2022届高考英语一轮复习Unit11TheMedia学案北师大版 (2).docx

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1、Unit 11 The Media微时光背诵一由教材充盈“语料库一、背单词与词块(一)背阅读单词一一会认就行(背诵时遮住右侧汉语,先自主翻译,后比对词义)1. chat n.闲谈,聊天2. agenda n.议程3. distinction n.殊荣;特质;区别4. self-employed adj.自己经营的5. hire vt.租用;雇用6. channel n.(电视或电台)频道7. corporation /?.公司8. brand n.商标,牌子9. budget n.预算10. contemporary adj.当代的11. citizen n.公民;市民12. astronom

2、er n.天文学家13. sightseeing /?.观光,游览14. spokesman n.发言人15. scene n.场面,场景16. load n.满满一车;很多;工作量17. false adj.(二)背重点单词一一写对才行不真诚的;错误的1. current adj.当前的,现在的2. affair n.事情,事件3. widespread adj.广泛的4. demand vt.要求,请求5. debt n.6. publ i sh vt.债务,欠款 出版,发行7. incident n.事件,事情8. arise vi.发生,出现9. blame vt.责怪,归咎于10.

3、legal adj.合法的,与法律有关的11. attempt vt. & n.尝试,试图3. However, not al 1 advertising is about selling products and services for a profit, (not all表示局部否认)佳 句1(2017 浙江高考)My heart leaped with joy as 1 knew we were likely to be saved.我的心高兴得怦怦跳,因为我知道我们可能得救了。佳 句 (2018 北京高考)You will be likely to have a rewarding

4、experience in Beijing.你很有可能会在北京有一次有意义的经历。佳句Old people are more likely to meet with accidents on the road. 老年人在路上更容易发生事故。然而,并不是所有的广告都是为了盈利而销售产品和服务。佳 句 (2018 ,江苏高考)On the contrary, not all results are satisfying.正好相反,并不是所有的结果都令人满意。佳 句 Al 1 that glitters is not gold.闪光的未必都是金子。H同主题佳句熟读成诵1. Advertisement

5、s, which can be classified into commercial and public service ones, are not rare in our daily 1ife.广告可以分为商业广告和公益广告,在我们的日常生活中并不少见。2. When it comes to advertisements, we should use our intelligence and not be a s1ave to them.说到广告,我们应该运用我们的智慧,而不是成为他们的奴隶。3. They think advertisements can provide us with

6、useful information about our life.他们认为广告可以为我们的生活提供有用的信息。4. Your dream of becoming a journalist is to come true because you are wise and hard-working.你当记者的梦想一定会实现的,因为你既聪明又勤奋。5. The key to becoming a journalist is work experience, perseverance and creative thinking.成为记者的关键是工作经验、坚持和创造性思维。(二)背总分值作文一一好习作

7、就靠“仿效”和“背诵”本辑学点一一演讲稿题目要求假定你是李华,每周你们班的英语课上课前都有一个十分钟的个人演讲活动。你打算在 下周的英语课上讨论如何养成良好的生活习惯。请你用英语准备一篇演讲稿,内容包括:1 .简述现象;2 .如何养成良好的生活习惯;3 .表达感受或期望。注意:1.词数100左右;2.演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,且不计入总词数。Good morning, everyone! It is my honour to be here to share my opinions with you on how to develop good living habits.Thank you

8、for listening!背范文Good morning, everyone! It is my honour to be here to share my opinions with you on how to develop good 1iving habits.It is known to all that good living habits are important to our physical and mental health. However, many of us ignore its importance by eating junk food and staying

9、 up late.To develop good living habits, as far as I am concerned, having a good rest is the foundation. Therefore, we need to sleep and get up early and have a regular daily schedule. Besides, eating healthi 1 y also plays an important role. Foods low in fat, salt and sugar are of great benefit to o

10、ur health, so stay away from junk food. Finally, doing exercise is essential. It brings us good health as well as relaxation and pleasure. Many stresses and negative emotions can be washed away by doing exercise.Motivation is what gets you to start. And the habit is what keeps you going. May you all

11、 have good living habits!Thank you for listening!学亮点1 .学谋篇布局向听众问候,点明演讲主题分析问题,展开论述一提出解决方法或期待,并表示感谢2 .学亮丽开头开头先用Good morning, everyone! ”进行问候。然后点明演讲的主题“如何养成良 好的生活习惯”。开门见山,简洁明了。3 .学高级表达(1)使用高级词汇和语块,如:physical and mental health, as far as I am concerned, have a regular daily schedule, play an important r

