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1、胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇整合 词汇在托福考试中占据重要地位,今日我给大家带来胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇,希望能够帮助到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 bleach1 vt. 去色,漂泊 bleak2 adj. 荒芜的,凄凉的 blemish3 n. 缺点,污点;vt 玷污 blend vt. 混合,掺混;n. 混合(物) blessed adj. 神圣的;降福的,幸运的;带来开心的,使人舒适的 blessing4 n. 祝愿,赏赐 blink v. 挤眼 bliss5 n. 华蜜,极乐 blizzard6 n. 暴风雪 block n. 一块(木或石等);街区

2、;vt. 障碍,阻挡 bloom n./vi. 花/开花 blossom n./vi. 花/开花 blues7 n. 抑郁,懊丧;愁闷布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐) bluff8 n. 陡峭的悬崖绝壁;虚张声势,恐吓 blunt adj. (说话)直言不讳;(刀、铅笔等)钝的,不尖的 blush vi. 脸红,惭愧 board n. (薄而平的)木板;委员会;膳食费用;vt. 上(船、飞机等) boarder n. 寄宿人;搭伙人 boarding-house n. 寄宿公寓 boast v./n. 自夸,以有。而骄傲 I live in a boarding-house during the sch

3、ool year. My room is rather large, but I share it with another boarder. Its already November, but the autumn flowers are still in bloom. Just yesterday, I saw some lovely red blossoms along the roadside. These blessed flowers were perfect. They didnt have a single blemish. Seeing these flowers in th

4、e fall created a feeling of bliss. I had no idea that it would be the last Id see of them. Yesterday, my roommate had told me that there would be a blizzard today. Hes always boasting that he knows the weather. I though it was just a bluff to get me to stay home from school. I was rather blunt in my

5、 reply. However, I blushed when I looked out of the window this morning and saw that he was right. I had to blink my eyes several times just to be sure. An overnight storm had bleached9 the ground with seventeen inches of snow. Because the roads were blocked by the snowfall, I wouldnt be able to boa

6、rd my usual bus to school. My outlook seemed rather bleak. Then my roommate said, “Hey, you really need to take a break from your studies. Why dont you just rest your brain, blend some fruit drinks, and listen to blues music?” “Its true, Im probably in need of a rest, ” I replied. Well, it turned ou

7、t to be the most relaxing day Ive had all year. I guess the sudden storm was really a blessing in disguise! 我读书时住在一栋寄宿公寓,房间颇大,但我得跟另一个寄宿者合住。 已是深秋十一月,但花儿依旧盛开。就在昨天,我还在路旁看到了几朵漂亮的红花。这些赏心悦目的花儿真美,它们没有一处瑕疵。能在秋天看到这些花儿让我一阵狂喜,我并不知道这将是我最终一次看到他们。 昨天,我的室友告知我今日会有暴风雪。他总是吹牛,说自己能预知天气。我想这不过是虚张声势,想让我逃课。我的回答相当直言不讳。 然而,今

8、日早晨我朝窗外望去,不禁脸红了:他尽然说准了。我用劲眨了几下眼睛,才确信没有弄错。一夜的风雪把大地给漂白了,地上的积雪深达17英寸。由于下雪,道路被阻断,我也没法乘班车上学了,前景惨淡。 这时我的室友说道:“喂,你真该歇歇了,别老是学习。你干嘛不休息一下大脑、调点果汁、听点蓝调音乐呢?” “是啊,我或许须要休息一下了。”我回答到。 这样,我度过了一年中最放松的一天。我猜这场突然的暴风雪貌似灾祸,实则是福啊! 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 bidding n. 投标;吩咐,要求 bigoted1 adj. 固执己见的,偏执的,固执的 bilateral2 adj. 两边的,双边的 bill n. 账

9、单,发票;(瘦长或扁平的)鸟嘴;议案,法案;钞票,钱币 billion n./adj. 10亿(的) biography n. 传记 biological diversity 生物多样性 biologist n. 生物学家 bison n. 美洲或欧洲的野牛 bitter adj. 令人苦痛的;尖酸、苛刻的 bizarre adj. 指(看法、容貌、款式等)奇异的,怪异的 blackmail3 vt. 勒索,讹诈 blame vt. 指责,责怪;n. 过失,责怪 bland4 adj. 淡味的,无味的 blanket n. 毯子;厚的覆盖物 blasphemous5 adj. 亵渎神灵的,不敬

