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《国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬_绩效敏感性研究_曲太峰.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬_绩效敏感性研究_曲太峰.docx(86页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 定稿时间: 2014年 3月 国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性研究 The Research of Management Power and Sensitivity of Employee Salaries on Performance of SOE 学位申请人: _ 曲太鲦 学 号: 210120201025 学科专业:_ 会计学 研究方向 : 资本市场财各与会计 指导教师 : 黄 娟 教 授 西南财经大学 学位论文原创性及知识产权声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研 究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他 个人或集体已

2、经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个 人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明,因本学位论文引起的法律结果完全 由本人承担。 本人同意在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西南财经大学。 本人完全了解西南财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即学校有权保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许 论文被查阅和 借阅。本人授权西南财经大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关 数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其他复制手段保存和汇编 本学位论文。 本学位论文属于 1、 保密,在 _ 年解密后适用本授权书。 2、 不保密 特此声明。 学位申请人: 年月日摘要

3、 1 一、 研究背景 国有企业公司治理和薪酬激励等问题向来是理论界和实务界关注的重 点。改革的深入使国有企业内部的各种矛盾和利益冲突逐渐凸显,这当中, 国有资产流失、国有资本所有者与国有企业经营者之间目标的差异与分歧 、 国有企业管理层过于庞大的控制权、管理层与普通员工之间利益冲突和差距 以及国有企业内部薪酬激励制度的施行及其有效性等问题显得格外突出。公 众看来,国有企业员工大多拥有较高的薪酬。在中央全面深化改革的大背景 下,国有企业员工薪酬屡次成为媒体和社会公众关注的焦点。众所周知,普 通员工在企业内部处于相对弱势地位,他们除了借助工会集团的谈判或通过 自己的努力工作来换取薪酬的提高外,对工

4、资薪酬几乎没有任何话语权和决 定权。国有企业由于其终极出资人虚位和公司治理改革不完善等问题,管理 层通常对公司拥有较大的控制权,对 企业的薪酬激励契约也会施加很大的影 响,同时也会在一定程度上造成企业利益的受损。以往研究大多集中在管理 层本身的薪酬激励问题上,研究国有企业员工薪酬激励和管理层权力对员工 薪酬 -绩效敏感性影响的文献相对较少。因此,对国有企业管理层权力与员工 薪酬激励问题的研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 二、 研究目的 本文的研究目的在于衡量国有企业员工薪酬激励制度的有效性以及管理 层权力对员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性的影响,以探讨当前国有企业内部治理现状, 丰富对国有企业管理层权

5、力和员工薪酬研究的成果,促进国有企业体制改革 和公司治理的完善。 1、通过对员工薪酬影响因素的研究,分析企业绩效和管理层权力对员工 薪酬的作用效果,进一步探讨当前国有企业员工薪酬激励的有效性,为企业 下一步调整和完善员工薪酬激励措施提供支撑。 国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性研究 2 2、通过对国有企业管理层权力影响员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性的研究,揭示 国有企业普遍存在较大管理层权力的现状,以及管理层权力的存在对企业利 益和员工激励效果的影响,为下一步继续深化国有企业改革,完善国有企业 公司治理提供支撑。 三、主要内容与观点 论文的主要内容包括以下几个部分: 第一章,导论。本章主要阐述

6、本文的研究 背景及研究意义,并以此说明 研究国有企业管理层权力对员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性影响的必要性,同时提出本 文的研究思路、研究内容和研究方法,并指出本文的主要贡献和不足之处。 第二章,文献综述。本章首先对管理层权力的界定和计量、员工薪酬、 企业绩效以及敏感性分析等相关概念进行厘清,而后回顾我国国有企业员工 薪酬制度的发展进程,进而对有关管理层权力、企业绩效、员工薪酬之间关 系的理论和实证文献进行梳理,为后来的实证研究奠定基础。 第三章,理论分析。通过对工资薪酬相关理论、委托代理理论和管理层 权力理论的分析,探讨企业绩 效和管理层权力对员工薪酬及管理层权力对员 工薪酬 -绩效敏感性的影响机理

