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1、八年级上册英语UnitlO综合测试卷时间:120分钟满分:120分听力部分(25分)一、听小对话,选择与其意思相符的图片。听两遍。(5分)()1.What does Alice want to be?二、情景反应。听句子,选择正确的应答语。听两遍。(5分)C.It is nice.)6.A.It doesnt matter.B.Im sorry to hear that.)7.A.IH play tennis.B.Thats a good idea.C.Lets go.)8.A.Shc will be happy.B.I went to Beijing.C.I like pandas best

2、.)9.A.It costs too much.)10.A. You are welcome.B.No problem. C.Thanks for your help.B.I want some school things. C.Twice a week.三、听小对话,选择最佳答案。听两遍。(5分)()11 .Why didnt Cindy go to Lindas birthday party?A.Because she was busy.B.Because she was ill. C.Bccause she wasnt invited.()12.What day is it today?

3、A.Its Tuesday. B.Its Wednesday. C.Its Thursday()13.Where might the woman go first?A.To the park.B.To the school. C.To the supermarket.()14.What docs the boys mother mean?A.He cant go out.B.He can come home late. C.He should come home early.()15.How many students spoke at the class meeting?A. Four.B.

4、Five.C.Six.四、听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最住答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(10分)听下面一段对话,回答第16至第17两个小题。()16.Whats the relalionship(关系)between the two speakers?A.Classmates.B.Doctor and nurse.C.Mother and son.)17.How much money did Amy get in her drcam?A.One thousand dollars. B.One million dollars. C.Ten

5、 million dollars.听下面一段对话,回答第18至第19两个小题。()18.Why cant the girl wear jeans?A.Her jeans arent new.B.The boy doesnt let her wear them.C.The teachers wont let her in.()19.What can they do at the party?A.Watch videos. B.Play games. C.Drink some wine.听下面一段独白,回答第20至第22三个小题。()2().What did Wang Qiang do after

6、 he had an idea?A.He watched movies about growing vegetables.B.Hc bought lots of fruit.C.He watched programs about growing fruit.()2l.How long did he work on a farm?A.For one year.B.For two years. C.For three years.()22.When did he start his own fruit farm?A.In 2013.B.In 2014.C.In2015.听下面一段对话,回答第23至

7、第25三个小题。()23.When will the movie start?A.At 5:10 this afternoon. B.At 7:30 this evening. C.At 8:00 this evening.)24.What wont Eric do if he goes to the movie?A.Wash his uniform.B.Do his homework. C.Play computer games.()25.Docs Eric have to wear his uniform tomorrow?A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesnt. C.

8、We dont know.笔试部分(95分)五、单项选择。(15分)()26.-Your mother looks very .What happened?-I broke her favorite cup this morning.A.seriousB.angry C.careless D.surprised()27.Most senior middle school students wish to go to college some day.A.aB.anC./D.the()28.Hainan Wenchang Chicken.Many people like eating it.A.

9、is famous forB.is good at C.is popular with D.is famous as()29. this empty bottle away and me a full one.A.Take;bringB.Bring;take C.Takeitake D.Bring;bring()30.-The air pollution is terrible.-It will be worse we take action to protect the environment.A.ifB.unlessC.untilD.when()31 .-Jack,do you know

10、when is a good time milk?-Morning,! think.A.drinkB.drinksC.drinking D.to drink( )32.Qingdao is a good place. You can go and visit it if you have a .A.chanceC.drinkD. moneyB.minute()33.1 wonder if it is going to rain next week.If it ,1 have to stay at home.A.isB.do C.doesD.will()34.-Do you know if he

11、 to play basketball with you tomorrow?-I think he if he free.A.comes;come;isB.will come;will come;isC.will come;comes;will be D.conies;will come;is()35.-Lily, can you help a party?-No problem.I am good at it.A.organizeB.show C.send D.give()36.Our class a big one. And half our class from Sichuan.A.is