10、神的 blast furnace 鼓风炉 blast off (火箭、航天飞机等)发火起飞,放射上天 blaze vi. 燃烧,照射 blazing adj. 炽烧的,闪烁的 His eyes blazed with excitement. “Ive got an important assignment for you,” he said, as he glanced back down at a newspaper. “The leaders of our nation have just signed a bilateral travel treaty with the isolated

11、6 country of Bandu on the African continent, and I want you to go down there right away to do research for a biography.” The research my boss wanted was for a biography about Bob Boon7. Boon was a brilliant biologist who was somewhat bigoted when it came to discussing politics or religion. He was kn

12、own for making blasphemous statements. He spent most of his adult years studying animals in the country of Bandu. He was one of the first scientists to successfully track the migratory8 patterns of the bison. Boon was also a strong advocate for maintaining biological diversity. My boss pays me quite

13、 well to do his bidding. He owns a billion-dollar publishing company, and when he sets his mind on doing a story, he doesnt care about the bill. So here I am in Bandu, surrounded by bizarre animals and bitter food. Frankly9, Id rather eat bland food. Its freezing here at night and my blanket doesnt

14、keeping me warm. During the day, it is as hot as a blast furnace. Last week, the blazing sun caused a fire that blazed out of control for several days. I hate these assignments to remote areas. But I always end up accepting the job. Its not as though I was blackmailed10 into coming here. I have no o

15、ne to blame but myself. I just hope that my next assignment doesnt require that I blast off to the moon! 他的双眼兴奋地闪烁着。“我有个重大任务让你干。”他说道,一面低头瞟了眼报纸。“我国领导人刚刚同非洲到过班杜签署了一项双边旅游条约,我要你立即去班杜,给一本传记做探讨。” 老板制定的探讨对象是关于鲍勃布恩的传记。布恩是一名精彩的生物学家,但谈起政治和宗教,他却有些顽固不化。他以放些亵渎神灵的狂词著称。他壮年时大多时候都在班杜探讨动物。他是最早追踪野牛迁徙习性的科学家之一,还是维持生物多样性

16、的坚决拥护者。 老板吩咐的任务酬金丰厚。老板拥有一家资产10亿的出版社,而且当他决意要搞到一个故事时,毫不在乎账单上的开资多寡。 于是我来到班杜,置身于奇珍异兽和苦涩的食物的包围中。说实话,我宁可吃淡而无味的食物。这里晚上冷得要死。我的毯子一点也不温煦。白天,这里又热得想鼓风炉。上周,炙热的太阳导致了一场大火,火苗失控的烧了好几天。 我厌烦去偏远地带执行任务,但到头来我还是会接下这些任务。我似乎并不是被讹诈而来这里的,要怪只能怪我自己。我只希望我的下一个任务不会要我飞上月球! 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 Words: bead2 n. 珠子;(液体)小滴 beak3 n. 鸟嘴 beam n.

17、大梁;(光线的)束,柱 bear vt. 负担,支撑;生产,生育;n. 熊 beard n. 胡须 beat v. 打击,敲击;战胜;adj. 疲乏的,拍子 becoming adj. 合适的,相称的;好看的,有吸引力的 bedrock n. 基础,基石 beforehand adv. 事先地 befuddle4 vt. 使酒醉昏迷;使迷惑,使模糊 befuddled5 adj. 酒醉的,迷路的,困惑的 beget6 vt. 引起,产生 begrudge7 vt. 嫉妒;吝啬,舍不得给,牵强给 behalf n. on behalf of.代表,作为。的代表 behave vi. 举止,表现

18、behavior n. 举止,行为 behold8 v. 目睹,望见 belie9 vt. 给人错觉,掩饰 belittle10 vt. 轻视,贬低 belligerent11 adj. 交战的,好斗的,好战的 Sometimes, its difficult t behave like a gentleman. Its especially hard when the person talking to you is belligerent and trying to belittle you in front of others. You might feel like beating h

19、im and burying him as deep as bedrock, but dont. Remember, violence begets12 more violence. Of course, its easier said than done. My cousin Tom comes drunk to our family reunions every year and always manages to insult my family members. “Your nose is looking more and more like the beak of a bird,”

20、he would tell my daughter. “Those red beads13 dont look becoming on you,” he would say to my wife. “Is that your beard or a birds nest,” he would ask me. I think, deep in his heart, Tom has always begrudged14 me. His occasional smile belies15 his true feelings of envy. I wish that someone would shin

21、e a beam of light in his eyes and ask him why he feels this way. In any event, because I must act as the host of the reunion on behalf of my parents, I have to be on my best behavior. As my mother keeps reminding me, I must bear the responsibility of keeping things friendly. To tell you the truth, I

