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《2019年广东东莞市高三二模英语试卷-学生用卷.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年广东东莞市高三二模英语试卷-学生用卷.docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2019年广东东莞市高三二模英语试卷学生用卷一、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20小题,计40分)I、【来源】2019年广东东莞市高三二模(A篇)第2123题6分(每题2分)Are you interested in travelling? Here are famous national parks where travellers mostly like to go in America.Great Smoky Mountains National ParkVisitors: 11,388, 893The name Great Smoky Mountains comes from the fog

2、 over this mountain range situated along the North Carolina-Tcnncssec border. Established in 1934, it is not just home to a diverse ecosystem of plants and animals, but also home to rich Appalachian cultures. Visitors there can see over 100 waterfalls, go boating on Fontana Lake and hike the Appalac

3、hian Trail. Its also an excellent vantage point to see the leaves change in the fall.Grand Canyon National ParkVisitors: 6, 254, 238The Grand Canyon is the result of over 70 million years of geological events creating the Colorado Plateau, glaciers and valleys, while the Colorado River carved its wa

4、y through the valleys. It is truly a natural splendor!When President Roosevelt first visited it in 1903, he said, “The Grand Canyon fills me with awe. It is beyond comparison - beyond description? 16 years later, it was signed by President Woodrow Wilson, officially viewing the Grand Canyon a nation

5、al park.Yosemite National ParkVisitors: 4, 336, 890In addition to being a national park, Yosemite is designated as a World Heritage Site. Yosemite National Park is in Central California in the western Sierra Nevada. Though it covers around 1, 168 square miles of area, visitors spend most of their ti

6、me in the 5.9 square-mile area of the Yosemite Valley where there arc some most famous sites like Yosemite Falls, and Cooks Meadow Loop.Zion National ParkVisitors; 4, 504,812Settled in Southwestern Utah is Zion National Park. Il has some of the most unique landscapes packed with mountains, valleys,

7、rivers, desert and forests.A study 2 experts from the London School of Economics and Science found that people who tend to go to bed later have 3(high)IQs. 4 study authors believe the root of why this is lies in our evolution- because nighttime was a more dangerous place, and our ancestors who were

8、to stay up instead of going to sleep 5(need) to be more intelligent.Also, 6(stay) awake into the night was a newidea 7 was attractive to curious minds.Today, our varying living rhythms may still reflect this. Perhaps some smart people stay up later because their internal clocks are 8 (simple) differ

9、ent, Dr. Wai says.Or, perhaps they stay up later because they tend to be alone, and like being up late at night without distractions to think and solve their 9(problem ) But if you are a night owl,still remember 10(get) your seven to nine hours of sleep.四、短文改错(每小题I分,共10小题,计10分)8、【来源】2019年广东东莞市高三二模第7

10、180题10分假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词卜.面写出修改后的词。注意:1 .每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2 .只允许修改1()处,多者(从第II处起)不计分。Faith is important in ones life. It is just like light in the dark, which lead people to get ou

11、t of trouble. Many successful people have shared the secret of making great achievement. They owed the success at the faith of never give up. Everybody wants to be different, and only few of them can make it. What makes them differently? It is to hold the strong faith.For me, when I felt disappointe

12、d about my study and had no idea what to do, my parents and friends encourage me to move on. Finally the difficult (ime would pass. So I tell me no matter what has been happened, never stop making progress.五、书面表达(计25分)9、【来源】2019年广东东莞市高三二模第81题25分假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将于2019年3月30日举办“大湾区与我”(The Greater BayArea

13、 and Me)英文演讲比赛,以加强粤港澳姐妹学校间的交流与合作。11所高中共30位学生将参 加全天比赛。请给外教史密斯先生写一封电子邮件,邀请他当评委并作点评。注意:1 .词数100左右:2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr.Smith,Yours,Li Hua1、【答案】(1)D;C;B;2、【答案】(1)C;A;A;B;3、【答案】(1)B;D;A;(4) C;4、【答案】(1)A;c;D;(4) C;5、【答案】E;G;C;B;D;6、【答案】A;D;C;B;C;A;B;D;B:C;A;D;C;B;A;B;D;A;C;D;7、 答案】is rootcd;by;highc

14、r;Thc;nccdcd;staying;that 或 which;simply;problcms;to get;8、【答案】1. just like后面添加由c。2. lead 改为 leads qachievement 改为 achievementSo3. at 改为 toogive 改为 givingo4. and 改为 but。5. differentlv 改为 differentoencourage 改为 encouragedo6. me 改为 myselfo去掉 beano9、【答案】Dear Mr. Smith,I am Li hua, the president of the

