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《福建省2023年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力通关提分题库(考点梳理).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省2023年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力通关提分题库(考点梳理).doc(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、福建省福建省 20232023 年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力通关提分题库能力通关提分题库(考点梳理考点梳理)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.IronicB.PassionateC.HumorousD.Matter-of-fact【答案】D2、请阅读 Passage 1。完成第小题。A.The rate of killing has been acceleratingB.The US government forbids imports of both raw and finished ivoryC.They re

2、alized that the killing of elephants is a serious threat totheir tourist businessD.African people advocated an ivory ban【答案】C3、-I was disappointed that you didnt come to my party last night.A.Im notB.I wasntC.I havent beenD.I hadnt been【答案】D4、Which of the following statements is NOT a way of consoli

3、datingvocabulary?A.DefiningB.MatchingC.Gap-fillingD.Labeling【答案】A5、I only know the man by_but I have never spoken to him.A.chanceB.heartC.sightD.experience【答案】C6、Decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to the question:Where did you see him?A.We saw him playing by the riverB.We saw him pla

4、ying by the riverC.We saw him playing by the riverD.We saw him playing by the river【答案】D7、If you want to go to the movie tonight,so_I.A.doB.amC.willD.should【答案】C8、When the Viaduct de Millau opened in the south of France in 2004,this tallest bridge in the world won worldwide accolades.Germannewspaper

5、s described how it“floated above the clouds”with“elegance and lightness”and“breathtaking”beauty.In France,papers praised the“immense”“concrete giant.”Was it merecoincidence that the Germans saw beauty where the French saw heft andpower?Lera Borodisky thinks not.In a series of clever experimentsguide

6、d by pointed questions,Boroditsky is amassing evidence that,yes,language shapes thought.The effect is powerful enough,she says,that“the private mental lives of speakers of different languagesmay differ dramatically,”not only when they are thinking in orderto speak,“but in all manner of cognitive tas

7、ks,”including basicsensory perception.“Even a small fluke of grammar”the gender ofnouns“can have an effect on how people think about things in theworld,”she says.A.The gender of nouns affects how people think about things in theworldB.Germans and Frenchmen think differently about the Viaduct de Mill

8、auC.Language shapes our thoughts and affects our perception of theworldD.There are different means of proving how language shapes ourthoughts【答案】C9、请阅读 Passage 2,完成第小题。A.the growth of exceptional children has much to do with their familyand the societyB.exceptional children are more influenced by th

9、eir families thannormal children areC.exceptional children are the key interest of the family and societyD.the needs of the society weigh much heavier than the needs of theexceptional children【答案】A10、Passage 1A.addressB.ceremonyC.tributeD.faith【答案】A11、Passage 1A.Mixed emotionsB.Great poetsC.Lyric po

10、emsD.Musical forms【答案】C12、Which of the following activities are not communicativeactivities in teaching speaking?A.Information gap activitiesB.Accuracy-focused gamesC.DebatesD.Problem-solving activities【答案】B13、Which of the following is an entailment of the utterance Anniebroke the windowA.Annie was

11、carelessB.Annie was disruptiveC.Annie did something to the windowD.It is Annie who broke the window【答案】C14、_ she heard her grandfather was born in Germany.A.That was from her mumB.It was her mum thatC.It was from her mum thatD.It was her mum whom【答案】C15、If we_our test tomorrow,I would have gone to t

12、he concert.A.werent to haveB.had not been to haveC.arent to haveD.had not had【答案】A16、请阅读 Passage 1。完成小题。A.fairy tales that entertain children at homeB.stories in childrens school textbooks that reinforce the lessonC.science documentaries that explain how nature worksD.movies that depict animals as h

13、aving human characteristics【答案】B17、Passage 2A.People can break through the physical barriers to visit otherplaces across the worldB.Everyone can present himself or herself in any formC.People must be anonymous on the web in order to speak freelyD.The Internet is a much safer place than the real worl

14、d【答案】B18、Despite differences in conversational style,speakers are helpedby automatic patterns in daily interactions such as Hi.Hi,knownas_A.adjacency pairsB.preference structureC.dispreference structureD.insertion sequence【答案】B19、What rhetoric device is used in the sentence This is asuccessful failu

15、reA.SimileB.MetonymyC.MetaphorD.Oxymoron【答案】D20、The consonant f in English can be correctly described as havingthe following phonetic features:_.A.voiceless,bilabial,stopB.voiceless,labiodental,fricativeC.voiced,bilabial,stopD.voiced,labiodental,fricative【答案】B21、The Neutrality of American in the Ear

16、ly World War IIA.theburningoftheReichstagB.GermanplansforconquestC.NazibarbarismD.the persecution of religious groups【答案】A22、The conversational implication of John is a machine as aresponse to What do you think of John is context-bound.Itpossesses all the following distinguishing properties but _.A.

