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《上海市宝山区2022年中考英语一模.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市宝山区2022年中考英语一模.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、九年级英语试卷Part2 Phonetics, Grammar andVocabulary(第二局部语音、语法和词汇)II. Choosethebestanswer (选择最恰当的答案)Jack encouraged his students to share their learningexperience eachother.A. toB. withC. forD. inThe doctors and nursesaretrying best to save the patients,life.A. theyB. themC. theirD. themselvesof these two

2、pairs of trousers looks good on me. Can you show me anotherpair?A. BothB. AllC. NoneD. NeitherThe new type of car isnotas as the old one, and its moreenvironmentally friendly.A. expensiveB. lessexpensive C. more expensive D. the mostexpensiveThe cheese cakesmeltso that everyone wanted to have a bit

3、of it.A. wonderfully B.goodC. beautifully D. well一一 is it from our school to the CenturyPark?一 About half an hours bus ride. Sha.11 we go and visitit?A. HowlongB. HowoftenC. HowfastD. How farThere is enough milk and eggs in the fridge. Soyou not buy any thesedays.A. canB. needC. mustD. shouldJohnny

4、with a host family for two years. Now hes used to the lifeinAmerica.A. staysB. would stay C. isstayingD. hasstayedNowadays, the citizens inShanghai to divide the waste from daily life into four differentgroups.A. requiredB.are required C. requireD. arerequiringAmy turned off her desktop aftershefini

5、 shed the report on the schoolproject.A. writeB. towriteC. writingD. wrote31Its going to rain this afternoon. You,d better the windows when you go out.A. closeB. tocloseC. closedD. closingYou should go to bedearlytonight, we won,t get to the railway station ontime.A. soB. orC. butD. andMary choose t

6、o find a job after she didn,t want to depend on graduation parents.erA. ifB.althoughC. becauseD. unlessMr Li is very kind. He has never losthistemper, _he?A. hasB. hasn,tC. didD. didn,tgreat fun it is to pay a visit to the Science and Technology Museum atweekends!A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. WhatanIII.

7、Complete usedonceIII. Complete usedoncethe following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be 料)and pattern to the children,s interests. Then she heads to her sewing machines.On each of her creations, Lucy adds a hand-sewn heart. Thats to let whoever gets the blanket know they are loved,,

8、z shesays.Many kids whove received a blanket keep in touch with Lucy. She now has friends all over the world. I love knowing that I can make a difference, Lucy says. Everyone can dosomething. Even the smallest act of kindness counts.It can change lives.”Lucy Brown sews blankets for children who need

9、 help and extra love, doesn,tshe?10When did Lucy get the idea to sew blankets for otherkids?78. What did Lucy do when 20 recommendations camein?79. How did Lucy match the fabric and pattern to the children,sinterests?80. Why does Lucy add a hand-sewen heart on each of hercreations?81. What does the

10、underlined sentence Even the smallest act of kindness counts, “means?VIL WritingWriteatleast60wordsaccordingtothesituationgiven.(请根据所给情景,写一篇不 少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)假设你的好朋友李华最近沉迷于电脑游戏,无心学习。他的父母和老师都非常担忧,作为他的好朋 友,请你给他写一封信:表达你对他的担忧,告诫他沉迷电脑游戏的危害以及摆脱目前这种状况的方 法。(信件格式已给)The following is for reference only1. los

11、e oneself in .2. be worried about.3. communicate with.11参考答案II. 21-25BCDAB. 26-30DBDBC 31-35ABCAB36. B. 37. A.38. C. 39. D40. D. 41. B. 42. A. 43. E44. jokes. 45. fifth. 46. himself 47. confident. 48. seriously. 49. invite.50.operation51.unhappyV 52 didn t teach.53. Why, do. 54. are published. 55. w

12、here to.56. whether, will57. responsibleforThe scientists have done many experiments to find out the cause of thedisease.VI. (A) 59. D. 60. A.61. C. 62. D.63. A.64. C(B) 65. D. 66. B. 67. A. 68. C. 69. B. 70. D(C) 71. important. 72. organizes73. Activities. 74. products 75.since. 76. learn. 77. Anyo

13、ne.(D) 78. Yes, shedoes.79. When she was eight yearsold.80. She didn t want to choose just one and met all of theneeds.81. By learning about each child and matching the fabric and pattern to the children s interests.82. She wants the kids who received a blanket know they areloved.83. Every small act

14、ion which can help others is worthwhile. (Any reasonable answer isok.1213(将以下单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. sameB. popular C. carry D. includeE. expensiveProbablyyouhaveseensomeonereadingabookonanelectronicreadingdevice (设 备).Over the past few years, these small computers have become more36. For that rea

15、son, more companies that make traditional paper books are now making electronic books. Most ebooksarethe37aspaperbooks, butpeopleprefertodownloadafile (文件)intoareadingdevicerather than buy the paper book. This way they can38many books.Book companies are adding special features to some ebooks. These

16、extra features might39sound files, picture files, or video files. When the readers click on these files, they get to know more about the book, the story or the writer.A.whcl。R. in format icnC-aasiostD. pcwarfulE. wayThe latest electronic readers are smaller and cheaper, but they are also muchmore40.

