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1、胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇汇总 托福词汇始终是一些同学的痛点,今日我给大家带来胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇,希望能够帮助到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 adopt vt. 采纳,接受;收养 adore v. 崇拜,崇敬;极宠爱 adorn1 vt. 装饰 adornment2 n. 装饰,装饰品 adroit3 adj. 娴熟的,灵活的 advent4 n. (尤指不寻常的人或事)出现,到来 adventure n. 冒险经验 adventurous5 adj. 喜爱冒险的,敢做敢为的 adverse6 adj. 负面的,不利的;敌对的 adversity n.

2、 不幸,灾难 advisable adj. 可取的,明智的 advocate n. 提倡者,主见者;vt. 拥护,主见 aerate7 v. 充气,让空气进入,(水、饮料等)加气 aesthetic8 adj. 审美的,美学的 affable adj. 易接近的,亲善可亲的;亲切友善的,慈爱的 affection n. 友爱,挚爱,情爱 affectionate adj. 敬爱的,挚爱的 affiliate9 vt. 使隶属于;使接纳成为成员 affinity10 n. 亲密关系;吸引,宠爱 affirm vt. 断言;证明 I'm a big advocate of Chistmas

3、 celebrations. It'll still my favorite time of year. Although China doesn't adopted this special holiday, there's still hope. With the advent of China's membership in the WTO, Chinese will be exposed to a number of Western holidays. I guess is that they will adore Christmas. My stron

4、g affinity for Chritmas comes from my childhood days. In my hometown, we would prepare for Christmas by buying a big Christmas tree. If we feeling a big more adventurous, we would hike up the mountain and find one on our own. Adorning11 the tree is the next step. We'd use all kinds of adornment

5、to decorate the tree, from pinecones and candy coated angels to colourful Christmas balls and fake icicles. My dad was specially12 adroit at making small hand-painted ornaments13. Since my dad's company was affiliated14 with a light bulb company, he was also able to bring home the most beautiful

6、 and colourful Christmas lights. After decorating the tree, we would make small Gingerbread houses out of bread and candy. These houses were aesthetic but not edible15. It was always advisable to keep these appetizing houses out of reach of young children. There is no adversity on Christmas day. Eve

7、n the soldiers are adverse to fighting.Everyone is affable. Lover are specially affectionate and they ofter show their affection by giving each other romantic gifts. Children usually receive toys as gifts. But my most memorable16 gift was not a toy. It was an aquarium17, complete with an air pump to

8、 aerate the water. Raising all those fish was such an adventure for me. What is my favorite holiday? All of these wonderful thoughts lead me to affirm that Christmas is without doubt the best time of year. 我是圣诞节庆祝活动的坚决拥护者,一年中我最喜爱的日子仍是圣诞节。尽管它还没有被接纳为中国的特殊节日,希望还是有的。随着中国加入WTO之日的到来,中国人将面临很多西方节日。我猜他们会特别喜爱

9、圣诞节。 我对圣诞节的宠爱源于童年时代。在我的家乡,打算过节时,我们会买来一颗高大的圣诞树。假如想来点冒险的,我们会爬上山亲自找一颗圣诞树。下一步是装饰圣诞树。我们会用各种各样的装饰品来装饰它,从松果、包着糖果的天使到花花绿绿的圣诞球和假冰柱。我爸爸尤其擅长做些手工上色的小装饰品。由于爸爸的公司隶属于一个灯泡厂,他还能将最美丽、最艳丽的圣诞灯带回家。 装饰完圣诞树后,我们就用面包和糖果做些姜汁面包屋。这些小屋子只可用作美学观赏,不能吃。因此,把这些小屋子放到孩子们可望不行及的地方一直是明智之举。 圣诞节没有苦难,即使是士兵也反对打仗,人人都是一团和气。恋人间更是洋溢着温情,他们经常来互赠浪漫的

10、礼物来表达仰慕。孩子们收到的礼物通常是玩具。但最让我难忘的礼物不是玩具,而是一个带空气泵、能通气的鱼缸。对我来说,养鱼真是一次冒险。 我最喜爱什么节日?所以这些美妙的回忆让我确定地回答:毫无疑问,圣诞节是一年中最美妙的日子。 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 adapt v. (使)适应,调整;改编 adaptable1 adj. 能适应的,适应性强的 adaptation n. 改编,改写;适应环境 addict2 vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾 addictive3 adj. 加法的; n. 添加剂 adept4 adj. 娴熟的,擅长的,拿手的,有一手的 adhere vi. 黏附,粘牢;追随,坚持,遵

11、守 adhesive5 n. 粘着物; adj. 粘着的 adjacent adj. 接近的,毗连的,接近的 adjoin vt. 相邻,毗邻 adjourn6 v. 延期,休会 adjunct n. 附件,附属,附庸 adjust vt. 调整,使适应于 administer vt. 管理 administration n. 管理,经营;当局,政府 admirable adj. 值得赞扬的,令人敬佩的 admire vt. 敬佩,崇拜;观赏 admit vt. 准许进入;承认 admittedly adv. 公认地;诚然地,无可否认地 adobe7 n. 泥砖,土坯房 I must admi