17、non-detachabilityB.calculabilityC.conventionalityD.defeasibility【答案】C23、Which of the following strategies belongs to communicationstrategy?A.When speaking English,the students can realize the mistakes andcorrect themB.The students often talk about their own feelings about learningwith classmates and

18、 teachersC.The students communicate with others by using gestures andexpressionsD.The students use reference books to get more information【答案】C24、Which of the following involves progressive assimilation inconnected speech?A.BagsB.lssueC.One cupD.One cup【答案】A25、Which of the following does not make a

19、good English teacherA.Following strictly the lesson planB.Considering students needs and levelsC.Using very simple and clear instructionsD.Keeping on teaching reflection【答案】A26、For whatever_,don t be late again,or our work will belagging far behind others.A.any reasonsB.a reasonC.reasonD.the reason【

20、答案】C27、I dont mind picking up your things from the store._,the walk will do me good.A.EntirelyB.StillC.OtherwiseD.Besides【答案】D28、Passage 2A.They believe genetically modified crops will harm the farmershealthB.They believe genetic engineering is altogether a bad practiceC.They believe scientific meth

21、ods should be introduced to ensure GMbrings no harmD.They believe GMOs will harm Brazil economically【答案】B29、The Neutrality of American in the Early World War IIA.helptheBritishB.strengthenthenationaldefenseoftheUnitedStatesC.promotetheAtlanticCharterD.avenge Pearl Harbor【答案】B30、Anne Whitney,a sophom

22、ore at Colorado State University,first hada problem taking tests when she began college.I was always wellprepared for my tests.Sometimes I studied for weeks before a test.Yet I would go in to take the test,only to find I could not answerthe questions correctly.I would blank out because of nervousnes

23、s andfear.I couldnt think of the answer.My low grades on the tests didnot show what I knew to the teacher.Another student in biology hadsimilar experiences.He said,My first chemistry test was verydifficult.Then,on the second test,A.to be like a blanketB.to be sure of an answerC.to be unable to think

24、 clearlyD.to show knowledge to the teacher【答案】C31、A systematic textbook evaluation is NOT to examine whether atextbookA.covers all grammatical rulesB.Trovides authentic languageC.matches the needs of learnersD.can help realize the objectives of a language program【答案】A32、I will never know all that wa

25、s in his head at the time,_.A.nor will anyone elseB.nor anyone else willC.nor wont anyone elseD.nor anyone else wont【答案】A33、Which of the following has not the proper word stress?A.defendB.aboveC.windowD.excuse【答案】D34、Which of the following activities can help develop the skill oflistening for gist?A

26、.Listen and find out where Jim livesB.Listen and decide on the best title for the passageC.Listen and underline the words the speaker stressesD.Listen to pairs of words and tell if they are the same【答案】B35、The_approach to writing teaching pays attention to not onlywhat to write,but also how to write

27、.A.product-orientedB.process-orientedC.form-focusedD.meaning-focused【答案】B36、I would have told him the answer,but I()so busy then.A.had beenB.wereC.wasD.would be【答案】C37、When a teacher helps students deal with the information gap ofreal discourse,he/sheprobably aims at developingstudents_.A.linguistic

28、 competenceB.strategic competenceC.discourse competenceD.fluency【答案】D38、请阅读 Passage l,完成此题。A.Text messages have allowed children to learn and feel empathyB.Cell phones have made childrens life at school colorful andexcitingC.Experiencing loneliness or sadness is as beneficial as enjoyinghappinessD.C

29、ell phones may offer people the quickest way to find someone totalk to【答案】C39、The Neutrality of American in the Early World War IIA.becauseGermanydeclaredwarB.becauseJapanwasanallyofGermanyC.afterGermanyhadsignedtheNazi-sovietPactD.after peaceful efforts had failed【答案】A40、请阅读 Passage 2,完成此题。A.Parkin

30、g spacesB.Green beltsC.Distant commutersD.Property developers【答案】A41、When you talk to your boss or to your friends,you use differentwords.We could analyze this phenomenon with_A.social contextB.situation contextC.linguistic contextD.semantic field【答案】B42、The defense works_long ago to keep the enemy

31、away.A.were builtB.has been builtC.had been builtD.was built【答案】D43、Some companies have introduced flexible working time with lessemphasis on pressure _A.than more on efficiencyB.and more on efficiencyC.and more efficiencyD.than efficiency【答案】B44、A student finds it difficult to learn the English sou

32、nds ande.If you are the teacher,which of the following strategies canbe usedA.Explaining how to make the soundsB.Using tongue twistersC.Write them on the blackboardD.Making up sentences【答案】A45、Which of the following is a referential question?A.Where was Yang Liwei born?B.Who is the first Chinese ast

33、ronaut?C.Why do you think Yang Liwei is a great astronaut?D.When did Yang Liwei begin his historic space travel?【答案】C46、How should the teacher deal with students writing errors?A.Teachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabularyand structuresB.Teachers should often show negative att

