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《2020届江苏省镇江市2017级高三第一次期末调研考试英语试卷及答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届江苏省镇江市2017级高三第一次期末调研考试英语试卷及答案.pdf(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020届江苏省镇江市 2017 级高三第一次期末调研考试英语试卷祝考试顺利注意:本试卷分第 I 卷(选则题)和第卷(非选择題)两部分。两部分答案都做在答题纸上。总分为120 分.考试时间 120 分钟。第 I 卷(选择题共 85 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答題纸上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)1.What happened to the man?A.His bike was stolen.B.He hit the womans bike.C.He knocked dow

2、n a little girl.2.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A film.B.A novel.C.A director.3.Where did the man work for two years?A.In Spain.B.In Germany.C.In Mexico.4.How did the man go to work?A.By car.B.On foot.C.By bus.5.What does the woman mean?A.Peter likes to follow the fashion.B.Peter has

3、bad taste in dressing.C.Peter needs a tablecloth.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6.When will the man go to a meeting?A.On July 2nd.B.On July 3nd?C.On July 4th

4、.7.Who is Mike probably?A.Sues colleague.B.Sarahs neighbor.C.Peters son.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8.What does the man ask the woman to do at 4 oclock?A.Take the dog for a walk.B.Turn on TV for the dog.C.Brush the dogs teeth.9.What can we learn from the dialogue?A.The dog can eat any food without limit,B.

5、The dog dislikes any exercise?C.The woman feels that the man takes care of the dog too much.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.What does the woman think of the lecturer?A.He is not talking loudly enough.B.He is not wearing a microphone,C.He has an American accent.11.What does the man think of the speech?A.It

6、s useful.B.Its a waste of time.C.ItS funny.12.What will the woman do later?A.Give a speech.B.Find another lecture.C.Ask some questions.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13.Who might Richie be?A.The womans boss.B.The mans team leader.C.The womans teammate 14.Why does the man want to join the woman s team?A.He l

7、ikes field work.B.He thinks he could help a lot.C.He doesnt get along well with Paul.15.What will happen tomorrow?A.The man will put a new team together.B.The speakers will go to Edmonson.C.The woman will talk with Paul.16.What can be known about the man speaker?A.He is familiar with the Edmonson ar

8、ea.B.He has joined the womans team.C.He is a team leader.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.W hen is the deadline for entries?A.August 31st.B.October 15th.C.November 1st.18.What is the topic of last year?A.The Future.B.Cities.C.The World.19.What will be given to all the competitors?A.A certificate.B.A story

9、 book.C.A photo.20.What is the prize for the school winner?A,Books from a writer.B.Pictures of England.C.A special course.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。21.A skilled workforce is essential,is why our training program is so imp

10、ortant.A.that B.which C.such D.what 22.The man sitting beside me on the plane was very nervous.He before.A.hasnt flown B.hadnt flown C.doesnt fly D.wouldnt fly 23.Well-educated employees can undertake most common jobs easily,the efficiency of the society is guaranteed.A.so that B.even if C.in that D

11、.as if 24.The reform and opening-up policy introduced in the late 1970s another boom in sci-fi appetite in China,A.gave off B.showed off C.laid off D.kicked off 25.According to the rule,a free gift will be given to completes the questionnaire.A.whatever B.whoever C.whichever D.whomever 26.The _ went

12、 extremely well,with almost all of the audience requesting further information about our 5G products.A.conservation B.imagination C.presentation D.qualification 27.As a salesman,much of his success comes from being what his customers want.A.in competition with B.in contrast with C.in company with D.

13、in tune with 28.Experiments show that when kids are encouraged to share what they have,theyre roughly twice as likely to be later.A.generous B.outspoken C.intelligent D.liberal 29.Thanks to Li Ziqis efforts,many Chinese cultural heritages that in written records now appear before our eyes.A.were exi

14、sting B had existed C.would have existed D.existed 30.More than 1,200 entries by illustrators are displayed at a cartoon exhibition_ on Chinas anti-poverty achievements.A.to focus B.focusing C.being focused D.having focused 31.My parents me the money.Otherwise,I couldnt have afforded the trip.A.woul

15、d lend B.had lent C.were lending D.lent 32.athletes for several years,he decided to bring Chinese culture to more people through tai chi.A.Having coached B.Coached C.Coaching D.Being coached 33.As is well known,our success in life depends on our determination to grasp opportunities thatto us.A.prese

