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《新教材2021-2022学年人教版英语选择性必修第二册检测UNIT4(二)LearningAboutLanguageWord版含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新教材2021-2022学年人教版英语选择性必修第二册检测UNIT4(二)LearningAboutLanguageWord版含解析.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、课下题型练(二)Learning About LanguageI .阅读理解APhiladelphia* s Magic Gardens makes up a folk art center, gallery space, and a non-profit organization showcasing the works of mosaicist (镶嵌设计师)Isaiah Zagar.Zagar devoted himself to beautifying the South Street neighborhood in the late 1960s, when he moved to t

2、he area with his wife Julia.The couple helped the area by purchasing and repairing some old buildings, often adding colorful mosaics on both their private and public walls.The first such project was Julia* s folk art store, the Eyes Gallery at 402 South Street.Zagar started working on the Magic Gard

3、ens in 1998 in the deserted parking lot near his studio.He spent the next fourteen years sculpting multi-layered walls and decorating the 3, 000 square foot space.The installation (现代雕塑装置),primarily consisting of found objects and contributions from the community, finally covers half a city block wi

4、th countless patterns and colors.lt shows Zagar* s many artistic influences, as well as the events and experiences of his life.In 2012, the owner of the parking lot decided to sell the land in response to rising South Street property values.Unwilling to witness the destruction of Zagars neighborhood

5、 art environment, the community rushed to support the artist.His creation, newly titled Philadelphia* s Magic Gardens, turned into a non-profit organization with the intention of preserving and promoting Zagar, s works at the site of the Magic Gardens and throughout the South Street region.The Magic

6、 Gardens is now a permanent art institution that is open to visitors throughout the year.Trained guides are available to lead tours of the Magic Gardens and Zagarf s surrounding public wall paintings.In addition, it offers monthly mosaic workshops led by Zagar himself, and regularly hosts concerts,

7、dance performances, and other public events.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国费城的魔法花园的初创、成形、 对它的保护等。1. How did Zagar help the South Street neighborhood?A. He moved to the area with his family.B. He worked to improve its surroundings.C. He opened a folk art store with his wife.D. He managed to buy all the old b

8、uildings.解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的Zagar devoted himself to beautifying the South Street neighborhood 及 The couple helped the area by purchasing .and public walls. 可知,他努力改善它的环境。2. What does Paragraph 3 intend to tell us?A. Great achievements of Zagar.B. Special skills of the installation.C. Location of the

9、 Magic Gardens.D. Early history of the Magic Gardens.解析:选D 段落大意题。通读第三段可知,本段主要讲述了 Zagar最初创办魔法花 园的经历,即魔法花园早期的历史。故选D。3. What do the local residents think of Zagars works?A. They harm environment.B. They can bring in profits.C. They should be removed.D. They are precious treasures.解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的Unw

10、illing to witness the destruction .the community rushed to support the artist.以及 preserving and promoting Zagar* s works 可 知,社区居民将Zagar的作品视作珍宝,他们都在尽力支持他以及他的艺术创作。故选D。4. What can tourists do in Philadelphias Magic Gardens?A. Paint the walls on the spot.B. Put on music performances.C. Enjoy some Zagar*

11、 s works.D. Attend some dance courses.解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的lead tours of the Magic Gardens andZagar* s surrounding public wall paintings 以及 it offers monthly mosaic workshops led byZagar himself可知,经过培训的导游可带领游客参观魔法花园和Zagar周围的公共围堵绘 画,游客也可参加Zagar本人每月主持的镶嵌图案讲习班。BScientists say they have found the oldest

12、known figurative (具象的)painting in a cave in Indonesia.And the impressive scene of a hunting party, painted some 44, 00() years ago, is helping to rewrite the history of the origins of art.Until recently, the long-held story was that humans started painting in caves in Europe.For example, art from th

13、e Chauvet Cave in France is dated as old as 37, 000 years.“The cave paintings in Indonesia are at least 40, 000 years old, “ says Adam Brumm, an archaeologist at Australias Griffith University.He and his colleagues used a technique called uraniuni-series analysis to determine the paintings age.The f

14、igurative painting in those analyses was a striking image of a wild cow.Since that big discovery, Brumm* s team has been searching for more art in these caves.Recently, they found something breathtaking the massive hunting scene.And after testing it, they say its the oldest known figurative art crea

15、ted by early modern humans.The painting tells a complex story.lt describes jungle buffaloes (水牛)and wild pigs driven by tiny hunters.They appear to be humans, but they seem to have some characteristics of animals, Brumm says.One appears to have a birdlike head, and another has a tail.He says these p

