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《读后续写(通用版)2023高考英语二轮复习重难考点(新题型)突破(通用版)(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《读后续写(通用版)2023高考英语二轮复习重难考点(新题型)突破(通用版)(解析版).docx(26页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、题型六读后续写督【专题导航】目录一、考情解读1二、命题分析预测1三、聚焦核心素养1四、析考情题型突破2五、链高考探究3六、考法解题能力提升10七、名校冲刺11八、精选考点题型专练16类型1无下划线关键词语16类型2有下划线关键词语23一、考情解读提供一段350词以内的材料,要求考生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语和所标出的关键词 语进行续写,成为一篇与给定材料衔接合理、情节和结构完整的短文(150词左右)。二、命题分析预测分析读后续写的题型特点及命题要求可预测,未来高考的写作仍会考查读后续写,文体仍为记 叙文,且多为考生熟悉的题材,续写部分仍以“一波一折”为主要行文特点。三、聚焦核心素养考查考生

2、获取信息、辨别并梳理信息以及对信息进行概括、总结并合理推断的能力;考查考 生沿着文脉、依据文化常识进行创新性思维,并利用丰富的词汇、语法结构、修辞手段和语 篇知识进行创新表达的能力。2 .续写的第二段虽然没有第一篇范文那样跌宕起伏,但也通过环境描写的两个线索stars 和the sounds of sheep让故事完美收尾。六、考法解题能力提升一续写步骤1 .精读文章,确定文章线索。每个作者都有自己独特的写作思路,考生可通过精读文章找到该 篇文章的写作线索,比如文章是以时间为线索还是以空间为线索来写的,这样有利于考生“顺 藤摸瓜”。2 .仔细审题,明确续写要求。要注意短文续写的具体要求,如词数

3、限制、有无标有下划线的关 键词语的使用要求和续写段落的首句提示语,从而做到”心中有数二.回读原文,揣摩续写思路。根据写作要求,快速回读短文,顺着原文作者的思路,结合续写段落 给出的提示语,充分发挥想象,构思完整的故事情节,确定续写段落的思路;若短文中含有带下 划线的关键词语,还要结合这些关键词语,最终确定续写段落的内容。3 .拟写草稿,修改错词病句。在确定了写作思路之后,最关键的就是结合原文内容和提示语拟 写草稿。拟写时,注意句子结构的多样性、语言的丰富性,并通过正确使用句与句之间的连接 词,使所写内容结构紧凑、行文流畅连贯。4 .检查续写内容,誉写文字。打好草稿后,考生要通读自己所续写的内容

4、,检查续写的内容是否 符合逻辑,与原文和续写段落给出的提示语是否连贯,全文的故事情节是否完整。涉及关键词 语的要标注出来,并确认数量是否达到要求。还要检查词数是否达标、标点符号的使用和字 母大小写是否正确等。最后在誉写文字时,务必做到字迹工整、卷面整洁。二方法技巧面对读后续写这一新的写作题型,考生在了解其题型特点、写作步骤之后,还要掌握一定的续 写方法和技巧,这样才能做到得心应手。写作技法1 构织画面,合理自然收尾.建议考生根据原文语境构织故事发展的画面,即事件的起因、经过等。1 ,续写情节一般为故事的高潮或延续,可根据所续写两段的提示语判断第一段发生了什么曲 折事件;再依据上下文逻辑和生活常

5、识找到续写第二段的线索,且第二段一般是故事的结局, 即第一段出现问题,第二段解决问题。2 .续写的内容要积极、健康向上,把人和事物美好的一面展示出来;在第二段结尾处要有恰当 的情感、态度的表达,从而使故事的主题得到升华。3 .针对标有下划线关键词语的题目,构织有关关键词语的画面,与两段的提示语进行匹配,创设 联系,然后判断哪些是属于问题段(第一段)中的词汇,哪些是解决问题段(第二段)中的词汇。写作技法2 善用词句,丰富细节描写描写包括对人物的动作、语言、心理、外貌、性格的描写,以及对环境和场景的描写。它作 为记叙文的一种辅助的表达方式,对增强文章的表现力有重要的作用。它要求考生善于捕捉、 刻画

6、细节,有时还可以用比喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手法。一篇好的作文往往会因为细节描写 而出彩。同样,议论、抒情的表达方式对记叙文主题的展现也有重要的作用。考生要在平时多注意积累各种情绪类、动作类、环境类等细节描写的词语和表达,还要多练 习高级句式和语法结构,提升语言的生动性和丰富性。对于细节描写的一些必备素材详见高 分帮部分。写作技法3 前后呼应,展现语篇连贯考生在续写时,要注意文章前后呼应、衔接自然、意义连贯。内容连贯:续写部分要紧扣所给文本故事大意,与写作意图保持高度一致。语句连贯:在写作时要关注段落内部句与句之间的衔接,续写内容与段落首句之间的衔接、两 个续写段落之间的衔接以及续写段落与所给文本

