,故填 be; put offo六、(每空L5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,并借助上下文补充所缺的信息。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。把答案 写在答题卡指定的位置上。A helpless mother began ciying

36、for help when her 11 -month-old baby girl suddenly stopped breathing at a store in Missouri.The manager of the store called 911, but 55 of the customers or workers had the skills to save the babys life. In fact, no one 56 offer help.Just a( (hat 57. a teenager heard Ihe crying from inside a dressing

37、 room and did what no one else coulddo.Abby, a 17-year-old student, ran 58of the dressing room, pushed through the crowd and beganperforming CPR (心肺复苏)on the baby at once. Abby was 59 lucky that he had the chance to learn CPR skills in his high school health class just two months ago. However, he wa

38、s worried because this was his 6() time to use them.“61 only one thing in my mind was what will happen 62 it doesnt work? And I just had to pushit out of my mind and keep going/ he told the reporters.Soon the baby girl 63 breathing again. Thanks to this teenagers courage, the baby was saved. Abbywas

39、 thought to be a true 64.【5564题答案】答案】55. none56. could 57. time#moment58. out 59. so60. first 61. Theif#when62. started#beganhero【解析】 【导语】本文主要讲述了 17岁的少女Abby碰巧在商场里拯救了一个停止呼吸的婴儿的故事,这是她才学到的急救术。55题详解】句意:商店经理拨打了 911,但没有一位顾客或工人有能力挽救婴儿的生命。根据In fact, noone .oflfer help.”可知,此处是没有一位顾客或工人有能力挽救婴儿的生命,此处表示否定意义,non

40、e of. “三者或三 者以上都不”,故填none。【56题详解】 句意:事实上,没有人能提供帮助。根据In fact可知,此处是没有人能提供帮助,整篇短文是一般过去时 态,此处用can的过去式could,故填couldo 【57题详解】 句意:就在那时,一个十几岁的少年听到更衣室里的哭声,做了其他人做不到的事。根据下文“a teenager heard the crying from inside a dressing room and did what no one else could do.” 可知,此处是就在那个时候, at that time/moment 在那个时候“,故填 ti

41、me/momento【58题详解】 句意:7岁的学生艾比跑出更衣室,挤过人群,马上开始给那个婴儿做心肺复苏术。根据pushedihrough the crowd and began performing CPR (心肺复苏)on the baby at once.可知,此处是跑出更衣室,短语 run out of. “从跑出来,故填out。【59题详解】句意:艾比是如此幸运,两个月前他有机会在高中健康课上学习心肺复苏术。so+形容词+that从句,表示“如 此以至于”,故填so。句意:然而,他很担心,因为这是他第一次使用它们。根据“he was worried”可知,此处是因为这是他第一 次使

42、用它们,the first time “第一次”,故填first。61题详解】句意:我唯一想的是,如果/当它不起作用会发生什么? theonlyoneihing ”唯一的事情”,此处是特指,用 定冠词,注意首字母大写,故填The。【62题详解】句意:我唯一想的是,如果/当它不起作用会发生什么?根据The only one thing in my mind was what will happen”可知,此处是when引导的时间状语从句或if引导的条件状语从句,if “如果,when 当时 候”,故填 if/when。【63题详解】句意:不久,女婴又开始呼吸了。根据“Thankstothisle

43、enagerscourage, the baby was saved.”可知,此处是 女婴又开始呼吸了。短语starl/begindoingsth. “开始做某事”,整篇短文是一般过去时态,start的过去式是 started, begin 的过去式是 began,故填 started/began。【64题详解】句意:艾比被认为是一个真正的英雄。Abby拯救了那个婴儿的生命,被认为是一个真正的英雄,hero “英 雄”,a是不定冠词,后加名词单数,故填hero。七、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)A.回答问题(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)A.回答问题请阅读下面这篇文章,根据

44、所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整,并把答案 写在答题卡指定的位置上。Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many afterschool classes. Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university. Others are practicing

45、sports so that they can compete and win.However, this doesnt only happen in China. The Bairds are a typical American family. Life fbr Cathy Bairds three children is very busy. On most days after school,Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training

46、. Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are important fbr my childrens future, i really want them to be succcssfiil. However, the tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner,

47、and then its time fbr homework”.Linda Miller, a mother of two, knows all about such stress(压力).She says. “Mothers send their small kids toall kinds of classes. And they are always comparing them with other children. Its crazy. I dont think thafs fair.Why dont they just let their kids be kids?”Doctor

48、s say too much stress is not good fbr a childs development. 44People shouldnt push their kids so hard.Dr. Alice Green says, “Kids should have time to relax and think fbr themselves.63. Why are Chinese children busier on weekends than weekdays?64. Which country does Cathy Baird come from?65. When do Cathy Bairds children often get home?66. How many children does Linda Miller hav


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