17、Writersandbookcompaniescandomorewiththeirebooksbecausetheycanstoremuchmore 41. They do not want to just add files to a completed book. They are making the sound, picture, and video files part of the story. Readers need these files to understand the42story. Readers can even change the story. Readers

18、have already had a lot of books to choose from. If they can change the43stories end, they will have even morechoices!用括号中所给单词的IV. CompletethesentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirproperformsC 适当形式完成以下句子,每空格限填一词)Joey is a very funny man. He often tells us alotof .(joke)44. You can take the lifttothe floor

19、. Ill wait for you in Room 509. (five)Last New Year,s Eve, Michael cooked a meal for his familyallby_. (he)45. Themoni tor looked and relaxed when he gave the speech inclass, (confidence)You should give up smoking becauseitcan damage your health, (serious)46. It was very nice of Joe to us to his bir

20、thday party last Saturdayevening, (invitation)47. The old man was so sick that he had to go to the hospitalforan_. (operate)Garywas because his school football team lost the gameyesterday, (happy)V. Rewritethefollowingsentencesasrequired (根据要求改写句子)48. Mr. Smi t h taught thestudentsPhy sics last term

21、 (改为否认句)MrSmith the students Physicslastterm.49. Manypeopleprefertodriveelectriccars toprotecttheenvironmcnt.(对划线局部提问) many people prefer to drive electriccars?50. ThestudentsatMayfieldSchoolpublishtheschoolnewspapersonceamonth.(改为被动 语态)Theschoolnewspapers once a month by the students atMayfield Sch

22、ool51. Kittywonderedwhereshe wouldmeether friendsonSunday morning.(改为简单句) Kittywondered meet her friends on Sundaymorning.52. Willwehave anautumnoutingnextweek? Pleasetellme.(合并为一句) Pleasetell me we have an autumn outingnextweek.53. Thebusdrivershouldtakechargeofallthepassengers,safety.(保持句意基本不 变)Th

23、e bus drivershouldbe all the passengers,safety.54. thecauseofthedisease, havedone, thescientists, tofindout, many experiments (连词成 句)Part3 ReadingandWriting (第三局部阅读和写话)VI. Readingcomprehension (阅读理解)A. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) ABC Junior High School Students ID CardName : Peter ShawnStudent

24、 ID Number :4281426Date of Birth: Sep, 5, 2005ESC Exam Admission TicketName: Peter ShawnTest Date: Oct. 10, 2021Admission Number : 174926Place: Test Centre Room 02Exam Time:9 a. m. - 11:30 a. m. Math & English2 p.m. - 4:30 p. m. Physics & ChemistrySep. 10, 2021I got my admission ticket (准考证)for the

25、ESC exam today, and so did David. Hes my new friend from chess club. David and I have a lot in common. We both want to be scientists in the future. If we both pass the exam, we can go to the ESC science camp together.Sep. 21, 2021Today was fun! I played basketball with David, Nick and Ron. We love p

26、laying basketball. For me, its a good way to relax. Nick,s and my brother also went with us. They were too young to play with us. So, we told them to go to the playground to play with other younger students. After playing basketball, we went to the City Library. I borrowed two interesting books, Lif

27、e in Ancient Rome and Russian Queens: From then to now. What a nice day! Sep. 27, 2021I forgot today was Nicks birthday. At his party, I told Nick I would give him a gift later. He was OK with that. David was also at the party, and he brought his friend. George. George is on the school basketball te

28、am. I told him I liked Dirk Nowitzki the most. He said that number 41 was his idol (偶像),too. He even had the same jersey number as Dirks. Oct. 10, 2021What a terrible day! I woke up late and hurried to the Test Centre. When I got there, I found that I didn,t have my admission ticket. So, I ran home

29、to get it. When I returned to the centre, it was 25 minutes past 9. Then, I made a mistake with my test room. I thought it was 20, but it was 02! In the end, I was only able to take the afternoon exam at 2. I cried at the end of theexam.59. What do David and Peter NOT have incommon?A. They both like

30、playingbasketball. B. They are both in the chessclub.C. They are both interested!nscience. D. They both have a youngerbrother.60. Peter didn,t have a basketballmatchwith on September21st.A. Nick,sbrother B. NickC. RonD. DavidHere is some information about some new students at Peters school. Who will

31、 Peter most likely get alongwith?A. Jerry. He likes riding bicycle. He wants to become a pop singer in thefuture.B. Stan. He enjoys cooking delicious food. He dreams of being anengineer.C. Linda. She is good at playing chess. She wants to be a historyprofessor.D. Amy. She won Little Artist of school