16、nt B.are presenting C.are presented D.have presented 34.Although quite a lot of people regularly participated in sports events in 2019,some _ sports with just going to the gym.A.equated B.equipped C.combined D.impressed 35.Have you heard that Simon has got an offer from the big corporation in Shangh

17、ai?Yes.After some ups and downs,he has finally.A.mended his ways B.sat on his hands C.landed on his feet D.pulled his leg 第二节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A closet(储藏室)is a years long collection of exactly what makes you the person you are.The 36 ros

18、e in my chest when my mom recently decided to move 37 it meant we would have to 38 out Dads closet,nearly a decade after his death.In the years after his death,I would sometimes walk into that closet.I had moved many miles away,starting a life elsewhere as my mom took pains to slowly 39 her homeswee

19、ping away the dust of sadness,and making it once again a place for 40 and gathering.In the closet,I could 41 the dad I had before he had a brain cancer.I 42 that would go away when my mom moved.I rolled around 43 in bed.Could I stand to see this closet one last time before Mom moved?Would I find the

20、 44 to help clear that stuff out?Then,a 45 :“I had no idea,my mom said.I cleaned it out already?The announcement knocked me sideways.What had she thrown out?Would seeing this 46 closet to which Id 47 attributed such meaning jolt(震动)my heart and cause me to have a meltdown?I flew home shortly thereaf

21、ter,trying to keep my mind 48 it with fitful naps(打盹)on the plane.When I finally got through the front door,I knew where I was going:to see this empty closet that I swore would 49 me.I pulled the doors open.What happened next 50 me:There was no panic just 51 Sure,Dads stuff was mostly 52?but I reali

22、zed then that I didnt need to see it to 53 what we had.The objects were just an outer layer above the warm 54 I held within.55 .clothes dont make the man,and though objects may help us tell a story,they are not stories themselves.36.A.happiness B.relief C.tension D.mercy 37.A.if B.unless C.though D.

23、because 38.A.pick B.clean C.find D.take 39.A.evolve B.design C.decorate D.love 40.A.depression B.warmth C.regret D.sleeping 41.A.support B.blame C.remember D.protect 42.A.anticipated B.confirmed C.swore D.worried 43.A.excitedly B.nervously C.mercifully D.hopelessly 44.A.strength B.chance C.privilege

24、 D.excuse 45.A.reply B.shock C.comfort D.blessing 46.A.outdated B.fashionable C.empty D.familiar 47.A.randomly B.openly C.secretly D.purposely 48.A.with B.off C.in D.to 49.A.crush B.raise C.heal D.astonish 50.A.surprised B.pressed C.frightened D.puzzled 51.A.excitement B.reluctance C.peace D.regret

25、52.A.worn B.sold C.gone D.left 53.A.discover B.understand C.abandon D.remember 54.A.services B.memories C.relationships D.events 55.A.Above all B.In addition C.By contrast D.After all 第三部分:阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A EXPEDITION(探险)OVERVIEW?Go on a

26、n early morning photo shoot in Lamar Valley,zooming in on wildlife against the sparkling snow.?Capture(拍摄)unique angles on famous sites like Old Faithful geyser without the crowds and discover some of the parks lesser known areas,exploring in the comfort of heated snow coaches.?Learn about the reint

27、roduction of Yellowstones wolves and meet a cinematographer who has produced films on the park and its wildlife for National Geographic.ITINERARYYellowstone in winter is a photographers delight:mineral pools bum through the snow,revealing their gem-colored depths;waterfalls freeze mid-spill;and elk

28、This trip has an activity rating of light.Travelers should be in good health and comfortable walking and sitting for extended periods.we travel through the park in heated snow coaches.Excursions include walking on boardwalks and om ice and snow at elevations between 8,000 and 11,000 feet.Minor chang

29、es to the daily itinerary may occur depending on location of wildlife.ACCOMMODATIONS We stay in comfortable|hotels,classic lodges、within the park,and a traditional ranch.?Transfers upon arrival and departure?Accommodations?All tips WHATS NOT INCLUDED?Airfare to and from destination?Visas?Alcoholic b

30、everages 56.A visitor to Yellowstone can A.record the unique angles with the crowds around B.live in the high-ranked hotels during all the trip C.calculate the depth of gem-colored mineral pools D.enjoy the transfer service to and from destination 57.This article is mainly intended to.A.advertise an

31、 expedition in Yellowstone in winter B.emphasize the importance of wildlife protection in Yellowstone C.uncover the secret of the interplay of snow and stream in Yellowstone D.reveal the skills of photo shoot in Yellowstone in winter B Psycholinguistics is a field at the intersection(交叉)of psycholog