12、ole, be of great benefit, essential, be washed away等,显示了考生娴熟的英语词汇运用技能。(2)准确运用复杂句式结构,如:i t作形式主语It is known to all that good living habits .;动词不定式作目的状语To develop good living habits;动名词短语作主语 having a good rest; 表语从句 what gets you to start 和 what keeps you going 等,体 现了考生扎实的语法功底与高超的语言运用能力。4 .学精彩结尾结尾用了演讲稿

13、常用的结尾方式:Thank you for listening!简短、精练。5 .学过渡衔接衔接词 however, therefore, besides, so, finally, as well as, and 等的恰当运用, 使文章更清晰、流畅、连贯。6 .防微点失分考生容易因忽略主谓一致把we need to s 1 eep and get up ear 1 y and have a regular daily schedule” 中的 have 误用为 has,或把 MMotivation is what gets you to start. w 中的t。漏掉,从而导致失分。小蓝新学

14、案设计一由课堂提升“高素养” 学案(一)重点单词的查漏补缺一一打牢必备知识全面练一一练清易错微点I.单词拼写1. There is a tour guide throughout the trip who will organize optional dinners and sightseeing (观光).2. Firefighters were on the scene (现场)immediately.3. For the government, education is now at the top of the agenda (议程).4. Turn the channel (频道)

15、一 there are too many commercials.5. The work was finished on time and within budgel (预算).*6. A spokesman (发言人)for the government denied the rumours.7. Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false (错 误的).8. Shes Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen (公民).9. She i

16、s an aslronomer (天文学家)to help work on the project.10. This brand (牌子)of knife is quite popular with customers, for it cuts well. H .根据语境写出加蓝局部的汉语意思1. The award was established in 1902 as a special distinction for outstanding menandwomen,w2. There was one respect, however, in which they differed.(事物的

17、)方面* 3.(熟词生义)Scientists today are making greater effort to study ocean currents. 洋流* 4.(熟词生义)Studies have shown that the right and left ear process sound differently.处理* 5.(熟词生义)Wosterncrs look at the eyes and the mouth in equal measure, whereas Easterners favour the eyes and neglect (忽 略) the mouth

18、. 重视6.(熟词生义)Th。owner couldnt be bothered to brand the cattle. 给打上烙印III.单句语法填空1. Careful consideration (consider) should be given to issues of health and safety.2. Our policy offers complete protection (protect) against fire and theft.3. Smoking is not only harmful (harm) to smokers themselves, but a

19、lso threatens other peoples health.4. Police say they* re treating it as a case of al tempted (attempt) robbery.*5. She was delighted (delight) at the news of the wedding.6. Further information is available on application (apply) to the principal.7. These measures would make a valuable conlribulion

20、(contribute) towards reducing industrial accidents.8. He needs all the support and encouragement (encourage) he can got.名师点拨“一站清”(1) spokesman为合成词,其复数为spokesmen。(2) current作名词意为“洋流”;作形容词意为“当前的,现代的”,同义词有:modern, contemporary, present 等。(3)process作动词意为“处理”;作名词意为“过程”。(4)favour作名词,意为“赞同,恩惠”;作动词意为“重视;看重”

21、。(5)delighted在句中作表语,主语一般为人,意为“人感到高兴的;delighting意 为“令人高兴的”,作表语,主语一般为物。重点练一一深化高频考点1) demand明其义vt.要求,请求;需要.要求;需求(量),需要通其用(1)单句语法填空/完成句子My father came downstai rs and demanded t()know (know) what was going on.The UN has demanded that all troops (should) be withdrawn (withdraw). Yesterday evening, the co

22、uple came to my house and demanded help of/from me. In the unusual hot summer, air conditioners were in great demand.在这非同寻常的炎热夏天,空调的需求量极大。2) ) 一句多译公司要求他们月底前完成任务。The company demanded thcit lhey (should)inish lhe lask before the end of the month.The company demanded of them to finish the task before t

