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1、考研英语真题大合集历年 硕士探讨生教化根据培育目标的不同,分为学术型探讨生和专业学位探讨生。下面是我为大家整理的有关考研英语真题大合集,希望对你们有帮助! 2022年考研英语真题答案及具体解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) People are, on the whole, poor at consid

2、ering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that _1_ the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by _2_ factors. But Dr Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big _3_ was leading decision-makers to be biased by t

3、he daily samples of information they were working with. _4_, he theorised that a judge _5_ of appearing too soft _6_crime might be more likely to send someone to prison _7_he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day. To _8_this idea, they turned

4、 their attention to the university-admissions process. In theory, the _9_ of an applicant should not depend on the few others_10_ randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonsohn suspected the truth was_11_. He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews _12_ by 31 admissions officers. T

5、he interviewers had _13_ applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale _14_ numerous factors into consideration. The scores were _15_ used in conjunction with an applicants score on the GMAT, a standardised exam which is _16_out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her. D

6、r Simonsohn found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one _17_ that, then the score for the next applicant would_18_ by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to_19_the effects of such a decrease a

7、candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been _20_. 1. A grants B submits C transmits D dilivers 2. A minor B external C crucial D objective 3. A issue B vision C picture D moment 4. A Above all B On average C In principle D For example 5. A fond B fearful C capable D thoug

8、htless 6. A in B for C to D on 7. A if B until C though D unless 8. A. test B.emphasize C.share D.promote 9. A.decision B.quality C.status D.success 10. A.found B.studied C.chosen D.identified 11. A.otherwise B.defensible C.replaceable D.exceptional 12. A. inspired B. expressed C. conducted D. secur

9、ed 13. A. assigned B. rated C. matched D. arranged 14. A. put B. got C. took D. gave 15. A. instead B. then C. ever D. rather 16. A. selected B. passed C. marked D. introduced 17. A below B after C above D before 18. A jump B float C fluctuate D drop 19. A achieve B undo C maintain D disregard 20. A

10、 necessary B possible C promising D helpful Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following fourtexts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text 1 In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada ,Mira

11、nda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesnt affect her, Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistants sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to departments stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor gi

12、rl doubtless found her garment. This top-down conception of the fashion business couldnt be more out of date or at odds with the feverish would described in Overdressed, Eliazabeth Clines three-year indictment of “fast fashion”. In the last decade or so ,advances in technology have allowed mass-mark

13、et labels such as Zara ,H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent release, and more profit. These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable-meant to last only a

14、 wash or two, although they dont advertise that and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks. By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace. The victims of this revolution , of course ,a

15、re not limited to designers. For H&M to offer a $5.95 knit miniskirt in all its 2,300-pius stores around the world, it must rely on low-wage overseas labor, order in volumes that strain natural resources, and use massive amounts of harmful chemicals. Overdressed is the fashion worlds answer to c

16、onsumer-activist bestsellers like Michael Pollans The Omnivores Dilemma. “Mass-produced clothing ,like fast food, fills a hunger and need, yet is non-durable and wasteful,” Cline argues. Americans, she finds, buy roughly 20 billion garments a year about 64 items per person and no matter how much the

17、y give away, this excess leads to waste. Towards the end of Overdressed, Cline introduced her ideal, a Brooklyn woman named Sarah Kate Beaumont, who since 2008 has made all of her own clothes and beautifully. But as Cline is the first to note, it took Beaumont decades to perfect her craft; her examp

18、le cant be knocked off. Though several fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment including H&M, with its green Conscious Collection line Cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. She exhibits the idealism common to many a

19、dvocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy. Vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they cant afford not to. 21. Priestly criticizes her assistant for her A poor bargaining skill. B insensitivity to fashion. C obsession with high fashion. D lack of ima

20、gination. 22. According to Cline, mass-maket labels urge consumers to A combat unnecessary waste. B shut out the feverish fashion world. C resist the influence of advertisements. D shop for their garments more frequently. 23. The word “indictment” (Line 3, Para.2) is closest in meaning to A accusati

21、on. B enthusiasm. C indifference. D tolerance. 24. Which of the following can be inferred from the lase paragraph? A Vanity has more often been found in idealists. B The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability. C People are more interested in unaffordable garments. D Pricing is vital to environ

22、ment-friendly purchasing. 25. What is the subject of the text? A Satire on an extravagant lifestyle. B Challenge to a high-fashion myth. C Criticism of the fast-fashion industry. D Exposure of a mass-market secret. Text 2 An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the troub

