人教版八年级上册英语Unit 1 单元综合测试卷(含答案).docx

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1、Unit 1 Where did you on vacation?综合测试(满分120 时间90分钟)一.词汇运用(每小题I分,共10分)A)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1. Cindy(似乎)very excited when she heard the news (消 息).2. Li Xiang(想矢口道)why you didn91 go to his birthday party.2.1 saw a group of(鸭子)swimming in the river.4. His(日 i己)and letters came out last year.5. Molly, h

2、elp(你自己)to some oranges.B)根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。6. Mike didnt have breakfast this morning, so he is h now.7. Susan d this kind of music because its too noisy.8.1 washed my socks last night, and they are still w now.9. Can you tell me some d between these two languages?10. When F m free, I like to spen

3、d m of my time reading.二.完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。1 .我有一些重要的事情要告诉你。I have to tell you.2 .我在农场里看到相当多的奶牛。I saw cows on the farm.3 . Sam坚持每天跑步半个小时。Sam for half an hour every day.4 . Helen买这条连衣裙是因为它的颜色漂亮。Helen bought the dress its beautiful color.5 .这附近有什么安静的地方吗?Is there near here?三、单项选择(每小题1分

4、,共20分)()1. Mike enjoys reading. He thinks reading is enjoyable activity.A. aB. anC. theD.不填()2. Mr. White got wet because he forgot to take a(n).A. eraser B. brushC. umbrellaD. candle( )3.1 bought two notebooks for. I also bought one for.A. me; myselfB. you; myselfC. me; yourselfD. you; yourself)4.

5、Fm very. Let*s go somewhere to have a meal.A. quiet B. scaredC. luckyD. hungry)5. Most of the students went to play on the playground. Only of them stayed in the classroom.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little)6. 一Its time to have our lesson. Is here?No, Miss Smith. Bert and Jason arent here.A. someone

6、 B. anybodyC. nobodyD. everyone)7. 一Novak Djokovic is a famous tennis player.A tennis player? I dont like tennis. And I know about him.A. something B. anything C. nothingD. everything)8.1 dont know Bilfs sister. I really what she looks like.A. wish B. learnC. wonderD. describe)9. We might no longer

7、need paper money one day WeChat Wallet and Alipay.A. because B. since C. as D. because of)10. My grandparents decided in the countryside, because it is quiet there.A. living B. to live C. live D. lived)11.1 think the job is. It always makes me feel.A. boring; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; boring

8、 D. bored; bored)12. 一Have you read todays newspaper?一Yes. Its really boring. There is.A. something new B. nothing new C. anything new D. everything new )13. beautiful song it is!Yes. It is Taylor Swifts new song.A. How B. What C. What a D. How a)14. Can you understand me, Tony?一Yes, madam. You spea

9、k that I can follow you.A. enough clear B. clear enough C. so clear D. so clearly )15. was the food in that new restaurant?一It tasted good.A. How B. What C. Where D. When)16. Lisa doesn51 live here now. She to Hangzhou last year.A. moveB. movedC. moves D. is moving)17.me, please. V 11 get dressed an

10、d go with you.A. Wait for B. Look atC. Ask for D. Shout at)18. Li Hua doesnt feel like. She just wants to stay at home and watch the movie Captain Marvel.A. to go outB. going out C. to wake up D. waking up)19. Rick is good at Chinese. He to learn it at the age of 4.A. beginsB. beganC. wantsD. wanted

11、()20.What do you think of the life in the country?A. Wonderful B. No problem C. Good luck D. Thats right四.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Junes dad led whale trips on summer vacation. He took people out to see whales. After eating, Junes dad took her to the dock(码头)quickly. Junes friend Cole was here, too.Before th

12、e boat left the dock, June gave out life jackets and 1 Cole asked if they could see whales. June told him that her dad could find the 2 place for them and one time she saw nine. Just then, June saw fins(鳍) 3 from the water. Look at the whales!”Cole and June watched the whales 4 their huge fins. Cole

13、 looked at the water. He then heard a 5 as the whales hit the water with their fins. Dad says whales talk like that, “June said. I like these whales! ” Cole said.Next, a whale swam to the boat 6 . It was about 40 feet long. The whale waved its fins 7 it saw people on the boat. The people seemed to f

14、eel its joy. They smiled and clapped their 8.Later on, two whales jumped up and then dived(潜)back in at the same time. Then the whales swam one after another. It was 9 to see whales jumping and playing! The whales gave Cole and June the trip of a lifetime,then 10 , What an amazing experience!( )1. A