15、Students Union. We will hold an English speech contest a( our school on March 30 and Id like to invite you to be its judge.This contest is intended to strengthen ties and co-operation between sister schools in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau. The theme is The Greater Bay Area and Me, and a total of 3

16、0 students from different high schools will participate. Should you accept, youd be expected to grade and provide some feedback on each students presentation. I know the student would be very grateful youre your participation .If you could get back to me with your decision by the end of the week, it

17、 would be greatly appreciated.Yours,LiHuaZion National Park is also an important place to study ancient humans who made the area their home about 8. 000 years ago. Some of the parks most notable attractions include Angels Landing, Kolob Arch, the Narrows, etc.(1) How does Great Smoky Mountains Natio

18、nal Park get its name?A. With smoke rising from the volcano in the lake.B. With big forest fire breaking out in the mountain.C. Signed by President Woodrow Wilson.1) . With water vapor seen over the mountain range.(2) When did Grand Canyon National Park become a national Park?A. In 1887In 1903B. In

19、1919In 1934(3) What does Yosemite National Park share in common with Zion National Park?A. They are located in the same state.B. People can learn about ancient times there .C. They both have the most charming land scenery.D. They were both formed as the result of years of geological events.2、【来源】201

20、9年广东东莞市高三二模(B篇)第2427题8分(每题2分)For the past few months, my three-year-old daughter has spent an hour every week learning a foreign language. She walks into a small room in a local school, where she and a handful of three- and fbur-year- olds spend the next hour dancing to La Vaca Lola, a song about a

21、Spanish cow, creating finger puppets (木偶)to voice what they like and dont like (me gusta, no me gusta) and shouting out which animals are big (grande) or small (pcqueno).She tclis us little about the classes. In fact, for the first few weeks, nothing at all, 1 begin to wonder if il was a huge mistak

22、e (each lesson works out at about 9) but then I show her La Vaca Lola on YouTube. She shouts vaca with enthusiasm and with what I hope is a Spanish accent.The wish to enroll (使力口入)her in language lessons came, like most things, gradually andthen in a sudden rush. In my day job, I read and edit stori

23、es about the Chinese economy. For a long time, I felt that it would be good fbr her to learn another language but I had no great plan as to when.Then I read Edward Luces The Retreat of Western Liberalism and all my thoughts and worry about the economy combined into a panic. Waking in a sweat, it see

24、med obvious that if my daughter was to have any kind of future, she would have (o learn another language. Ideally (理想地),immediately.I thought about Mandarin Chinese, one of the top 10 languages most important fbr our future, according to the British Council (others include Arabic, French, German, Po

25、rtuguese, Italian, Russian, Dutch and Japanese) . But there were no classes fbr young children nearby. There were however, local Spanish classes - the number-one language on the list. When she started to sing Incy Wincy Spider in Spanish and English - helped by a Spanish nursery worker - our decisio

26、n was made.(1) What can we learn about the authors daughter from the first paragraph 1?A. She has learned Spanish for one month.B. She is the oldest student in her Spanish class.C. She learn Spanish by dancing to songs.D. She uses finger puppets to make her voice heard.(2) How did the author feel ab

27、out her daughters class at first?A. Proud.B. Doubtful.C. Del ighted.1). Surprised.(3) Why did the author ask her daughter to learn a foreign language?A. To equip her for her future.B. To prepare her for the coming school education.C. To encourage her to have belief in herself.D. To develop her inter

28、est in singing.(4) What made the author decide to enroll her daughter in Spanish lessonsHer daughter s great interest.A. Her daughter5 s performance.B. The fast-growing economy.C. The nursery worker,s suggestion.3、【来源】2019年广东东莞市高三二模(C篇)第283I题8分(每题2分)Researchers continue to show the power behind our

29、sense of smell. Recent studies have found, among other things, that the smell of foods like pizza can cause uncontrollable anger in drivers on roads.The review explains that smell is unique in its effects on the brain. According to Conrad King, the researcher who carried out the review, more than an

30、y other senses, the sense of smell goes through the logical part of the brain and acts on the systems concerned with feelings. This is why the smell of baking bread can destroy the best intentions of a dieter.Smell, which dictates (决定)the unbelievable complexity of food tastes, has always been the l

31、east understood of our senses. Our noses are able to detect up to 10, 000 distinct smells. Our ability to smell and taste this extremely large range of smells is controlled by something like 1, 000 genes (基因), which make up an amazing 3% of the human genome. Researchers Richard Axel and Linda Buck w

