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《2022年广东省江门市新会区中考英语一模试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年广东省江门市新会区中考英语一模试卷(附答案详解).docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年广东省江门市新会区中考英语一模试卷一、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共250分)Here is an interesting and moving story.John Smith is 60 years old,from New Zealand.He has been( 1) with a sheepshead wrasse (瘤媚鱼)for over 30 years.John*s meeting with the big fish(2)when he was working underwater.He found it got hurt and it couldnt feed(3

2、)Jt was going to die.For more than ten days,John took good care of it.He fed it five crabs (螃蟹)a day.That was the beginning of a long and4)friendship.Since thenjohn(5) to visit his friend from time to time.He calls it ” Good Friend”.Every time they see each other,John greets Good Friend with a kiss.

3、Good Friend seems to enjoy being with John(6)other fish may be afraid of people and swim away quickly.lt lets him touch its body and kisses John backthe head. n Good Friends face looks like a mans face from the front.Fm sure it knows I saved its life.(8)amazing it is!n John said.In fact,Johns words

4、may be true.A study from the University of London showssome fish are really able torecognize human faces.This finding makes the friendship between the old man and the fisheven(10) and more moving.1. A. friend2. A. is happened3. A. themselves4. A. surprises5. A. is coming6. A. while7. A. in8. A. what

5、9. A. that10. A. specialC. speciallyB. friendsB. happensB. themB. surprisedB. was comingB. whoB. onB. what anB. whichC. friendshipC. was happenedC. itselfC. surprisingC. will comeC. soC. forC. HowC. whoB. more specialD. more speciallyD. some friendsD. happenedD. itD. surprisinglyD. has comeD. whereD

6、. intoD. How anD. whomMy band (乐 队)once rode all night half a day through the heavy snowstorm to go to a concert in a small town.However,when we arrived,we( 11) our concert had been canceled (取消)because of the weather. A few fans hadnt heard the news,and they also(12)the concert hall.We were(13) tir

7、ed and hungry.But something in the eyes of the fans told us how badly they wanted to listen to the music.There was certainly no place else for us to go.Why not drink some 的宾语从句;C谁,引导特殊疑问意义的宾语从句;D.谁,引导特殊疑问意义的宾语从 句。根据空前A study from the University of London shows (来自伦敦大学的研究表明) 及空后 some fish are really

8、able to recognize human faces (一些人真可以识别人类的脸) 可知,空处使用that。故选A。(10)考查形容词比较级。A.特殊的,形容词原级;B.更特殊的,形容词比较级形式; C.特殊地,副词;D.更特殊地,比较级形式。根据make sth+形容词(使得某物) 可知,空处使用形容词;根据空后more moving (更加感人)可知,空处使用比较级形 式。句意:这个发现使得这个老人和鱼之间的友谊更加特殊和更加感人。故选B。这篇文章主要记述了发生在一个老人和一条鱼之间的令人感动的故事。语法填空的题,要结合时态、固定搭配、词法等多方面考虑确定正确答案。11 20,【答案

9、】B、D、D、C、C、D、A、B、C、B【解析】(1)考查动词。were heard被听见;were told被告知;were asked被询问;were given 被给予。根据we our concert had been canceled because of the weather.n (然而, 当我们到达时,我们被告知我们的音乐会因为天气原因被。)可知应该是我们被告知 我们的音乐会因为天气原因被取消,句意:然而,当我们到达时,我们被告知我们的音 乐会因为天气原因被取消了。故选B。(2)考查动词。left遗留;missed错过;went out of从出来;arrived at到达。根

10、据A few fans hadnt heard the news”( 一些歌迷没有听到这个消息)和they also the concert hall.”(他们也来到了音乐厅)可知歌迷没有听到音乐会取消的消息,所以他们也来到了 音乐厅,句意:一些歌迷没有听到这个消息,他们也来到了音乐厅。故选D。(3)考查形容词。warm温暖的;hot炎热的;cool凉爽的;cold寒冷的。根据through the heavy snowstorm”(穿过暴风雪)可知应该是寒冷的,句意:我们又冷又累又饿。故 选D。(4)考查短语。a young man 一个年轻男人;an old man 一个老男人;an ol

11、d woman 个老妇人;a little girl一个小女孩。根据My husband because of cancer last year(我丈 夫去年因为癌症)可知应该是一位老妇人,句意:当我们的表演结束时,一位老妇人 来到我站着的舞台上。故选C。(5)考查代词。him他;her她;me我;you你。观察句子可知,这是老妇人说的话, 再结合Today is the first time Fve smiled since my husband died(今天是我丈夫去世后我 第一次微笑。)可知应该是对老妇人自己很重要,句意:你不知道今晚对我有多重要。第10页,共18页故选Co(6)考查动