16、art-human, part-animal figures might signal early humans beliefs.But even an important location for early art appears in Indonesia, the paintings are rapidly deteriorating (恶化)before our eyes and the scientists dont know why.Brumm says one theory is that higher temperatures in the caves due to clima

17、te change are harming the art.Brumm says the deterioration is making their work to survey these places feel particularly imperative. are left little time who knows what other amazing cave art is out there at some place that can change our understanding of human evolution but might be suffering damag

18、e or disappear soon?”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了考古新发现在印度尼西亚发现的洞穴壁画是世界上最古老的具象艺术作品。5. What did scientists use to think of the birth of the figurative painting?A. It rewrote the history of art.B. It took place about 44 , 000 years ago.C. It came out in Indonesian caves.D. It started with European cave painting

19、s.解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句Until recently, the long-held story was that humans started painting in caves in Europe.For example, art from the Chauvet Cave in France is dated as old as 37, 000 years.可知,长期以来,人们认为人类在洞穴中绘画始于欧 洲,有37, 000年历史的法国肖维岩洞壁画就是一个例证。故选D。6. Why is the cave painting found in Indonesia des

20、cribed as complex?A. It reflects a technical analysis.B. It shows early imaginary things.C. It describes early civilizations.D. It covers strange wildlife images.解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知,印度尼西亚洞穴壁画中半人半兽 的猎人可能是早期人类信仰的体现,是当时人们相信超自然生物存在的迹象。据此可推断 这样的壁画背后有一个复杂的想象过程,人们画出了想象的事物。故选B。7. What can we know from Pa

21、ragraph 5?A. Early art is deeply rooted in Indonesia.B. Cave paintings are a feast for our eyes.C. Latest discoveries are based on theory.D. Climate change may harm cave paintings.解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第五段中的the paintings are rapidly deteriorating (恶 化)before our eyes and the scientists don* t know why.Brumm

22、 says one theory is that higher temperatures in the caves due to climate change arc harming the art.可知,这些壁 画的处境正在恶化,Brumm认为正是气候变化导致的洞穴内的高温在破坏着它们。故选Do8. What does the underlined word “imperative” in the last paragraph mean?A. Urgent.B. Exciting.C. Meaningful.D. Imperfect.解析:选A 词义猜测题。上文提到了洞穴壁画恶化的情况,结合

23、画线词后的内容可 知,Brumm提到“留给我们的时间不充裕,谁知道在某个地方会有什么样的可能正遭受损 害或很快消失的惊人洞穴壁画存在呢?咒 由此可知,画线词表示“紧迫的,迫切的”,与 urgent含义相近,故选A。II.完形填空Andrea Silvera has always taken handwriting and detailed lecture notes for granted.She had never 1 she could make money with the skill until she was introduced to a(n) 2_. OneClass provi

24、des course notes 3 by excellent students.“I accidentally saw there was a 4 for me to become a note taker.After I uploaded my notes, I was 5 , “Silvera says.What is surprising is the 6 of views her notes receive.In a class of 300, 100 students usually view her notes.At first, the site was 7 meant to

25、help struggling studcnts.But unexpectedly, it gained fame and acquired wealth.Both the note users and note takers saw great progress in their studies.However, note takers dont just take the job for the 8 benefit.Silvera has made$l, 500 in a year of note taking.4tMy notes are not just handwritten “sh

26、e said.I _9 many extra explanations.Silvera finds that working as a note taker has been 10 . However, she said she needed to 11 other students who might be 12 in taking the job: ”If you want to do this, you have to put in the time and actually 13 the classes. A nd you cant trust that someone elses n

27、otes are 14 because nobody can meet your every need you need to take them 15 .”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一名名为Andrea Silvera的学生通过记笃 记挣得了 1, 500美元的故事。1. A.believedB. doubtedC. heardD. thought解析:选 D 根据上文的 Andrea Silvera has always taken handwriting and detailed lecture notes for granted.可知,Silvera将记笃,记看作理所当然的

28、事情,所以她从未想过自 己能够通过这一技能赚钱。2. A.organizationB. companyC. newspaperD. website解析:选 D 根据第三段中的 At first, the site was 7 meant to help struggling students.可知,OneClass 是一个网站。3. A.writtenB. typedC. readD. sent解析:选A 根据上文的handwriting可知,OneClass提供由好学生们亲笔记录的课 程笔记。4. A.planB. chanceC. dreamD. way解析:选B 根据下文的After I