32、y and linguistics,and one if its recent discoveries is that the languages we speak influence our eye movements.For example,English speakers who hear candle often look at a candy because the two words share their first syllable.Research with speakers of different languages revealed that bilingual spe

33、akers not only look at words that share sounds in one language but also at words that share sounds across their two languages.When Russian-English bilinguals hear the English word marker,they also look at a stamp,because the Russian word for stamp is marka.Even more surprising,speakers of different

34、languages differ in their patterns of eye movements when no language is used at all.In a simple visual search task in which people had to find a previously seen object among other objects,their eyes moved differently depending on what languages they knew.For example,when looking for a clock,English

35、speakers also looked at a cloud.Spanish speakers,on the other hand,when looking for the same clock,looked at a present,because the Spanish names for clock and present reloj and regalo-overlap at their onset(开始).The story doesnt end there.Not only do the words we hear activate other,similar-sounding

36、words and not only do we look at objects whose names share sounds or letters even when no language is heardbut the translations of those names in other languages become activated as well in speakers of more than one language.For example when Spanish-English bilinguals hear the word duck in English,t

37、hey also look at a shovel,because the translations of duck and shovel pato and pala,respectivelyoverlap in Spanish.Because of the way our brain organizes and processes linguistic and nonlinguistic information,a single word can set off a domino effect(多米诺效应)that cascades(像洪水般倾泻)throughout the cogniti

38、ve system.And this interactivity and co activation is not limited to spoken languages.Bilinguals of spoken and signed languages show co activation as well.For example,bilinguals who know American Sign Language and English look at cheese when they hear the English word paper because cheese and paper

39、share three of the four sign components in ASL(hand shape,location and orientation but not motion).What do findings like these tell us?Not only is the language system thoroughly interactive with a high degree of co activation across words and concepts,but it also impacts our processing in other area

40、s such as vision,attention and cognitive control.As we go about our everyday lives,how our eyes move,what we look at and what we pay attention to are influenced in direct and measurable ways by the languages we speak.The implications of these findings for applied settings range from consumer behavio

41、r(what we look at in a store)to the military(visual search in complex scenes)and art(what our eyes are drawn to).In other words,it is safe to say that the language you speak influences how you see the world not only figuratively(比喻地)but also quite literally,down to the mechanics of your eye movement

42、s.58.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A.Languages we know determine our eye movements.B.The words we hear remind us of similar words.C.We look at objects even if no language is heard.D”Translations of words in other languages can be activated.59._ According to Paragraph 4,the“domino effect”is caus

43、ed by_.A.American Sign Language B.brain processes C.oral languages D.co activation 60.What can we learn from these findings?A.Words are closely related to concepts in language system.B.The combination of words and concepts activates language system.C.The language we speak influences what we pay atte

44、ntion to.D.What we speak in everyday lives controls how our eyes move.C Like most robots,social robots use artificial intelligence to decide how to act on information received through cameras and other sensors.The ability to respond in ways that seem lifelike has been informed by research into such

45、issues as how perceptions(知觉)form,what constitutes social and emotional intelligence,and how people can infer others thoughts and feelings.Advances in Al have enabled designers to translate such psychological and neuroscientific insights into algorithms that allow robots to recognize voices,feces an

46、d emotions;interpret speech and gestures;respond appropriately to complex verbal and nonverbal cues;make eye contact;speak conversationally;and adapt to peoples needs by learning from feedback,rewards and criticisms.A 47-inch humanoid(类 人 物)called Pepper(from SoftBank Robotics)recognizes faces and b

47、asic human emotions and engages in conversations via a touch screen in its chest,About 15,000 Peppers worldwide perform such services as hotel check-ins,airport customer service,shopping assistance and fast-food checkout.Temi(from Temi USA)and Loomo(Segway Robotics)are the next generation of persona

48、l assistantslike Amazon Echo and Google Home but mobile,providing a new level of functionality.Loomo,for instance,is not only a companion but can also transform on command into a scooter(小型摩托车)for transport.Social robots have particular appeal for assisting the worlds growing elderly population.The

49、PARO Therapeutic Robot(developed by Japans National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology),which looks like a seal,soft and cute,is meant to stimulate and reduce stress for those with Alzheimers disease and other patients in care facilities:it responds to its name by moving its hea

50、d,and it cries for petting.Mabu(Catalia Health)engages patients,particularly the elderly,as a wellness aide,reminding them to take walks and medication and to call family members.Social robots are also gaining popularity with consumers as toys.Early attempts to include social behavior in toys,such a


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