12、词。played玩;sung唱;showed展示;enjoyed享受,喜欢。根据Weareso happy to stay with all of you here11,()我们很高兴能和你们在一起可知应该是也很享受很喜欢,句意:嗯,我们也很喜欢。故选D。(7)考查动词。died 死;went 去;left 离开;stayed 留下。根据Today is the first time Pve smiled since my husband died(今天是我丈夫去世后我第一次微笑。)可知他丈夫死了, 句意:我丈夫去年死于癌症。故选A。(8)考查连词。however 然而;but 但是;beca

13、use 因为;if 如果。根据 1 didnt really want to come here today(我今天真的不想来这里)可知老妇人其实不想来,但是后面来了, 应该是表转折,句意:我今天其实不想来这里,但我女儿跟我劝我,带我来这里。故选 Bo(9)考查名词。a year一年;a month 一个月;a while 一会儿;a week一周。根据“Your music has helped me forget my problems for(你的音乐帮我忘记了我的问题)可知 应该是音乐让老妇人忘却了烦恼一会儿,句意:你的音乐让我暂时忘却了烦恼。故选C。(10)考查名词。doctors医

14、生;musicians音乐家;nurses护士; fans粉丝。根据短文内 容可知作者他们是一个乐队,是作为音乐家的他们让老妇人暂时忘却了烦恼,句意:我 们音乐家不会治疗癌症之类的疾病,但我们可以治疗其他一些几乎同样重要的疾病。故 选B。本文讲述了作者乐队曾经的一场表演让老妇人暂时忘却了烦恼。作者认为音乐家不会治 疗癌症之类的疾病,但可以治疗其他一些几乎同样重要的疾病。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意, 结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。2125.【答案】D、D、B、B、C【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文中I chose to play

15、tennis,as its my favorite sport and Jack,my best friend,was in the same team.(我选择打网球,因为这是我最喜欢的运动,而我最好的朋友杰克在同一支球队。)可 知,杰克在4月6号打网球了。故选D。(2)细节推理题。根据文中Tuesday,7th AprilIn Maths class,we went over what we had learned to prepare for the exam on Friday.(周二, 4月7日在数学课上,我们复习了我们所学的知识,为周五的考试做准备。)可知,数 学考试在4月10日。

16、故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据文中 After class,! talked about it with other classmates , but I found that most of them were not interested in this TV program.(下课后,我和其他同 学聊了起来,但我发现他们大多对这个电视节目不感兴趣。)可知,作者的大多数同学 都认为历史课上的电视节目无趣。故选B。(4)细节理解题。根据文中I learned something about natural disasters in Geography class today.Mrs.Brow

17、n showed us a video about natural disasters,and we watched it with great interest.(我今天在地理课上学至U 了一些关于自然灾害的知识。布朗老师给我们看了一段关于自然灾害的视频,我们饶有 兴趣地观看了它。)可知,布朗老师在周四给同学们上地理课。故选B。(5)文章来源题。根据文中 Monday,6th April We had a PE class today.(星期一,4 月 6 日今天我们有体育课。)Tuesday,7th AprilIn Maths class,we went over what we had

18、learned to prepare for the exam on Friday.(周二, 4月7日在数学课上,我们复习了我们所学的知识,为周五的考试做准备。) Wednesday,8th AprilWe finished studying the second lesson of American History in history class today/4 月 8 日, 星期三我们今天完成了历史课美国历史的第二课。)以及Thursday,9th AprilI learned something about natural disasters in Geography class to

19、day.(星期四,4 月 9 日今 天我在地理课上学到了一些关于自然灾害的知识。)可知,本文可能来源于个人日记。 故选Co这篇短文是作者关于在学校学习的四篇日记。通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细 核对,选择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。2630.【答案】C、D、C、A、C【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据In the French city of Grenoble,there are unusual vending machines (自动售货 机)that don*t sell food or drinks,they print out s

20、hort stories.(在法国城市格勒诺布尔,有 一些不寻常的自动售货机,它们不卖食物或饮料,而是打印出短篇故事。)可知它可以 打印故事。故选C。(2)词义猜测题。根据后文第12页,共18页More and more people in Grenoble got into the habit of reading short stories in their waiting t ime.(越来越多的格勒诺布尔人养成了在等待时间读短篇小说的习惯。)可知此处意为 我们可以用短篇故事或诗歌做同样的事情,来充分利用这些等待的时刻。所以划线词在 此处意为”充分利用,故选D。(3)理解判断题。根据By