12、;comc B.arc;come C.is;comes D.are;comes()37.1 think Im going to jeans to the party.A.wearB.dressC.in D.put on()38. Yesterday we kept for her for two hours.A.wait B.waiting C.to wait D.waitcd()39.The bag of rice is heavy for Tom to carry.Lets go and help him.A. veryB.too C.so D.much( )40.Mr.Liu gave

13、me on how to learn English.A.a advice B.an advice C.a piece of advice D.some advices六、完形填空。(10分)Many parents buy everything iheir children want.lf they go on(继续)doing so,lhe children wont know that money 41 from hard work.When they grow up,they will waste (浪费)money but not 42 it.Some parents like ha

14、ving birthday parties 43 their children. If they go on doing so,the children will think they 44 enjoy birthday parties every year.They may forget their parents birthdays and only remember 45 own birthdays.Many parents dont let their children do housework.Thcy think children have only one thing 46 .T

15、hey should study hard 47 be good at their lessons.If parents go on doing so, children will think their parents should do- 48 and wont like cleaning the floor or the desk 49 they find a job.Parents should teach children to do housework because it can make them 50 and help them like work.()41 .A. keep

16、sB.leavesC.comesD.gocs(B.takeC.makeD.cost(B.withoutC.toD.for(B.shouldC.mayD.would(B.thcyC.themD.themselves(B.to doC.didD.doing()47. A. butB.alsoC.andD.so(B.homeworkC.shoppingD.reading()49. A. afterB. beforeC.untilD.dll()50. A.boredB.nervousC.sadD.hcalthy七、阅读理解。(30分)Mr.Hunt had a bookshop near a hosp

17、ital.But he never went to see a doctor when he was ill.He usually just took some medicine. One day,when Mr.Hunt carried a box of books in his hands,the box fell down and hurt one of his feel.Go to see a doctor,“said Mrs.Hunt.No, he said Ill wait until a doctor comes here next time.Thcn Ill ask him a

18、bout my foot.Th is way Ill pay nothing to him.A few days Iater,a doctor came into the shop and bought some books.When Mr.Hunt got the books ready, he asked the doctor about his foot.The doctor answered him at once.Here are your books,sir,said Mr.Hunt.You must pay two pounds for them.Ill pay nothing

19、tor them.”Oh, why?”I told you about your foot.I want two pounds for that/()51.Mr.Hunt is aA. workerB.driver C.booksellerD. fanner()52.Mr.Hunt usually just took some medicine,becauseA.he was also a doctorB.he didnt know any doctorsC.hc lived far from the hospital D.he wanted to pay nothing to doctors

20、()53.Mr.Hunt wanted toA.be friends with a doctor B.wait for a doctor coming into his shopC.give a doctor some books D.show some books to a doctor()54.Thc doctor came into the shop to .A.buy some booksB.look at Mr.Hunts footC.answer Mr.Hunts questionD.pay for some books()55.At last .A.the doctor paid

21、 two pounds for the booksB.lhe doctor paid nothingC.Mr.Hunt paid two pounds to the doctor D.the doctor didnt help Mr.HuntBWei Huixiao is a very beautiful woman.She was an officer on Chinese aircraft carrier(Liaoning.Soon her great story became popular among people.Wei was bom in 1977 in Guangxi,Chin

22、a.She always wanted to do something more meaningful.After graduating(毕业)from Nanjing University,she worked for four years. Then she went to Sun Yat-Sen University to go on studying for her PHD(博士学位)in 2007. During her study in this university, she wrote a letter to recommend herself for working on C

23、hinese aircraft carrier LiaoningThis aircraft carrier is the biggest stage for every Chinese offlcer.My dream is to spend my days fighting the wind and waves,she wrote in her letter.Many people didnt understand what Wei Huixiao wanted.She could get a better job because she was so great. Some even to