34、itude towards studentswriting errorsC.Teachers should make corrections for all the writing errors ofstudentsD.Teachers should underline the errors and leave them for students tocorrect themselves【答案】D47、Crash.Shatter.Boom.Crash.Shatter.Boom.Smattering of sillydialogue.Pretty girl screams:A.The girl

35、cant understand the movie she was seeingB.The girl felt scared about the movie she was seeingC.The movie the girl seeing was very thrillingD.The girl couldnt find her father【答案】C48、What do the following sentences practice?A.StressB.ArticulationC.LiaisonD.Intonation【答案】A49、In the early stages of the

36、Audio-lingual Method,the focus ison_ skills,with gradual links to other skills as learningdevelops.A.speakingB.translatingC.readingD.writing【答案】A50、Spoken language is_A.sometimes produced in incomplete sentencesB.produced with correct grammar and good organizationC.generally produced in complicated

37、sentence structuresD.generally produced in more formal,more precise,less commonvocabulary【答案】A大题(共大题(共 1010 题)题)一、根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。下面片段选自某初中英语课堂教学实录。T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Wetalkedabout“Thepresentperfecttense”yesterday,andIhopeyouhavegotsomeideaaboutit.Doyoustillremembertheformsofthetense?S1:H


39、ome.T:Oh,Isee,youmeanyourfatherwenttoHangzhousometimeinthepast,andhehascomebackhomefromthere.Andsinceyourfatherisnotyouyourself,notI,nexttimeyoushouldsay“MyfatherhasbeentoHangzhouandoftentellsusaboutitsbeautifulscenerythere”.OK?请根据该教学片段回答下面三个问题:(1)该教师的教学有哪些优点?写出 2 个即可。(8 分)【答案】(1)该教师的教学有以下 2 个优点:讲授新

40、课之前采用复习法巩固知识,为学生接下来的学习做好铺垫。案例中的教师采用循序渐进的教学方法,先复习语法结构(现在完成时的基本结构),再引申到语法运用(造句),以此来检查学生的掌握情况,帮助学生巩固旧知。合理使用纠错技巧,进行有针对性的教学反馈,以启发引导为主,提高学生的参与度。在案例中该教师采用多种纠错技巧引导学生分辨 have/hasbeento 和 have/hasgoneto,最终使学生掌握其正确用法。(2)该教师发现学生表达错误时,采取了以下四种纠错方式:直接纠错法直接纠错是指学习者出现错误时,教师打断其语言训练或实践活动,对其错误予以正面纠正(说出正确的语言形式,并让学生改正)。教师直

41、接纠错时使用的课堂用语通常有:YoushouldsayNo,youshouldntsaythatReadaftermePayattentiontoOh,youmeanWedontsayinEnglish.Wesay等。该教师在纠正学生的第三人称单数错误以及 hasgoneto 和 hasbeento 的不同用法时直接指出其错误“nexttimeyoushouldsay”。重述法重述是指教师对学生语言表达中的错误进行含蓄纠正,是对学生的表达进行部分肯定之后的纠正。该方法以学生的语言表达为基础,对部分成分或词语进行修正,并保持原表达的意思不变。该教师针对第三位同学的两次表达,首先进行了部分肯定“O

42、h,youalsoremembertheform”,然后分别重述了其正确表达形式“MyfatherhasbeentoHangzhouandoftentellsusaboutitsbeautifulscenerythere”“hehascomebackhomefromthere”。强调法教师在纠正学生的表达时有意重读或拖长出错部分的发音或用升调以表示特别强调。例如:该教师针对学生的语法错误,就对助动词的单数形式 has 进行了着重强调。元语言反馈法元语言反馈是指学生出现言语错误时,教师对学生的错误进行技术上的分析和描述,如指出词类误用、时态错误等。例如:该教师解释助动词应用第三人称单数 has




46、好的英语学习环境,锻炼学生用英语思维的能力;有利于教师自然而然地引出本节课的内容。(2)导入的注意事项:导入时间不宜过长,45分钟的课堂,导入时间 5 分钟左右即可;导入内容尽量与本课所教授的内容相关联,以便更好、更自然地过渡到本节课的学习中来;导人内容要新颖,要有创新,否则达不到导入的效果。(3)“Talkingaboutlikesanddislikes”课堂导入语:T:Hello,everyoneLetSbeginourclassFirst,lookatthepicturesinmyhandsWhichonedoyoulikebestAndwhichonedoyoudislike(Stud




50、。T:Whatdidyourmumdoyesterday,WangLin?S:Mymumbuyedthedressforme.T:Oh,thatisnice.Yourmumboughtitforyou,didshe?S:Yes.T:Wheredidshebuyit?S:Shebuyeditintown.T:Oh,sheboughtitintownforyou.Well,itisverynice.请根据所给材料回答下列三个问题。(1)学生在对话中的语言错误是什么?(4 分)(2)该教师采用什么方式来纠正学生的错误?效果如何?(8 分)(3)教师还可以采用哪些方式纠错?请举例说明。(18 分)【答


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