21、 using them,people can choose a story that will take either one,three or five minutes to read .The machines will then print stories on paper,with topics from childrens stories to poems.(通过使用它们,人们可以选择一个故事,花一分钟、三分钟或五分钟来阅读。这些机 器将在纸上打印故事,主题从儿童故事到诗歌。)可知C项符合文意。故选C。(4)理解判断题。根据So Short Edition decided to mo

22、ve forwardto build more such machines all over the countr y.Now the unusual machines have really walked out of Grenoble.(所以 Short Edition 公司决 定继续前进一一在全国各地建造更多这样的机器。现在不寻常的机器真的走出了格勒诺 布尔。)可知A项符合文意,故选A。(5)最佳标题题。根据In the French city of Grenoble,there are unusual vending machines (自动售货 机)that dont sell fo

23、od or drinks,they print out short stories.(在法国城市格勒诺布尔,有 一些不寻常的自动售货机,它们不卖食物或饮料,而是打印出短篇故事。)及全文可知 文章介绍了可以打印故事的自动售货机。所以C项最适合做文章标题。故选C。 文章介绍了可以打印故事的自动售货机。在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真辨析选项,仔细 推敲,确定最佳答案。31.答案【小题 1 】The Beach to Hobart 15 K.【小题2】About 7, 300.小题 3 It was hot.小题 4 He suddenly fell down beca

24、use of heat stroke.d、题 5 Both of them got medals for their sportsmanship.【解析】细节理解题。(1)根据 The race,the Beach to Hobart 15 K, was held in Melbourne,Australia.(从海滩到Hobartl5公里比赛在澳大利亚墨尔本举行。)可知,比赛的名字叫the Beach to Hobart 15 K.故答案为:The Beach to Hobart 15 K.(2)根据 About 7, 300 runners took part in it and one

25、of them was John Smith.(大约 7300 名跑步者参加了比赛,其中一名是约翰史密斯。)可知,参加比赛的选手有大约7300 人。故答案为:About 7, 300.(3)根据The race was held on a hot Sunday morning.(比赛是在一个炎热的星期天上午 举行的。)可知,天气炎热。故答案为:It was hot.(4)根据However,when he was less than 150 meters from the finish line,he suddenly fell down becaus e of heat stroke (中署

26、).(然而,当他离终点线不到150米时,他突然因为中暑摔倒了。) 可知,当他离终点线不到150米时,他突然因为中暑摔倒了。故答案为:He suddenly fell down because of heat stroke.(5)根据However,neither Peter nor John was disqualified.Both of them got medals for their sportsman ship (运动员精神).(然而,彼得和约翰都没有被取消资格。他们两人都因体育精神获 得了奖牌。)可知,彼得和约翰都因体育精神获得了奖牌。故答案为:Both of them got m

27、edals for their sportsmanship.本文主要讲述了一次跑步比赛中戈麦斯和奥拉奇都没有被取消资格,他们两人都因其运 动精神而获得奖牌的故事。首先,对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意;其次,细读题材.,各个击破;再次, 细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关 信息。3236.【答案】G、F、A、B、E【解析】细节推理题。(1) 根据 How much do you know about the first black president of South Africa? Have you ever read about him? C

28、an you tell me something about him?(你对南非第一位黑人总统了 解多少?你读过他吗?你能告诉我一些关于他的事吗?)可知说的是南非第一位黑人总 统,结合选项,应说我读过一些关于纳尔逊曼德拉的书,他出生于1918年。1994年至 1999年,他担任南非总统。他被称为“南非之父”,1993年获得诺贝尔奖。故选G。(2) 根据 Chinese Kung Fu is famous in the world.Are you interested in Kung Fu? Can you第14页,共18页 play Kung Fu? Who is your favorite

29、Kun Fu star?(中国功夫举世闻名。你对功夫感兴趣 吗?你会打功夫吗?你最喜欢的功夫明星是谁?)可知说的是中国功夫,结合选项,应 说成龙于1954年4月出生于香港。他和李连杰以中国功夫闻名世界。他们都是我最喜 欢的功夫明星。虽然我不会打功夫,但我非常喜欢他们的功夫片。故选F。(3) 根据 Many people like singing.Singing songs can make people happy.Can you sing ? Can you tell me something about your favorite singer?(许多人喜欢唱歌。唱歌可以使人 快乐。你会唱