12、t, I didn't like Tom in the begining. He live in the house that was adjacent to mine, and I knew he was addicted8 to painkillers9. He had injured his back while building adobe houses in the countryside for the local government administration. The painkillers numbed10 his back pain and allowed hi

13、m to continue performing his heavy construction work. However, it wasn't long before he got caught for failing to adhere to the drug laws. I still recall what the judge told him shortly before he adjourned11 the court, "You'll either have to adapt to a life without drugs or adjust to li

14、ving in the prison that adjoins this courthouse." I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom's probation12. I felt that the judge was making me an unwilling13 and unnecessary adjunct to the court system. But I had no choice. I thought to myself, "Adaptation i

15、s the key." So I change attitude towards Tom and I soon learned that Tom wad just as adaptable. Tom heeded14 the judge's warning. He quit his construction job and stopped using painkillers. He put all of his time and effort into inventing a new adhesive for constructing brick houses. His de

16、dication15 was admirable. He became quite adept at chemisty and before long, he discovered a key additive16 that made his glue superior to all another adhesives17. Now, I greatly admire Tom and he was become a good friend. I guess adaptation really is the key! 我得承认,当时我并不喜爱汤姆。他住在我隔壁,而且我知道他吃止痛药成瘾。他在乡下

17、给当地政府盖泥砖房时伤了后背。止痛药麻木了他的后背,这样他就能接着从事那些繁重的建筑工作。然而不久,他便因不遵守药品法而被捕。 我还记得法官在休庭前对汤姆说的话:“你要么就要适应没有止痛药的生活,要么就得适应与法庭相邻的监狱生活。” 不行否认,当法官让我帮助执行汤姆的缓刑时,我很苦恼。我觉得法官是在把我变成法律制度下的一个极不情愿又不必要的附庸。但我别无选择。我想:“适应是关键。”于是我变更了对汤姆的看法,而且我很快发觉汤姆的适应实力很强。 汤姆没把法官的警告当耳旁风。他辞掉了建筑工作,不再运用止痛药,并把全部时间和精力投入到独创盖砖瓦房所需的新型粘合剂中。他全身心的投入令人敬佩。他搞起化学来

18、很有一手,不久他找到了关键的添加剂,加入它以后,他的胶水就成了最好的粘合剂。 现在,我特别佩服汤姆,我们成为了好挚友。我猜适应真的是关键! 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 accusation1 n. 指责,控告 accuse vt. 指责,归咎 accustomed adj. 习惯了的 achieve vt. 完成,实现;赢得 achievement n. 成就,功绩 acid n. 酸 adj. 尖酸的,苛刻的 acquaintance n. 熟人 acquire vt. 获得,学到 acquisition n. 获得;收购;接受 acquisitive adj. 想获得的,贪得无厌的 acqu

19、it2 v. 宣告无罪 acquittal n. 宣判无罪 acronym3 n. 用大写字母表示的缩写词 activate4 vt. 刺激,使激活 actual adj. 实际的,现行的 actuate vt. 开动,促使 acumen5 n. 敏锐,聪慧,才智 acute adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的;(事情)猛烈的,严峻的 adage6 n. 格言,谚语 admant adj. 固执的,坚决不移的 Bob is an excellent trial lawyer with a superior legal acumen. Unlike many other lawyers that need

20、 to use acronym to remember certain legal principles, Bob simply used his photographic memory. What makes Bob even more special is his acute sense of reading people's emotions, especially those of jurors. Due to his reputation, he is able to acquire the most interesting cases. His jealous compet

21、itors often accuse him of being too acquisitive and of taking away their business. But I respect Bob for his many achievements. I remember the first trial he ever did. Bob was hired by an acquaintance named Jim to defend him against a criminal charge. Jim was accused of intentionally7 throwing acid

22、on another man's arm in a laboratory where they were both activating8 chemicals. Jim was adament that the accusation was false. He claimed it was an accident that occurred during an argument. Being a contract lawyer, Bob was not accustomed handling trials in front of a jury. However, he agreed t

23、o the acquisition of Jim's case because he strongly believed in Jim's innocence9. The thought of an innocent man being convicted of a crime he didn't commit actuated Bob's hidden trial skills. At the trial, Bob proved that the other man caused his own arm injury by pushing Jim while

24、Jim was working with dangerous chemicals. Bob also proved that the man claimed of an acute injury was false. The actual injury was minor10. Bob asked the jury to acquit Jim of all criminal charges. Amazingly, Bob achieved an acquittal for him. I'll never forget what Bob did for Jim, because I wa

25、s there. I am Jim. In fact, I still remember the adage Bob used to explain why he took my case for free. He said, "In doing, we learn." 鲍勃是一名精彩的辩护律师,他拥有超群的法律才智。很多律师须要用首字母缩写词才能记住某些法律准则,鲍勃则不然,他只需用他那照相机般的记忆就足矣。鲍勃还有更特殊的地方,他能敏锐的把握人们的思想感情,尤其是陪审员的思想感情。 他名声大噪,因此总能获得最有意思的案子。那些嫉妒的对手经常指责他贪得无厌的抢走他们的生意