7、之间的前后呼应。语言风格连贯:续写部分的语言风格要与所给文本的语言风格保持一致。结构连贯:续写完成后要使整篇文章前后呼应、逻辑通顺、结构完整。七、名校冲刺高分突破1 情绪类高级表达表示“开心、快乐、兴奋、激动”1 .宽慰地笑了 smile with relief.突然大笑起来 burst into laughter2 .某人嘴角挂着微笑with a smile on ones lips4,难以形容的开心 a feeling of indescribable joy5嫣然一笑/淡淡一笑 smile sweetly/faintly.使某人心情大好brighten ones mood6 .精神高涨

8、be in high spirits8.心情很好 in a good mood.欣喜若狂 be over the moon/be wild with joy10既兴奋又开a mixture of excitement and happiness.一想到就欣喜若狂 go wild with joy at the thought of11 .Her face was shining with joy.她的脸上洋溢着喜悦。12 .She wore a big smile on her face,她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。14 .The boys heart was overflowing with jo

9、y.这个男孩满心欢喜。15 .Her voice trembled with excitement.她激动得声音颤抖。表示“难过、伤心、沮丧”.强烈的失落感a strong sense of loss1 .陷入绝望 fall into despair3.快要哭了 close to tears4.某人泪流满面 with tears streaming down one*s face5情绪低落 in low spirits6.强忍住泪水 fight back tears.令某人失望的是 to ones disappointment8,感到失望和沮丧 feel disappointed and fr

10、ustrated.擦去某人脸上的泪水wipe tears from ones face9 .Tears roll down his face.眼泪沿着他的面颊流下来。10 .Tears well up in his eyes.他热泪盈眶。11 .Her eyes were filled with tears.她眼里嗡满 了泪水。12 .She wore a big smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。14 .The boys heart was overflowing with joy.这个男孩满心欢喜。15 .Her voice trembled with excite

11、ment.她激动得声音颤抖。表示“难过、伤心、沮丧”.强烈的失落感a strong sense of loss1 .陷入绝望 fall into despair3.快要哭了 close to tears4.某人泪流满面 with tears streaming down one*s face5情绪低落 in low spirits6.强忍住泪水 fight back tears.令某人失望的是 to one*s disappointment7 .感到失望和沮丧 feel disappointed and frustrated9,擦去某人脸上的泪水wipe tears from ones fac

12、elO.Tears roll down his face.眼泪沿着他的面颊流下来。11 .Tears well up in his eyes.他热泪盈眶。12.Her eyes were filled with tears.她眼里嗡满了泪水。13.She sobbed with her face buried in her hands.她掩面啜泣。14.She looked pale and upset.她看起来脸色苍白,一脸苦恼。15.She,s been very depressed and upset about the whole situation.整个境况使她感到非常沮丧, 心烦意

13、乱。表示焦虑、愤怒、恐惧”1 .怒视某人 glare at sb.2.惊恐地 in panic/terror3 .满腔怒火 be filled with anger4.恐惧的感觉 a feeling of fear.忧虑的目光/面容/表情 an anxious look/face/expression5 .His anger boiled over.他的愤怒爆发了。6 .He could hardly/scarcely contain his rage.他几乎控制不住怒火。7 .His voice trembled with anger.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。8 .She felt her s

14、tomach knot with fear.她感到害怕,心都揪紧了。10 .When I saw a snake,! felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak.当我看至U 一条蛇时,我感到非常害怕,以至于我的喉咙发紧,膝盖发软。11 .When a tiger was approaching me, I froze with terror,too scared to move an inch.当只老虎 向我逼近时,我吓得呆住了,一动也不敢动。高分突破2动作类高级表达头部动作1 ,抬头/点头/低头/摇头 rais

15、e/nod/lower/shake ones head.转过头去 turn ones head2 .抬起头来 hold ones head high.羞愧地低着头 hang ones head in shame3 .头部受伤 suffer head injuries手部动作L紧紧拥抱hug tightly.挥舞手臂 wave ones arm2 ,举手 raise one*s hand.把某人抱在怀里hold sb. in ones arms3 .伸出双臂搂着某人put ones arms around sb.4 .He gave her an encouraging pat on the s