30、歌吗?你能告诉我一些你最喜欢的歌手吗?)可知说的是音乐歌手,结合 选项,应说席琳迪翁,1968年出生于加拿大,是一位伟大的歌手。1997年,她因电影泰坦尼克号中的歌曲我心永恒而走红。这首歌我唱得很好。故选A。(4) 根据 Reading is pretty important to us.Do you like reading? Do you have favorite books? Would you like to tell me something about the writer you like best?(阅读对我们来说很重 要。你喜欢读书吗?你有最喜欢的书吗?你能告诉我一些你最喜

31、欢的作家的情况吗?) 可知说的是作家,结合选项,应说马克吐温,美国著名作家,生于1835年。他于1910 年去世。他有一本著名的书叫汤姆索耶历险记。他是我最喜欢的作家之一。我喜 欢读他的作品。故选B。(5) 根据 What do you know about scientists? Do you want to be a famous scientist? Who is your favorite scientist? Can you tell me something about him/ her ?(你对科学家 了解多少? 你想成为一名著名的科学家吗?你最喜欢的科学家是谁?你能告诉我一些关

32、于他/她的 事吗?)可知说的是科学家,结合选项,应说钱学森是中国近代著名科学家,中国科学 院院士。1911年12月,他出生在浙江省杭州市。我想将来成为像他一样伟大的科学家。 故选Eo(1)你对南非第一位黑人总统了解多少?你读过他吗?你能告诉我一些关于他的事吗? 我读过一些关于纳尔逊曼德拉的书,他出生于1918年。1994年至1999年,他担 任南非总统。他被称为“南非之父”,1993年获得诺贝尔奖。(2)中国功夫举世闻名。你对功夫感兴趣吗?你会打功夫吗?你最喜欢的功夫明星是 谁?一一成龙于1954年4月出生于香港。他和李连杰以中国功夫闻名世界。他们都是 我最喜欢的功夫明星。虽然我不会打功夫,但

33、我非常喜欢他们的功夫片。(3)许多人喜欢唱歌。唱歌可以使人快乐。你会唱歌吗?你能告诉我一些你最喜欢的 歌手吗?席琳迪翁,1968年出生于加拿大,是一位伟大的歌手。1997年,她因电 影泰坦尼克号中的歌曲我心永恒而走红。这首歌我唱得很好。(4)阅读对我们来说很重要。你喜欢读书吗?你有最喜欢的书吗?你能告诉我一些你 最喜欢的作家的情况吗?一一马克吐温,美国著名作家,生于1835年。他于1910年 去世。他有一本著名的书叫汤姆索耶历险记。他是我最喜欢的作家之一。我喜欢 读他的作品。(5)你对科学家了解多少?你想成为一名著名的科学家吗?你最喜欢的科学家是谁? 你能告诉我一些关于他/她的事吗?一一钱学森

34、是中国近代著名科学家,中国科学院院 土。1911年12月,他出生在浙江省杭州市。我想将来成为像他一样伟大的科学家。 做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。37.【答案】【小题1】They小题2 help【小题 3】care/learn/think【小题4】problems【小题 5】that/which/to【小题6】use/usages【小题 7】color/colour【解析】(1)考查代词。句意:他们帮助别人,保护他们的安全。句子中缺少主语, 根据上一句They stop crimes”可知此句的主语也是They,指警察。故填They。(2)考查动词

35、。句意:他们帮助走失的孩子找到他们的父母。根据上文”help people and keep them safe”可知警察帮助人们,因此此处指他们会帮助走失的孩子找到他们的父母, 句子是一般现在时,主语是They,谓语动词用原形。故填help。(3)考查动词。句意:如果你想要成为一名警察,你需要关心/了解/考虑别人。根据下 一句You have to be ready to help people”可知你必须随时准备帮助别人,说明你要能关 心/了解/考虑别人。“关心”是care about/T解是learn aboutJ考虑”是think abouto故填 care/learn/think o

36、(4)考查名词。句意:你必须解决问题。solve problems表示”解决问题二故填problemso(5)考查代词。句意:他们学习可以帮助他们完成工作的东西/他们学习东西来帮助他 们完成工作。things是名词,后面可带定语从句,从句help them do their jobs缺少主语, 可用 that 或 which 来引导。help them do their jobs”帮助他们完成工作”是 they learn things 他们学习东西”的目的,可用不定式to do来表示。故填that/which/to。(6)考查名词。句意:他们学习武器的安全用法。safe是形容词,修饰名词。根