22、 wouldnt have agreed to be the host if I had known it was going to be like this beforehand. Well, this year, I decided16 to change my strategy with Tom. Instead of reacting to his insults with anger, I tried to befuddle him with kind words. Strangely enough, when he becomes befuddled, he cant speak

23、and he just walks away. The kindness just kills him. Its truly a sight to behold. 有时,表现的像个绅士并不简单,当你面对一个好斗而又极力在众人前贬低你的人时尤为如此。你或许很想揍他一顿,然后把他埋得深如一块基石,但还是别那样。记住,暴力只会招致更多的暴力。当然,这话说起来简单做起来难。 每年我的表兄汤姆都会醉醺醺地前来参与家庭聚会,而且总是设法将我的家人羞辱一番。“你的鼻子越来越像鸟嘴了。”他对我的女儿如是说。“那些红珠子带在你身上不好看。”他对我的妻子这般说。“你那是胡子还是鸟窝?”他会这样问我。 我想在汤姆的

24、内心深处,他一贯是嫉妒我的。他脸上间或出现的微笑掩盖了他的嫉妒心。我真希望有人能让他的眼前亮一束光,问问他为什么要嫉妒。 无论如何,我得代表父母主持家庭聚会,因此我必需举止得体,令人无可挑剔。正如母亲时常提示我的,我必需负责营造一种和谐相处的家庭气氛。说实话,要是事先知道做主子会是这样,我就不会答应这差事了。 不过今年,我觉得变更对汤姆的战略。对他的羞辱,我非但不会火冒三丈,还会用甜言蜜语来迷惑他。惊奇的是,他被我弄得困惑不解时,竟一声不吭的走开了。那番甜言蜜语反倒把他给镇住了。真是值得一看的洋相啊! 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 barbarian1 n. 野蛮人 barbecue n. 吃烤肉

25、的野餐;烧烤 barber n. 理发师 bare adj. 无遮挡的,赤裸的,光(秃)的;仅有的,牵强的 barely adv. 仅仅,几乎不能 barge2 n. 驳船 bark n. 树皮;vi./n. 狗叫,咆哮 barn n. 谷仓;牲口棚 baroque adj. (艺术、建筑等)高度装饰的,过分雕琢的 barrage3 n. 火力网,弹幕;(言语等)猛烈攻击 barrel n. 桶 barren adj. 贫瘠的(不结果实的);荒芜的(无人烟的) barricade4 v. 设栅栏挡;使躲在路障(或挡墙)后面;n. 栅栏,障碍物 barrier n. 屏障,障碍;栅栏 barte

26、r5 n. 物品交换,易货贸易;vt. 物品交换,交换 basement n. 地下室 bashful adj. 羞涩的,难为情的 basin n. 盆地 baste6 vt. (烤肉时)涂油,把油涂在(肉上);殴打,公开责骂 batter7 v. 打坏,猛击;n. 击球手 I live an isolated8 life in a small basin between two mountain ridges9 at the edge of an ocean. Due to the bad soil, the land is barren. However, I have a barn fu

27、ll of animals that supply me with all the food I need. Theres nothing more satisfying than basting10 pig meat over a barbecue. The weather is pretty good. There is always enough rain to fill my water barrel. But sometimes, a fierce storm will batter the barn all right. The rough life I lead has made

28、 me look and feel like a barbarian. The heat from the sun has baked my bare skin brown. I havent been to the barber for two years. As a result, I think I would be bashful if anyone found me. I dont have any money but I dont need it. You cant buy anything here. You cant even barter. However, Im not c

29、ompletely out of touch with civilization. Every few months, I can hear the sound of an ocean barge passing in the distance. I always run to the ocean side to see it. It reminds me that Im still human. You might think that Im barely surviving but the opposite is true. This is the only place where I c

30、an escape the horrible war in the city. In my mind, I can still hear the barrage of gunfire smashing through our wooden barriers. I can still remember spending months, helplessly barricaded11 in the basement of one of our many, once beautiful, baroque style buildings. My life is more peaceful now. P

31、erhaps after the war, Ill find my way back home. Whats that I hear? Its the bark of my dog. Ive got to run. Another barge is passing by. 在海边的两座山脊间不大的盆地上,我过着远离尘嚣的生活。由于土质太差,这里可谓是不毛之地。但我得谷仓里注满了动物,让我吃喝不用愁。天下之乐事莫过于野餐时往烤猪肉上抹油了。天气还不错,我的水桶总能装满雨水。但有时,一场狂暴的大雨能把谷仓嘭嘭拍上一整夜。 生活的艰辛让我看起来活像个野蛮人,而我自己的感觉也是如此。炙热的太阳将我袒露