23、le is, no one knows which half . In the internet age, at least in theory ,this fraction can be much reduced . By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioural” ads at those most likely to buy. In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value

24、to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads? Or should they have explicit permission? In December 2022 America's Federal Trade Cornmission (FTC) proposed adding a "do not track "(DNT) option to

25、internet browsers ,so that users could tell adwertisers that they did not want to be followed .Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT ;Google's Chrome is due to do so this year. In February the FTC and Digltal Adwertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry w

26、ould get cracking on responging to DNT requests. On May 31st Microsoft Set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10,the version due to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default. It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond. Geting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, a

27、lthough some companies have promised to do so. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioural ads or whether they are sticking with Microsofts default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway. Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone. Atter all, it has an ad business to

28、o, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm. DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other products fav

29、ourably with Google's on that count before. Brendon Lynch, M Microsoft's chief privacy officer, bloggde:"we believe consumers should have more control." Could it really be that simple? 26. It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioural” ads help advertisers to: A ease competition

30、 among themselves B lower their operational costs C avoid complaints from consumers D provide better online services 27. “The industry” (Line 6,Para.3) refers to: A online advertisers B e-commerce conductors C digital information analysis D internet browser developers 28. Bob Liodice holds that sett

31、ing DNT as a default A many cut the number of junk ads B fails to affect the ad industry C will not benefit consumers D goes against human nature 29. which of the following is ture according to Paragraph.6? A DNT may not serve its intended purpose B Advertisers are willing to implement DNT C DNT is

32、losing its popularity among consumers D Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioural ads 30. The author's attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of: A indulgence B understanding C appreciaction D skepticism Text 3 Up until a few decades ago, our visions of the future were la

33、rgely - though by no means uniformly - glowingly positive. Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of fulfillment and opportunity for all. Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid

34、 strike to epidemic flu and to climate change. You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to. But such gloominess is misplaced. The fossil record shows that many species have endured for millions of years - so why shouldn't we? Take a broader look at our

35、species' place in the universe, and it becomes clear that we have an excellent chance of surviving for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years . Look up Homo sapiens in the "Red List" of threatened species of the International Union for the Conversation of Nature (IUCN) ,and you w

36、ill read: "Listed as Least Concern as the species is very widely distributed, adaptable, currently increasing, and there are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline." So what does our deep future hold? A growing number of researchers and organisations are now thinking s

37、eriously about that question. For example, the Long Now Foundation has its flagship project a medical clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence . Perhaps willfully , it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future. The poten

38、tial evolution of today's technology, and its social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated, and it's perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage. That's one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated

39、 to the near future. But take a longer view and there is a surprising amount that we can say with considerable assurance. As so often, the past holds the key to the future: we have now identified enough of the long-term patterns shaping the history of the planet, and our species, to make evidence-ba

40、sed forecasts about the situations in which our descendants will find themselves. This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad. To be sure, the future is not all rosy. But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threa

41、tened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come. 31. Our vision of the future used to be inspired by A our desire for lives of fulfillment B our faith in science and technology C our awareness of potential risks D our belief in equal opportunity 32. The IUCNs “Red List

42、” suggest that human being are A a sustained species B a threaten to the environment C the worlds dominant power D a misplaced race 33. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 5? A Arc helps limit the scope of futurological studies. B Technology offers solutions to social problem. C Th

43、e interest in science fiction is on the rise. D Our Immediate future is hard to conceive. 34. To ensure the future of mankind, it is crucial to A explore our planets abundant resources B adopt an optimistic view of the world C draw on our experience from the past D curb our ambition to reshape histo

44、ry 35. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A Uncertainty about Our Future B Evolution of the Human Species C The Ever-bright Prospects of Mankind D Science, Technology and Humanity Text 4 On a five to three vote,the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona's immigration

45、 law Monday-a modest policy victory for the Obama Aministration.But on the more important matter of the Constitution,the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the federal government and the states. An arizona.United States,the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona's cont

46、roversial plan to have state and local police enfour federal immigrations law.The Constitutional principles that Washington alone has the power to "establish a uniform Rule of Anturalization" and that federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial.Arizona had attempted to fashion state police that ran to the existing federal ones. Justice Anthony Kennedy,joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court's liberals,ruled that the state flew too close to the federal sun .On the overturned provisions the m


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