15、. maps()2. A. best( )3. A. turning up()4. A. push()5. A. voice( )6. A. quietly()7. A. before()8. A. heads()9. A. terrible( )10. A. disappearedB. booksC. picturesD. giftsB. highestC. coldestD. farthestB. taking upC. rising upD. getting upB. liftC. washD. waveB. noiseC. soundD. musicB. happilyC. caref

16、ullyD. patientlyB. unlessC. ifD. afterB. handsC. eyesD. armsB. surprisingC. interestingD. nervousB. movedC. hurtD. slept五、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)ADear Henry,How was your vacation to Malaysia last week? Did you and your brother see anything special there? Im in South Africa with my parents and my sister Lau

17、ra now. Its very hot here.Were staying in a camp, not far from Cape Town. Every day we wake up early and leave the camp at 6 a.m. Our guide, Tony, takes us to different places. Yesterday, he took us to a river. There were different kinds of animals there, like elephants, lions, monkeys and giraffes.

18、 Before leaving, we saw something terrible. Four lions came out and started to run after a young giraffe. It soon fell down (摔住ij) and the lions killed it. Laura kept her eyes closed (闭上的)all the time.Tomorrow were going to see an African dance performance (表 演). Its going to be fun.Fil be back home

19、 next Friday. See you soon.Heniy Welles Kensington 15 W8 7NPYours, LondonWilliam England根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )1. The postcard will go to.A. Cape TownB. London C. LauraD. William()2. Who is Tony?A. Williams father. B. Williams guide. C. Henrys brother. D. Henrys friend.()3. What does the underlined word If

20、9 refer to?A. The monkey.B. The elephant.C. The lion.D. The giraffe.()4. Laura closed her eyes probably (彳艮可自旨)because she felt.A. afraidB. boredC. shyD. tired()5. When will William go back home?A. Tonight.B. Tomorrow. C. This Friday. D. Next Friday.BLast week I went to Corsica with my friends on va

21、cation. It was my first visit to the island! We took the ship from Toulon, France, to the city Ajaccio. Although Toulon and Ajaccio seemed quite close, it took us eight hours. We chatted and played card games to kill time.When we got there, I got a surprise because of the weather. It was already Oct

22、ober! But we just needed to wear T-shirts and shorts. We went to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and some of my friends even went swimming in the sea. The Corsican scenery(风景)was so beautiful. We had a picnic, went for a long walk along the coast and took lots of pictures.Ajaccio is famous for being

23、 Nepoleons birthplace, so we also went to the Maison Bonaparte. It was the home of the Bonaparte family. In fact, it was a museum when we visited it.One day we took the local train to another beautiful city named Corte. We visited the citadel(城堡)and the museum where we learnt more about Corsican his

24、tory and enjoyed the beautiful views of the city.The food in Corsica was fantastic and we often visited the market to taste something delicious. We also went to the local restaurant for dinner and ate fresh seafood. At the end of the trip, we were very sad to leave and I hope to return to Corsica ag

25、ain some day.( )6. How did the writer go to Ajaccio?A. By air. B. By ship. C. By train. D. By bus.()7. How was the weather in Ajaccio?A. Hot. B. Dry. C. Cold. D. Rainy.()8. What did NOT the writer do in Corte?A. He didnt enjoy the views.B. He didnt visit the museum.C. He didnt have a picnic.D. He di

26、dnt visit the citadel.()9. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writer had a wonderful time in Corsica.B. The writer didn*t like eating the local food.C. The writer only visited one museum during the trip.D. The food in Corsica wasnt good.( )10. Whats the best title for this passage?A. Ways

27、 to kill time.B. The food in Corsica.C. A trip to Corsica.D. A weekend.cr m Candy. I went on a trip to Paris this summer. I stayed there for two weeks with my mother.Going to Paris was very special for me because it was my first time on a plane! I was so excited and also a little afraid. My mother m

28、ade all the plans (计戈U). We didn, t book a hotel. Hotels are very expensive in Paris. We stayed at my aunts house near Paris, so I could visit the city every day with my mother.The weather was hot but I didnt mind (介意)because there were so many things to do and I didrT t get bored! I loved it from t

29、he first day I arrived. It was a great feeling to walk in Paris. The city was like a big museum.First we visited some very famous (著名的)places like the Champs-Elysees and the Eiffel Tower. Then we went to the Louvre Museum. We saw one of the most famous paintings in the world 一 the Mona Lisa”. At las