16、houlder.他轻拍她肩膀以示鼓励。5 .She leapt out of the back seat, and gave him a hug.她从后座上跳了 出来,给了 他一个拥抱。腿部动作.挣扎着起床 struggle to get out of the bed1 .溜进 slip into/steal into3,摇摇晃晃地站起身来stagger to ones feet4.前往 head for/towards5.冲进 rush into6.漫无目的地在大街上走着walk on the street aimlessly7.1 dragged myself out of bed and

17、 walked into the bathroom.我吃力地从床上爬起来走进浴室。8.He sprang to his feet and rushed after her.他立刻站起来,冲过去追她。 感官动作1,专心地听 listen attentively2.扫视 glance at3 .直视某人的眼睛 look sb. straight in the eye.严肃地说 speak in a serious voice4 .好奇地问 ask with curiosity.自言自语 talk to oneself5 .陷入沉思 be lost in/absorbed in/buried in

18、thought8.She began to hear her own nervous breathing.她开始听到自己紧张的呼吸声。9.He was aware of the wind in his face.他感到风在脸上吹拂。10.She woke to feel a searing pain in her feet.她醒来后感到脚上一阵灼热之痛。11.1 can smell something burning in the kitchen.我闻到厨房里有东西烧焦了。高分突破3环境类高级表达天气2.放晴 clear up1 .雨季 the rainy season3 .暴风雨之夜a st

19、ormy night4 .暴风雨之夜a stormy night5 .一阵清新的微风a fresh breeze5,难 以忍受的热unbearable heat5,难 以忍受的热unbearable heat6.乌云密布 be full of dark clouds.狂风暴雨 fierce/heavy/violent storms7 .下倾盆大雨 be raining cats and dogs9.正在融化的冰 melting ice lO.The sun is shining brightly in the sky.太阳在天空中明亮地照耀着。11.It was freezing cold.

20、Even worse, they lost their way.天气极冷。更糟糕的是,他们还迷路了。地理.山间 小路 a mountain track1 .挡住某人的路block ones way.茂密的森林a dense forest2 .崎岖不平、多石的土地rough, stony ground.The hills are bathed in the sunlight.群山沐浴在阳光下。3 .The water glitters in the sunlight.水面在阳光下闪闪发光。4 .The smell of the sea called up memories of her chil

21、dhood.大海的气息勾起了 她对童年的回 忆。社会环境.繁忙的街道busy streets1 .不断聚集的人群gathering crowds3人来人往 many people coming and going4 .繁忙拥挤的城市 busy and crowded cities.昏暗的路灯灯光下 in the dim light of streetlamps5 .The streets were noisy and full of activity.街上熙熙攘攘,车水马龙。6 .Heavy traffic blocked the road,拥挤的车辆阻塞了 道路。高分突破4人物描写类高级表达

22、外貌描写1.双下巴 a double chin2.粗糙的双手 rough hands3.脸色苍白 a pale face4.中年男子 a middle-aged man5 .留着齐肩发 wear shoulder-length hair.饱经风霜的脸 a weather-beaten face6 .一个衣衫褴褛的姑娘a girl in rags.She is charming when she smiles.她笑起来的时候很迷人。9 .He had beautiful blue eyes I had never seen.他有一双我从未见过的漂亮的蓝眼睛。10 .My uncle is of

23、average/medium height with a pair of thick glasses.我叔叔中等身高,戴一副厚 眼镜。11 .He is about 1.75 meters in height and has broad shoulders.他身高大约一米七五,肩膀宽阔。12 .She is tall and slim with waist-length hair.她又高又苗条,长发齐腰。性格描写.急性子 a short temper1 .不好相处的人a difficult person.乐于助人 be ready to help others2 .容易相处 be easy t

24、o get along with.缺乏 自 信 lack self-confidence6,性格和善 with pleasant personality7,能干且有进取心的capable and aggressive8.She is not only very knowledgeable,but also very helpful.她不但很博学,而且还非常乐于助 人。9.He is really an optimistic character!他真是一个乐观的人!八、精选考点题型专练类型1无下划线关键词语Writing 1阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文

25、。It was lunchtime. Jerry, David, Tom and I went to the dining hall to have lunch. I glanced across the busy cafeteria and saw the new student, Jack. He was holding his plate and waiting in line.David noticed him too. nWhy is the new kid dressed like the headmaster? he asked. Tom and Jerry laughed.Ja

26、cks cool. Hes in my English and history classes, I said. However, I kept the truth that Jack and I had become friends when we worked on a project together. We discovered that we were both enthusiastic readers something I would never admit to Jerry, David and Tom.I saw that Jack was walking toward us