26、。但是我为鲍勃取得的众多成就敬重他。我还记得他出庭参与的第一个审判。 鲍勃受雇于一名叫Jim的熟人,为他遭遇的刑事指控案进行辩护。Jim被指控在试验室里有意将酸泼到另一个人的胳膊上,当时两个人正在激活某些化学物。jim坚信这项指控是假的。他声称这是在争吵中发生的一场意外。作为一名合同律师,鲍勃不习惯在陪审团面前做辩护。但他还是答应接下jim的案子,因为他坚信jim是清白的。一想到一个无辜的人将因为某须有的罪名而遭判处,鲍勃潜在的辩护实力就被激活了。 法庭上,鲍勃证明了那个人是在jim正在试验危急化学物时推搡了Jim才弄伤自己的。他还证明那个人所谓的重伤是假的,事实上只是轻伤,鲍勃要求陪审团宣告

27、Jim无罪。令人惊异的是,鲍勃果真为Jim赢得了无罪释放的判决。 我恒久不会遗忘鲍勃为Jim所做的一切,因为当时我就在现场,我就是Jim。事实上,我仍记得鲍勃在说明为什么为我免费辩护时所用的格言:“实践长才能。” 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇 accessible adj. 可接近的,可接触的;可得到的 accessibility n. 易接近;可到达 accessory n. 附件,零件;小摆设 accidental adj. 意外的,偶然的 acclaim1 n. 赞誉,赞许; vt. 喝彩,欢呼;赞扬 acclaimed2 adj. 受赞誉的 accommodate vt. 容纳,包含;供应

28、(住宿);使适应;迁就,满意 accommodation n. 住处,膳宿 accompany vt. 陪伴,陪伴;伴奏 accomplice3 n. 同谋者,帮凶 accomplish vt. 完成,达到,实现 accomplished4 adj. 精通的,娴熟的 accomplishment5 n. 成就 accordion6 n. 手风琴 accost7 v. 向人搭话 account n. 记述,描述;报道,报告;说明,说明;户头,账目;理由,依据;考虑 accounting8 n. 会计学 accountant n. 会计员,会计师 accredit9 vt. 委派官员到国外,授权;

29、鉴定.为合格,确认.达到标准 accumulate vi. 积累,积累;积聚 For the last ten years, I have written novels for a living. Through my work, I have been able to accumulate a fair amount of wealth. I have been lucky because many of my books have received acclaim from literary critics. My latest accomplishment is a mystery no

30、vel. It is a fictional10 account of how a clever and accomplished thief, posing as an accountant, gain access of the computer of a large bank. Having extensive knowledge of accounting, ha and a woman accomplice use the bank's computer system to accomplish the biggest theft in history. To be a go

31、od writer, I think you must find a quiet environment where you can think, preferably one with limited accessibility. Some of my acclaimed work was written at an isolated11 island hotel off the coast of China. I highly recommend this place. The island is accessible only by boat and the hotel is accre

32、dited12 by the Asian Resort Association as a five-star accommodation. Upon arrival, the manager will accompany you to your room and show you how everything works. The staff was trained to accommodate your every need. Any errors in service are purely13 accidental. The security is excellent and there&

33、#39;s little chance of being accosted14 by strangers. Each room has a balcony with a view of the ocean. On the balcony you will find a large leather chair and a study writting desk. The bathroom is very mordern and contains many unique accessories. The most useful bathtub accessory is their mini-des

34、k, which allows you to write while soaking in a tub of hot water. To continue being a good writer, you must find a way to relax your mind after a long day of writing. What's my secrets method of relaxtion? Playing the accordion! 过去十年,我以写小说为生。我的写作为我积累了不少的财宝。我实属幸运,因为我写的很多作品都得到了文学评论家的赞许。 我最近的成果是一部侦

35、探小说。其内容实属虚构,讲解并描述一个聪慧又老练的小偷如何假扮一名会计、进入一家大银行计算机系统的故事。由于在会计学方面学问的渊博,那名小偷和他的女帮凶运用银行的计算机系统完成了历史上最大一桩盗窃案。 要成为一名好作家,我想你必需找到一处你能思索的宁静环境,最好是一处通达有限的地方。我有几本受赞许的小说就是在中国海岸边一个孤岛上的酒店里创作出来的。我极力举荐此地。 这座小岛只有坐船才能到达,岛上的酒店被亚洲旅游景点协会确定为五星级居处,一到酒店,经理睬亲自陪你去房间,然后教你如何运用房间里的设施。酒店人员受过专业训练,能满意你的一切需求。服务上的任何差错都纯属偶然。此地平安性极高,几乎不会有生

36、疏人上来跟你搭讪。 每个房间都有远眺大海的阳台。在阳台上你会看到一把大皮椅和一张牢固的书桌。浴室相当现代,里面有很多独特的摆设。其中,浴缸里最有用的摆设是一张迷你桌,有了它你就可以一边泡热水澡一边写作了。 在写了一成天之后,要想接着做一名好作家,你还得有放松大脑的法子。我的放松秘方是什么?拉手风琴。 胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇汇总本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第18页 共18页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页


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