7、,为下一步提出研究假设并进行深入实证研 究,提出改进建议提供理论支撑。 第四章,实证分析。本章是研究的主体部分,第一节在前两章文献综述 和理论分析的基础上提出三大假设并分别建立相关检验模型:一是员工薪酬 与企业绩效正相关;二是与其它企业相比,管理层权力大的企业员工薪酬更 高,但企业绩效并没有显著提高,员工薪酬和企业绩效的敏感度较低;三是 当企业盈利时,管理层权力大的企业员工薪酬 -绩效敏感度要低于其它企业; 当企业亏损时,管理层权力大的企业 员工薪酬与企业绩效相关,其它企业的 员工薪酬与企业绩效不相关。第二节对研究样本的选取进行说明。本文基于 沪深 A股市场 2010-2012年连续在市的国有

8、企业进行选择,按照一定的标准 进行筛选,选取 659家国有企业总共 1977个样本。第三节对研究变量进行定 义和衡量。选取董事长和总经理两职兼任、独立董事比例和总经理(或 CEO) 长期在位三个指标以及由三者合成的综合指标来衡量管理层权力,分别以加 权平均净资产收益率 ( ROE)和根据年报计算所得的员工平均薪酬作为企业绩 效和员工薪酬,并选取企业规模、资产负债率、员工平均学历水平、所处行 摘要 3 业、所处年度等变量作为控制变量。第四节是实证分析与结果部分。首先对 员工薪酬、企业绩效、管理层权力等主要研究变量进行描述性统计,其次分 别对员工薪酬和企业绩效在不同管理层权力下的表现进行单变量分析

9、,初步 判断差异,最后利用模型对三大假设分别进行多元回归检验。回归结果显示, 尽管在以个别指标来表征管理层权力变量时,出现研究变量系数不显著等问 题,但总体上三个假设都得到了验证。通过改变有关变量进行稳健性检验, 研究结果同样得到验证。 第五章,研究结论与建议。第一节是对第四章实证研究的进一步分析和 总结,主要对假设检验结果进行总结阐述。第二节是基于实证研究结论得到 的启示,发现我国国有企业目前存在着较大的管理层权力和薪酬激励问题, 这些间题存在和发展将会严重影响到企业的利益和员工薪酬激励效果。第三 节是在结论和启示的基础上提出政策建议,包括四个方面:一是加强政府宏 观调控,完善人力资源市场化

10、建设;二是提高国有企业公司治理水平,保护 股东利益;三是推进企业薪酬分配制度改革,健全员工薪酬结构;四是合理 引导,提高媒体和社会监督水平。最后一节, 针对研究结论和研究不足,对 进一步的研究作以展望。 四、主要贡献 本文的研究成果主要有以下几个方面的贡献: (1) 本文从微观企业入手,运用管理层权力理论来研究员工薪酬以及员 工薪酬对企业绩效的敏感性,而非学者们重点关注的高管薪酬和高管薪酬对 企业绩效的敏感性,虽然在方法上借鉴了以往学者对高管薪酬的研究方法, 但拓展了管理层权力影响员工薪酬对企业绩效敏感性的研究内容,丰富了员 工薪酬管理理论,能起到一定的抛砖引玉作用。 (2) 在计算企业年度普

11、通员工薪酬总额时,本文采用 “ 期末应付职工薪 酬-期初应付职工薪酬 +本期支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 -董事会、监事 会及高管薪酬 ” 这一计算公式。该公式建立在权责发生制基础之上,比单纯 采用以收付实现制为基础编制的现金流量表中的 “ 本期支付给职工以及为职 工支付的现金 ” 作为员工薪酬总额更加客观真实。 (3) 本文在回归检验管理层权力对员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性影响的过程中, 除了对所有样本企业连续三年数据进行回归外,还将样本区分为盈利组样本 国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性研究 4 和亏损组样本,并分别对两组样本进行了相同的检验,证明了企业在不同的 经营状况下管理层权力对

12、员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性的影响是有区别的。这样的检 验方法和研究结论对后续的研究有一定的示范和借鉴作用。 (4)本文基于新媒体的普及及其在社会舆论监督过程中发挥的越来越广 泛而深入的作用现状,创新性提出了 “ 合理引导,提高媒体和社会舆论监督 水平 ” 这一建议,既在已有研究文献的基础上倡导媒体和社会舆论继续加大 监督,同时又呼吁其自身提高专业素质,提供更加真实而准确的监督信息, 减轻由于媒体自身而产生的误导效应。 关键词:管理层权力员工薪酬企业绩效公司治理ABSTRACT l ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Corporate governance and incentive comp