23、he end of the month. 解其困(Ddemand与介词in和。n都可搭配,但意义不同:in demand ”有需要的,受欢迎的”; on demand ”一经要求”;(2)demand后跟名词性从句,从句中谓语动词用“(should + )动词原形”表虚拟。2. blame明其义vt.责怪,归咎n.过失;责备通其用(1)单句语法填空She doosnt blame anybody for her father* s death.You should take the blame for what you have done.Dont always blame your own

24、failure on others.To be honest, it was Su* s fault, but Li was also to blame (blame).(2) 一句多译他把考试失败归咎于老师。He blamed the failure of his exam on the teacher, (blame sth. on)He blamed th。teacher for th。failure of his exam, (blame sb. for)He pul/laid Ihe blame for Ihe ailure his exam on lhe leacher.(blam

25、en.)解其困在be to blame (for)短语中,不定式用主动语态表示被动含义。3. employ明其义匕雇用:聘请;使忙于;使从事于通其用(1)单句语法填空He has been employed u writing a new book these days.A number of people have been employed to deal (deal) with the backlog of work. Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find an employmen I (employ).(2)句

26、型转换She has been employed in making preparations for the coming final exam all morning.-*She has employed herself in making preparations for the coming final exam all morning.解其困表示“从事于/忙于(做)某事”的常用表达还有:be busy with sth. /(in) doing sth.; be engaged in doing sth.等。4. attempt明其义vt. & n.尝试,试图通其用(1)单句语法填空

27、Th。boys made an attempt to leave (leave) for camping but were stopped by their parents.Not many people can answer this question at the first attempt.(3)A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted (attempt) murder last night.(2) 一句多译我试图说服他,但是没用。I have attempted t。convince him, but in vain,

28、 (attempt vt.)I have made an attempt to convince/at convincing him, butin vain. (attempt n.)解其困attempt to do sth.相当于 try to do sth.或 seek to do sth.,意为“试图做某事”, 但不一定成功;而succeed in doing sth. /manage to do slh.意为“成功地做某事”。5. approach明其义n. 接近,逼近,走近;方法,方式;途径,通道 vt. & 接近;靠近;接洽;要求; 着手处理通其用(1)写出以下句中approach

29、的含义A tourist approached us and asked us the way to the post office.接近,走近Ke have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.接洽(3)He came up with a new approach to working out the puzzling maths problem. 方法,方式A11 the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police

30、.通道(2)单句语法填空/完成句子The teacher has decided to adopt a new approeich to teaching (teach) English.We have made approaches to them in the hope of establishing a business relationship.Did Mary cipproach you about lending her some money?To begin with, the final exam of this term is approaching, so I am bus

31、y preparing for it.首先,期末考试即将来临,所以我忙于备考。解其困(1) the approach to (doing) sth.和 make an approach to sth. /sb.中 to 为介词, 其后跟动名词作宾语,类似的表达还有:the answer/key/soIution to等。 英语中“快到了” 的表达还有:be coming; be around the corner; be on the horizon; be drawing near 等。6. conclude明其义”做出结论;结束,完成;断定,推断通其用(1)单句语法填空She conclu

32、des from the voice on the line that her mother is not satisfied with her test scores.Let me conclude my speech with a saying: Where there is a will, there is a way.It was concluded that he didnt tell us the truth. I came to the conclusion (conclude) that he was lying.(2)同义句转换/完成句子We can conclude tha

33、t hard work will pay off sooner or later.* *We can draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion that hard work will pay off sooner or later.In conclusion/To gonclude, good interpersonal skills are a must for our future social life.总之,良好的人际交往技能对我们未来的社会生活是必需的。解其困表示“总而言之,总的来说”的常用表达还有:on balance;inaword;in

34、 short;in brief; in conclusion/to conclude; to sum up 等。学案(二)词块、句式的活学活用一一强化关键能力词块的验收盘点I .词块点点练一一选词填空stand for, look forward to, consist of, participate in, stand out, in favour of, as long as, be used to, go ahead with, help out* 1. I* 11 raise both hands in favour of banning smoking in public place

35、s.* 2. We are looking forward to holding a party to celebrate New Years Eve.3. Hey, that dress is making you stand_out in a crowd, so everyone can recognize you.4. Some parents ar。 used to doing almost everything for their children.*5. Professor Smith is very kind. You can turn to him for help asong

36、 as he is available.6. I won, t stand for being treated like a child because I am a grown-up.* 7. We encourage all students to participate in the college, s various activities.8. The new council would consist, of about 20 finance ministers.9. I dont work here. I just help out at the moment.10. We ha