24、ld her that she was crazy. Ho we ver,she knew exactly what she wanted to do.In the end,Wei Huixiaos drcam came true and she became the first woman officer with aPHD on Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning.()56.Wei Huixiao went to Sun Yat-Sen University at the age of .A.20B.24C.28D.30()57.The underlined

25、 wordrecommendhere means44A.推荐B.培养C.训练D.试用()58.Why did Wei always want to become an officer on Chinese aircraft carrierLiaoning?A.Because she wanted to get a better job.B.Because it could help her finish her PHD.C.Because she liked traveling on the sea.0.Because she thought it meant a lot to her.( )

26、59.Which of the following is the right order about Wei according to the passage?She went to Sun Yat-Sen University to go on studying for her PHD.She became the first woman officer with a PHD on Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning.She wrote a letter lo introduce herself for working on the aircraft carr

27、ier.She worked for four years after graduating from Nanjing University.A.B.D.( )60.What can we know from the passage?A.Wei Huixiao is a very great woman.B.Wei was born in Guangxi and she got a job there.C.A11 people know what her drcam is.D.Wei is the first woman officer on the aircraft carrier.CBuy

28、ing gifts for teenagers can be hard at times.A bad gift can send the wrong message.A good gift shows that one understands the teenager well. 61 The following are two helpful ideas.Think about your friend*s hobbies and interests.Don*t choose a gift by only thinking about your own hobbies and intcrest

29、s.Think more about your friends hobbies and interests. 62 If he likes playing the guitar,you can buy him a book about playing the guitar.These types of gifts show that you are interested in his talent and support him. 63A special experience is a good choice.Some of the best gifts arc good expcriencc

30、s._64_Conccrt tickets and travel tickets all make unforgettable experiences.Learn about your friends favorite singer and pay attention to the upcoming concerts of the singer. 65 He will even remember this type of gift forever.根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。A. Give your friend something

31、 that will be in his mind forever.B.If he likes painting,you can buy some paintbrushes and paints for him.C.Do you find it hard to choose a good gift fbr your best friend?D.You can buy two tickets and go with him.E.If your friend has no special likes its usually safe fbr you to give him a book or a

32、CD.F. Youd better make a gift by yourself instead of buying it.G.Sometimes you can also ask your other friends for help.61. 62. 63. 64. 65. .八、短文填空,从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空。(10分)poor,like,know,soniething,afraid,hard,problem,fat,exercise,canHi,Elle!I have some problems! Youre so smart and always 66 what

33、to do,so I hope you can help me. First,my parents are very strict and they wont let me do 67 on my own.They are really angry with me because of my 68 gradesdont know how to let them know that their pressure (压 力)is making it 69 for me to do well in school.Second,my friends at school are always tryin

34、g to get me to do things I 70 .1 want to do what I like and make my own decision.1 want to talk to them but 1 am 71 I may lose those friends. Third,Im worried about my health.I think Im getting before.Is it because I eat too much junk food and never 72 than 73 ?All these 74 arc making me feel very u

35、pset.What 75 I do?Please help me!Yours,Sandra66. 67. 68 69. 70. .71. 72. 73. 74. 75. .九、补全对话。(有两项多余)(5分)A:Hey,Larry!Are we going to the beach this Saturday?B:Im not sure.It depends on the weather.76. .A:What will we do if its not fine?B:I think well have to stay at home.A:77. .B:How about playing ca

36、rds at home?A:Thal,s a good idea.78. .B:Really?A:Ycah!Playing cards is very exciting.B:79. .A:Our grandparents like playing cards.Surely they will join us.B:Oh,I remember our cousin Li Qiang is good at playing cards.Maybe he will join us,too.A:Yes,you are right.80. .B:Great!Lets play cards at home t

37、his Saturday.A:OK.Good idea!A.If so,who will join us?B.If its fine,well go there.C.Who will you go with?D.YesJd love to.E.If we do th at, more people will join us.F.What will we do at home then?G.If all of them come,weH have a great time.十、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分).除非我们仔细点,否则我们不能把工作做好。 we arc careful, w