32、. Her ambition is to become anactress. 62. Which of the following is NOT true aboutGeorge?A. George is on the schoolbasketballteam. B. George,s jersey number is No. 41. C. George and Peter like thesameplayer. D. George is a friend ofPeter,s.63. On October lOh, peter most probably arrived at the test

33、roomat_.A. 9:25 inthemorningB. 9:30 in themorningC. 2:25 intheafternoonD. 4:30 in the afternoon64. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Peter got the admission ticket a month before the ESCexam.B. Peter borrowed two books from the City Library on September21st.C. Peter cried on October l()th becaus

34、e he was late for the afternoontest.D. Peter forgot Nick,s birthday, so he didn,t give Nick a gift on September27th.B. Choosethewordsandcompletethepassage (选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)There are various ways we can help people in need. Big charity organizations commonly deliver food to hungry people, build homes f

35、or the homeless, and volunteer at local charity centres.65, there is a new way to help poor people living in distance, and that is by giving money to them directly.Give-Directly gives the money to the poor families directly by using cell phones. When the family receives an SMS message, they can get

36、the money from a nearbymobile moneyagent. Pt_lids_become-an-effectivewny_totransfei_Hrc-money over thousands ofmiles.Since 2012, the charity organization Give-Directly has been studying the66 of direct moneysupporttopoorKenyans (肯尼 亚人). Thecharitygivesthemaone- yearbudget (预算),spread over several mo

37、nths. They can spend the money on whatever they need, and they never havetopayitback!WhenGive-Directlytracked(iB) howthemoneywasbeingused, theywere glad to find that the Kenyans were using the money67.Many of the families spent the money on new metal roofs to take the place of their old grass roofs.

38、 While grass roofs need68several times a year, metal roofs last longer and save money. Some bought land and cows for farming or started small businesses, such as buying a used motorcycle to transport people around like a taxi. This helped them to have more money for food, clothing and health care, a

39、nd give their children aneducation.The studies on giving money directly to poor Kenyans are going on. Some peopleare69thatsomeofthefamilieswilIwastethemoneyorsimplybecomedependentonthesedonations (,捐助).Althoughit,shardtotellifitisagoodideatogivethemdirectmoneysupport, wecan all agree that it is a.70

40、way of helping others.65. A. BesidesB. So farC. ThereforeD. However66. A. reasons67. A. properlyB. effectsC. methodsD. rewardsB. immediatelyC. dishonestlyD.generously68. A. protection69. A. awareB. sunshineC. repairsD. servicesB. worriedC. satisfiedD.disappointed70. A.traditionalB. correctC. natural

41、D. creativeC. Readthepassageandfillintheblankswithproperwords (在短文的空格内填入适当的 词,是其内容通顺,每空格限填一次,首字母已给)Fruit, meat, milk and vegetables all come from farms. Farmsarei because they provide shops and supermarkets with food. But have you ever been to a farm and do you know what farmersdo?Everyyear, agroupc

42、alledLinkingEnvironmentandFarming(LEAF) o OpenFarm Sunday. On 9 June, about 350 UK farms will be free for visitors to explore andenjoy.Amayincludefarmwalks, ponddipping(usinganettotakethingsoutofpondstolookatthemmoreclosely), talkswithfarmers, tractor (拖拉机)ridesand mini markets. Lots of farms sellth

43、eirp inthemarkets, suchasfruit, vegetables, meatandtastyhomemade cakes. Visitors will also be able to get plenty of exercise and fresh air on a farm visit.Open Farm Sunday was set up in 2006 and more than two million students have enjoyed the experiencess_then. They have visited a farm with their sc

44、hools and seen animals, machines and plants, as well as farmers doing their jobs. Farm trips show how the land has to be looked after, how the weather affects crops and how animals are cared for. They,ve also got the chance to help look after and feed theanimals.Some farms have an educational area t

45、hat shows what farming used to be like. Visitors can 1 about traditional methods, the history of the farm and how farming has changed as a business.A who is 10 or older can job Linking Environment and Farming andtake part in Open FarmSunday.For more details about Open Farms Sunday, please visit farm

46、sunday. org/visit- a-farm.D. ReadthepassagebelowandanswerthefollowingquestionsC 根据文章内容回答以下问题)Lucy Brown, age 12, puts smiles on the faces of kids who are going through a hard time - and keepsthekidsverywarmtoo. She sews(缝 纫)blanketsforchildrenwhoaredealingwithsome kind of challenge such as being sic

47、k, feeling lonely, losing a family member, or getting low grades.Lucy got the idea when she was eight years old. She had just learned to sew and made a blanket as a gift for her friend,s birthday. She loved it, Lucy says. So, I thought maybe other kids might need that little extralove.,zHer mom post

48、ed on social media. (社交 媒体)that Lucy wanted to make a blanket forsomeone who needed care. They asked for suggestions. When 20 recommendations (提议)came in, Lucy didn,t want to choose just one. She met all of the needs!She has already made more than 800 blankets for kids in 19 countries.Her favourite part is learning about each child. I love hearing their stories and getting to know them,“ she says. She tires to match the fabric (布


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