27、. Dont do itjl thought, but in seconds he was at our table. My friends raised their eyebrows. Jerry, David and Tom piled their backpacks on the table and chairs so that there was no space left for another person to sit down. David said JI dont think we have room.”This awkward situation froze the air

28、. I could feel Jack looking at me, but I stared at my lunch as if it had contained precious pearls of wisdom instead of rice and beans. After a long, uncomfortable pause, Jack left. I should have spoken up for him, but I couldnt walk away from my three friends, could I?Jack didnt speak to me after t

29、hat meeting. He was soon hanging around with another group of kids. A few months later, I saw an announcement about Jack being chosen to be president of the school book club. I was happy fbr Jacks achievement, but I realized I had made a big mistake when I said nothing at the lunch table that day. W

30、hy was I so afraid that my friends might find out that I like to read?As I stared at the announcement, I knew I needed to apologize to Jack - even if he did not want to become my friend again. I thought that my three friends would not agree. I also thought that I risked losing them as well. However,

31、 I knew that I would lose myself if I did nothing. 注意:L续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Paragraph 1:As the dismissal bell rang, I gathered up my books, took a deep breath, and went to find Jack.Paragraph 2:Jack nodded, and then mentioned my threefriends.【文章大意】Jack是一位新来的学生,他热爱阅读,作者和他成了朋友。有一天在餐厅Jack朝作者走了 过来,但是作

32、者的一个朋友却拒绝Jack就座。作者能感觉到Jack在看他,但作者却什么都没 说。至此,二人形同陌路。几个月后Jack成了校读书俱乐部主席,作者想要去给Jack道歉.。 【写作指导】考生需要认真阅读故事,抓住主题“友谊”和五个关键人物的性格特征以及事件,结合续写 两段给出的首句,合理构思故事的走向,让故事富有逻辑性且意义完整。整篇写作应以一般过 去时为主。根据续写第一段首句并结合材料最后一段可以推断,续写第一段应讲述作者去找Jack道 歉的事。再结合材料中提到的作者喜爱阅读、Jack成了校读书俱乐部主席及续写第二段中的 “Jack nodded”可推知,考生应在本段写出作者提出加入读书俱乐部的

33、想法。而续写第二段首句Jack nodded, and then mentioned my three friends”则表明 Jack 心胸宽 广,不计前嫌,同意了作者的请求。考生需要在本段构思一个能巧妙帮助作者解决与三个朋友 之间可能出现的隔阂的好方法,并给故事一个合理的结局。【参考范文】Paragraph 1:As the dismissal bell rang, I gathered up my books, took a deep breath, and went to find Jack. A wave of uncertainty overwhelmed me. On the w

34、ay to Jacks classroom, I had butterflies in my stomach. However, urged by the strong feelings of guilt, I quickened my pace. The classroom door opened. Here came Jack. Looking into his eyes, I made an apology, explaining that I wanted to join the school book club.Paragraph 2:Jack nodded, and then me

35、ntioned my three friends. With hesitation, I had no idea how to answer him. Seeing through my mind, Jack smiled and put forward a good idea. The next day, we were having lunch when Jack approached, holding a notice to recruit new members, saying that if someone wanted to join the club, he must take

36、three other students to form a group. To my surprise, my friends were also interested in the book club. In a flash, Jack and I beamed at each other.Writing 2阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Ada! Milk! Mama called.It was Adas turn to get milk. Ada sighed and shut her first-aid book.Her head ached

37、 from reading in the dim morning light, but how else could she learn?Ada tied the cow close to a tree. Somewhere down the mountain, some volunteer doctors were teaching medical skills to village nurses. Ada heard Doctor Betty drive off hours ago/She should have taken me with her. She thinks Im too y

38、oung, but shes wrong. I am already 16!”Ada thought.Ada carried the milk back to Mama,and then wandered up the road. Roy,a village boy,got a donkey, and some kids gathered around to see it. Roy was always doing something to get attention. He was trying to stand on the animals bare back.No wonder they

39、 dont trust kids with anything important, Ada thought,sighing. She had just turned away when she heard a thud and a few screams. Roy lay on the ground nearby moaning in pain. The donkey stood several meters away.Roy! The kids nearby ran towards him.Get Betty/ one said. Ada shook her head”Bettys gone

40、 to the city.n The other kids seemed frozen.Ada ran to where Roy was lying. She dropped to her knees on the dusty road.Roy! Can you hear me?n Roy moaned in agony. Ada saw that one of his legs was crooked,bent a little sideways between the knee and the ankle. A broken leg!She remembered what the firs

