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《新教材2021-2022学年人教版英语选择性必修第二册检测UNIT2BRIDGINGCULTURESWord版含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新教材2021-2022学年人教版英语选择性必修第二册检测UNIT2BRIDGINGCULTURESWord版含解析.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、单元加餐练(二)I .阅读理解There are many changes that can happen in a persons life.Some changes are very small and would not affect your life very much.However, other events could be very important and could change a persons whole life.The important event that changed my life is coming to the United States to

2、study.When first arriving in this country, I realized that a great transformation (转变)would happen in my life both physically and mentally.After spending more than two months in the United States, I firmly believe that moving to the United States is a beneficial change for me.This change provides me

3、 a chance to lead healthy lifestyle as well as a new way of thinking that are important for me.It is necessary to have this change as it offers me a healthy lifestyle.Before coming to the United States, I used to stay up late at night to study and wake up early in the morning.This could cause me to

4、get sick easily.When I decided to come to America, I made up my mind and determined to keep healthy routine (惯例).For example, enjoy the American-style-meal which includes having a fresh salad instead of cooked vegetables.This method of cooking vegetables helps me absorb more vitamins from them.Addit

5、ionally, this most important change enables me to think differently and internationally.This is my first time living in North-America country.Hence, I have a brand new chance to experience a new cuiture.By knowing more about different cultures, I have become more considerate and understanding of var

6、ious habits as well as behaviors from difTerent races.Since I came here, I have changed my eating and sleeping habits in a good way.Thus, this change is very important and beneficial for me.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述作者到美国的留学经历不仅使他养成良 好的生活习惯,同时了解了不同国度的文化。1. What does the author mainly want to tell us in th

7、e passage?A There exist great changes during a person* s life.B. Small changes will bring great influence on society.C. An important event has changed the life of the author.D. The author values the chance to study in the United States.解析:选C 主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段的The important event that changed my life

8、is coming to the United States to study.可知,作者主要想讲述来美国学习给他带来的 变化,故选C项。2. How did the author feel after he landed onto the new country?A. He got well prepared for the challenging life.B. He found himself facing a great challenge.C. He discovered life here quite agreed with him.D. He knew he had to cha

9、nge his healthy lifestyle.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句When first arriving in this country, I realized that a great transformation (转变)would happen in my life both physically and mentally.可知,在这个新的国度,作者从身心上做好了准备,故选A项。3. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. The author is becoming healthier and healthi

10、er.B. The author feels happier and more content.C. The author learned how to cook American meals.D. The author decided to live as the Africans do.解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句This method of cooking vegetables helps me absorb more vitamins from them.可推断出,通过改变饮食习惯,作者摄入有益于健康的 物质,这样会使他的身体越来越健康,故选A项。4. Which of

11、the following impresses the author most?A. The Anierican-styie meal.B. A new way of living.C. Experiencing a new culture.D. Changing his behaviors.解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的this most important change enables me to think differently and internationally 可知,本段中提到的 I have a brand new chance to experience a new

12、 culture (我有一个全新的机会去体脸一种新的文化)是给作者留下印象最 深的事情,故选C项。II .完形填空I did not remember her, but recently her email note surprised me.The email began,44We met in a subway train in Queens .” Eate had 1 us next to each other.She 2 that she had been sad and depressed.Her sad feelings did not 3 me.I continued to ta

13、lk to her about 4 and love.I gave her quote cards that she put in her bag.At home she was 5 to find the words on the quote cards resonated (共鸣)with her present situation.She became very happy and her6heartwanted to see me againtothank me about the 7 she received.She 8 me for 3 years with no 9 Shedid

14、 notknow I was connectedtoKindSpring.Last week she talked with her family and thought I might be working at KindSpring.org.In an email to KindSpring, not knowing my 10 , she explained my face and our 11 I am very grateful to KindSpring for going the extra mile to find my email ID and be the connecti

15、ng 12 between us.Fatemah is eager to meet me when I visit New York next yeanShe said my _13 changed her life.l have 14 probably over fifty thousand cards, but the one she received is 15 .语篇解读:本文是一卷记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者和女孩Fatemah偶然在地铁上相 遇,作者的鼓励让女孩摆脱了痛苦,重获新生。多年来,心怀感恩的Fatemah一直在寻找 作者。最终,两人通过邮件再次联系上了彼此的故事。1. A.