13、ensation in SOE are the key issues that theorists and practitioners concemed.As the reform of state-owned enterprise goes on, various confradictions and conflicts appear, especially the loss of state assets, the differences between the state capital owners and managers of state-owned enterprise, the

14、 managers5 large power of controlling the enterprises, the implementation and effectiveness of the Incentive Compensation, as well as differences and conflicts of interest between managers and employee is especially pronounced. State-owned enterprises have always been seen based on their higher sala

15、ries. As our country is deeping the reform of income distribution, employee salaries in the state-owned enterprise repeatedly become the focus of media and public attention. As we all know, the general employee stand on the weaker position in the company, they nearly have no rights in deciding salar

16、ies except depending on the aid of their unions bargaining group, or their own hard work in exchange for salaries raise. Due to the ultimate investor virtual spaces and imperfect corporate governance reform and other issues in state-owned enterprises,managers usually have great control over the ente

17、rprise and great influence to the contract of salaries incentive,which may damage corporate interests.Most previous studies focused on manager salaries incentive compensation issues, there is little research on employee salaries incentive compensation and influence of management power over the sensi

18、tivity of employee salaries to enterprise performance performance. Therefore, the study the issues of management power and employee salaries inceatives in state-owned enterprises has very important theoretical and practical significance. PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to measiire the effective

19、ness of employThe Research of Management Power and Sensitivity of Employee Salaries on Enterprise Performance of SQE ee compensation incentives and the degree of influence on the sensitivity of employee The Research of Management Power and Sensitivity of Employee Salaries on Enterprise Performance o

20、f SQE salaries to enterprise performance performance of state-owned enterprise, in order to explore the current status of the internal governance of state-owned enterprises, abundant the research results of management power in SOE,and promote the improvement of state-owned enterprise reform and corp

21、orate governance. 1. Through the study of the factors which influence employee salaries, the paper is to analyse the enterprise performance and power management effect on employee salaries, and to further explore the current incentive compensation of employees of state-owed enterprises, to provide s

22、upport for enterprises to adjust and improve staff salaries next Incentives . 2. Through the study of management power influencing sensitivity of employee salaries to enterprise performance performance of state-owned enterprise,disclosure the great management power in state-owned enterprise and the

23、influence of management power to enterprise performance and employee motivation, the paper is to provide support for the next deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, and improve the coxporate governance . MAIN CONTENT AND VIEW The main contents include the following components: Chapter One: In

24、troduction. This chapter describes the background and significance of the study, illustrate the necessity the main theme of tihe study, and proposed research ideas?methods of whole article, then pointe out that the main contribution of this paper and its shortcomings. Chapter Two: Literature review.

25、 This chapter defines management power, employee compensation, enterprise performance and sensitivity, then review tiie state-owned enterprise employee salaries system development process, sort out the theoretical and empirical literature of relationships between the management power, enterprise per

26、formance, employee salaries, lay the foundation for subsequent empirical research. Chapter three: Theoretical analysis.This chapter analyses some important theories related to the study, discusses the mechanism of action of enterprise performance influencing employee salaries and management power in

27、fluencing the sensitivity of employee salaries to enterprise performance, provide theoretical support for further research hypothesis proposed and in-depThe Research of Management Power and Sensitivity of Employee Salaries on Enterprise Performance of SQE th empirical research.ABSTRACT 3 Chapter Fou

28、r: empirical analysis. This chapter is the main part of the study. Section One,propose four hypothesis and establish test models based on Uxe literature review and theoretical analysis. Section Two , describe the selected samples of the study. Section Three ,study variables are defined and measured.

29、 Section Four,this is the secion of empirical analysis and the results, including desaiptive statistics, single authority multivariate analysis and multiple regression testing.Regression results show tiiat although individual indicators in the power of the variables used to characterize the manageme

30、nty there is not a significant factor study variables and other issues, but overall four hypotheses have beea verified. By changing the relevant variables robustness test, the findings also been verified. Chapter Five: Conclusions and recommendations. Section one is a further summarize of the hypoth

31、esis testing results of Chapter Four;Section two is based on the revelation empirical research conclusions, there is serious management power and incentive compensation issues in the Chinese state-owned enterprises at present, which will seriously affect tiie existence and development of the enterpr

32、ise interests and employee salaries incentive effects- Section tiaree is the policy recommendations based on the conclusions and tiie revelation, includes four aspects: first, to promote improvement in human resources market, strengthen the governments macro-control; second, improve the internal gov