32、ere together awarded a Nobel Prize in 2(X)4 for their ground-breaking research on the nature of this extraordinary sense. These two scientists were the first to describe the family of 1,000 olfactory (嗅觉) genes and to explain how our olfactory system works.According to one study in the research revi

33、ew, smelling fresh pizza or even the packaging of fast foods can be enough to make drivers feel impatient with other road users. They are then more likely to speed and experience uncontrollable anger on roads. The most reasonable explanation is (hat these can all make drivers feel hungry, and theref

34、ore desperate to satisfy their appetites.In contrast, the smells of peppennint and cinnamon were shown to improve concenlralion levels as well as reduce drivers impatience. Similarly, the smells of lemon and coffee appeared to promote clear thinking and mental focus.However, the way genes regulate s

35、mell differs from person to person. A study by researchers in Israel has identified at least 50 olfactory genes which arc switched on in sonic people and not in others. They believe this may explain why some of us love some smells and tastes while others hate them. The Israel researchers say their s

36、tudy shows that nearly every human being shows a different pattern of active and inactive smell-detecting receptors.(1) What did Richard Axel and Linda Buck find out?A. The type of food smells.B. The nature of human olfactory system.C. The logical part of human brain.1) . The relationship between fo

37、od and feelings.2) ) Which of the following can help people concentrate?A. Bread.B. Fast food.C. Pizza.D. Coffee.(3) What do we know from the last paragraph?A. Different peop1e are sensitive to different smells.B. Every person has a different pattern of genes.C. Some people can recognize up to 50 sm

38、ells.D. There are still some olfactory genes to be found out.(4) What is the passage mainly about?A. Logic and behavior.B. Sense ability and food tastes.C. Smell and its influence.I). Olfactory genes and its system.4、【来源】2019年广东东莞市高三二模(D篇)第3235题8分(每题2分)Inside a secured room in a beautiful castle nea

39、r Paris, a small metal cylinder (圆柱体)rests on a shelf beneath a double set of bell jars. It has lain there for more than a century, its rest only occasionally disturbed when (he rooms three key holders perform a coordinated opening ceremony to lei technicians enter and clean this precious piece of m

40、etal.First, the cylinder is rubbed with a piece of soft, alcohol-soaked cloth. Then it is steamed with pure water. Finally, the 1kg cylinder is returned, carefully, to its resting place.Such attention to a lump of metal is unusual, but has a purpose. The castle houses the International Bureau of Wei

41、ghts and Measures and that piece of shining, circular metal is its holiest relic. It is the defining mass (质量)against which all other kilograms are measured. This is Ihe international prototype, or standard, of the kilogram. The IPK, in short.Dozens of carefully weighted copies of the original have

42、been made. They are stored around the world and used to standardise individual nations weights and measures systems.But the days of the IPK, in its current form, are numbered. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures has decided to replace this single physical specimen with a more fundamenta

43、l measurement - based on electric current - in order to define the mass of an object. The king of kilograms is about to be dcihroncd.One key reason fbr doing this work is to provide international security, says Bureau spokesman Paul Robinson. If the castle burned down tomorrow and the kilogram was d

44、estroyed, we would have no reference left for the worlds metric weights system. There would be chaos. The current definition of the kilogram is the weight of that cylinder in Paris, after all.Another major motivation for the replacement of the IPK is the growing need to be able to carry out more and

45、 more precise measurements. Drug companies will soon be wanting to use ingredients that will have to be measured in terms of a few millionths or even billionths of a gram, * says Robinson. nWc need to be prepared to weigh substances with that kind of accuracy.What do we know about the IPK from the f

46、irst two paragraphs?A. It* s cared for with great devotion.B. It* s used in religious ceremonies.C. It* s beautifully designed and decorated.D. Its the most valuable metal in the world.(1) Which of the following best explains dethroned underlined in paragraph 5?A. rebuiltdestroyedB. removedI), upgra

47、ded(2) What is a reason for replacing the current IPK?A. To protect the metal cylinder from damage.B. To make taking measurements more economical.C. To provide all countries with the same standard.D. To satisfy the increasing demand for exactness.(3) What can be a suitable title for the text?A. No m

48、ore kilosA heavy technologyB. The future of the kiloThe history of measures5、【来源】2019年广东东莞市高三二模第3640题10分(每题2分)If you desire to meet new friends, have fun and get into shape, basketball is the best sport for you regardless of whether you are a professional or an amateur. 1 .Here are some of the benefits you can acquire from playing basketball. Improve your fitness levels.Playing basketball will definitely improve your fitness levels. Basketball is an amazing cardiovascular (心血管的)exercise, which is beneficial to people with heart pro


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