32、的皮肤烤成棕色。我有两年没去理发师那里剪头发了。所以,我想我会羞于见人。我没钱也不须要钱。这里什么也买不到,即便是物物交换都不行能。然而,我并没有完全脱离文明社会。每隔几个月,我都能听到远处海上的驳船经过这里时的声音。我总是跑到海边去看船,它提示着我原来我还是个人。 你或许会认为我几乎无法生存,但事实恰恰相反。只有在这里,我才能远离城中可怕的斗争。我的脑海里依旧回荡着枪林弹雨轰然粉碎木质障碍物的声音。我依旧记得那几个月躲在一幢曾因其式样美观而风光一时的巴罗克式建筑的地下室时的无助场面。现在我的生活安静多了。或许斗争结束后,我会踏上回家的路。 那是什么声音?是我的狗在叫。我得跑步了,又有一艘驳船

33、过来了。 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 bald adj. 秃头的,光秃的 bald eagle 秃头鹰(美国国鸟) balk1 vi. 阻碍;迟疑,不愿做 ballot2 n. 选票 ban vt. 禁止;查禁 banal3 adj. 陈腐的 band n. 乐队;队;(光或颜色的)带;vi. 联合,集合 bandanna4 n. 大手帕 bandit n. 强盗 bandleader n. 乐队指挥 bandmaster n. 乐队指挥 bang n. 发出砰的一声,重击 bankrupt adj. 破产了的 bankruptcy5 n. 破产 banner n. 旗帜,标语 banquet

34、n. 宴会,盛会 banter6 n. (善意的)取消,逗弄;v. 善意地与人开玩笑 bar n. 酒吧;snack bar 快餐店;条,棒;栅 barb7 n. (鱼钩等的)倒钩;倒刺 Initially8, I balked9 at my editors request that I cover the presidential elections in San Rico. San Rico was known for its bandits. Just one year ago, we had been banned from traveling there because of the

35、 danger. This year, the government promised political reforms and crime control. Could thing have changed so much in only one year? Not in my mind. I imagined the worst. I anticipated burly bald man wearing bandannas10, riding around on motorcycles and harassing11 voters. I pictured a bankrupt candi

36、date, making a banal speech to a bored crowd, and claiming that his bankruptcy would not interfere12 with his government duties. I even expected the ballot box to be wrapped in barbed wire, with blood dripping from some of the barbs13. What I didnt expect was a bandmaster and the bang of a drum! Whe

37、n our foreign press plane arrived in San Rico, we were greeted by a cheering crowd and a marching band. There was even a bald eagle. The bandleader led us from the plane, through the throngs14 of smiling people, and into the packed center of the city. There was big red banners hanging from every bui

38、lding, encouraging people to vote. Secure voting booths stood on every corner with people standing15 in long lines to cast their ballot. I had never seen so much enthusiasm for an election. It was a new and exciting beginning for the people of San Rico. I reported it all in my story and faxed it bac

39、k to my editor. After attending a wonderful banquet, I found myself sitting at a bar, listening to the banter about the election. 一起先主编让我报道圣黎各实行的总统选举时,我迟疑不决。圣黎各以其土匪之多著名。一年前,当地政府就是因为太危急才禁止人们来圣黎各旅游的。今年,政府承诺进行政治改革同时打击犯罪。 仅一年的时间状况就会有所改观吗?我看未必。我做了最坏的准备:我希望看到些戴大手帕的高大秃顶男人,他们骑着摩托车四处骚扰投票者;我想象着一个破产的候选人的样子,人们不

40、耐烦的听着他乏味的演说,他还一面声明破产不会影响他执政;我甚至能看到裹着钢丝网的投票箱,血液正从倒钩上一滴滴落下来。但我万万没想到会有乐队指挥和击鼓声! 当外报记者搭乘的飞机到达圣黎各时,迎接我们的是欢呼的人群和行进中的乐队,甚至还有始终秃头鹰。乐队指挥领着我们走下飞机,穿过面带微笑的人们,来到人山人海的市中心。每座建筑物上都挂有激励人们投票的红色大标语。每一条街道拐角处都有平安的投票亭,在那里,人们排着长队等候投票。我还从未见过对选举这般热衷的场面。 对圣黎各人民而言,这是一个崭新而又令人兴奋的开端。我全面报道了这一切,然后将稿子传真给主编。参与完一个丰富的晚宴后,我在一家酒吧坐了下来,听人们戏说今日的选举。 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇整合本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第21页 共21页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页


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