41、t-aid book had said about broken legs: if there is no ambulance,straighten the bone before moving the victim. There certainly wouldnt be any ambulance here. Ada looked back up the road. The other kids were still standing there,watching.” Victor!” Ada called to one of the boys.nGo and get Roys mama,a

42、nd find someone with a truck. She turned to the others.Give me your shirts. We need something to tie his leg with.” 注意:L续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Paragraph 1:Ada then found a strong stick, which she would use to keep his leg straight.Paragraph 2:The next day, Betty came to Adashome.【文章大意】四、析考情题型突破一考情概况

43、L题型介绍。浙江高考首次涉及读后续写这一题型,从2016年10月到2021年1月浙江的9 次高考英语的写作中,有7次考查读后续写;且2020年新高考I (山东)也考查了该题型。预计 在以后的新高考中,考查读后续写的概率很大。2 .命题规律。读后续写的语篇类型通常是记叙文,题材多取自日常生活经历,故事性较强,如 2021年1月浙江卷中作者的妈妈拍摄的视频上传到网上后意外走红的经历;2018年6月浙江 卷中的暑假与父亲在农场骑马的经历。故事的发展虽然曲折,但起伏并不多,适合中学生的心 理年龄,易被广大考生接受和理解,体现了高考的”基础性、应用性、综合性、创新性”四大原 则。3 .新高考I (山东)

44、与浙江考查该题型的差异。新高考I (山东)卷和浙江卷的读后续写在题目 要求上有一定的不同。新高考I (山东)卷的读后续写要求考生根据已知短文内容和所给的段 落开头续写两段,使短文完整;而浙江卷的读后续写除此之外,还要求考生使用短文中标有下 划线的10个关键词语中的至少5个,在续写完成后,还要将所使用的关键词语用下划线标出, 这在一定程度上限制了考生的思维方向,防止考生漫无边际地进行发散性思维。相比较而言, 新高考I (山东)卷的读后续写没有画线词的约束,试题的开放度更高,留给考生更大的想象空 间。二命题特点读后续写要求考生在阅读理解的基础上,对故事进行续写,是语言输入“与“语言输出”有机结 合

45、的一种题型,也是考查考生语言综合运用能力的一种新式高考题型。该题型主要考查考生 三个方面的能力:1 阅读理解能力。首先,要把握故事的写作意图和目的以及作者对人物、事件的情感和态度; 其次,对故事情节的起承转合要了然于胸;再次,对整个语篇的行文结构和写作手段要心中有 数;最后,熟悉作者为了突出写作主题和意图而采用的写作手法。这一切都是考生对故事的发 展和结局进行合理想象并进行读后续写的前提。2 .书面表达能力。首先,考生要围绕写作主题,遵循作者的情感态度和故事情节,对故事的发展 和结局进行合理想象,对故事情节进行合理设置;然后,使用准确的词汇和语法结构以及合理 的语篇结构进行叙事表意。3 .创新

46、思维表达能力。该题型要求考生在理解阅读材料的同时,在原文脉络和语言特点的框架Ada是一个16岁的女孩,她想跟着村里的志愿者医生Betty学习医学,却被Betty以年纪 太小为由拒绝了。一天,淘气顽皮的Roy从毛驴背上摔了下来,摔断了腿。然而,医生Betty不 在村里,周围没有一个会实施急救的医疗人员。情急之下,Ada准备按照急救书上的知识给 Roy简单包扎,并让小伙伴去叫人来帮忙。【写作指导】根据材料最后的We need something to tie his leg with”可知,Ada要给Roy实施急救。再 根据续写部分的段落开头语可知,续写的核心内容是Ada如何对Roy实施急救以及B

47、etty对 Ada救人行为的肯定。按照读后续写正向发展的逻辑,Ada的热心行为应该得到表扬。续写第一段:由开头语可知,本段主要续写Ada用棍子对Roy实施急救的过程。根据材料 中的Go and get Roys mama,and find someone with a truck”可知,可以添力口 Roy 的妈妈对 Ada 表示感谢,最后上车前往医院等细节描写。续写第二段:由开头语可知,第二天,Betty来到Ada家。本段可以从Betty对Ada的认可, 同意Ada去上医学课,教她医术等方面进行描写。【参考范文】Paragraph 1:Ada then found a strong stick

48、, which she would use to keep his leg straight. She gently wrapped the shirt around Roys broken leg and the stick. Roy was clearly in a lot of pain and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Ada tried to comfort Roy, “1 know it hurts. Hold on. Youll be taken to the hospital immediately.n Then came Roys mama, followed by a villager driving a truck. Roys mother ran to Ada and held Adas hands, nThank you, Ada,” she said. Ada helped them get Roy into t


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