33、ernance of state-owned enterprises, constraint an impel management effectively;third 5 push forward the reform of employee salaries invativity system actively and steadily, improve employee salaries structure; fourth, reasonably guide to improve the level of media and public oversight. The final sec

34、tion, look forward to further studies of the prospects as the conclusion of the study and the lack of research. CONTRIBUTIONS The main results of this study contribute to the following aspects: (1) This paper starts from micro enterprises, uses management power theory to study llxe sensitivity of em

35、ployee salaries and compensation and the sensitivity between employee salaries and enterprise performance, the management power pioneer research sensitivity between comployee salaries and enterprise performance ,enriching the theory of employee salaries managemenABSTRACT 4 t, playing a role to initi

36、ate.The Research of Management Power and Sensitivity of Employee Salaries on Enterprise Performance of SQE (2) In calculating the annual total employee salaries5this paper uses a new formula.The formula based on the accrual basis, giving a more objective and realistic than simply using the cash basi

37、s * (3) In the regression testing processes paper not only uses all enterprise data regression for three consecutive yeeuS, but also uses two different groups of data distinguished by profits.proving enterprise management power xmder different operating conditions for staff salaries - sensitivity of

38、 enterprise performance is different Such testing methods and conclusions on the follow-up study has some demonstration and reference. (4) Based on the popularity of new media as well as more extensive and in_d印 th play the role of puWie opinion in the social, ixmovately proposed a reasonable guidan

39、ce to improve tiie level of public opinion and social media,the suggestion may help improve the professional quality of media, provide more realistic and accurate monitoring information, reduce the effect of misleading because of tiie media itself generated. Keywords: enterprise performance manageme

40、nt power comployee salaries, corporate governance 1.导论 1.1研究背景与研究意义 . 1 1.1.1研究背景 . 1 1.1.2研究意义 . 3 1.2研究思路与内容 . 4 1. 2.1研究思路 . 4 1.2.2研究内容 . 5 1.3研究方法 . 6 1.4主要贡献与不足 . 7 1.4.1主要贡献 . 7 1. 4. 2 8 2.捕综述 . 9 2.1相关概念的厘清 . 9 2. 1.1管理层权力 . . 9 2. 1.2员工薪酬 . 11 2.1. 3 企业绩效 . 12 2.1. 4敏感性分析 . 12 2.2国有企业员工薪酬激

41、励制度回顾 . 12 2,3国外文献述评 . 14 2.3.1国外企业绩效对员工薪酬影响的文献述评 . 14 2.3.2国外管理层权力对员工薪酬影响的文献述评 . 15 2.3,3国外管理层权力对企业绩效影响的文献述评 . 15 2.3.4国外管理层权力对企业薪酬 -绩效敏感性影响的文献述评 .16 国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性研究 2.4国内文献述评 . 17 2.4.1国内企业绩效对员工薪酬影响的文献述评 . 17 2.4.2国内管理层权力对员工薪酬影响的文献述评 . 18 2.4.3国内管理层权力对企业绩效影响的文献述评 . 19 2.4.4国内管理层权力对企业薪酬 -绩效

42、敏感性影响的文献述评 .19 2. 5本章小结 . 20 3国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性的理论分析 . 22 3.1国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性的理论基础 . 22 3. 1. 1工资薪酬相关理论 . 22 3. 1. 2委托代理理论 . 25 3. 1. 3管理层权力理论 . 26 3.2企业绩效对员工薪酬的影响分析 . 27 3.3管理层权力对员工薪酬的影响分析 . 28 3.4本章小结 . 28 4.国有企业管理层权力与员工薪酬 -绩效敏感性的实证分析 . 30 4. 1研究假设 . 30 4.1.1员工薪酬与企业绩效 . .30 4.1.2管理层权力与员工薪酬 . 31 4. 2样本选取与数据来源 . 32 4. 3变量定义与衡量 . 32 4.3.1因变量定义与衡量 . 32 4.3.2自变量定义与衡量 . 33 4. 3_ 3控制变量定义与衡量 . 34 4.4研究模型 . 36 4. 5实证分析 . 37 4. 5. 1描述性统计 . 37 4. 5. 2单变量分析 . 40 4.5.3多元回归分析 . 40 4. 5. 4稳健性检验 .46 4. 6本章小结 .


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