38、e can t do our work .81 .当你学英语时不要怕犯错。Dont be afraid of when you learn English.82 .昨天下午凯文没有告诉别人这条消息。Kevin the news yesterday afternoon.83 .我们说与人分担一个烦恼就像把麻烦分成两半。We say that a problem is like it.84 .因此你只要跟人聊这个问题,你就已经解决了问题的一半。So youre a problem just by talking to someone aboutit.十一、书面表达。(15分)假如你是Karen,你

39、的父母在学习上对你很严格,除了学习你很少有自由时间做 自己喜欢的事。你为此很苦恼,请你给英文电台知心姐姐栏目组写封信讲述自己 的苦恼并寻求她的帮助。要求:1.语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥70词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sister Known,Yours,Karen听力材料一、听小对话,选择与其意思相符的图片。听两遍。1 .M:Do you want to be a pilot in the future, Al ice?W:No.I hope to be a pianist.2 .W:How can we make the tea more delicious,Dad

40、?M:We can add some honey to it.Itll help.3 .W:Jack,do you often take exercise?M:Yes,I run every day and I go swimming every Sunday.4 .W:Its 9:30 now.Whcn will you finish your math homework,Dick?M:I think its possible for me to finish it at ten oclock.5 .W:Im going to wash the dishes after dinner.Wha

41、t about you.Paul?M:Fm going to do some reading before I go to bed.二、情景反应。听句子,选择正确的应答语,听两遍。1.1 lost my wallet on the way to school.7 .What are you going to do after school?8 .What will happen if we go to visit grandma tomorrow?9 .Can you give me some advice on learning English?I O.What can I do for y

42、ou,young man?三、听小对话,选择最佳答窠。听两遍。I l.M: Cindy, you didnt come to Lindas birthday party. Whats wrong?W:Oh.I really wanted to go,but I had a bad cold then.12 . W:Dad, when will we leave for Shanghai for a nice day?M:The day after tomorrow, th is Friday.13 .M:Mom,are you going to take us to the park toda

43、y?W:Yes,I am.But I have to buy some vegetables first.!4.M:Can I go to a movie tonight,mom?W:Sure.But if you come home very late,youH be sorry.15 .M:Did you speak at the class meeting yesterday?W:Yes.I was the first to speak.Then five other students spoke later after me.四、听下面几段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中

44、所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第16至第17两个小题。saw that you looked tired in class today.What happened?W:Oh,I didnt sleep well last night.Robert.I had a special dream.M:Rcally?What is it?W:Someone gave me one million dollars.听下面一段对话,回答第18至第19两个小题。M:Im going to join the school party.W:Really!Fm

45、going there,too.Can I take some drinks and food?M:Of course,you can.But you cant wear jeans.W:What will happen if I wear them?M:The teachers wont let you in.W:Can we play games at the party?M:Sure.If we do that, weH have a good time.听下面一段独白.回答第20至第22三个小题,WangQiang finished middle school in 2013.He d

46、idnt go to college but went back home. At first, he didnt know what to do. Then he had an idea. He began to watch programs about growing fruit on TV.He also read books about it. Then he went to work on farm for three years. He learned a lot there. In 2015, he started his own fruit farm. He sells his

47、 fruit to many big cities.He also grows vegetables and keeps chickens on his farm.He and his family have a good time now.听下面一段对话,回答第23至第25三个小题。W:Hello,Eric!There will be a new movie on in the City Cinema this evening.Would you like to see it with me?M:When will the movie start?W:At 7:30 this evening.M:Let me see.Oh.its 6:40 p.m.now.But I have to wash my uniform.If I go to the movies tonight,! wont have time to wash it.W:Why not wash it tomorrow morning?M:If I do,I cant wear it to sch


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