29、 uploaded my notes, I was 5 可知.Silvera偶然发现 了 一个成为笔,记记录员的机会。5. A.employedB. inspiredC. touchedD. refused解析:选 A 根据下文的 Silvera has made$l, 500 in a year of note taking.可知,Silvera 上传了自己的笔记后被录用了。6. A.numberB. qualityC. speedD. variety解析:选A 下文指出,一个300人的班里,通常有100人看SUvera的笔记,因此这 里说最令人惊讶的是看笔记的人数之多。7. A.rarel

30、yB. simplyC. firmlyD. mainly解析:选 B 根据下文的 But unexpectedly, it gained fame and acquired wealth.可知, 起初,这一网站只是为了帮助有困难的学生。8. A.socialB. educationalC. environmentalD. financial解析:选 B 根据上文的 Both the note users and note takers saw great progress in their studies.可知,笔记记录者从事这份工作并不仅仅是为了上文提到的对教育方面带来的好处。9. A.de

31、leteB. findD. createC. include解析:选C 根据上文的My notes are not just handwritten可知,Silvera的笔记不仅是手写的,而且还包括了很多额外的解释。10. A.meaninglessB. demandingC. challengingD. worthwhile解析:选D 通过上文的描述可知,Silvera通过成为笃记记录员收获良多,因而觉得 笔记记录员这一工作是值得做的。11. A .correctB. warnC. remindD. question解析:选C 根据下文Silvera说的话可知,尽管Silvera觉得成为笔记

32、记录员是值得 的,但她觉得有必要提醒那些想成为笔记记录员的人。12. A.buriedB. experiencedC. involvedD. interested解析:选D 根据空后的If you want to do this可知,Silvera的话是对那些对笔记记录 员工作感兴趣的人说的。13. A.attendB. teachC. observeD. enjoy解析:选A 根据空前的you have to put in the time可知,想要成为笔记记录员就必须 投入时间并真正地去上课。14. A.briefB. completeC. uselessD. aimless解析:选 B

33、根据空后的 because nobody can meet your every need 可知,Silvera 提醒 同学们不要相信别人的笔记就一定是完整的。15. A.in advanceB. in sorrowC. in personD. in public解析:选 C 才艮据空前的 And you cant trust that someone else* s notes are 14 可知, 做笔记不能依赖别人,必须自己亲自做。III.语法填空Eileen Taylor had something sweet on her mind in the drive-through line

34、 at Heav* nly Donuts.Just the day before, a stranger ahead of her in line had (generous) paid for her coffee.The gesture made such 2 big difference in my day, says Eileen.She had recently lost her job as a physicians 3 (assist), and money was tight.But Eileen _4 (inspire) to pay the $12 bill of the

35、family in the car behind hers.5_ she didnt know was that her kindness would set off a chain reaction.In two and a half hours, fifty-five drivers paid for the order of the person behind 6 (they).The doughnut shop, s employees _7 (see) this before.This Heav* nly Donuts, in fact, is known as a special

36、place, the customers of 8_ are considered as the “best in the world”. But, even so, the workers were 9 (amaze) that the shop had more than doubled its previous record by the end of the day.Now 10 (work) as a chemist, Eileen visits Heav* nly Donuts every Saturday morning, picking up a coffee and payi

37、ng for the order of the customer behind her.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章向我们讲述了艾琳泰勒因受到他人启发,为她后 面的顾客付账,从而引发了一连串大家为自己后面顾客付账的连锁效应的故事。1. generously 考查词性转换。此处应用副词修饰动词paid。故填generously。2. a 考查能词。make a difference是固定搭配,意为“有影响。故填a。3. assistant考查词性转换。名词所有格后面应用名词,此处表示的是“医师助理”。 故填assist的名词形式assistant,意为“助手4. was inspired 考

38、查动词的时态和语态。根据文章内容可知,此处应用一般过去时, 且主语与inspire为逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用一般过去时的被动语态,表示“艾琳受到别 人的启发故填was inspiredo5. What考查名词性从句。空格处引导主语从句,且在从句中充当动词know的宾语, 表示“所的事”。故填What。注意首字母应大写。6. them 考交代词。介词后面应用人称代词的宾格。故填them。7. had seen考查动词的时态。根据句意可知,此处指这个商店的员工以前也见过这 种情况。文章描述的事件发生在过去,故此处表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时。故填had seen。8. which 考查定语从句。空格处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是Heavnly Donuts, 在从句中作介词of的宾语,应用关系代词which引导。9. amazed考查非谓语动词。此处应指员工们感到很吃惊。空格处修饰人,应用过去 分词形式的形容词,表示“感到的”。故填amazed。10. working考查非谓语动词。空格处与句子主语Eileen之间是逻辑上的主谓关系, 应用现在分词形式作状语。故填working。


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