30、t we took the train to visit Disneyland. We took lots of pictures. The best ride was Space Mountain.I had a wonderful time in Paris and I loved everything about this city. I will go there again next summer. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )11. Candy went to Paris.A. one week agoB. two weeks agoC. with her aunt D. wi

31、th her mother()12. What does the underlined word book in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A.设计B.装饰 C.预订D.评价( )13. Candy took a lot of pictures in.A. the Champs-ElyseesB. the Eiffel Towerthe Louvre MuseumD. Disneyland()14. What do we know about Candy?A. She liked the hot weather.B. She liked walking in Pa

32、ris.C. She disliked making plans.D. She disliked taking a plane.()15. Whats the best title for the passage?A. My trip to ParisB. My summer plansC. My first time on a planeD. My favorite place in Paris六、阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)如何开启成功的旅行If you plan to go camping, youd better make sure you have prepared

33、the correct things to make your trip a success. But how can you make sure you*ve taken the right things. 1You should have a good and strong tent. Besides, reach your campsite(营地)a few hours before night falls.2 Many sleeping bags are made to keep campers warm and dry. However, if sleeping on the gro

34、und is not your style, dont forget to bring a small folding bed instead.Do not forget to bring a power bank with you. Your mobile phone can help you a lot when camping. 3 The most important thing is that it can save you in dangerous situations. So make sure to take a power bank before leaving to mak

35、e sure your phone wont be out of power.A flashlight is another tool you will need. 4 A light shining in the dark can be a signal for help. Also, remember to pack extra batteries for the flashlight.Do not rush out and buy expensive things for your first trip. Because many things may not be used after

36、 you use them once. Then, if you have a good time, you can start to gather your own set of camping gear(装备).A. Keep safety in mind.B. Here is some advice for it.C. Prepare a comfortable bed.D. You may get lost at night during a camp.E. Borrow as much as you can from your friends.F. You can use it to

37、 take photos or connect with your family.七、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)It was a sunny day. Little Sam was very happy, because he could go shopping 1. his mom. In 2. middle of the center, he saw four mirrors. Sam 3.(come) and stood in front of the first one. Oh, no! The boy in the mirror was not him. He w

38、as shorter and 4.(fat). Then Sam came to another mirror. This time he was very thin and tall and his 5.(arm) and legs were very long. He was not him, either. In the third mirror, Sam was tall with a long neck. Sam looked at 6.(him) and laughed. That was too funny! Mom laughed, too. While his mother

39、7.(laugh), Sam was walking to the last mirror/Took, Mom, Samsaid excitedly, Its me. Pm not tall or short. Pm of medium height. That is good.”“What makes me look 8.(difference) in the other three mirrors ? ” Sam thought fbr a while and then asked his mother 9. (serious). “ScienceMom said. Science is

40、so magic! ” Sam said, “I want 10. (study) science. When I grow up, I want to be a scientist.”Sometimes a kids interest about something appears by accident.八、书面表达(满分20分)下节英语口语课老师要求你们分享你和家人出去游玩的一次经历,请你根据以下提示,写一篇短文, 介绍一下你的旅行经历,为口语课活动做准备。提示:1. Where did you go?2. What did you do?3. What did you see or h

41、ear?4. What did you think of the trip?要求:L内容应包含所有提示,可适当发挥;2.语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;3.词数不少于100o参考答案一 1 seemed4. diaries5. yourself6. hungry7. dislikes8. wet9. differences 10. most二 1. something important4. because of三.1-5 BCBDA 6-10 BCCDB四.l.A五.1-52. quite a few 3. keeps running5. anywhere quiet11-15 ABCCA

42、 16-20 BABBA.A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. ABBDAD 6-10 BACAC 11-15 DCDBA2. wonders / wondered 3. ducks六.l.B 2. C 3. F 4. D 5.E七、1. with 2. the 3. came 4. fatter 5. arms 6. himself 7. was laughing 8. different9. seriously 10. to study八Last Sunday, my family and I had a trip to Shanghai. We

43、 arrived there early in the morning. It was sunny.First we visited the Shanghai Art Museum because I am interested in drawing. It was really big and I saw many paintings there. I also learned about some stories behind the paintings from the guide. How exciting! We stayed there for three hours. After

44、 that, we ate something special like Soup Dumplings for lunch. They were very delicious. In the afternoon, we went to Shanghai Disneyland Park. There were lots of visitors, so we only walked across Mickey Street and tried Peter Pans Flight. We took many photos there.What a great day! All of us had a good time.


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