37、据空 格后的“weapons”可知此处表示武器的安全使用,可用名词use”使用”或usages”使用方法第16页,共18页故填 use/usages。(7)考查名词。句意:最普遍的制服颜色是深蓝色。根据空格后的“darkblue”可知这里 说的是制服的颜色,颜色”是color或colour。故填colo17coiour。(8)考查动词不定式。句意:为了完成他们的工作,大部分警察不得不从一个地方搬 到另一个地方。move from place to place”从一个地方搬到另一个地方”是do their* jobs”完 成他们的工作”的目的,可用动词不定式t。do。故填To。(9)考查动词。句

38、意:交通警察经常/使用骑摩托车。空处缺少谓语,时态为一般现在 时,主语为复数,动词用原形,ride motorcycles表示“骑摩托车,use motorcycles表示 使用摩托车工 故填ride/use。(10)考查介词。句意:有一些警察甚至通过乘坐直升机到处巡逻。flying in helicopter 表示“乘坐直升机”,这是一种交通方式,可用介词by“通过”放在其前。故填by。本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了警察这一职业的相关内容,比如如何成为一名警察、警 服和巡逻方式。首先要通读短文,掌握大意,特别要注意上下文之间的联系,确定某处的需要的词汇和 形式,就可以确定正确答案。38.【答案

39、】After reading They Cross the Finish Line Together, I was greatly touched by what Peter did in the race.lt is Peters sportsmanship that leads to the happy ending of the race.Because of his valuable sportsmanship,Peter won the medal of the race.How amazing the sportsmanship!(感想)There is no doubt that

40、 scores are really important in sports competition,just as the traditional motto goes in Olympic Games like this: Faster,Higher,Stronger.【高分句型一】However,the sportsmanship is more important than that.ln fact,sports events go beyond sports.For example,in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,we have the theme “On

41、e world one dream” while in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games we have Together for a shared future11, of which the Olympic spirit shines brightly.We hope the sportsmanship can melt into the daily life,home and abroad,all over the world.高分句型二】Please remember the modern motto of Olympic Games nFaster,

42、Higher,Stronger and together.(运动员精神的看法)No sooner said than done.Lets carry forward the sportsmanshipthe spirit of Olympic Games while doing sports,especially in the school sports meeting or in our everyday life.(彳昌议)【解析】【高分句型一】There is no doubt that scores are really important in sports competitionj

43、ust as the traditional motto goes in Olympic Games like this: Faster,Higher,Stronger.毫无疑问,分数在体育比赛 中是非常重要的,正如奥林匹克运动会的传统格言是这样的:更快、更高、更强。There is no doubt that 毫无疑问的是【高分句型二】We hope the sportsmanship can melt into the daily life,home and abroad,all over the world.我 们希望体育精神能融入到日常生活中,无论是在国内外,在世界各地。we hope

44、接宾语从句。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等, 清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。第18页,共18页coffee and play some country music for them?That is exactly what we did.When our show was over,(14)came to the stage (舞台)where I was standing.n You dont know how much this evening has meant to(15), nshe said,looking deeply

45、into my eyes.nWell,we have16)it,too .We are so happy to stay with all of you here, MI replied.My husband (17)because of cancer (癌症)last year,n she said sadly.n I havent been out of the house since he died last year except to go to the market.I didnt really want to come here today/18)my daughter talk

46、ed to me and brought me here.My husband and I had lots of your records.Fm so glad to get to meet you .Thank you for playing and singing for such a small crowd of fans.Today is the first time Ive smiled since my husband died. Your music has helped me forget my problems ford9). ”I opened my arms and h

47、ugged her.WelLwe(20)don,t cure (治愈)illnesses like cancer and soon,but we can cure some other things that are almost as important.B. were toldB. missedB. hoton,but we can cure some other things that are almost as important.B. were toldB. missedB. hot11. A. were heard12. A. left13. A. warm14. A. a you

48、ng man15. A. him16. A. played17. A. died18. A. however19. A. a year20. A. doctorsB. an old manB. herB.sungB. wentB. butB. a monthB. musiciansC. were askedC. went out ofC.coolC. an old womanC. meC. showedC. leftC. becauseC. a whileC. nursesD. were givenD. arrived atD. coldD. a little girlD. youD. enjoyedD. stayedD. ifD. a weekD. fans二、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)AMonday,6th AprilWe had a PE class today.First,we did some warm-up


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