16、introducedB. savedC. seatedD. cheated解析:选C 由上文中的We met in a subway train in Queens可知,作者和女孩在地铁 里相遇,命运让两人挨着坐在了一起。故选C。2. A.wroteB. forgotC. realizedD. guessed解析:选A 由上文中的but recently her email note surprised me可知,作者最近收到 了女孩的邮件,在邮件中,女孩描写了她那时的情绪状态。故选A。B. bother3. A.moveC. stopD. surprise解析:选C 由下文中的I conti

17、nued to talk to her可知,女孩糟糕的情绪并没有阻止 作者继续与她交谈。故选C。4. A.friendshipB. lossC. sadnessD. hope解析:选D 由下文中的and love及语境可知,作者继续和女孩谈论希望和爱(的话题)。 故选D。5. A.shockedB. excitedC. embarrassedD. puzzled解析:选 A 由下文中的 the words on the quote cards resonated (共鸣)with her present situation可知,卡片上的文字与她当下的境况是有共鸣的,所以当女孩看到卡片上面的话

18、语时感到很震惊。故选A。6. A.anxiousB. gratefulC. brokenD. curious解析:选B 由下文中的wanted to see me again to thank me可知,女我(现在)过得很 幸福,感恩的心使她想再次见到作者并向作者道谢。故选B。7. A.lessonB. kindnessC. respectD. sympathy解析:选B由下文内容可知,女我受到了鼓舞,重新获得了幸福,她对自己(从作者 那里)获得的善意深表感谢。故选B。8. A.turncd downB. relied onC. passed overD. searched for解析:选 D

19、 由下文 She did not know I was connected to KindSpring.及语境可推知, 她这几年一直都在寻找作者,但是一直没有找到。9. A plaintsB. excusesC. resultsD.regrets解析:选C参见上题解析。10. A.colleaguesB.nameC. bossD.appearance解析:选B 由下文中的she explained mv face and our 11 及语境可推知,女孩不 知道作者的名字。故选B。11. A.promiseB. appointmentC. meetingD. misunderstanding解

20、析:选C 由语境可知,女孩通过描述作者的相貌和他们见面时的情景,让别人知 道她要寻找的人是谁。故选C。12. A.bridgeB. barrierC. personD. way解析:选 A 由上文中的 I am very grateful to KindSpring for going the extra mile to find my email ID可知,KindSpring帮助女孩找到了作者,它成为他们之间得以再次见面的 桥梁。故选A。13. A.visitB. talkC. emailD. work解析:选B 由上文中的talk to her可知,作者与女孩的那次交谈改变了女孩的一生。

21、 故选B。14. A.paid forB. sold outC. used upD. given away解析:选D句意:我可能赠送了 5万多张卡片,但是她收到那张是无价的。由语境 可知,作者共赠送出5万多张卡片。15. A.well-keptB. specially-madeC. worthlessD. priceless解析:选D句意同上。由上文语境可知,作者与女孩的那次交谈对女孩的影响很大, 所以说作者分发给女我的那张卡片(对女孩来说)是很珍贵的。HL读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Afternoon was Mrs Green, s f

22、avorite time of day.After a hard day at work, her eyes were tired and her feet hurt.She usually enjoyed the nice long sleep when she was on the bus.Mrs Green had made friends with the bus driver; Mr Smith.He always woke her up before her stop.She usually felt fresh again when she got off the bus.But

23、 today was different.Mr Smith wasn,t driving.A small man sat in the driver* s seat.Wheres Mr Smith? ” asked Mrs Green, dropping her money into the box.I dont know.Sick, I guess.I just work here, lady.” Mrs Green hoped that Mr Smith was all right.She didn,t like this new driver.She decided not to sle

24、ep on the way home today.She didn* t want to ask this driver to wake her.Mrs Green looked out of the window.lt was a warm afternoon.Though she tried hard to stay awake, the gentle rocking of the bus made her fall asleep soon.Then Mrs Green felt someone shaking her.44VVake up, lady.We* ve come to the

25、 end of the line.” Mrs Green slowly opened her eyes.The bus driver looked down at her, I said, this is the end of the line, lady.lt1 s time to get off.”Mrs Green looked out of the window.Where am I? ” she asked.I was supposed to get off at Brighten Avenue.”You are at the last stop, lady e on, get of

26、f the bus.Mrs Green had trouble waking up.VVhen the bus driver took her arm and helped her step off the bus, she felt a sense of panic.44Wait a minute, “ she screamed.wThis isnt Brighten Avenue.Where am I? How can I get home? ”“Cool off, lady.You are at the end of the line.You have to get off here.”

27、 “But why can11 ride back with you? M she begged.” have the fare! ”“Sorry, lady, he said as he closed the door.44It,s against the rules.You have missed the stop, and I can* t take you back again.”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Mrs Green watched the bus disappear down the road.Suddenly the afternoon sun

28、 seemed surprisingly bright.参考范文:Mrs Green watched the bus disappear down the road.She looked and walked around, trying to figure out what part of the city she was in.There were no stores around, no street signs, and no taxis.Few people could be seen at this lonely stop.lt seemed the city was miles

29、away.She couldn11 help complaining.How rude the new driver is! ”she thought.wAlthough it is the end of the line, why cant I ride back? Is it a one-way ride? ”It seemed she could not find the way home.Suddenly the afternoon sun seemed surprisingly bright.The small driver drove his car and pulled up.H

30、e got out of his car, smiled and came up to her, saying it was time for her to go.She couldif t understand and still complained about the driver and the unreasonable rules, saying that she was just having a sleep and then missed Brighten Avenue.But the driver explained patiently that those were the company* s rules and he couldn* t break them, and that was why he came again to send her home.


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