37、ve to get their agreement before we go_ahead with the plan.名师点拨“一站清”(1) in favour of 意为“赞成,同意”,同义表达有:in ones favour, approve of 等。(2) look forward lo中lo为介词,其后跟名词或动名词。(3)aslongas意为“和一样长”,引申义为“只要”,类似表达还有:as well as, as far as, as good as 等。(4)participate in 的同义表达有:take part in, join in, engage in 等。I【

38、.易错对对碰一一辨析比拟consist of VS be made up of比较The organization consists of eight countries.(2)ur class is made_up_of over 50 students.辨 清(l)consist of不可用于被动形式,也不可用过去分词在句中充当定语或 状语等成分。(2) be made up of可用于被动形式。in.多义比比看词多义(写出以下句中stand for的含义)AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.是的缩写The party i

39、s trying to give the impression that it alone stands for democracy. 代表(某观点或态度)It makes us very angry, and we won t stand for it any more.不能容忍句式的验收盘点(一)“of+n. ” 结构通其用1 .完成句子My desk is of the 9ame shape as yours.我的课桌和你的是同样的形状。France wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.法国的葡萄酒质量很好,畅销全

40、世界。It is obvious that the movie is greal_help to our study, especially to our English listening.很明显这部电影对我们的学习非常有帮助,尤其是对我们的英语听力。2 .句型转换Doing morning exercises is of help to your health.-*Doing morning exercises is helpful to your health.解其困(Oof (+great, no, little, some, much) + 抽象名词(value, importanc

41、e, use, help, interest, significance, benefit, necessity 等),这类名词一般可转化为其相应 的形容词形式。(2)of (+different, the same, similar) + 分类名词(kind, type, sort, shape, size, colour, length, depth, width, weight, height, age, date 等)。(3)of (H-good, bad, nice, fine, serious, high 等)+ 性质名词(quality, character, character

42、istics, feature 等)。(二)局部否认通其用1 .完成句子All these books are nopepu 1 ar wi Ih peop 1 e.这些书并非全都受人们的欢迎。(2)1 agree with most of what you said, but I don, t agree with everything.我同意你说的大局部内容,但我并非同意你讲的一切。Nothing in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Great Wall. 我的一生中,印象最深的就是第一次参观长城。2 .句型

43、转换Its impossible for all the applicants to get the jobs, because not all of them are fit for them. Its impossible for all the applicants to get the jobs, because al l of lhem areni解其困不定代词 all, both, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything;形容词 complete, entire, whole;副词 completely, entirely, who

44、 I ly, al together 等和否认词adj.令人高兴的12. process n.过程,进程13. profit n.利润,收益14. favour n.赞同;恩惠15. attitude n.态度,看法16. pretend vt.假装17. approach n.方法,方式18. consideration n.(作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事19. conclude vt.做出结论:结束20. harmful adj.有害的21. protection /?.保护,防卫(三)背拓展单词一一用准才行1. announce 宣布,宣告_announcement n. 公告2. ap

45、ply vi.申请f applicant n.申请人f application n.申请(书):应用3. del ight匕 使愉快.快乐,高兴-*delighted adj.高兴的,愉快的-del ightful4. analyse vt.分析f analysis n.分析5. employ vt.雇用 employ mon t n.雇用unemployment n.失业(状态)-* employer n.雇 主employee n. 雇员6. defend vt.为辩白;保卫f defence .保卫;防卫7. argue vi.争吵argument n.争论;理由8. encourage

46、 vt.鼓励-t encouragemenl n.鼓励encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的9. respect vt: & n.尊敬,尊重f respected adj.受人敬重的一respectable a办值 得敬重的f respectful ad/:恭敬的,表示尊敬的10. advertise 为做广告,登广告 fadverti ser .广告人一advertising n.广告活动,广告业advertisement /?.广告11. contribute /乙贡献;投稿f contribution n.贡献,捐助f contributor n.捐 献者;投稿人12. innoce

47、nt a”天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的f innocence n.清白,无罪13. environment n. 环境f environmental adj.自然环境的f environmentally adv. 环境地语境活用1. Teachers are respectable in our country. Students respect their teachers and listen to them in school in respectful ways, (respect)2. He takes great delight in proving others wrong. When he did it, he felt not连用,构成局部否认,


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